A Miraculous Mother's Day Sp...

By SummerCheng37

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Prologue: She dumped Me?
Chapter 2 Mr. Cheng's Chat with Emilie?
Chapter 3 Marinette the Bluenette?
Chapter 4 Emilie Talks to Marinette?
Chapter 5 Party Fiasco?
Chapter 6 Master Fu's Annoucement?
Chapter 7 More Tatoos Go?
Chapter 8 Natalie Shows Marinette to the Guest Area?
Chapter 9 Marinette's Bodyguard?
Chapter 10 Midnight Madness?
Chapter 11 Adrien Ask Her...
Chapter 12 Adrien Under Arrest?
Chapter 13 Marinette Faints?
Epilogue: A Fresh Mother's Day Start?

Chapter 1: Adrien Goes Emo?

50 2 0
By SummerCheng37

         Time skip ahead, to two whole years later!  

           Adrien rarely shows up on time to school anymore.  He makes grades that barely help him get by, his piano lessons are all, but forgotten as the instrument sits in the corner.   He wears sleeveless tops most days, so that all can see his tattoos.  He has more tattoos than most people have of makeup on these days.  He just got three more yesterday!  Now, he is one mess when it comes to his skin, and his personality is completely different to say the least.

      He combs his hair,which is no longer blonde.  Now it is jet black, with green streaks in it, and along with this he wears lots of black clothes lately mostly solid black, but a few that have some green with them.  He spends most of his time with video games and other wild activities!  Some are so horrible even his mother can not believe he is caught up in such things.  

     Adrien is indeed not himself.  To put it lightly, it is as if he is a whole other person!  Now, he is not into drugs, or alcohol much to everyone's  relief.  However, he is into body piercings, such as the nose job he got over a month ago, the tongue ring he got yesterday, and his eye brow rings he has for almost over a year!   He is also into wild parties, with loud music, dances, and more!   

    Emilie his mother is not sure what to make about the changes he has gone through. She knows he is a boy in his early twenties, but still she never would expect him to be like this!  Not in a million years would she imagine he would react this way!  She is aware that his past was a rough one, what with his father's  absence from his life, his sister's  untimely death, and the breakup.  

    Despite all this, she has hopes that maybe someday he will go back to the way he was before all this well rebellious behavior!  Why just last week he went past her with his shirt up and saw a tattoo on his back that spells out, "Rebel with a Cause!"  Then, she saw the one above it on his neck which says, "Love Hurts which was written across a rose with a set of thorns all over it."   

     To top it off their is all the body piercings, the late night sessions with his friends as he calls the inappropriate dance offs, and last is the tardiness to school.  For that matter, she notes there have been at least four occasions in which the principal calls in to let her know that her only son, Adrien Agreste has not even came to school! So, now she knows he skips class some too.

     She has taken him to see a counselor,a personal doctor, the pastor, and more.  The more Emilie dishes out money to help him though the more he gets worse.  She is at her whitt's  end!  If only there were something she could do for him!    What?   She feels like she might have a nervous break down if he gets some girl pregnant!   She hopes not.  She is not quite ready to be a grandmother yet.  Not when she is only in her early fifties herself, and has a lot of her life ahead of her.  She rather him adopt a dog!  She considers a pet, but recalls the pastor suggestion she forget about the whole thing as he may only abuse it.  

     Emilie can only pray and hope! Hope that he will turn out okay! Hope that her boy will not cause to much damage to himself and that no one else gets hurts in the process!  Hope that he snaps out of the Emo state he seems to find himself in at the moment.  Hope he does not end up in jail, prison, or worse!   Hope that he finds happiness, love and emotionally heals. Hope that heals mentally too.  Hope that he does not flunk out of  college.  

     She remembers he has already had to repeat his entire junior year of high school in the past since his grades were not high enough.  Now, he barely is in his freshman year of the local community college.  She knows the principal is none to happy that his grades are barely above a D, as it is.   She hopes he will be able to survive life!  

      Adrien  seems to care less what his mother thinks.  He does not even talk to Nino, Alya or any of his other old  friends anymore.  He does not have time for them!  He is much to busy with all his new friends!  This is what he tells himself and anyone else who crosses his path!  He does not know this new group of  people he surrounds himself without are just out for the riches, and the attention!  He is to ignorant to notice the signs that no truly loves him.  No one that is expect for his mother!   He does not pay attention to her late nights up past midnight in worry that he might be dead by morning, or in trouble with the police!  He does not feel anything anymore.  He does not feel sadness, happiness, etc. The only emotion he seems to have is anger, bitterness, rudeness, and alright hatred for anyone and anything that stands in his way.  

     He no longer helps out around the house.  He does not see when his mother cleans up after him when his parties are over.   He does not see her tears fall from her eyes and she sees the makeup stains all over his clothes, each a different shade and from a  different girl each week.  He does not see the look of pity she gives him when he lives the house with his bag over his shoulders each morning. He does not see the girl in the hall at college who struggles to fit in because she has to wear glasses and braces at the same time.  He does not see the boy in the cafeteria  who struggles with depression because he has no friends.  He does not see the teacher who works hard each week to prepare the lessons properly for all her students.  He does not see the blind man who crosses the street with his seeing eye dog, the neighbor who rarely smiles because he got bad news in the mail, the cheerleader who appears to have it all together, but really deep down is upset because she has to cover the scars over with makeup.   He does not see the football coach who struggles not to loose his temper because his wife left him, he does not seem to notice all these things and more.

       Adrien just notices one thing and one thing only!  Himself!  That is it,  he is so caught up with his own little world that he fails to pay attention to others and their needs!  He does not seem to even care when someone blocks his locker because they have to kiss their boyfriend or girlfriend in front of it.  He just laughs at them with annoyance, and when they move he yells at them if they dare to talk to him.  He has the attitude that if my love life stinks that everyone else should have to pay!   It is the environments fault, the boy who winks at her the one he wants and the one he can not have.  It her fault for saying they were through with no real explanation or even the slightest hint at an apology!   It is her parents fault  for not having enough sense to tell their daughter not to be such a flirt!   

    *Author's Note: This story  is full of drama, and much more as you can probably already tell! 

       to be continued in Chapter 2   Mr. Cheng's  Chat with Emilie?  

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