I Am Lacerta - HP fanfic

By BooshBaby

146K 1.5K 1K


I Am Lacerta
I Am Lacerta Chapter 1
I Am Lacerta Chapter 2
I Am Lacerta Chapter 3
I Am Lacerta Chapter 4
I Am Lacerta Chapter 5
I Am Lacerta Chapter 7
I Am Lacerta Chapter 8
I Am Lacerta Chapter 9
I Am Lacerta Chapter 10
I Am Lacerta Chapter 11
I Am Lacerta Chapter 12
I Am Lacerta Chapter 13
I Am Lacerta Chapter 14
I Am Lacerta Chapter 15
I Am Lacerta Chapter 16
I Am Lacerta Chapter 17
I Am Lacerta Chapter 18
I Am Lacerta Chapter 19
I Am Lacerta Chapter 20
I Am Lacerta Chapter 21
I Am Lacerta Chapter 22
I Am Lacerta Chapter 23
I Am Lacerta Chapter 24
I Am Lacerta Chapter 25
I Am Lacerta Chapter 26
I Am Lacerta Chapter 27
I Am Lacerta Chapter 28
I Am Lacerta Chapter 29
I Am Lacerta Chapter 30
I Am Lacerta Chapter 31
I Am Lacerta Chapter 31
I Am Lacerta Chapter 32
I Am Lacerta Chapter 33
I Am Lacerta Chapter 34
I Am Lacerta Chapter 35
I Am Lacerta Chapter 36
I Am Lacerta Chapter 37
I Am Lacerta Chapter 38
I Am Lacerta Chapter 39
I Am Lacerta Chapter 40
I Am Lacerta Chapter 41
I Am Lacerta Chapter 42
I Am Lacerta Chapter 43
I Am Lacerta Chapter 44
I Am Lacerta Chapter 45
I Am Lacerta Chapter 46
I Am Lacerta Chapter 47
I Am Lacerta Chapter 48
I Am Lacerta Chapter 49
I Am Lacerta Chapter 50

I Am Lacerta Chapter 6

4K 48 16
By BooshBaby

I Am Lacerta Chapter 5  

PLEASE COMMENT + VOTE + FAN!! i love love knowing wat u think xxxxxxx please i will gave ya a shout out and recommend u nd everything xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

A few weeks passed as the days ran into eachother, and I almost lost track of when one day ended and another began. I ate, spent time in lessons and out of lessons with Luna, Quidditch practice, saw Fred occasionally, then repeated it. The only two things that stood out were another Tri-Wizard Challenge and Professor Moody. He kept giving me the strangest looks and he even called me a "fantastic child" when in class when we had been studying unforgivable curses, the most interesting Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson ever - why would I need defence against my own parents? -, I was the only person in our class who was able to resist the Imperious Curse fully.

Apart from me Ginny Weasley resisted the longest, three whole seconds with her face screwed up before doing a crazed tap-dance. He even had the complete cheek to say "Give my regards to your parents, Lestrange.", when he had been one of the very people who landed them into Azkaban. Surprisingly people always think I'm embarrassed to be the daughter of Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange but that's not really the case. They went down doing what they believed in, and if they're going to rot in Azkaban for anything, at least they believed what they were doing would help wizard-kind. So I thought, screw you, whenever I passed Professor Moody from then on. Apart from that, my time was eventless and boring.

That is until I realised that the next Hogsmeade trip was nearing and I was spending it with Fred Weasley. And it was on Valentine's Day. I couldn't wait! Then the days seemed to pass agonisingly slowly, every second lasting an hour. Eventually the day came, so I made myself look as good as I could before checking the mirror. I had changed my usual red streaks to purple, because I wanted a change, and matched my eyes - turning them violet. Annoyingly, I can never change my eye colour completely from red, so I had red flecks in the purple. I was wearing skinny grey jeans and a lilac top, and black boots because there was still some snow outside. I wore no makeup - I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard.

When I got to the top of the Slytherin stairs I looked around but couldn't see Fred anywhere. I sat down on a banister and sighed. "He probably forgot. Maybe he didn't really mean it, it was a passing question. If he doesn't turn up soon, I'm going on without him ...." "Who're you waiting for?" said a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw Fred, and smiled. "You, of course. Let's go!" I said jumping up from my seat on the banister. As I did so I turned around and saw Fred checking out my butt. "If you're checking out my butt?" I said, which made him smile cockily. "Yeah, I'm done. Nice hair by the way." he said as he grabbed my hand we set off to go to Hogsmeade.

When we got to the outgoing queue to go to Hogsmeade, I said, "Hey, when do I get to meet your mysterious twin brother?" "Whenever you like, Lacerta. Today if you... want to." he said, but I could tell he instantly regretted it - he wanted me to myself today. "No, no - today I'm hanging with you." I said and by that time we had passed Filch and were walking quickly towards Hogsmeade. All the way there, we chatted about everything and anything, with him I felt so natural. When we arrived at Hogsmeade Fred asked, "Where do you want to go? My mate told me about a coffee shop just down here if you want?" "Sure sounds good." I said quickly and we headed down a road. Fred was 5 steps ahead of me and when he suddenly stopped sharply, I almost walked straight into him. Then I looked at the shop and saw why he had stopped.

