A Wolf and A Lion || Jaime La...

By burningballoon

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When the King commands Aurelia Stark and Jaime Lannister to wed, Aurelia reluctantly becomes Lady Lannister o... More

Chapter 1 . Aurelia Stark
Chapter 2 - Direwolves, white walkers, and what not
Chapter 3 - A simple conversation
Chapter 4 - The King's Arrival
Chapter 5 - A possible betrothal
Chapter 6 - First Encounter
Chapter 7 - The Feast
Chapter 8 - A Bastard and an Imp
Chapter 9 - One Step to Forever
Chapter 10 - A Lannister Perspective
Chapter 11 - Two Choices
Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn
Chapter 13 - Banters and Arguments
Chapter 14 - An Encounter with the Prince
Chapter 15 - A small present
Chapter 16 - A White Summer Wedding
Chapter 17 - Tragedy
Chapter 18 - A quiet morning
Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes
Chapter 20 - Kingsroad
Chapter 21 - Nymeria
Chapter 22 - Kings Landing
Chapter 23 - Breakfast for two
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure
Chapter 26 - Morning after
Chapter 27 - Meeting with a Stag
Chapter 28 - Iron Throne and Wolves
Chapter 29 - An unlikely conversation
Chapter 30 - The Hand's Tournament
Chapter 31 - Confronting a Lion
Chapter 32 - Flowers vs. Mountains
Chapter 33 - A piece of threat
Chapter 34 - One Lion and a pack of Wolves
Chapter 35 . Everything Has Changed
Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister
Chapter 37 . Oathbreaker
Chapter 39 . War and Prison
Chapter 40 . Battle of the Whispering Wood
Chapter 41 . A captured Lion
Chapter 42 . Growing Pains
Chapter 43 . Eddard Stark
Chapter 44 . King in the North
Chapter 45 . Between Worlds

Chapter 38 . News from Kings Landing

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By burningballoon

     They had been on the road for a couple of days, making their way towards Riverrun. Jaime had left the camp with stronger numbers than when he arrived, while Tywin was left behind with a small remainder of the Lannister men. Neither of them had spoken about that night, as Aurelia resorted back to not speaking with Jaime as soon as she heard that Tywin's plans to siege Riverrun was still underway, and Jaime has accepted to carry it out. Every moment passed in that camp felt similar to that of a prison. A soldier stood guard outside their tent unless Jaime enters, and there was nowhere she could go where the prying eyes of her husband's house does not follow her. Aurelia truly thought that Jaime would call of the attack, and allowed her the time to contact her mother in any way she can, or to at least enter Riverrun peacefully; but that is not what happened.

     She remembered that day outside Littlefinger's brothel as clear as day. The moment Ned told her that Catelyn had taken Tyrion Lannister under his command, it was as if Aurelia's brain stopped working and she tried to wonder why he would do such a thing, and how her mother could have acted upon it. It was unlike her father to capture another man; and a nobleman at that. The risks were too high, and Ned Stark was the last person she knew who wanted to start a war. Even her mother would never agree on kidnapping an innocent man; unless Tyrion truly is not as innocent as the Lannister's claims him to be. Though Aurelia cannot think of a crime he had committed that would send her parents into such a reckless act. She cannot even fathom why her mother was in the South in the first place. The last thing she knew was that she was in Winterfell, helping Robb in his duties as Lord. For her to venture so far from home was a mystery itself.

     Jaime Lannister knew just the same about her brother's capture. The only information worth knowing to him was that Catelyn Stark took his brother as prisoner, and that was all he needed to put himself on battle and do whatever it takes to ensure Tyrion's safe return. Aurelia asked him numerously about the matter, but Jaime had not heard of any news. He was in the dark as well about Catelyn Stark's motive.

     Aurelia had been doing quite some thinking ever since she left Kings Landing. She has not heard any recent news about her father other than the fact that he was recovering from his leg wound, and has resumed his position as Hand of the King; the same position he once resigned the day everything changed. She was still holding onto his promise that he'll come for her. Once he had enough strength, Ned will save her; tell her that everything will return to as it was before. She only hopes that her father would come to her rescue before Jaime arrives at Riverrun.

