Negatives. [chaennie]

By manicslasher

369K 8.5K 6K

Please do not plagiarize my work. Jennie. Jennie. Jennie. that's all i can think of. pictures i took of her t... More

one; darkroom. [M]
two; invitation.
three; friends.
four; damaged (?).
five; dinner.
chapter six; dinner part 2. [M]
chapter seven; wake up.
chapter eight; jennie.
chapter nine; temptations. [M]
chapter ten; sunday. [M]
chapter eleven; misunderstanding.
chapter twelve; crave.
chapter thirteen; dates.
chapter fourteen; sweet. [M]
chapter fifteen; flutter.
chapter sixteen; an us.
chapter seveenteen; no.
chapter eighteen; promises.
chapter nineteen; awakening.
twenty; happy halloween. [TW]
twentyone ; eager. [M]
twentythree; awe. [M]
twentyfour; mine.
twentyfive; festival.
twentysix; issues.
twentyseven; ache.
twentyeight; frustrations. [M]
twentynine; departure.
Thirtyone: Yeri
thirtytwo; off to you.
thirtythree; scary love
thirtyfour; playing P.I
thirtyfive; appointment [M]
thirty six; to be with you until the end.
thirty seven; sacrificial love
thirty-eight; my darling girl.
Thirtynine; graduation!
forty; help me hurt you. [M]
fortyone; jealousy is a good look on us. [TW]
fortytwo; the future and the end.

twentytwo; yikes. [TW]

9.2K 207 210
By manicslasher

[Jennie's POV]

I looked at myself in the mirror adjusting the red dress I wore. I was at my house and Joohyun had come by to talk me out of it. Glancing at Joohyun through my mirror, she looked uneasy and worried at me. I gave her faint smile to reassure her with my decision. "Why are you doing this, Jen? I thought you were happy with Chaeyoung?" Giving me a sadden look. "Did you guys fight or something? You both are in love with each other. I just don't understand why you're going on a fucking date with that dumb rat, Jongin." I pursed my lip and chuckled softly. "Unnie, you don't have to worry. This is just a one time thing. He said he wanted to catch up through dinner, that's it." I shrugged my shoulder at her as I put on my lipstick.

"Sure but you didn't have to look hot to see him though? Unless you planned to get back with him." She hesitated with her words, afraid that she might find it true. I looked over my shoulder to give her a small smile. Joohyun only rolled her eyes and plopped herself on my bed with a tired sigh. "This is idiotic and you know it. It feels like you're cheating on Chaeyoung. Even if I'm scared of that psychotic brat, she is nice and makes you happy." I tensed at this and breathed in slowly. "She won't mind, trust me." I put my lipstick into my small purse after i finish applying it on my lip.

Turning around I gave her a 360 degree turn. "So, how do I look?" Joohyun looked me up and down with a perplexed look. "Like someone who's about to make the wrong decision." My shoulder dropped and gave her a 'are you serious' face. Shaking my head, I looked at the time. It was almost time for Jongin to arrive. "Unnie, relax. If she finds out, she'll understand." I patted her shoulder. She swatted my hand and stood up quickly. "Jen, I swear to god, cancel this shit right now."

"Unnie! I can't do that and he's probably here already." Brushing her off as I walked down the stairs. As if on cue, the doorbell rang. "Told you." Joohyun followed me quickly and pulled my hand. "Your girlfriend is out with her friends and you're here on a date with your cheating ass Ex." She spat at me angrily. I pulled my hand away and glared at her. "Unnie. I don't expect you to understand but Chaeyoung and I are fine. Have trust in me."

Opening the door, I gave Jongin a big smile. "Hey right on time." He smiled at me and gave me a flower, I took it and placed it on table beside my door. "Oh Joohyun. I didn't see you there, hello to you too." He gave a sly smirk at Joohyun that made her cringe and flipped him off with her middle finger. "Unnie." I face palmed myself. "I'm sorry about her. She disagrees with this whole thing- um let's go!" I grabbed his shoulder and quickly bid my farewell to Joohyun. "Bye Unnie! Don't forget to lock the door when you leave!"

