Project Ugly// l.h au

By loosends

480K 14.2K 8.9K

In which a girl who has decided to go all natural meets an arrogant blonde boy who only wants to be her frien... More

Project Ugly// Luke Hemmings au
0.1// Chemistry
0.2// Luck
0.3// Delivery
0.4// Nerves
0.5// Or Nah
0.6// Lucas
0.7// Angel
0.8// Friendly
0.9// Intoxicated
1.0// The Morning After
1.1// Complications
1.2// Vices and Virtues
1.3// Confessions
1.4// Advice
1.6// Temporary Bliss
1.7// Revealed
1.8// Don't Wanna Be Your Friend I Wanna Kiss Your Neck
1.9// Stay
2.0// Sugar We're Going Down
2.1// Control
2.2// Pancakes
2.3// Dinner
Please Read!!!!!!
2.4// Prompose
2.5// Prom
2.6// Teenage Drama Queen
2.7// Girl That You Love
2.8// Deadly Conversation
2.9// Holy
3.0// Coming Down
3.1// Strange Love
3.2// She's My Winona
// Character Ask //
// Q&A //
3.3// Life's Not Out to Get You
3.4// Mileage

1.5// Slip Ups

13.5K 429 481
By loosends

Melody woke up with a blanket draped over her, thanks to Luke. She frowned at the lack of his presence but understood that he couldn't stay, it was a school night anyway. She checked her phone and read the message Luke had sent her last night, she smiled so wide she wasn't sure how the corners of her mouth weren't ripping.

Suddenly she was in a rush to get ready and get to school. She was rushing around her room and the bathroom like a mad woman. There was plenty of time before the first bell, but she wasn't rushing for that reason. She wanted to see Luke.

Melody parked her car in her usual spot in the student lot, and scanned the area for tall blonde hair and blue eyes. He probably was still at home, it was extremely early still. Maybe Melody had gone a little over board with the rushing around. She didn't feel like walking into the stone building yet, so she sat on the trunk of her car.

To: Icky Nikki

I'm alone at school save me

To: Ariel's Daughter

You do realize school doesn't start for like a half hour, correct?

To: Icky Nikki

I was ready early

To: Ariel's Daughter

So damn eager

Nikki probably wouldn't be arriving at school anytime soon, so she decided to accept her fate of being alone for a while. She was surprised that this many people were at school so early. The parking lot was slowly but surely filling up with cars and teenagers.

To kill some time Mel put her headphones in and scrolled through instagram, which she hadn't been on in ages. There was no reason for her to go on, there was no way she would ever post a selfie where she had no makeup on.

She was swinging her foot along to the beat of Teenagers by My Chemical Romance, and she was pretty sure she was humming along but she couldn't really hear herself over the volume of the music. She was too busy with her phone that she hadn't noticed Ashton, Luke, and Michael had walked up to her. Luke grabbed her shoulder forcefully, to try to scare her. In the process she almost fell off her car, and managed to kick Michael in the thigh. She ripped her headphones out and jumped down. Luke was hysterically laughing, so she assumed it was him that scared her half to death.

"I actually just almost had a heart attack, you asshole!" She scolded him, slapping his arm.

He continued laughing, and Michael was whimpering about the pain in his leg.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even see you," Melody explained to Michael. He gave her a grunt and she took it as he accepted her apology.

"Should have seen your face!" Luke wheezed, he was red in the face from laughing so hard.

"You're such a child," she scoffed, and rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna go find somewhere for Mikey to curl up and cry," Ashton laughed, and grabbed Michael's shoulder to lead him into the school. Melody nodded at him, and Luke wiped at the tears under his eyes.

"It wasn't even that funny," Melody commented.

Luke hopped up onto Melody's trunk, and smirked at her, "You're right it was hilarious."

"You're annoying," she teased.

Luke pulled at Melody's forearm so that she was standing slightly between his legs. Melody laughed at their height difference, she had to crane her neck to see his face. Luke on the other hand had a great view. Melody had decided to wear a v-neck t-shirt today, and Luke was so grateful. He had a clear view down her shirt. He tried not to stare too much, because it was a bit rude and he didn't want Melody to run him over with her car.

"You're good morning night text thing was cute," Melody told him.

"I'm just full of cuteness," Luke snorted.

"Only sometimes," she teased.