     Her mind would always falter to the two sisters she left behind. She wondered if they knew the truth as to why Aurelia was not with them, or if Ned told them something else because he knew that the truth was too complicated for them to comprehend. Even Aurelia herself does not completely understand the situation. Besides, the less they knew; the better. If she could, she would have gone back to at least say goodbye. She can't even remember what was the last thing they talked about. The only comfort she held was that at least Sansa and Arya were with their father other than with her. They were safer there than they would ever be wherever Aurelia is.

     Then she thought about Jon Snow; Jon, who was the furthest from the rest of her siblings. She has not heard a single word of him ever since they left Winterfell months ago. Aurelia wanted to know if Jon was enjoying his time at the Wall, or if he longed for home just as much as she is. She has no doubt that Jon would quickly rise up to the ranks as a Ranger, but she also wondered if there was a slightest moment where he wished he was back in the courtyards of Winterfell, spending his time with Robb and Aurelia. Jon was always the different one than the rest of the Stark children, and with him being a Snow only made himself more out of place. He may not share the same mother as Aurelia, but she still loved him so. Jon was her brother, and that can never change.

     Riverrun was only a day's ride away, and they were now stopping for a night's rest. Aurelia decided to sleep under the same tent as Jaime, and he had complied happily. It still does not sit well for Aurelia that her own husband it attacking the stronghold of the Tully's, and she had been speaking with him every night about it but it was not doing much. Jaime always gets irritated about hearing the matter, and he grew tired of it. It would lead to an endless argument after another, but Aurelia was not stopping even if she knew that at this point it was quite pointless. There had been no word on Catelyn Stark's whereabouts, or if Tyrion was still held as her prisoner. No word on the situation in Kings Landing, and nothing from the North.

    Aurelia had just changed into her nightgown when Jaime walked inside the tent with a troubled look on his face. She took notice of his expression, raising her eyebrows in confusion.

     "What is it?" Aurelia asked him, although she was frightened at what he would say. Never had she seen the that look on Jaime's face, and she hoped that the words coming out his mouth would not make the situation anymore dreadful than it already is.

    "There was a raven from Kings Landing." Jaime replied, raising a small folded paper he held between his fingers. Aurelia's heart jumped when she heard him spoke the name of the capital, and she walked closer to where Jaime was standing.

    "Is it from my father?" Aurelia asked him with a small smile she tried so hard to contain. Ned Stark was the first person who appeared in her mind. Who else could be writing from Kings Landing but her father? Her head churned with endless questions filled with hope. "Had father finally come to take me away from the Lannisters and tell them that Riverrun is not to be touched? Had father written to me to assure that everything would be alright? That the war currently brewing has been put to a stop?"

     "No...no it's not." Jaime said to her, bringing her moment of hopefulness into a halting stop. The confusion within her only grew as she became more wary.

     "Then what is it?" Aurelia asked him once more. She hated hearing Jaime's tone. There wasn't a single joy in his voice, and Aurelia knew then that she was not going to like hearing whatever news was sent from the capital. "Jaime, tell me." She began to raise her voice, not enjoying the suspension Jaime was giving her.

     "Robert Baratheon is dead. His firstborn son, Joffrey Baratheon now sits on the Iron Throne." Jaime announced though he did not exude any happiness upon saying it. Aurelia's eyes widened in response to hearing him, as if she could not believe the words coming out his mouth.

     "What? How?" Aurelia questioned him. The sudden news of his death made it difficult for Aurelia to process. He may have been drinking and whoring his way to an early grave, but no one had expected it to be this early. As far as everyone knew, the King was not ill. But Aurelia thought how else could he die if not due to sickness? He had fought no battles ever since the Greyjoy rebellion, and there were no enemies Robert nor the small council suspect would want to kill him.

     "It seems he had too much wine to drink before he decided to go hunting. He tried to kill the boar, but the animal got to him first." Jaime explained, and even the nature of Robert's death seemed dubious for Jaime at first glance.