Jongin had placed his hands at my lower back to guide me to his car. I gave him a faint smile as we walked and made small conversations.

[Third Person View]

Jongin had brought them to a fancy restaurant in the city, the place was dark and had classical music playing in the background. People around them were in their own world as they chatted off to whatever topic they had. "I'm glad that you agreed to go on this date with me, Jennie." Placing a hand above Jennie's and continued to run circles on it with his fingers. Jennie had a straight face as her eyes cast down to look at their hands. She looked up to give him a soft smile, "Why wouldn't I? It's nice to see you again." Jongin beamed up at this, "I... it's great to see you too... Umm actually I'm hoping to-" He was cut off by the waiter that served him that evening. "Your champagne." He smiled at them and poured it into their glass.

Once they were alone again, Jennie asked. "I'm sorry, you were saying?" She took a sip of her drink with the hand that had Jongin's. Jongin looked nervously as she had pulled away from his touch and started to fiddle with his napkin. "Um well-" A person bumped into his shoulder which caused him move slightly in his seat. "Hey. Watch it!" Jongin called out, clearly pissed. "My apologise, Sir. You were in the way." The person smiled playfully and had glanced at Jennie. Jennie raised an eyebrow and tried to stifle her laugh by biting her lip.

"To hell I was. The space to walk is quite big for-"

"Like I said, I'm sorry." Cutting Jongin off and started to walk away towards her table at the other side of the room. Glaring at the person's backside, he adjusted the suit he was wearing and cleared his throat. "Like I was saying, I called you out on this date because... I want you back, Jen." Jennie was surprised by this but let Jongin continue. "I made a mistake that day, I realized that and I shouldn't have cheated on you. That woman... she- she seduced me, Jen. You have to believe me. As a man, it was difficult for me to resist and- and I was lonely! You were busy with your teachings and I had needs. But I'm back now and I'm ready to make things right. Would you give me the chance Jen?" Jennie was speechless nonetheless, how could she not when he straight up cheated on her on their third month anniversary? The motherfucking audacity. She took a deep breath trying to process the information.

Jennie gave him a sweet smile and caressed Jongin's hand across the table. "I would like to think about it first. It's hard for me to trust you again, Jongin. You broke my heart and you can't just expect me to forgive you that quickly, okay?" Jongin unsatisfied by this but nodded still. "As you wish, I still want you, Jen. I hope you know that." He puffed his chest and lifted his glass. "To new beginnings." Jennie raised her glass as well, "And to new endings." She smiled devilishly but was left unnoticed by Jongin. They clinked their glasses and drank, Jennie had her eyes on Jongin the whole time wanting to see any changes to his expression. Once Jongin stopped drinking he shook his head, "Ooof... that's some strong Champagne don't you think?" He chuckled and Jennie followed suit.

When their food arrived, they chatted like old times. Jongin made an effort to make jokes, Jennie would laugh like it was the funniest thing he ever said. "Have you met anyone after we broke up?" Daring to ask her. She quirked her eyebrow and chuckled lowly. "I did, but I guess things don't usually work out." She smiled bitterly while Jongin tried to look empathic but failed as he was satisfied by this. "Oh... that's too bad. You're a... nice woman. Who obviously deserves a great man." Jennie scoffed at this and took a sip of her champagne. "What? You disagree?" Jongin asked her with a challenging smile. Licking her bottom lip, "I never said I was disagreeing, but remember who wants who back here. Besides I can have anyone, even a woman." Playfully threatening him with the knife she was holding. "Of course. I'm sorry, yes that's true. Love is.. love." Clenching his jaw silently. Jennie nodded and continued cutting her food. Looking at the knife she was holding she slowly she drifted off unconsciously into a memory.


Giggles can be heard around the younger's house late at night. The house was dark, lights were closed downstairs as the two lovebirds were cozied up in Chaeyoung's room. Only a couple of candles were lit up and placed around the room. "What are you talking about? My eyes are closed, see see!" Jennie covered her eyes with her fingers but Chaeyoung was no fool. She can clearly see the woman peeking through her fingers even in the dark. "Nope! Liar, you are not. I can see your eye and you are definitely looking at me!"