It was the most cute-sy, pink shop I had ever seen - even the name 'Madam Puddifoot's' was cute-sy. It made me feel ill looking at all those frilly curtains. "Which friend advised you about this place?" I asked Fred, astonished. He laughed and said, "Someone told me it was really good for Valentine's Day..." "I think I've changed my mind about that coffee - much rather a butterbeer." "Why Lacerta, you read my mind!" said Fred as we walked away quickly from Madam Puddifoot's - neither of us wanted to be seen anywhere near that place.

When we reached the Three Broomsticks, Fred went and got the drinks from Madam Rosmerta the barmaid, while I found us a table. Out of nowhere, once I'd sat down, Ginny Weasley appeared and sat in the other seat. "Sorry," I said sarcastically. "That seat's take-" "Cut the crap, Lestrange. I know what you're doing to my brother and I don't like it one bi-" I cut Ginny off, because her voice was annoying me, by saying: "What am I doing to your brother, Weasley - please enlighten me. What do you think I would want from him, there's nothing to gain whatsoever from "seducing" him. It's funny you think so highly of your family - but really Ginny use your brain. Oops, sorry - forgot you don't have one. I actually like your brother - although I'm sure that's an unknown concept to you Miss Can't-keep-a-boy-longer-than-a-day. Now if you wouldn't mind, piss off - I'm on a date." She looked at me astounded before standing up and walking fiercely out of the bar.

As soon as she'd moved, I saw Fred standing there. I sighed. "How much of that did you hear?" I asked. "From 'Cut the crap'. I think you're the first person to make her go away when she doesn't want to - she's the stubbornest girl in the universe!" We both looked at eachother for a second before bursting out laughing. When I'd calmed down, I had a swig of butterbeer and asked, "I know it's not very romantic but after this can we check out Zonko's?" "Oh thank God you said that - I've been trying to think of a way to ask you all day!" he said.

Once we'd finished our beers, we set off towards Zonko's Joke Shop. On the way there, I saw Luna and I waved happily behind Fred's back while she passed reading the Quibbler. In Zonko's, Fred and I browsed for a while before I picked up a little "surprise" for Parkinson which Fred, being a gentleman, paid for. We then went to Honeydukes Sweet Shop and he bought me some amazing chocolates, and I bought him a huge pack of acid pops. We decided to head back up to the castle and spend the rest of the day there.

On the way, we met up with Draco and his two goons, Crabbe and Goyle. "I warned you about him, Lacerta." "Yeah, and I ignored you. F*** off, Malfoy and take your little friends with you." I spat at him. I could see in his eyes that he was hurt, but I had practice not caring. "You stupid little girl! Don't fraternise with blood-traitors, if you know what's good for you, Lacerta." he said back attempting to match my harsh tones but they came out all weak. "Oh yeah, well it's a good thing I don't care about what's good for me - good God you sounded like your mother when you said that by the way - just to let you know." "Oh you think you're so great, Lacerta but you're just a loser." "If I'm a loser, what the hell are you?" "Oh you really think you're great don't you, you're not great, Lacerta although you have a great big ego." "I could take you anyday." "Come and have a go, if you think you're hard enough!" "Bring it, bitch." I said menacingly before Malfoy shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

I blocked it easily and shouted in return, "Immobulus!" he immediately stopped moving. I pushed him over easily as I passed, and beckoned Fred on. He gave Malfoy an almighty kick in the chest before following me, which made me laugh so much that I doubled over. So Fred picked me up bridal style and carried me for a few minutes before he stopped and looked me in the eyes. "I had a really good time today." I said quietly. "Me too." said Fred as he leaned towards me. I had no idea what the hell he was doing for a second until his lips touched mine. It sent sparks through my body. The kiss was sweet and short, and when we broke apart Fred grinned evilly.

He dropped my on my butt and I shouted in surprise as he ran off. But I stood up quickly and chased him. He was laughing too much to run fast so I caught him easily and jumped onto his back, which made him topple over. "Way to ruin the moment, Freddy." I said sarcastically. I helped him up and we walked back up to the castle, still laughing.

By the time we got back, nearly everyone else was already there. "Well I'd better be off, Fred." I said sadly. "Thanks so much for everything." I turned to leave when he said: "Wait, can I ask you something?" "Sure." I said, nothing could ruin my good mood. "Are you really Lacerta Lestrange?" Fred asked. I realised I was wrong - my mood had decreased immediately. "Yes, I am." I snapped. "Do you have a problem with that?" "No, of course not! I just wanted to know if my sister was lying to wind me up." Fred replied quickly. "I'm also a metamorphmagus, if that bugs you too." I said annoyed "A what-now!" said Fred, confused. I just smiled as my face morphed into all shaped and sizes and colours. "Cool, huh?" I said, smirking. "Night." I walked off leaving a very shocked Fred behind.

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