   Now Joffrey sits on the Iron Throne and before this news, Aurelia never spared an extra thought of the eldest prince who was a rightful prick all the time. She never could understand why Sansa glorifies him when his attitude is anything but princely. Her encounter with Joffrey in the courtyard of Winterfell still appears from time and time, and it always succeeds in bringing a shudder into Aurelia's body. Daresay, Aurelia thinks that Robert would still be a better King than Joffrey would ever be. With the throne ascended to him and giving that much power to someone who is only a child, can become disastrous at the very least.

     "And my father? Is he still Hand of the King?" Aurelia asked Jaime, and she saw the shift in his composure. It was hard not to notice. With Robert Baratheon dead, ideally Ned Stark would still become Hand of the King; unless Joffrey chooses another Hand.

     "Your father has been imprisoned by the King for his acts of treason." Jaime informed her the information Aurelia find to be too incredulous to call the truth. All Aurelia heard was nonsense coming out of Jaime's mouth. There was no ossible way that Ned Stark would be imprisoned, let alone for treason. Her father isn't capable of such an act.

   "What?" Aurelia responded with complete shock, "That can't be true! My father will never betray the Throne. That's absurd!" She exclaimed, not wanting to accept the truth due its ridiculous nature. Anyone who believes Ned Stark to be treasonous is as foolish as that claim. "Give me the letter." She snatched the small piece of paper from Jaime's hand and unfolded it.

     "The late King Robert has tragically died after succumbing to his wounds brought upon a boar during his hunt earlier on the day. His firstborn son, Joffrey Baratheon, is now named King of the Seven Kingdoms, with the Queen Regent standing beside him. Soon after the ascension, Ned Stark, the Hand of the King, Lord of Winterfell, and Warden of the North, conspired against Robert's brothers to seize the Throne for himself. He has been charged for treason and imprisoned."

     Aurelia read the letter over and over again, hoping that the more time she'll read it, the more it'll make sense to her. Jaime was telling her the truth, though she cannot comprehend it.

     "This...this isn't true." Aurelia shook her head out of disbelief as her eyes began to water. She was clutching the letter tightly as her heart felt as though it stopped. This was not what was supposed to happen; not even close. Her eyes went up to Jaime whose expression had softened, as he felt guilty that his family was responsible for putting her in such a position. "There must be a mistake! Someone must have put him up to do this. Is this your family's doing? Is this punishment for my mother capturing Tyrion? Make my father the prisoner?" Aurelia bombarded him with questions as she tried to make sense of the situation.

     "I do not know anything about this, Aurelia." Jaime tried telling her that he knew just as much as she does. He may think that Ned Stark is foolish, but he is not stupid. If Ned wanted the throne for himself, he would have taken it the day he found Jaime sitting on it during the sack of Kings Landing.

     "No? That's your nephew sitting on the Iron Throne with your sister beside him. You and your men are attacking my mother's childhood home. If that is not enough, you decide to throw my father into prison over an act you must know to be incredulous!" Aurelia shouted, unable to hold it in anymore. "I...I can't stay here. I have to go." She gave the letter back to Jaime, and headed her way outside the tent.

     "Where are you going?" Jaime raised his voice as he grabbed Aurelia's arm before she could go any further.

     "To Kings Landing." Aurelia exclaimed, "I cannot do nothing while my father wastes away in the cells below the keep. I have listened to you Jaime, and I have followed you. But I have to help my father. I have to."

     "I cannot let you go to Kings Landing on your own! Are you mad? What do you think you will be doing when you arrive there? How exactly are you going to prove your father's innocence?" Jaime questioned her, as he tried to put Aurelia in a practical state of mind. He would continuously fear for Aurelia's life as soon as she steps out of camp, and return to the capital out of all places. He was certain that when Aurelia arrives at the Keep, she would probably share the same cell as her father, and Cersei would make her life a living hell. Before, Cersei was not brave enough to do anything because Jaime was always around. But without Jaime protecting her, Cersei can do as she please with Aurelia.

     "I have to at least try!" Aurelia continued to argue with him, as she can no longer hold back the tears. "I have no idea where my mother is, my brother is all the way in Winterfell, for all I know my sisters may very well be held hostages in their own room, and I'm here just waiting for you to attack my family. I won't stand quietly any longer."