They laughed at each other, Jennie had rolled around on Chaeyoung's bed as the girl was standing at the foot of the bed, a surprise gift behind her in her hands. Chaeyoung was stomping her foot trying to contain her laughter and smile. "Come on! Just do it please or I won't give it to you." Threatening the woman and giving her, her best stern face. Jennie only giggled and rolled her eyes, "Yeah right. We both know you'll give it to me eventually." Chaeyoung sighed and looked at Jennie with a defeated smile.

The girl had got on the bed with Jennie and hugged her. Body on top of Jennie and gift up high, not letting Jennie have it yet. Jennie pouted and looked at Chaeyoung confusingly before she finally understood what the girl wanted. Cupping Chaeyoung's face, she went in for a soft kiss and could feel the younger's lips formed into a tiny satisfied smile. Finally Chaeyoung handed the boxed gift to Jennie while she showered jennie with kisses on her dumpling cheeks. "You spoil me too much." Jennie giggled, one arm wrapped around her big hubby and the other was holding her gift. "I know." Burying her face in the crook of Jennie's neck as she watched Jennie open her gift.

Jennie gasped when she opened it. "You did not." Eyes widened at her lover. "Chaeyoung, oh my god. You did not." Taking out her gift to hold it in her hand, having a feel of it. Smiling at Jennie's reaction, she kissed Jennie's neck and nodded. "I did." Chaeyoung had gifted not one, but three throwing knives including a strap holder where you can place it on your leg. "How much did it cost?" She pouted guiltily at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung shook her head and kissed her lips. "Priceless. Doesn't matter as long as my wifey loves it." Jennie smiled and hugged Chaeyoung tightly, "I do. So much and thank you."

Jennie's been slightly obsessed with throwing knives since they had a movie night and decided to watch The Addams Family when the Mamushka Dance scene came in which caught Jennie's attention. Chaeyoung took the initiative to go search online and even in stores if they sold any. She found a shop somewhere in Hongdae that sold weird stuff including knives, different types too. She reminded herself to bring Jennie there one day. "Anything for you, love." That night Jennie had playfully run the sharp knife down Chaeyoung's body as they cuddled and talked. Pain was one thing they happened to love inflicting on the other as they made love so Chaeyoung was unbothered as she trusted the woman she loved and let her be.

[End flashback]

Snapping out her thought when Jongin suddenly waved his hand infront of her face. "You were spacing out when I tried telling you about my trip to Japan." He looked at her tiredly. Jennie gave him her best apologetic face and apologized. "Oh sorry, yeah go on."

The night went smoothly after that, Jongin had felt uneasy but had shaken it off. He noticed that Jennie would keep on glancing to one place and had small smile to her face. He just thought that smile was for her. He looked around the restaurant and his eyes landed at the person who bumped into him earlier. Furrowing his eyebrows once he realized that the person was looking directly at their table. He looked at Jennie and leaned in, "Hey do you know that person?" He signaled with his head at the direction where the girl sat. Jennie raised her eyebrows in question and cast her eyes to where he motioned. Her expression was unreadable to him, shaking her head. "No but why?" She asked genuinely.

He leaned back in his seat and smiled shaking his head. "Nothing. It's just that I thought you knew her since you glanced at her a couple of times." Jennie laughed and ate her desert. "I just find it odd for someone to come here alone, is all." She assured him, Jongin let out a breath of relief and nodded. He suddenly felt dizzy and almost dropped his glass. "Whoah." Holding onto the table. "Jongin? Are you okay?" Jennie asked worriedly.

Jongin started to breathe heavily and felt like the room was slowly spinning. "I- I - somethinn- oh myfgodht... I'm- my." His tongue felt numb which caused him to suddenly lose his ability to speak. "You don't look so good. I think we should get you home ha?" He can hear her however the voice sounded muffled as if they were surrounded by water. He nodded nonetheless. "Can you get up? Do you feel your legs?" He scrunched up at the question. "Okay let's get you home." With the help of Jennie they left the restaurant with much difficulty as he kept on stumbling on his feet.

