A Miraculous Mother's Day Sp...

By SummerCheng37

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Prologue: She dumped Me?
Chapter 1: Adrien Goes Emo?
Chapter 2 Mr. Cheng's Chat with Emilie?
Chapter 4 Emilie Talks to Marinette?
Chapter 5 Party Fiasco?
Chapter 6 Master Fu's Annoucement?
Chapter 7 More Tatoos Go?
Chapter 8 Natalie Shows Marinette to the Guest Area?
Chapter 9 Marinette's Bodyguard?
Chapter 10 Midnight Madness?
Chapter 11 Adrien Ask Her...
Chapter 12 Adrien Under Arrest?
Chapter 13 Marinette Faints?
Epilogue: A Fresh Mother's Day Start?

Chapter 3 Marinette the Bluenette?

37 1 0
By SummerCheng37

        Marinette Dupain-Cheng arrives to her first day at Paris Community College.  She feels so nervous as it is her first day in both a new place and at a new school.  She can not believe that she is finally here!  It has been her dream to come to France!  It is like everything is great for her! Little does she know what troubles await her now!

      Marinette runs to class!  She might as well as she is late. She trips and falls. Her books scatter everywhere!  She thinks, great I barely get here and now I drop everything!  So much, for a good first impression.  She struggles to stand up.

     Adrien sees the new girl fall.  He does not laugh though as no one else is around to hear it.  He looks to see if she is alright.  He has no ideas why he wants to know.  It is not like he owes her anything.  Why he does even know her yet!  He could care less what happens to this chick.

     He sees her attempt to stand up only to loose her balance and fall over her loose shoe laces all over again. He smirks.  He chuckles under his breath as he reaches down and helps her up.  Once he sees her turn to face him he gasps.  He feels his cheeks burn.  He can not understand this.  How could she have such an effect on him?   He does not like her, right?

    "Oh, thanks, I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"  Marinette introduces herself.

  "Whatever, I am Adrien Agreste!"  He says.

    "Where are my text books?"  Marinette ask.

    "Do not know, do not care."  Adrien remarks.

     "Well, you do not have to be so rude!"  Marinette states.

    "Hmmpfth, I could care less what you think!"  Adrien says.

     "Yeah, well I can not stand you either!"  Marinette responds.

         Marinette finds her things, gathers them up, and walks into class. She has no bag because her mother could not afford one, and her father drinks to much to notice this.  She arrives tardy, but slides into an empty desk near the front.  She sees the blonde boy she had the run in with earlier and she ignores him when he tries to talk to her.

      Adrien finds his seat. He can not believe it!  That  young gal, he saw only moments before is actually in his class. He tries to speak with her, but she ignores him.  He thinks, fine, be that way!  Two can play at this game, Marinette Dupain-Cheng!

      The teacher  stands up and says, "Hey, new girl do please come and tell us about yourself!"

        Marinette stands up. She comes to the front of the room.   Marinette says, "Hi, I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I am in my early twenties, I am new here, because I took online classes for college last semester.  I just got here a few weeks ago from America.  It is a dream to study abroad here!  I hope I can make many friends here!   I have already met one of the others students here, an Adrien Agreste!  I must say he is one of the most crude, and horrid people I have ever met!   Somehow, I think he and I will never get alone!  Which is by the way, just peachy with me!"  She finishes, and sits back down at her desk.  She pays no attention when Adrien stands up,and runs out of the class.  She does not see the single tear fall down his cheek.

     Adrien runs. He does not stop until he finds himself inside the boys locker room. He is furious!  How dare she judge him like this!  This new girl who knows very little about him!  How could she be so mean?  How could she just insult him? Why no one else has ever done this?  No one else ever stands up to him like she does!  Ugh!  He  looks in the mirror and sees his eyes water!

      What?  What is this?  How could this happen? He is not one to cry?  Why should Adrien care what this girl thinks about him anyway?   It is not like he wants to be her friend anyway, right?  So when then did he run?  Why is he in with tears down his face?   He can not seem to stop them.  He can not seem to quit try as he might.  He can not seem to leave the room. He sits down on the floor near the lockers with his head down in shame.  He thinks, what is this emotion?  Could it be sadness?  How?  How is that even possible?   He has not been sad in years!  

     Adrien continues to sob. He feels his cheeks burn, his heart race, and his eyes fill full of wet drops. He decides he must leave now.  He can not let anyone else find out he has feelings.  He must let anyone else in  because to do so, would destroy all he has built up.  It would make him explore things he has not in a long time.  He feels so uncomfortable he does not even head home.  He goes to the tattoo parlor.  He asks much to the surprise both to the workers and himself,  "May I have a tattoo taken off please?"  He has no ideas why he does this? He pays for the removal of the tattoo that says, "Love Stinks and the heart around it"  from off his arm.  He leaves with one less body ink than he has before, he goes home next and straight to his room.  

     He does not say a word to his mother. He refuses to come out of his room.  He dares not talk to anyone.  He is in pain again.  How?   He has no idea.  He just know it scares him!  He trembles in terror at the knowledge that Marinette the Blunette could have such an impact on him!  He sobs.  He continues to do so until he falls asleep.