     "Sending you to the capital will be the same thing as sending you to death. I would not let that happen!" Jaime told her,

    "Please, Jaime...if you are the man that you told me that night...you would let me help my own father." Aurelia pleaded, but Jaime knew that it was her emotions taking control of her.

     "If I let you go all on your own...I'll be forsaking the very vow I gave to you. I'll be exactly the man your father never wanted you to marry. I took you here because the only safe place you can be is with me. If it were not Aurel, I would have asked you to stay in Casterly Rock or left you in the capital. But it's not safe in either place because I do not know what my family will do to you. Especially now since our Houses are truly at a strife. I cannot let you go." Jaime said, and that was perhaps the closest thing Jaime could ever be in revealing his feelings about Aurelia to Aurelia herself.

     "You can't let me go, or you could not care less for what happens to my father?" Aurelia questioned him, "Weeks ago you were at each other's throats, and now that my father is imprisoned...you must be happy are you not?"

     "Not this again, Aurel..." Jaime let out a loud sigh as he knows where this conversation is heading.

   "Whether my mother captured Tyrion or not, or whether she did so under my father's command has nothing to do with the fact that you bear no fondness towards him. You've always despised him ever since that night, and I understand that it may be difficult for you to forgive him but, Jaime.... this is my father. His future is on the line here, and the North will take news as kindly as you want them. I do not care if I'm going against you or not. I will help my father."

    "There is nothing you can do, Aurelia. What argument will you give to my sister when she sees you in the great hall? How are you even sure you'll reach the capital safely? The Kingsroad is dangerous, and right now we are in the middle of the night!" Jaime reminded her, "Look, I know you want to help your father, but do you truly think he would want you to come back to the place he told you to leave from?"

      "And what of my sisters? Of Arya? Of Sansa? The letter mentions nothing of them." Aurelia pointed out,

    "Cersei won't hurt them. Even that is beneath her." Jaime said, though it was not the slightest bit comforting for Aurelia. "I cannot say that I feel the same way you do as to your father's situation. However, Ned Stark being accused of treason for wanting to take the throne for himself...is ridiculous as it sounds."

    "But you still won't help me." Aurelia said exactly what was going on Jaime's mind at that very moment. Her tone changed to that of somber, as she realizes that Jaime can never understand how much her family means to her.

    "You know what that means for me."

   "You have a family, Jaime. A sister, a brother, a father, and three nephews and nieces. I know you love them. I can see that through how much you are willing to fight for Tyrion's return. Am I not allowed to do the same? Am I not allowed to fight for my family?"

    Jaime pondered on her words for a moment. In his mind, helping Aurelia's family would mean that he'd be betraying his own. His father gave him a mission, and Tywin never gave that much trust to him ever since he was born. The look on his father that day provided him with a surge of loyalty, and the reassurance he never knew he wanted until Tywin gave it. Helping Aurelia with her family, or even writing a letter to Cersei to discuss Ned Stark's imprisonment would mean defying everything his father has asked him to do.

    "Your brother is already fighting for your father's justice. He has the entire North behind him, and he's due South." Jaime informed her, and the news was another surprise for Aurelia.

     The first thing that came to her mind was,"Robb? My brother, Robb who is supposed to be in Winterfell?" and the second thing was, "It is not fair that Robb could do exactly what she wants, and yet here she stands on other side of the line, afraid of her own husband's family, and a husband whose heart is so egotistical he could not even bother to help his wife."

     "I'm not entirely sure what he is trying to do, but there is no harm in letting the boy try. My father's forces will quickly finish him off if he does not come into battle with mine first." Jaime continued to say, and Aurelia's face turned cold. Robb may not have any experience in battle, nor as a commander; but he has always been a fast learner. Aurelia was certain he will learn along the way, and the other Northern Lords can become his mentor.

     "You don't know my brother. Robb is more of a man than you ever are; and more honorable than you could ever be." Aurelia pointed out bravely at that, and Jaime's mouth turned into a sly grin upon hearing the sentence meant to be an insult to him.

     "Watch your words, wife. Remember whose family you belong to now." Jaime reminded her of Aurelia's place as his voice turned menacing, but it did not quiver her away. "Get some rest. I want to hear no mention of this anymore." Jaime said before he walked away.