Jennie had called a cab to come pick them up, much to Jongin's dismay, he told her to bring his car. Not wanting to leave his precious baby alone at night. Rolling her eyes, "We're both intoxicated, it's not safe to drive and you're sure as hell can't drive. Just look at you." His whole body was numb, he couldn't feel his fingers, his legs, his face too. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Smiling innocently at him. The man blacked out on their way to his apartment.

Jongin jolted right up from his sleep when he felt a searing pain on his thigh. His eyes casted around the room and was shocked to find that he couldn't move a muscle. "Mmmpphh." Panicking once he saw Jennie hold a knife down on his thigh.

[Jennie's POV]

"I'm sorry. You weren't waking up so I had to do something about that." Chuckling at the sight of his paralyze state. His eyes were moving rapidly and I can tell he's panicking. "Oh whoah, whoah. Calm down, this is only temporarily. You must be scared." Sliding my hand around his chest to feel his heart beat. "Such a big strong man like you is scared of a little ol' me?" I giggled as I heard him try to form words but failed . His saliva was coming out due to his temporary paralysis.

I heard the sound of his front door opening and smiled at the person who walked in. "Hey baby." I squealed when she came to me to lift me up in a tight hug and spun me around. "You look so beautiful." I blushed from the compliment as she kissed my neck and cheeks. "Really?" She nodded and looked at me endearingly. "I almost wanted to blow this mission off once I saw you walked in that restaurant." I giggled and shook my head.

"Oh hey man. You remember me?" Waving her hands infront of his face and was satisfied to find that he was responsive. "Yeah I'm the one from the restaurant, you know, the one who bumped into you." She slapped his face hard and walked around him. The gloves she was wearing made noises when she went to rubbed his shoulders hard. Pressing down onto him which earned her a pained noise from him. "You must be wondering what the hell is going on. Don't worry, you'll find out later." She whispered the last sentence in his ear. I held out my hands to her and she smiled softly at me then reached out to accept my touch.

I pulled Chaeyoung to the sofa located in the middle of the room and we sat on it together. She engulfed me in a hug as we watched the city skyline together. I felt her kiss the top of my head. Looking up at her with a soft smile. "You did great just now, baby." She stated.

"I thought he was going to notice though. Well he did, he noticed that I was looking at your direction Chaeyoung." Caressing her face.

"Couldn't keep your eyes off of me, huh?" Teasingly poking my side. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Um who was the one who was staring at me the whole time? I felt your eyes on me." She giggled and pouted.

"I was just making sure he didn't get handsy with you!" She defended herself. I laughed and looked at her lovingly. "He does look sleazy doesn't he?" Scrunching my nose up in disgust.

Chaeyoung widened her eyes and nodded in agreement, "Oh definitely! Just look at how he styled his hair. He needs like a haircut or something, looking like a sleazy cliché Yakuza with his unbuttoned shirt." I burst into laughter and leaned more into her. My body shook from the laughter and Chaeyoung had hugged me and kissed the side of my head laughing with me.

Our laughter died after a few minutes later. My attention was brought upon Jongin and I raised an eyebrow. "How long is he going to be like that?" Chaeyoung hummed for a second to think.

"Well, the amount you slipped in his drink was enough to paralyze him from head-to-toe for another-" Chaeyoung glanced at her wrist watch. "8 hours or so. Don't worry princess, we have time." I played with her hand and nodded.

"He's going to feel everything right?" Chaeyoung nodded. "Every single thing." She smiled at me.

We stood up together and came in his view. Chaeyoung leaned against the kitchen counter and watched me. "I'll let you do whatever you want with him first, love." She took out the bowie knife she owned from the strap on her leg. I bit my lip and watched her play with it on her fingertip and twirled it around. She smirked at me and poked her tongue out. "Eyes on the prize." Ushering me to look at Jongin instead of her but I pouted.

"Not my fault you look hot doing that." I rolled my eyes and looked at Jongin. I can hear her chuckle at my childishness and had move to sit on the countertop. I tilted my head to observe my prey. "Did you take care of the surveillance cameras already?" Taking out the pliers that were in the bag Chaeyoung had brought in. "Yup, hacked it. The security guard won't notice because I switched the current view with the view from last night's tape. It'll buy us some time to get out of here."

