Hate And Fate | √ |

By Sofia_Not_Sophiya

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COVER CREDITS TO THE SWEETEST SOUL- @ShabanaTheStar "This. . . This voice of yours just irritates me!" "If th... More

Hate And Fate
1. Mira and Rahim
2. The Chaos
3. Wifey
4. Decisions
5. Birthday
6. Guilty
7. More Fights
8. Adjustments
9. Divorce
10. Comebacks
11. Tired
12. Different
13. Why?
15. Nice
16. Love?
17. Strange
18. Mrs. Almira Ibrahim Sayed
19. Pick-up Lines
20. Stupid Stunts
21. Phone Call
22. Leaving Her
23. Take Care
24. My Man
25. Fever? Love Fever!
26. Say Sunshine
27. Vigilance
28. Worried
29. Challenge
Ramadan Mubarak!
30. Scoldings
31. We Are One
32. Ignorance
33. The Prank
34. Twenty-Four Hours
35. Get habituated
36. Too Late?
37. Don't Cry
38. Reasons
39. Not Let Him Go
40. Whole Damn World

14. Creep

7.5K 400 157
By Sofia_Not_Sophiya

A L M I R A' S P O V

Ughh. . . This guy can't even do one thing properly.

It was the next morning, when I had to get up early, unwillingly, cause there was an event held today. After taking a shower, I was all ready to get dressed up when I noticed that the Zara's dress which I was going to wear today is nowhere to be found.

Where did Rahim keep it?

I stalked towards Rahim, who sleeping soundlessly, and poked him this guy didn't get up. I sighed knowing that he won't get up anytime soon and again went inside the bathroom to check if it's there or not as he said last night that he kept in here. From the mirror I saw a peach coloured dress hanging on the hanger.

Wow! Peach? My favourite colour!

But, how did Rahim know my favourite colour? I'll ask him about that.

I changed, as I was roaming in my bath robe the whole time, in my regular clothes, offered my Salah (prayer) and started getting ready for today.

I wore my dress, did a little bit to of makeup wore my jewellery, which I guess Zara gave to Rahim with the dress, and descended down for the day.

As I was going down I remembered that I didn't wake Rahim for Fajr. I assumed that he must've set the alarm and continued walk down, nonetheless.

Firstly, I decided to meet Shazia.

"Hi Shazia." I knocked the door and spotted both Zara and Shazia sitting there with a very messy room.

"Asalamwalaikum (Peace be upon you) Bhabhi (sister-in-law)." They spoke in unison except Zara's tone was more excited.

"Bhabhi you are looking so pretty." Zara complimented.

"Thank you. But why are you two not ready?" I questioned them as they were wearing their dress but the hair and makeup was not done.

"Actually the makeup artist cancelled our appointment and now we are figuring out what to do." Shazia explained the problem, holding her head in hands.

"I can do it." I added. "You guys can relax . I'll do your hair and makeup." I offered them. "Of course if you both want me to."

"Really?!" Zara exclaimed standing up from her place as I nodded at her.

An hour had passed, I was just touching up Shazia's hair as Zara's was already done and she was searching for her heels when someone knocked harshly. Who is so impatient?

"Who is knocking so bad?" Zara muttered, irritated by the continuous harsh knocks.

"Wait I'll open the door." I  to open the door to see Rahim standing in sweatpants and t-shirt.

"Why aren't you changed?" "Where were you?" We both asked each other.

"Bhabhi, who is it?" I heard Shazia ask.

"Your good for nothing brother." I muttered lowly.

"Ha! Who?" She again asked.

"Rahim! Rahim is here." I shouted back.

"Oh then he must be here to meet you." Zara's teasing voice reached my ears.

"Where were you!" Rahim again asked. God gave him eyes I guess.

"Is your eyesight weak? That you cant even see things properly. I was here getting Zara and Shazia ready." I answered him nonchalantly.

"You didn't even wake me up." He whined like a kid.

"I thought you must have set the alarm." I reasoned out myself. "Also, its not my responsibility to wake you up everyday." I protested.