    "Sometimes I wonder," Aurelia spoke once more, "If any of your words are true, or if they are all a lie for your own amusement."

     "I've never lied to you before." Jaime told her,

     The only secret he held from her was that he had a relationship with Cersei, and all of her children was his as well. That Joffrey is not the rightful heir to the throne, and that him along with Myrcella and Tommen are bastards. Aurelia never suspected a thing nor should she, and they had been discreet ever since Jon Arryn's death. Jaime never saw Cersei unless he had to, or she was the one who was coming to him. But he had been putting a distance between the two, because Jaime understands that Cersei can hold the upper hand in any circumstance involving the two, and that would be dangerous to their lives, and to Aurelia.

     "No? What about where your feelings lie? You told me you care for me-"

   "And that's the truth." Jaime said, while taking a step closer to her. "Do I love her?" Jaime asked that question to himself as he tried to look at Aurelia's eyes for answer. She too once revealed that she cares for him; however, that was before he led an attack on Ned Stark. One thing Jaime knew was that feelings do not go away in a day, but perhaps Aurelia's feelings were not as strong as he hoped for it to be.

    They looked at one another for another moment, not realizing that they were only inches apart from one another, despite them standing far apart at the beginning of their conversation. Jaime longs for her, and he wished that he could forgive Aurelia's mother for kidnapping Tyrion, and for not being able to defy his father's orders. Perhaps if he could, there would not be a huge strain in their relationship. He also wishes that Aurelia can accept his actions and stand by his side willingly. Now with Ned Stark in prison, Aurelia would grow even further apart.

    "I truly care for you, Aurelia." Jaime continued to say,

    "Then why do you act exactly the opposite of that?" Aurelia asked him, her voice becoming soft. "I have been trying to understand you, but I can never come up with an answer. I genuinely believed that you are not the man people have been whispering about; the man whom my father came to despise. I told you that I would say no to him when he wanted me to leave Winterfell because I wanted to give us a chance. I defended you whenever my father would warn me not to get close, or whenever he calls you a man without honor. And do you know why I did all those things? Because I believe in you. I know that somewhere inside you that there is a true knight. A person who is willing to do the just thing for this world. But these past few days...I can't see it."

    "It's complicated, Aurel..." Jaime said, and Aurelia scoffed in response.

    "You don't get to tell me about what's complicated." Aurelia said, as she jabbed her forefinger on Jaime's chest. He was not the one in a complicated position.

    The night ended up with Aurelia and Jaime sleeping on opposite sides of the bed. Jaime thought it was progress, because at least they were not sleeping on different tents. Though neither spoke to each other after the argument, or even held one another closely on the bed, it was better than nothing for Jaime. As for Aurelia, she did not want to spend another night alone.

     She has been denying the fact that she does not miss his touch in order to make herself feel better. In actual truth, she was scared to recognize and accept her feelings towards Jaime. It may not be love, but it was something deeper than a feeling of mutual care for one another. She isn't quite sure herself, and Aurelia is not an expert when it comes to love. Never having experienced one before, the only romantic love she ever knew was the love between her parents; and Aurelia and Jaime were far beyond that. She knows that her father would be willing to do anything to help her mother, and Jaime would not do the same to her. Aurelia was not certain she would do the same for Jaime either. She thought to herself how can she even still care for Jaime when all he has ever done is place Aurelia in a difficult situation, but her feelings would not disappear despite her wanting it to be.

     It was hard for Aurelia to sleep that night. She lay wide awake in the dark, unsure if Jaime was already asleep or not; but that was the least of her worries. With King Robert dead, and now Joffrey is sitting on the throne, she was afraid that everything will change. Joffrey was no prince, nor is he a King. There were other men in the Kingdom Aurelia is certain would make a better King than Joffrey Baratheon. Now with her father imprisoned, the fear in Aurelia's heart only grew. He promised her that he would come and save her; that he'll find her and bring her home. She had been holding on to that promise ever since she left Kings Landing. But now that hope has diminished. There was no chance that her father can ever come to her now. It was still difficult to process the fact that her father, the honorable Ned Stark is imprisoned and for treasonous actions for a matter of fact. She was truly certain that her father has been falsely accused, though for whatever reason she could not fathom.

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