Luke jutted out his bottom lip and pouted, any other time she would have made fun of him for it but she was distracted. His lip ring was hugging his bottom lip so nicely, and his lips were so smooth and pink. She wondered how his lip ring would feel against her lips. What if it got caught or something? That would be a strange story to tell in the ER.

"Mel, are you even listening to me?" Luke smirked.

She felt her cheeks go red, and snapped her eyes away from his lips. She ran a hand through her hair, and shook her head no.

"I asked if you wanted to come hang out with me at the pizza shop, I have work and I don't want to be bored," he repeated.

"Uh, won't you get in trouble?" She asked, still trying to will the scarlet color on her cheeks to go away.

"Nah, it's not usually busy during the weekdays," he shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess," she answered. She was trying not to look at him for too long, he probably thought she was creepy for staring at him so much.

"So what were you thinking about just then?" He asked confidently, leaning down a bit so they were at eye level.

"Um, your lip ring?" Melody answered, her voice went up a bit at the end making it sound more like a question.

"Yeah, what about it?" Luke questioned, tugging the small piece of metal between his teeth.

"Did it hurt?"

That wasn't exactly the answer he was wishing for. He was hoping it would be more along the lines of, "how does it feel when you kiss?" or something.

"Not really, just a little pinch," he said. He'd gotten it pierced almost a year ago, he'd even inspired Michael to get a piercing but his was on his eyebrow. He was still working on Ashton, though.

"I wanna get a piercing," she confessed. She watched as Luke's eyes widened.


"I was thinking my nipples," she said with a straight face. Luke's cheeks turned a bit red, and Melody laughed. "I'm kidding, I want my smiley done."

"Your what?" He asked, what the hell was a smiley?

"This thing," she said, and pulled her top lip up and pointed the the little piece of skin that connect her gums to her lip.

"That'd be hot," Luke mumbled, and immediately wanted to smack himself in the face for it. "Um," he tried to think of something to say, but there were no words because he really did think it would be hot.

"I'm just full of hotness," Melody joked, mocking Luke from earlier. She was trying to keep this conversation light and casual. Her heart was pounding, though. He pretty much just said she'd look hot with a piercing.

"Funny, Mel," Luke laughed. "Will you let me come with you when you get it done?"

"Duh, I'm going to need all the moral support I can get," she said. "We should probably go in there now."

Luke groaned, and leaned back on Melody's car, "I don't wanna."

Mel grabbed Luke's hands and pulled him off the trunk of her car, "Let's go you sap." She went to pull her hands away from Luke but he molded their fingers together. He looked unfazed by the gesture, so Melody told herself that it was no big deal. She just hoped her palm wasn't sweaty.

This was weird, and people were staring. It was strange because Melody was Melody, and Luke was Luke. She was really a nobody, barely anyone knew her and she went around practically unnoticed. Luke on the other hand was very well know, especially for his activities with females. So of course the whole student body was thrown off by these two holding hands.

Luke wasn't paying attention to anyone, he was accustomed to having eyes on him. Melody wanted to reduce herself into a puddle, she was really hating being the center of attention. This would probably blow over soon, and some new gossip would spread through the school.

Luke walked Melody to her locker, where Autumn and Nikki were waiting. Both of their mouths were wide open, and Mel had to resist pushing them shut.

"See you in chem," Luke smiled. He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek and walked to his locker which was only a few down from Melody's.

Now Melody's mouth was wide open. She exchanged looks with her two friends, none of them knew what to say. In the past ten minutes Luke had called her hot, held her hand, and kissed her cheek. All of which added fuel to the fire, this stupid crush on Luke was getting worse.

"Are you trying to catch flies?" Calum asked, teasingly, from behind Melody.

"They were holding hands, and he kissed her cheek!" Autumn squealed.

"Right in front of us!" Nikki added.

Calum smirked, and Melody glared at him. He got the hint to keep his mouth shut so he did. "Gotta get to my locker, see you at lunch," he waved, and walked off down the hall.

"I should go too, my class is on the other side of the building," Autumn groaned and began to walk off. Mel and Nikki mumbled goodbyes and starting walking to their classes as well. Nikki's class was in the same direction as Melody's chemistry classroom so they walked together.

"So you and Luke are good again?" Nikki asked.

"Yeah, we worked things out yesterday," Melody told her.