I circled around Jongin and touched his shoulders, running the pliers I was holding to his jaw. His eyes became frantic and I giggled. "And the car?"

"Down a cliff." I looked over her shoulder to smile in confusion. "Thought you wanted to burn it?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Too messy for me, it'll attract unwanted attention." She continued to make siren noises and had smiled playfully at me. "Figured."

I can tell that the man was scared from the sweat that was falling down his neck. I opened his mouth and inspected his teeth. Chuckling at myself once I remembered how his perfect smile and perfect teeth used to be able to swoon me but now it only leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Even if he did, it was after a year of him trying to pursue me. However now, only Chaeyoung has the power to make me fall head over heels for her instantly.

"Hey hubby, do you mind letting me do his teeth?" Clamping his bottom lip with the plier and pulling it slowly. Jongin let out a strangled noise. "Sure, leave his fingers and tongue for me though. The rest are yours, baby." I smirked devilishly at him. "Will do."

I slapped his face hard and he groaned in pain. I caught him before he could hit the floor from the force. "That was necessary to warm you up for what's coming for you. Oh and don't worry, you'll feel everything but you won't be able to move for the next 7 hours or so." I grabbed his jaw roughly and forced open his mouth. "Your pain, is our pleasure." Chaeyoung laughed, "Sure is."

I positioned the plier on his lower front teeth and gripped it tightly. Jongin's eyes widened and tears were escaping his eyes now trickling down his face. He tried to scream but it came out incoherently and choked. I continued to pull the two perfectly aligned teeth downwards and out. His body shook from the pain and I smiled and giggled as blood came out from his mouth. "NGGHHH." Closing his eyes and his face was beat red as he tried to bear the excruciating pain. "Stop trying to scream, your saliva is getting all over my gloves." I glared at him and stopped what I was doing. Chaeyoung got off the counter and had pushed me aside gently. "I got this."

She jab her fist right into his nose which caused his nose to break and blood pooled down. "Don't get your fucking saliva on her gloves." She pointed at him as he watched her helplessly. "You're so sweet." She went on to hug my waist and kissed the side of my head. "Anything for you, love. You're doing well by the way. Oh and I brought your throwing knives if you felt like using them." I smiled in appreciation at her for being considerate but pouted. "Thank you, but nooo. They're special gifts from you and I don't want his blood on it." Caressing her face I pulled her down for a passionate kiss. She moaned when I bit her lip. "Alright. There are other tools in the bag if you want."

The night went on with me tugging out his teeth roughly. Leaving his front teeth, the bottom and the upper part mostly gone. He was close to passing out but chaeyoung made sure he was wide awake to experience everything. I was done with his teeth so I let Chaeyoung have fun with him next.

"Here I brought juice for you." Passing me the juice box, I melted at her sweetness and sat down on the sofa to watch Chaeyoung have her turn. She cracked her knuckles and neck to warm herself up. Snapping her fingers infront of him, "Hey. Don't you dare fucking sleep. Blink twice if you still understand me." Jongin's eyes were droopy but still managed to do as he was told. "Good." She grabbed the dining chair and sat herself infront of him. "By now, you can start to feel your fingers. Meaning you'd be able to twitch it slightly."

It was true, I can see he was attempting to move but only slightly with his fingers twitching. "That's really good, you're doing great sweetie. Come on! You can do it." Taunting him as she clapped through her black gloves. "You know what, I'll help you move." She laid out her bowie knife on his fingers. The knife was extremely sharp after Chaeyoung sharpened it last night for today's occasion.

"To motivate you, I'll cut your finger if you won't be able to move after I finish counting. How's that? and don't worry, i'll do it one by one. I know you'll be needing these fingers to jerk off to whatever sad porn you have in your laptop." I snorted from her statement, she looked over her shoulder at me and winked. I rolled my eyes at her.

Jongin was terrified and his eyes become widen as he looked down at his fingers and try to move them.

