Words ↬h.s.

Por dudemagnet

555 58 43

[OH HOLD BECAUSE I SUCK AT LIFE] "This is going to sound crazy but I was in love with you before I even met y... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 6

36 3 2
Por dudemagnet

"Bless you" I smiled when Finnick sneezed.

Sneezing was always so funny to me, I have no idea way it makes people so cute sometimes.

I heard another sneeze come from Mace, as soon as I finished blessing him Finnick sneezed once again.

I laughed bending down to the boys.

"We've got a symphony." I smiled widely wiping some caramel off of Mace's cheek from his caramel apple.

They both looked confused Finnick spoke up "What's a symph- sympnannaae?"

I laughed the fall air making it sound louder than I actually was, "A symphony is a song played by musicians in a big group." I explained.

"Oh ok." He replied, simply rubbing his now strawberry red nose. I looked over at Mace his soft blue eyes danced across the playground covered in orange leaves. He looked like he was pondering something pretty hard.

He always was intellectual, he loved learning he was an excellent student. I suppose he got that from his mother she was always like that, but one things for certain they got their looks from their father, their ocean blue eyes and sandy hair. But they had their mother's nose which I was always jealous of.

I pated Mace's leg bringing him to look at me "I think we should probably go, I think it's getting to cold for you both now." I decided.

To my surprise they agreed by standing up off the bench and holding my hands.They must be extremely tired. I smiled at the a man and a dark headed woman as they passed.

"Your children are so cute." She cooed with a warm smile. I blushed from a slight ping of embarrassment.

"Thank you but they're my nephews." I corrected smiling back, she blushed.

"Oh well you're great with them, you'll be a great mother." She said leaning into her husband I suppose for warmth.

"Thank you ma'am." I continued my smile while picking up Finnick. He was beginning to fall asleep already, his head sunk to my shoulder as I wished the woman a good day.

I walked down the cement path, the sun cut through the almost leave less trees bathing us in a bright orange. We continued walking until the sun cut to my eyes temporarily blinding me for a split second.

I closed my eyes in a small attempt to block it out, before I knew It I was falling backwards with Finnick in hand. I braced for the fall trying to protect him.

Before I could hit the ground a pair of arms wrapped around me pulling me tightly towards their chest. I opened my eyes to see nothing but black.

"Did I die?" I ask excepting no one to answer because I'm dead.

I felt a deep chuckle run through the person's chest and slip out above me.

"No, no you didn't." a deep, masculine voice ended my fear. I looked up to see a pair of hazel eyes matching mine.

"Oh." I mumbled, Finnick still asleep.

"I'm sorry I was smoking a cigarette not looking up I didn't mean to bump into you, love." He said with a slight rasp from the cigarette I figured.

He gave me a small smile that sent chills down my spine, the way his tongue was slightly showing between his teeth. I sat there starring at his face until I remembered that I hadn't said anything.

"Um no it was my fault im sure." I spoke softly, he shook his head.

"No most definitely mine, my lady." He started "I could have caused you and your children some serious harm." He almost frowned his eyebrows knitting together I almost melt at the child like face he's wearing.

"They're my nephews but its fine." I manage to squeak out.

I can't help breathe in his smell, he smelled of peppermint, pines and fresh bread with the smallest twinge of cigarette smoke. I laid there thinking of his smell until I realized I was still in his arms. I stood up straight and distanced myself.

"Thank you for catching me again." I said admiring his facial hair along his strong jaw line, he gave me a small smile and nodded his head.

"Auntie Bren will you hold me too?" Mace asked being completely oblivious to what had happened, I had almost forgotten he was here.

"I'm sorry Mace I can't Finnick's asleep." I said with a sad tone.

"Well if you don't mind I'll take you buddy." The man offered to Mace.

"I don't think-" I stopped when Mace put his arms up for him to pick him up, I awed "He must really be tired."

"So Auntie Bren is the name?" he asked as we continued walking, the sun no longer an issues because we had stopped to talk so long, I smiled.

"Brenlee." I say stepping over a can on the ground "Yours." I ask trying to seem breezy.

He smiled incredulously rubbing the back of his head "You can call me Milo." He replied.

"Nice to meet you Milo." I said cheerfully "I'd shake your hand but mine are full." He chortled, I giggled with him.

When we'd reached my sliver 4 runner and buckled in a pair of sleeping twins I thanked him once more "Don't mention it, sparkles." He chuckled.

I cocked my head to the side in confusion "Why do you call me that." I questioned. He shuffled his feet looking down at the ground and then back at me.

"Because your eyes sparkle when you smile." He replied in an almost childlike tone. My features soften and a shy smile emerges, which causes me to blush and smile harder.

He grinned shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Well I better go, ya know get these guys to bed." I said pointing to the snoring lumps in the back seat, he nodded.

"Alright see you around." He waved as I got in the car and pulled off.

I didn't stop floating until I got to my parents' house and mom greeted me at the door.

"Chanston's broke her leg!" she half yelled.

"What how?" I asked in concern.

"She was at her softball practice and landed on it wrong, somehow." She almost cried.

"Well what hospital is she at?" I asked.

"Cone." She sniffled I rubbed her back.

"Mom she's just broken her leg it's not like she'll never walk again." I tried to comfort her.

"You don't know that." She said running back towards the kitchen.

Well there's old mom again I thought.

I heard my phone ringing from upstairs, I ran up to get it.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Miss O'Brien this is American Airlines we just wanted to call and say that we've found your suit case and have shipped it out this afternoon." The man said.

"Oh, that's great thank you." I said looking out the window to a limping Chanston. When I noticed her I rushed off the phone and ran to her.

"How are you walking?" I questioned frantically trying to help she chuckled a bit.

"Its just a pulled muscle she." Smiled at me with her mother's brown eyes.

My arms fell at my side.

"Mom told me you broke it." I said in a high pitched cackle, she snorted.

"No." she managed to make out about that time mom came running out.

"Oh Chance my baby what happened to you." She babied her.

Chance leaned into her hug standing on her crutches "I'm fine Grandma." She assured lovingly.

I laughed at my mother remembering her saying she might not be able to walk.

"Well it sure doesn't look like it lets get you inside dear." She said with a red lipped kiss on her forehead leading her inside.

I followed behind snickering about my mother's ultra-grandma mode, Chance sends me a glance. When I smelt the peppermint candle burning in the kitchen I remembered how Milo smelt and how the sun made his eyes look almost transparent. Then I found myself on the subject wondering about what Harry looked like.

Why was I thinking of him? There is no sense in trying to make well, sense out of this madness. I just want to find him and switch our journals back.

I miss writing in that book so much and it's never been out of my sight this long, what if he's thrown it away what if he gave it away.

I'm tired of these stupid fears haunting me at the weirdest times.

I run up stairs to read more in the journal determined to find some information right now, I open the door and walk to the bed, my eyes widen.

The journals gone


psst that guy on the side is where I got the inspration for milo. but you may invision him anyway you like. :)

have a great day beautys .

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