The 'Gimme' Effect (Book 1)

By SidneyFaith15

835 39 8

After joining the crew, Dr. Amber Presley finds herself faced with a deadly disease. What will she do when he... More

The New Doctor
The Green Blob
The New Captain


136 6 2
By SidneyFaith15

          I took control of the tricorder and scanned the patient who was laying on the surgical bed. The Captain, First Officer, and Lieutenant crowded around.

          "I'm not sure. He came in here and demanded that I give him an apple and when I didn't, he became violent. He grabbed me by the neck and held me on the wall until my assistant used the Hypospray. I scanned him all over but found nothing unusual. Except for one thing. He had a very odd greenish color on the inside of his left wrist. It was not very big and the tricorder sensed nothing." She informed, worry, confusion, and panic plastered across her face. I stared at her, shaking my head.

          "No, no it can't be...Security!" I tapped my communicator, "I want an immediate forcefield quarantine in Sick Bay on the latest patient. Hurry!" I ordered, and a blue light surrounded the man as we stepped back. I tripped over Data, who was closest to me, and almost fell to the ground when two large hands caught me. Data helped me back up, but I didn't stop to say thank you. As Lieutenant Commander Worf flew into the room, I hurried over to the Nurse. "Tell me what did this man touch? Anything that you recall? This is vital!" I pressed, staring at the Nurses frightened face.
          "What is going on Doctor?!" Captain demanded.
          "Erm- yes!" the Nurse remembered. "He leaned on that chair as he was asking me for an apple."
          "Get away from that chair!" I yelled, pushing the Captain, Riker, and Data to the other side of the room.
          "Doctor Presley-"
          "Worf! Quickly! Set your phaser to kill and get rid of that chair. Now." I directed, and Worf did as he was told. After that, I tapped my Insignia.
          "Attention, everyone aboard the Enterprise. Do NOT, I repeat do NOT enter Sick Bay. Don't come near it. Doctor's orders." I sighed. I turned to the Nurse. "Don't touch anyone or anything. Now, do you feel like you want something? A bowl of ice cream? Anything?"
          The Nurse thought for a second. "Doctor, what is going on? I demand to know-"
          "Not now Captain. This is critical. Let her answer." I spit, covering the Captains mouth with my hand.
          I'm going to get in trouble for that! I thought.
         Data looked down at me surprised.
         "I know! I would like a glass of Milk!" She giggled, examining us.
         "Worf," I muttered quietly as the five of us faced her. "ask the Replicator to make a glass of milk. Quickly!" I hissed, pushing him in the direction of the Replicator. Growling slightly, Worf came back with the item. Worf handed it to me, and I plastered a fake smile on my face.
Walking up to the Nurse, I handed the milk to her. "Here you go! One glass of milk. Your request!"
          As soon as the milk entered her body, the Nurse fainted, falling hard to the ground.
          "Stay back," I said and with caution, squatted and picked up her left arm, examining her wrist. A green circle faded from sight right away. "She will be fine."
          Dropping her arm, I stood back up, staring at Worf.
          "What was that green thing?!" The Captain gasped, but with a stern tone to his voice.
          "Worf, ask the Replicator for an apple. As soon as I release the force field and use the Hypospray to wake him up, give the apple to him, but DO NOT touch him. Understand?" I ignored the Captain, but it was necessary. Worf glanced at the Captain as he followed my directions and lowered the force field. Immediately, I injected him with the Hypospray. The man woke up, and immediately, Worf gave him the apple. After taking a bite, the man fell back down, cold. I inspected his wrist and with the Commander, Lieutenant Commander, and Captain breathing down my neck, I dropped it back to his side. "He will be fine along with the Nurse. I need to complete a full exam on each of you before you leave Sick Bay. Then, I will explain to you what is going on, but I will tell you this now. It IS serious. So please, cooperate." I sighed, folding my hands in front of me. Running a hand through his hair, Riker stared down at Jean-Luc.
          "Okay. I will have to trust your judgment." The Captain sighed, annoyance evident on his face.
          "Data, you go first, followed by the Captain, Worf, and Riker. Please sit down on the table Data." I said, pointing to them as I spoke, the patted the bed.
          Data did as he was told, and jumped up on the table. Grabbing the tricorder, I scanned his body. Riker stood beside me as I did so. "This thing is like a fish out of the water..." I muttered as Data tilted his head. "It hasn't popped up for years..."
          "Inquiry: Fish Out Of The Water?" Data asked, furrowing his android eyebrows.
Riker chuckled. "It means out of place Data."
         Data lightened up. "Ah! Fish Out Of Water. Someone who is uncomfortable in a situation. Awkward, inconvenient, difficult, embarrassing, problematic, humiliating, tense-"
          "Thank you Mr. Data. You're very funny." I giggled. "You are finished. Captain? You're next."
          "Funny? I was only trying to understand her choice of words?" Data questioned as he hopped off of the table. Shaking my head, I smiled as Data exited. Hovering the tricorder over the Captain and Worfs bodies, I found nothing.
          "Riker, Doctor, report to Conference room once you are done here to discuss what is going on here," Picard ordered, examining us for a moment before leaving with Worf.
          "Doctor, how serious is this?" Commander Riker asked as I scanned him. I mentally rolled my eyes.
         "Commander Riker, with all due respect, that was a very worthless question. If this was not lethal, would I place my hand over his mouth to shut up the Captain? Would I ignore him as I worked? Would I order the whole ship not to come into Sick Bay? Sir, this is beyond dangerous-" I paused my rant as the tricorder picked something up. I furrowed my brows as I scanned again. I set the tricorder to a more intense setting.
          "What is it?" Riker asked his head following my every move. Panick was laced in his voice and actions, but he kept his cool.
          "I found something, but I'm not sure what it is. I don't think it's warranted to keep you in confinement, but if you feel like you want something or feel weird, come straight to me." I explained, making sure he understood. Relaxation was visible, but I knew he was still a bit worried.
          "Yes, Doctor. Now, shall we get to the conference room so you can tell us what this is all about?" Riker suggested, sliding off of the table and allowing me to exit first.
          "Yes, Sir." I nodded and marched out before him.
          "Conference room," Commander ordered the turbolift. After the doors opened, I exited, followed by Riker, and we entered the Conference room, where all the senior staff was. The Captain sat at the end of the table, and Riker took the seat to the Captains right, while Data sat on his left. Deanna sat beside Data, Geordi beside Deanna, Worf beside Riker, Wesley beside Worf. I stood awkwardly at the opposite end of the table.
          "Now Doctor, please explain to us. What is going on, on my ship?" Captain asked, everyone's eyes on me. I took a deep breath before I started.

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