"Come with me, please." He held my wrist. "My clothes are ironed. I don't know how to do it. Press them for me, please. Aunt Rizwana gave me them but they weren't ironed." By this time he had already started dragging me towards the room.

"Stop Rahim!" I expressed my disagreement. "Wait let me just go for in for a minute." I made him halt in his steps.

Glaring at him, I sighed and went inside Shazia's room. How can I leave them like that, without even telling them?

"Thankyou Bhabhi." Zara smiled as soon as I entered the room.

"Yes Bhabhi thanks a lot." Shazia chimed in.

"It's okay now. Chill." I tried ease the situation. "Actually I have to leave now your brother is getting hyper." I vouched out, pointing at the door, where Rahim was waiting for me, but on it's other side.

"Yes, he will get hyper afterall he didn't get his good morning kiss." Ewww. . . Zara, how could even manage to say something like that? Yuck!

"No its no-" I tried to convince that is it was nothing like what she is thinking when I got cut off by Shazia.

"Go now!" She ushered. "We don't want our brother to wait now, do we?"

"Ya, thank you once again Bhabhi you should hurry now."

"Okay then, meet you soon you guys." I waved and turned back walking towards the door where Rahim was waiting for me.

"Itni der kyun lag gayi?" He interrogated once I was in his view. (What took you so long?)

"Why? Now I cant even do what I wish to?"

"You can but no need to be rude."

"I WAS BEING RUDE?!" I asked him, flabbergasted. "YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WAS RUDE. UNDERSTOOD?" I turned away from.

"Says the person who just now shouted."

"Do you want your clothes pressed or burnt?" I asked him in a dead low voice.

"Ofcourse pressed." He gave a sheepish smile.

"Then don't throw your tantrums." I scolded.

"First you stop shouting." He argued back.

"Thik hai, phir mein jaa rahi hun." I turned around. "Ask someone else to press your clothes, okay."
(Fine then I am going.)

"No no no. . . Please iron my clothes." He grabbed my arm and stopping me at the place. I glared at him and opened the door of the room.

"Where are they?" I asked, referring to his clothes.

"On the bed. I brought an iron too."

"Take." Once I was done with my task, I extended my hand to give him the clothes, who was busy playing some games on his phone.

He took them from and started examining them.

"Mira the shirt still has one crease." Ugh. . . Why did I agree to press his shirt?

"When you throw tantrums like a two year old kid. . . I seriously feel like burrying you alive." I wish I could kill him right here, right now.

"No. . . You are not doing it properly!" Why will I?

"Are you a president?" I retorted back. "Why will I listen to you?" I implored, folding my hands across my chest and nearing a step towards him.

"If you don't like the way I iron clothes then don't ask me next time." With that said, I left the room. Stupid boy.

Thinks as if he's the king of the whole world.

The guests were filling up the house and now the groom's family had also arrived.

I saw Aunt Rizwana coming towards me. I am sure she's gonna give me another work.

"Mira, dear please bring the sweets' boxes which are outside and set them in the kitchen please?" She pleaded so I couldn't say no to her.

I nodded as she fake smiled at me and went back. Oh god there are so many. I huffed and started taking all the boxes. I was picking up the last box when a guy around my age walked towards me.

"What?" I barked at him, because he was also being very rude by staring at me.

"Do you have a map?"

"No. Why would I have it? It's an engagement ceremony not a geography class." I tried to reason out to him. I walked back to the kitchen where he followed me like a lost puppy.

"No, because I am lost in the ocean of your eyes." Ugh. . . I hate these kind of cheesy players.

"My eyes are grey, you idiot." I corrected.

"Do you have band-aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you."

"No band-aid is not available but salt is, want some?" I folded my hands across my chest once I kept the boxes on the kitchen counter top.

"Do you have a license to look that beautiful?" He smiled.

How many pickup lines did he memorize?

"Do you have a license to look that creepy?"