"Well you're more affectionate than ever, so maybe your little break was a good thing," Nikki suggested. She was right actually, Melody had realized how much she really liked Luke over the week they weren't speaking.

"Yeah, maybe,"

Nikki turned into her class, and Melody walked into chemistry. Luke was already sitting at their table. Michael was turned around and they were talking to each other from what it looked like.

"There's karate kid," Michael teased, as Melody sat down.

"I said I was sorry, plus it was really Luke's fault for scaring me," she defended herself.

"My fragile snow white skin is bruised because of you!" Michael whaled.

"I'm so sorry your Highness," Melody laughed.

"Suck it up you big sap," Luke added.

"Have her kick you in the leg and then tell me to suck it up," he suggested. Luke shook his head, "That's what I thought."

Mrs. Edmund walked into the room, and everyone went silent. The class had learned that Mrs. Edmund was a bitter old woman, and she did not tolerate talking when she was teaching. They'd witnessed her send a boy to the principal last week for thinking it was okay to crack a joke about the elements on the periodic table.

Melody opened her notebook, because they really did nothing else but take notes in this class.

"Get your things off your desks, we're doing a lab today," Mrs. Edmund spoke, gathering a stack of handouts to give to the class. Luke and Melody shared a look, how were they going to manage to complete a lab together.

"Read the directions, and get to it," Mrs. Edmund sighed, and sat in the chair behind her desk.

Melody sent Luke off to get the supplies, and told him to leave the rest to her.

"Let me help," Luke whined, after he'd been staring at Mel complete the lab. She looked up from the test tubes, and sighed.

"Fine, pour that into that," she instructed, motioning to the right liquids and test tubes.

Luke did as he was told, and felt better that he had done at least one thing. Melody finished up a few last things, and then sat back down in her seat.

"All done," she sighed, and handed Luke her lab notes to copy.

"I have the best lab partner," Luke praised her.

"I try."

"I'll be sure to reward you with pizza later," he smiled.

The rest of the day was pretty much uneventful, besides Calum spilling milk all over his jeans at lunch and screaming about how it looked like he came on his pants. It was going by dreadfully slow, probably because Melody wanted to be at the pizza shop with Luke. He was all she could think about, and it was driving her crazy. She was so infatuated with the stupid blonde boy who she initially thought she would despise.

She was basically jogging through the halls after her last class of the day to get to her locker so she didn't keep Luke waiting. She didn't want him to be late for his shift. She finished putting her things away before he got to her locker, so she walked over to his. Ashton was talking to him, and Luke had one arm propped up against his locker. Melody took the chance to walk under his arm, and lean against his locker.

"That was smooth," Luke laughed.

"You're like ten feet tall, it wasn't that hard," Melody shrugged.

"I'm not even that tall," Luke complained, everyone was always telling him how tall he was. Six foot four inches wasn't even that tall, there were people much taller than him.

"I'm not even eye level with you, I'm talking to your moobs half the time," Melody joked.

"My what?" Luke questioned.

"Your moobs, man boobs," she explained.

"I do not have man boobs, Melody!" Luke cried, grasping his chest.

"Everyone has moobs, some are just bigger than others."

"Well mine are on the non existent side," Luke huffed.

"Yeah, join the itty bitty titty committee," Melody sighed.

Ashton and Luke both doubled over in laughter.

"What the hell, you're being funny today," Luke said in between breaths.

"I'm always funny," she giggled.

"Yeah, sure whatever tickles your pickle but we have to get going," Luke said and started to walk down the hall before turning back to Ashton, "I'll text you," he called. Ashton gave him a thumbs up, and walked the opposite way.

"You should let me drive," Luke suggested.

"That's funny, I thought I just heard you ask to drive my car," Melody snorted. Her car was her baby, and nobody but her drove it. Not even Autumn or Nikki.

"Why not I'm a safe driver," Luke pressed.

"Lucas, this car is my life, you are not driving it," Melody declared, getting into the driver's seat. Luke sighed quite loudly and sunk into the passenger's seat.

"You're going to let me drive it someday," Luke said matter of factually.

"We'll see," Mel responded, and started the drive to Luke's work. The picture of Luke in his yellow and red striped shirt and hat popped into Melody's head, and she started giggling.


"I get to see you in your work uniform," she snickered.

Luke rolled his eyes, "if you make fun of me I'm not giving you free pizza," he threatened.

