By kpoptrashsi

856 30 1.9K

Here is to my bbfs I LOVE YOU SM DONT EVER CHANGE AND SORRY FOR BEING LATE ILY β€οΈπŸ¦ŒπŸΏπŸ§πŸ™†β€β™€οΈπŸ‘Œ More

πŸ’–πŸ‘ŒTGT surpriseπŸ‘ŒπŸ’–
Z land pt2
Z land pt3...
Z land-pt.4
Z land pt.5
Valentine's special
Z land pt.6
Z land pt.7
Z land pt. 8
Z land pt.9
Z land pt.10
Z land pt.11
Z land pt.12


42 1 39
By kpoptrashsi

Welcome to your tape Riss and Gigi... I mean welcome to the first part of the imagine I hope you enjoy...ILY GUYS HAPPY 8 MONTH ANNIVERSARY ❤️💛💚💘💗💖💕🧡💞💕💗💖🧡💙💛💚💜💞💘❤️🐿🙆‍♀️🦌🐧🦌🐧🙆‍♀️🐿👌

P.O.V your server Em

Ok so there's a new school for idols apparently? Well kinda more like for rookies and stuff like that, point is us (skz) and couple other groups were gonna attend, so basically this was the first day as many will call it, and with all the firsts days come the new classrooms.

So as usual I woke up at 5:30 and after an hour or procrastinating I decided to start my routine and just get ready for school.

This time we were all in different locations cause we filmed a Finding Skz and we were basically all over Seúl, sadly the staff were too lazy to take us back to our dorm, so the first day and literally getting to school on our own.

After I did my usual routine I decided to send a message in the group chat while I had breakfast.

I knew Gigi has to be awake as well cause she wouldn't be this late.

And I effectively she was awake, I finished my breakfast and I brushed my teeth, almost ready to go I decided to send one last message.

I really do love this girls (uwu), I finally jumped in the car with the staff so they could take me to the new school, as always I listened to music and in less that 10 mins I arrived to the school and miraculously I found out that Minho was just getting out of the car in front of me.

Em: Hey Minhoe!- I screamed which caused him to turn around like ready to fight.

Minho:'s you.- He said stopping his "im ready to throw hands" position.

Em: What? Are you disappointed?- I asked "offended".

Minho: I mean I'll prefer Jisung but you are ok I guess.- He said to which I just activated my diva defensive mode.

Em: Ok then I don't know you from this instant.- I said walking faster leaving him behind, thats how we usually joked "offending" each other.

I went into the administration office since I didn't know my classroom, I talked with the receptionist??? And she gave me the directions to my class as well as my schedule.

I plugged my in headphones and as it was still really early I walked peacefully to the classroom, and as soon as I entered I was surprised to find....RISS!!!

Em: RISS! COME HERE!- I said running to get into a hug.

Minho: You know you didn't see each other for like 10 hours, is not that big of a deal.- He said as he entered the classroom.

Riss: Now what's up with him?- She asked confused.

Em: Maybe he is not a morning person.- I said as I searched for my place.

All the places had names, as I was passing by I saw that all skz were in the same class.

Em: Welp guess they didn't mix the places that well.- I said as I place my backpack on my seat.

Here are the seats: (random choice) (the teachers desk is on the top)

For some reason my seat with someone was just empty, although I find it a little weird I was just thankful that I had Riss in front of me and well Gigi not so far away.

Riss: I think I like this seats.- She said happily and as we were continue talking Gigi arrived at the classroom.

Gigi: THANK GOD IM NOT LATE- She screamed.

Riss and me: Good morning to you too.-We said at the same time.

Gigi: Good morning, now were is my seat?- She asked and as we pointed out she got half excited half disappointed.

Gigi: Ok I have Chan by my side, which could mean I have advantage kinda, imma feel kinda dumb by his side, and I'm far away for you guys.- She said doing a small pout.

Riss: It's ok, I'm sure he will help you out.- She said giving her a pat on the head.

We continued talking as more people arrived.

P.O.V Gigi
We were talking as usual just like a little girl talk while some of the members that arrived were talking to each other too, and then I had to go to the bathroom.

Gigi: Hey guys I'm leaving to the bathroom I'll be right back.- As said as I denied their request for going with me.

So there I was walking peacefully to the bathroom when I suddenly see.....JUNKYU?!

Junkyu: Oh hi Gigi!- He recognize me immediately.

Gigi: Jun-Junkyu what are you doing here?- I asked curious as I approached him.

Junkyu: Well the same reason as you I guess, studying I mean this is the school anyways.- He said smiling as he usually does.