    In Adrien's  Dream...

      "Hey, Blue Hair Girl!  What is to you if I kiss her?  Why should you care?"  Adrien scowls.

     "For your information, Banana Breath, I  care because you are my friend and I love you!"  Marinette confesses.

        "What?  No one loves me!  No one except my own mother!  You pity me maybe, but love, ha!" Adrien snears at her.

     "You may not believe me, but that is still no reason to kiss Dorlis like this!"  Marinette remarks.  She slaps him across his smug face.  She runs away in tears.  She can not believe she fell in love with such a jerk like him!  She sobs. 

      Adrien pushes Dorlis away from him, when she tries to take his shirt off.  "No," He growls.  He runs off, leaves the girl in shock behind him as he looks for Marinette.  He finds her on the bridge.  He gasps as he sees her about to jump off!   He grabs her to stop her.  He does not know why, but he can not let her die. He must save her!  He picks her up bridal style and carries her in his arms back to his place.

    He takes Marinette to his room, closes and locks the door.  He sets her down on his bed. He smirks.  He kisses her all over her face and neck. He takes his shirt off. He smiles as he sees Marinette blush.  He smiles more, when it deepens as he reaches up and presses his lips over hers.

   Marinette moans. She breaks the kiss, and stutters, "A-Adrien, stop it!  Stop now!  D-do not k-kiss me ever again!"  She feels tears in her eyes.  She stands up. She tries back away from him, but he smirks.

   Adrien remarks, "Come on, Mari!  You know you want me!  As I do you!  Dorlis was a mistake, we are through!  Honest!  I want you only!"  He kisses her again. He holds her hands in his own.  He feels her give into the kiss as she returns it.  He feels her release his hold on her hands.  He feels her touch his chest.  He knows now , he loves her!  He must prove it to her, somehow, but how?

   Marinette puts her hands in his hair next. She takes off her jacket.  Now she has on her jeans, her socks, shoes, belt, her undergarments, and her camisole.  She did not wear a t-shirt today as it was so hot outside.  She feels him touch her arm.  She screams out in pain, "Adrien, that hurts!  My father he put a bruise on it and it might be broken.  What should I do?  Mom is to upset, to admit that he abuses me and her!  I am afraid.  Afraid of my own father."

     Adrien looks at her arm and sees a huge purple mark across it.  He is furious, how could someone do this to her?  How could someone hurt her?  How could someone attack his girl, his Marinette? 

    ...end of his dream...

  Adrien wakes up from the dream.  He shudders.  He thinks, what a dream!  What on earth could it mean though?  It is not like Marinette really is hurt from her own father, or is she?  He frowns.  

    Meanwhile, back in the college...

     Marinette and the others ignore the fact that Adrien skips the rest of the classes that day. 

    The teacher is not to happy to see he does not come.  In fact, she seems a bit angry about this.  "Ugh, it seems Adrien Agreste is not here  again!  Where did he go? Does anyone know?"  She ask.

   "No, Madame  Kiser!"  Marinette says.

    "He left , in the middle of home room, so there is no telling where he went." Chloe says.

    "He was in a rush that is all I know."  Nino remarks.

      "Nino is right."  Alya states.

        The teacher gets back to her lecture, as Marinette thinks, strange he should race off like this. She feels her face flush. Why should she blush?  She hates him, right?  

          Later after the classes are over for the day...

             "I know this may come as shock, but Adrien use to be way nicer." Nino says.

               "What ? you are kidding right?  There is no way that could be true!" Marinette scoffs at the very idea.

            "Actually, he is right.  You see Adrien was a nice boy, but then years ago his girlfriend broke his heart as if it is not bad enough his father is no longer around. "Alya says.

          "Yeah, then he become like a new person as a result."  Chloe remarks.

            "He  may be cruel now, but is only because she broke him."  Max tells her.

            "He just needs someone to understand him that is all."  Luka says.

           "My big brother here is right, he is just mean because he is upset. He does not even probably release how awful he is anyway. I feel kinda sorry for him."  Juleka says. 

         "Yes, well you may all say this, but try as you might I still can not believe you!  I refuse too!  There is no way, you speak of the same blonde jerk I met!  No way at all!  Why the very idea, is ridiculous!  It is impossible!  You can not be serious, he can not be the same Adrien I know!  Ha,ha very funny prank guys!  Get real!  Adrien is not nice, and he never was,so there!"  Marinette states. She runs home with the thought that her friends are mistaken.  It is not possible even just a little that the Adrien she met could have a past with an ounce of kindness in it.

         Marinette goes home.  She does her homework.  She goes downstairs.  Her mother says, "There is an Emilie Agreste here to see you!  She says she is the mother of a classmate of yours."  Sabine says.

      "Okay, thanks mom!"  Marinette says.

      "Hmmpfth, take her to your room to talk.  I am not in the mood for company." Tom says.  He is drunk as usual, and in one of his rages.  He throws a bottle at her as she takes the stairs to he room.  Emilie goes upstairs too.

     Now in her room, Marinette wonders why would his mother come here?  How odd!  

         to be continued in Chapter 4  Emilie  Talks to  Marinette?       

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