Melody nodded, and concentrated on taking a turn down a narrow street. They were minutes away from the pizza shop now.

"Where should I park?" She asked as they got closer.

"There's a lot out back."

Melody found a parking space and Luke lead her into the shop through the back door.

"Stay here, I'm going to change," he instructed. She nodded and watched him disappear into another room.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" A deep voice said from behind her. She turned to see a short chubby man with a small bit of gray hair left on top of his head. His voice did not match his looks.

"Um, Luke, uh he," Melody stuttered, but shut her mouth when she felt a hand on her lower back.

"She's just hanging out here with me," Luke clarified, and smiled warmly at this little man who Mel assumed was his boss. "I hope that's alright, Ray."

"Don't worry about it, it's not busy tonight," he answered and returned a smile to Luke. "I'm Ray, sorry if I scared you, kid," he said to Melody and stuck his hand out for her to shake.

"Melody, yeah it's alright," she replied and shook his hand. It was rough, and flour rubbed off on her hand. She could tell the guy worked hard.

"I'll leave you to it, call if you need me," he said mostly to Luke.

When Ray walked to the front of the shop, Melody turned to look at Luke.

"Don't start Melody I swear," he groaned.

She bit her lip, to keep from laughing. It was just as funny as the first time she saw him in the uniform.

"And can you please not do that," he whined.

Mel furrowed her eyebrows together, "do what?"

"Never mind," he sighed and walked over to a counter space that was covered in flour.

"Are you going to make me a pizza from scratch?" She gushed.

"Of course I am, I'm a five star chef here," he joked. "Now watch the chef in action."

Melody rolled her eyes and walked over to a lone stool, and picked it up and set it near Luke so she could watch him. He rolled out the dough, and she was a bit disappointed when he didn't twirl it around on his fist. He slathered on some sauce and cheese and popped it into the brick oven.

"And now we wait," he said and leaned against the dirty counter top.

Melody was basically drooling, the pizza smelled delicious and she wanted Luke to just take the pizza out now. She wouldn't have even cared if it was still kind of raw, it smelled like heaven. In an attempt to distract Mel from the pizza, Luke rubbed one of his dirty flour coated hands across Melody's cheek.

"Lucas!" She screeched and went to rub it off but Luke grabbed a spoon full of sauce and smeared it on her other cheek. "I'm going to stuff you in that oven!"

"I dare you, Melody."

Melody got up off her stool and rubbed her hands in some flour and chased Luke around a bit until she got some on the back of his neck. They eventually started throwing pizza sauce at each other and Melody had a spoon full of it and Luke was walking backwards. Until he slipped and fell that is, and dragged Melody down with him. She was basically straddling him, she tried to push herself off of him but he gripped her hips and held her down. She must have been blushing like mad, what was she even supposed to do in this situation.

Luke was moving one of his hands up to the back of her neck, to pull her down to his face. His eyes were darker than usual, and so dilated that only a sliver of the usual baby blue peeked through. Melody let out a shaky breath as their lips got closer to each other. Melody's cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were glazed over with lust. Luke was all too familiar with this look, but it felt so different with her. This actually meant something to him.

"Mel," Luke whispered, their lips were almost touching now.

Luke could feel her uneven breaths on his face. She hummed in response, there was no freaking out she was going to let him kiss her. In the same second Luke went to close the gap between their lips Melody's ring tone went off. It was so loud, and they had been being so quiet, that it scared the both of them enough for Melody to jump off of Luke.

Melody looked at the screen, it was from an unknown number.

To: Melody

It's Ashton we need to talk


OH MY OOOOOOH MY HOLYOYLOYL THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I WANTED THIS CHAPTER TO TURN OUT OH MAN I'M SO HAPPY WITH THIS CHAPTER. But like how did you like that lil teaser of Lulody BECAUSE THEY'RE KILLING ME. Did you think they were gonna kiss sorry I keep teasing you like this but WOOOOOOO THIS IS REALLY GOING HOW I WANTED IT TO I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF. But seriously frikkin Ashton interupting with some serious business like you could have waited my friend like at least a second later but no.

I told you I would update by Wednesday and it's Tuesday so yay I did it claps for me points for gryffindor. I had no homework tonight so I thought it would be a good time to write this.

You're all such sweet lil cinnamon apples for reading, voting, and commenting.


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