Gigi: B-But I thought you will attend in other school? I don't know I'm just surprised to see you here.- I said smiling as well.

Junkyu: Well I'm actually surprised too, I hope we get the same classroom though.- He said and a question popped in my head.

Gigi: Wait you came alone, or are more guys from treasure attending here?- I asked curious and trying not to be that suspicious.

Junkyu: Well actually they divided us in different schools cause drama and stuff, but in this school the company chose to place me, Mashiho, Asahi, Yedam, oh and Hyunsuk if you were asking.- He said giving me a little hint since he knew I had an interest for Hyunsuk.

Gigi: Oh wow..- I said out of words and trying as hard as I could not to blush as Hyunsuk's mention.

Junkyu: But yeah I'm looking for my classroom, so do you know were is the principal?- He asked looking at some paper he had on his hand.

Gigi: Oh yeah just go straight that way and then turn to the left.- I said pointing him were to go.

Junkyu: Well thank you, and see you around.- He said while he walked off into the direction I gave him.

My mind was shocked, and after realizing that I had been just frozen on the hallway for like 5 minutes I ran back into the classroom to tell the others.

Gigi: EM, RISS MEETING!- I screamed as I arrived to the classroom short of breath.

Em: Wassup?- She asked as both Her and Riss  approached me, with a confused look on their faces.

Gigi: TRE-TREA-TREASURE.- I started saying trying to catch my breath.

Riss: Treasure? What about them?- She started asking until one random teacher arrived to the classroom, signaling that class was starting and that everyone should get on their seats.

Miss: Sit down classroom.- She said and everyone instantly went to sit down.

Chan as usually greeted me with a handshake only me and him have.

Chan: I missed you little one.- He said doing the handshake as we both sat down.

Miss: Well good morning and welcome, I hope you are respectful and dedicated students cause I'm not dealing with anyone's problems.- She said and we all gave each other a look like "oh no she's a strict one".

Miss: I'll start off with my name.- She said as she wrote it on the board.


As soon as she finished writing, me and Em almost burst out laughing.

Mrs.Birdass: Any problem, ladies?- She asked looking at us with a dead glare.

Riss: Oh no, sorry they are just a little sick with sore throats.- She explained saving our butts.

Mrs.Birdass: Fine then, so as I was saying- She started saying but someone knocked on the classroom's door.

Mrs.Birdass: Oh what now? COME IN!- She screamed.

Principal: Good morning everyone.- He said coming in the classroom, everyone stood up to greet him.

P.O.V Riss

Skz: Good morning.- We said as we stood up to greet him, just to sit back down after it.

Principal: Well as you know all of you already know each other, but the school decided to admit other students for a change so if you please could welcome your new classmates.- He said as he gave a signal to the people that were behind the door.

I heard voices fighting with phrases like:

Until MASHIHO CAME THROUGH THE DOOR? WAIT WHA- ohhhh so that's what Gigi meant earlier.

Em opened her eyes really wide and Gigi turned to us with a "SEE I TOLD YOU" face, the rest of the guys were either surprised or kinda disgusted? I don't really know, I'm not good at reading their facial expressions.

Mrs.Birdass: Okay then, new students there are a couple seats left so choose quickly.- She said and the guys quickly picked their places.

Mashiho and Junkyu moved instantly to the place beside me, but after a little pushing each other Junkyu won that place greeting me with a smile and a cute "Hi", Mashiho on the other side moved to other place....directly in front of Junkyu JDJDBSKS now I'm surrendered by them great.

Hyunsuk analyzed the places and he took the opportunity of sitting in front of Gigi....well now we know who is definitely not gonna pay any sort of attention in class....well me neither tbh.

Yedam immediately went and sat right beside Em who was looking at her notebook probably trying to distract herself, I know this girl too well, cause as soon as he sat down she mouthed the word "SOS".

And well little Asahi as shy and as TINY as he is he went to the back to sit on his own.

This is how the places ended.

Mrs.Birdass: Since you are new, let's present each other so I'm Mrs.Birdass and this are your other classmates, everyone stand up and say your name, one by one.- She said as she sat down on her desk.

Hyunjin: Well hello my name is- He started saying when suddenly Jeongin and Gigi screamed.

Jeongin and Gigi: YOU UGLY!- Everyone laughed except Hyunjin which had an annoyed face on.

Mrs.Birdass on her side she didn't even flinch.

Hyunjin: My name is Hwang Hyunjin.- He said as he sat down sending a dead glare to Jeongin and Gigi.