"Five...four...three... NOPE too slow." She sliced his left pinky expertly with one stroke of her blade. "NNNGHHHHHH." Muffled cries were let out by the tortured man. "This is for touching my girlfriend. And for touching her when you dated her, I mean of course I'm jealous but I can't have you walking around in this world once you've tainted her with your fingers." She shook her head and nudged his face with the knife covered blood. "Yeah... you're scared of a 17-year-old? You should be. Never underestimate the female species." Taking his right middle finger and sliced it too, she waved it infront of his face. "Because you might never know what she's capable of."

I watched with full admiration as she cut his fingers except for his left thumb. I was getting aroused by how hot she looked maiming the son of a bitch. "Daddy..." I called out to her. She wiped her bowie knife on Jongin's suit pants but whipped her head at me giving her full attention. "Yes baby?" She was aware everytime I'd call her 'Daddy'. "I'm needy." Pouting at her as she smiled fondly. "Baby, I'd take you right now, but later okay? We can't leave our DNA here." She walked to me and took off one glove to touch my face. "I promise I'll tend to you once we're done." I nodded with a small smile on my face.

We still had 3 hours to spare, but Jongin seemed like he had less hours to live from the amount of blood he was losing. He was at such and awful state now with his teeth pulled out, his fingers, tongue and ears cut off and multiple stab wounds on his back.

"Do you want to do anything else, baby?" Chaeyoung rubbed circles on my back. I tilted my head again to observe him. I nodded at her, "One last thing. " Ripping his shirt open, I traced the knife down his chest. "What pattern would you like, Jongin?" I asked. Chaeyoung walked up behind me to wrap an arm around my waist and had rest her chin on my shoulder. We looked at him together with a smile on our face. She slowly traced her hand down mine in which I was holding the knife I borrowed from Chaeyoung. "Let me guide you." She whispered into my ear and kissed it. I blushed and giggled.

She guided my hand with the knife to his chest and sliced the word 'WHORE'. He blinked his eyes rapidly and breathed heavily. Eyes rolling back to his head as he couldn't take the pain anymore. Lastly, to finish the job, I stabbed him in the chest in which his heart was positioned at. "Baby, you're a natural at this." We stepped back to watch him take his less breath together.

I chuckled at his dead form on the chair, "It took him long enough." Chaeyoung collected all of our tools into a black bag, not leaving any trace of us in his apartment. "Got to give it to him for tolerating the pain. Hey pass me your juice box. And don't leave your purse baby." We cleaned up and left him and the apartment be.

The security guard was surprisingly asleep. I raised my eyebrow at the hairy guy's state. Chaeyoung held my hand as we went to cross the empty road. "I chatted with him when I tried getting in. He was a nice guy. I didn't want to hurt him so I took the chance to give him some sleeping pills and lied to him saying it'll help with the headache he was having." I made a long 'Oh' sound and she chuckled at me. I interlaced our fingers and swung it as we walked down a few blocks to Chaeyoung's car.

Once we were in, she gave me an intense stared. I giggled and cupped her face, "Why are you looking at me like that?" She leaned into my touch and finally let out a smile. "Do I make you happy?" I raised my eyebrow in question. "What's with the sudden question? Of course you do, you make me the happiest." I traced my finger on her eyebrow down her cheek , to her jaw and finally holding her chin. "No one has ever made me this happy in my entire life, I am so grateful to have you, Chaeyoung." I leaned in to peck her lips and she smiled into it. "Yeay. Nothing, I just needed reassurance. You know how people are sometimes in relationships, we get insecure. Especially me." she shrugged her shoulders and start to drive off.

I looked at her with disbelief. She shouldn't be insecure at all! She's truly perfect, no flaws at all. Anyone would die to be with her. "You don't have to be insecure, Hubby. Trust me. You are amazing... I'd even say yes if you asked me to marry you with no hesitation." She almost ran into a pole when I said those words. Whipping her head to me, "You would?!" Eyes bulging out with shock. I let out a giggle and nodded my head, interlacing our fingers together, she pulled on it and kiss the back of my hand. "Then I'll ask one day."

I knew she will, she never break her promises. And I'd be the luckiest person in the world when she does.

Oh my god, he fucking dead. Y i k e s. HE NEEDS SOME MILK. Anywaysss oof tragic. Someone get their mans outta here. It ain't for the weak hearted.

Sociopathis Authornim out.

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