"Will you go out for a coffee with me?" Why can't he take the hint that I am not interested in him?

"Keep dreaming." I scoffed at his offer.

"Since I saw you I've been just dreaming." He sighed dreamily. This guy surely has some or the other mental problem.

"You've met me for like what- ten seconds before and you have already started dreaming. When did you sleep?"

"Will you be my girlfriend then?" He seriously needs to go to the hospital.

"No!" I shouted at him, totally disgusted by him.

"Why?" He whined.

"Because she's already married." A familiar voice spoke from behind and that had to be Rahim's as I recognised.

I turned back to look at him and boy he was looking good today. Uh... please don't tell that to Rahim.

"What are you doing?" Rahim asked me once he stood infront of me.

"I was setting all the boxes which Aunt Rizwana asked me to." I answered him. Thank God he saved me from this creep. Never been this happy to see him.

"And what about this creep?" Rahim gave a nasty look to the guy.

"Creeping me out."

"So who's the lucky husband?" The creep spoke.

I was going to answer but Rahim beat me at it.

"Me. Any problem?" Rahim glared.

That creep turned towards me and uttered the most stupidest thing I have ever heard,

"If you still have some brains then you could still marry me." How dare this creep talk to me like that even after knowing that I am married?!

"You-" Rahim was going to say but this time I cut him off .

"Sorry then, in this matter I am brainless. You called the wrong number. This number is out of your league." I guess that I talked too much but it's his fault. Who asked him to flirt?

"Who are you by the way and for what work are you here?" Rahim interrogated. Maybe be a guest because he was dressed according to the function. Else an intruder.

"Oh I forgot to introduce. Myself Shehriyaar I am the groom's cousin." He forwarded his hand.

Rahim ignored him and grabbing my hand in his', he started to walk out.

Phew! Atlast got saved from the creep.

"Why doesn't he get the idea that you're married at first place?" Rahim turned to look at.

"There's nothing that can tell that I am married."

"Grab someone's kid and roam around with it. Then everyone will know that you're married and have a kid." He rambled off with a stern face and that made me laugh. Out loud. I laughed till I was out of breath.

"What the heck, Rahim?" I asked between my laughing fits.

"Yes, you said that nothing can state that you're married. So grab a baby then people will think that you're married and also have a baby."

"Grab a baby? It's a BABY not some chocolate. And anyway whose gonna give me their baby?! Shall I go ask for a random person to give me their baby so I when I walk around, the cheapsters don't flirt with me or people assume that I am already married. Are you insane Rahim?" Silly boy. I shook my head at his antics.

"However, tha-"

I was going to thank Rahim for saving me from that creep when Aunt Rizwana called me.

"Mira? Mira! Mira, did you set the boxes?" She asked me hurriedly to which I nodded.

"Then please help me to get the trays for the ceremony?"

"Ji." I agreed and she went away. I was also going to follow her but something held me back and found out that Rahim was still holding my hand. (Okay.)

"Rahim. Let me go." I spoke.

"Ya its a nice song. Even I like Hailee Stein-"

"No you idiot! I am not talking about the song I am asking you to leave me." I indicated his hand which had held mine.

"Ha. . . Then go, who's stopping anyway its nicer when you are not around."

"Then LEAVE MY HAND!" I screamed in his ear.

"Agh . . . Why did you scream directly in my ear?" He hissed, leaving the grasp off my wrist. 

"Then where do I scream? In your eyes?" I asker him sarcastically. 

"Nevermind. You go have fun working."

"Yes I will." I sassed him and turned around.

"And Mira?!" I heard Rahim shout.

"Now what?" I asked, turning back.

"Don't talk to any creeps." He turned back and started walking in the opposite direction.

After hearing it, my lips involuntary tugged upwards as I continued my way towards Aunt Rizwana.

Asalamwalaikum and hello people! Are you liking the story? Tell me through comments and don't forget to vote by clicking on the star icon. Until then thank you, bye, AllahHafiz and Take care ^_^

Also, do tell me your favourite part of the chapter.


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