Hyunsuk: Hello everyone my name is Choi Hyunsuk.- He said smiling, I could see Chan elbowing Gigi for her to stop drooling.

Everyone started presenting with comments like with Changbin, everyone screamed YAAAWWWW, with Chan, GENIUS BANG CHAN.

Junkyu: Hey.- He whispered to me getting me out of the trance I was in.

Riss: What is it?- I whispered back.

Junkyu: I see Gigi has something for Hyunsuk right?- He whispered back getting a little closer, OH GOD.

Riss: That my friend is something I can't tell you.- I whispered back trying to avoid his eyes so we couldn't get any closer.

Gigi: Hello My name is Gigi.- She said as she sat down but the teacher stopped her.

Mrs.Birdass: Excuse me, full name.- She said in a mean tone, Gigi rolled her eyes and stood up again.

Gigi: Giohadeliz ******.- She said and sat down again.

Hyunsuk: Wait you aren't Korean, are you?- He asked interested.

Gigi: I'm Puerto Rican.- She said smiling.

Hyunsuk just went "ohhhh cool" and turned around, I could imagine Gigi was dying on the inside.

Junkyu: Why?- He asked interested once again catching my attention.

Riss: TGT always trust never tell.- I whispered and then I elbowed him cause it was basically his turn to present.

Junkyu: Ah yeah... My name is Kim Junkyu hello everyone.- He said waving cutely at everyone.

Riss: Well my name is Larisa ****** hello.- I presented myself and as I was sitting down Junkyu whispered again.

Junkyu: Are you American? Or Australian like them?- He asked cause he knew Chan and Felix were Australian.

Riss: Full American right here.- I said confirming my nationality.

Seungmin: Hello, I'm Kim Seungmin.- Everyone started screaming "DANDY BOIIIIII".

Woojin: Hello, I'm Kim Woojin.- He said peacefully cause we don't dare to mess with him tbh, he is a fluffy cute...scary.....bear.

Yedam: Hi, my name is Bang Yedam.- He said and I could see Em was almost drooling so I threw a ball of paper at her, which 1-scared her and 2-snapped her our successfully.

Mrs.Birdass: So I have to "Bang"s here?- She asked lookin at the list on her folder.

Jisung: HE SHOT ME DOWN BANG BANG~- He sang and everyone stayed silent.

Jisung: Sorry.- He said and everyone started laughing.

Em: Okay Jisung shut up, and Hi I'm Emily ********.- She said smiling.

Mrs.Birdass: Another Hispanic huh?- She asked and Em nodded smiling.

Gigi: PUERTO RICAN!- She screamed pointing to Em.

Em: MEXICAN!- She screamed back pointing as well.

Em and Gigi: HISPANICS!!!- They screamed instead of screaming "Fusion".

Skz: EYYYY!- We all screamed hyping them up.

Jisung: Hi my name is Jisung, Han Jisung.- He said trying to act cool, still no reaction.

Jisung: SERIOUSLY?- He asked to everyone, not a single person laughed.

Felix: Hello my name is Lee Felix, Yon.- He started saying until all of us started screaming "YONGBOKIEEEE".

Felix: Yeah Yongbok.- He said as he sat down with a sigh.

Jeongin: Hi, my name is- "CUTEEEEEE" Changbin started screaming and with that the whole group started screaming.

Jeongin: Yang Jeongin.- He said and sat down.

Minho: My name is Lee Minho like the actor.- He said and sat down with a smirk.

Asahi: Hello my name is Asahi, Hanada Asahi.- He said shyly. I REPEAT TINYYYY.

Mrs.Birdass: Now that you all know each other let's start with the work, I'm teaching as what you expect...history.- She said and everyone started complaining.

Mrs.Birdass: WHAT ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT?- She asked almost screaming.

Yedam: It's just that the first period is over so we are really disappointed.- He said faking it, and eventually the first period was over really quick.

P.O.V Em

Em: Smart move.- I said to Yedam as I stood up to go and talk with Riss and Gigi while the other teacher arrived.

Em: Sooooo a place with Junkyu huh?- I asked with a smirk.

Riss: A place with Yedam huh?- She asked right back at me.

Gigi: And I'm the third wheel here.- She said "sad".

Riss and Me: OH COME ON!- We said almost scaring her.

Gigi: WHAT?!- She said not knowing what we were talking about.

Riss: The way he looked at you like, I'm telling you that way of seeing someone is OOFFF.- She said elbowing her.

Em: He also asked your nationality, and also you Riss I saw a glimpse of you talking with Junkyu HUuuUuuUuUh?- I asked as I made my voice cracked in the last part.

Riss: Hey that was just a small talk nothing much.- She said avoiding the question.

Em: Yeah meanwhile I was just there drooling and 0 talking.- I said and then realized what i just said.

Em: I MEAN- I said opening my eyes wide.

Jeongin: Drooling? Over who?- He asked when he arrived at our little talk.

TGT: NO ONE!- We said at the same time.

Jeongin: Yeah sure thing, I saw all of you looking at them like they were meals.- He said now giving un an EVIL SMIRK.

Felix: Meal? Are you talking about food or people?- He asked also getting into our circle.

Jeongin: People.- He said and Felix got super interested.

Felix: Treasure boys right?- He said pointing at us with a smirk.

Gigi: U-Umm n-no...- She said suspiciously.

Jeongin: It's ok we are not the jealous type but who you got to be careful is the other guys, their faces when seeing treasure come in the classroom were priceless.- He said giving us advice.

Han: Treasure? Those guys I like them and all but I don't know I have this thing that doesn't feel right.- He said changing his face.

Riss: Ohhh it's someone a little jealous?- She asked teasing him while she poked him making him move.

Chan: Who is jealous?- He asked arriving too.

Em: WHERE ARE YOU ALL COMING FROM?- I asked noticing that each sentence a new member summed up to the talking group.

Gigi: Well is just that Jisung is a little jealous here.- She said teasing too, but Riss kept poking him and "fighting" with him.

Jisung: I AM, NO REALLY I AM NOT JEALOUS, RISS STOP POCKING ME, DO IT ONE MORE TIME I DARE YOU.- He almost screamed, the guys of Treasure were joking around on their own so they didn't even notice.

Riss poked him.

Jisung snapped.

Jisung: COMER HERE YOU LITTLE- He screamed as he started chasing her around the classroom.

Riss: YOULL NEVER GET ME!- She screamed as she ran between chairs and tables.

Em: I don't think this will end up ok.- I said as we all watched the chase.

Jisung: WANNA BET?- He said as he launched himself to Riss, this time she couldn't dodge causing her to get caught.

Riss: NO!- She screamed as Jisung picked her up not too high cause we used a skirt as the uniform.

Riss: NONO PUT ME DOWN NOW!- She screamed as she tried to put his arms away.

Jisung: NOT UNTIL YOU ADMIT THAT IM NOT JEALOUS!- He screamed back as he laughed.

Riss: NEVER!- She screamed laughing.

Jisung: Okay then.- He said as he placed her against a wall and started tickling her.


Jisung: Great, thank you.- He said satisfied as he let her go.

At the end we figured out that we were just loosing time cause we had laboratory, do we headed to the lab as always having races between each other.

We arrived and the professor was right outside the classroom.

Mr: Oh now you have arrived.- He said as he checked his clock, he didn't look that strict so we all were thankful.

Woojin: Sorry, it's our first day and we are a little lost.- He said speaking for everyone.

Mr: Oh it's okay, don't worry guys and girls I'm not a strict teacher, so I want to start off by saying my name is Mr.Buckbeak, yeah like the big bird from Harry Potter.- He said making us laugh.

All: Hi Mr.Buckbeak.- We greeted him respectfully.

Mr.Buckbeak: Well hello everyone, I'm your chemistry teacher as you can tell and we are going to have all classes here in lab considering there's no classrooms left, but well first I want to start off by splitting the whole group into teams of 3 considering the tables on the classrooms so when I call your name go inside and sit on the assigned table... so please come in Lee Minho, Yang Jeongin and Hwang Hyunjin, you are table number one.- He explained we started to enter.

Mr.Buckbeak: Now table number two consists of Hanada Asahi, Larisa ****** and Han Jisung.- He said I saw Riss's face light up as the table she was in was pretty good.

Mr.Buckbeak: Now table 3, they are Kim Seungmin, Bang Chan and Bang Yedam.- He said and they all entered.

Changbin: EYYY DOUBLE BANG!- He said excited we all laughed.

Jisung: I SAID THAT EARLIER AHHHH!- He screamed frustrated from the inside of the classroom.

Mr.Buckbeak: Okay? Now table 4, Mashiho, Kim Woojin and Seo Changbin.-

Mr.Buckbeak: Now the table 5, Lee Felix and Gio- He started saying.

Gigi: Please just call me Gigi.- She said cutting him off, he nodded and then they both entered the class.

Mr.Buckbeak: Finally table 6, Choi Hyunsuk, Kim Junkyu and Emily ********.- We all entered and sat down on our tables ending up like this:

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