Roaming Storm

By uerechuku18

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Roaming Storm serves as an homage/parody of the multimedia franchise Sonic the Hedgehog. As such, the series... More

S1E1: One Fateful Friday ...for Fast Friends (Part I)
S1E3: Welcome to Immobi ...for MoonFall
S1E4: Look What the Cat Dragged In ...You Little Nightmare!!
S1E5: Like a Wise Man Once Said ...The More The Merrier
S1E6: The Hunt is On ...for Wild Hunt
S1E7: Itsy-Bitsy ...for Arachnofoe (Part I)
S1E8: Itsy-Bitsy ...for Arachnofoe (Part II)
S1E9: Now Then ...Where Were We?
S1E10: ediS rehtO ehT rof... rorriM ,rorriM
S1E11: Shoulda' Brought My Umbrella ...for Storm-Brew Blues
S1E12: ''I...'' for an ''I...''
S1E13: Survival of the Fittest ...Lord of the Flies
S2E1: Shoot! Not My Day ...Come Rain or Shine (Part I)
S2E2: Shoot! Not My Day ...Come Rain or Shine (Part II)
S2E3: And Speaking of ''Wrecked'' ...
S2E4: Duel in the Dunes ...for Desert Punks
S2E5: sknuP treseD rof... senuD eht ni leuD
S2E6: Dive-Thru ...for A Quick Dip
S2E7: Zoned Out ...for Adrift Apart
S2E8: Uproot N' At 'Em ...for Off-Tropic
S2E9: Back to the Lab ...for Keeps
S2E10: Don't Be a Stranger ...Foreign Falcon
S2E11: Keep Your Friends Close ...and Your NMEs Closer
S2E12: Long Time, No See ...for Reunion
S2E13: No Turning Back ...for Exodus
S3E1: Sayonara, Immobi ...for MoonTrip
RS: Story Select
RS: Character Select
RS: Stage Select (Vol. 1)
RS: Stage Select (Vol. 2)
RS: Misc. Select (Vol. 1)
RS: Misc. Select (Vol. 2)
RS: Misc. Select (Vol. 3)
RS: Disc Select
RS: Credits

S1E2: One Fateful Friday ...for Fast Friends (Part II)

151 1 0
By uerechuku18


A news reporter (voice-over) informs the audience that there's currently a car chase taking place on one of the highways of Lagos. What led to this? Two adult perpetrators having stolen a rare tanzanite from the local museum, swapping it out with a complete fake. After the bulletin's conclusion, the thieves from earlier take the spotlight, as they are being chased down by a squadron of police cars. Inside the lamborghini, it appears that a female spotted hyena is handling the wheel. All while a male Egyptian vulture takes shotgun -- admiring the rare, valuable gem he now holds.


SPECIES: Saying it would just be redundant

AGES: Both 23

HEIGHTS: (K)5' 4" (E) 6' 1"

OVERALL DESCRIPTION: Eh, can't be bothered with these two.


Eegun: (looks at the rear-view mirror) A lot of cops are on our tail, huh Kavu?

Kavu: Yep. Goes to show just how valuable this tanzanite is.

Eegun: [gets a closer look at the gem] All right, gimme the numbers. How much Moolah we talkin'?

Kavu: [brings out a mini-microscope] Eyes on the road, Eegun.

Eegun: [glances back forward] Whoa!

Eegun manages to evade several moving vehicles in their way, as they can't afford to be slowed down while the cops are close ahead. Amid her reckless driving, said vehicles are forced to steer clear from collision -- with only a small few coming out without a scratch.

Eegun: Phew... [notices Kavu glaring at her] What? I saw them coming.

Kavu: (sarcastically) Of course.

The Egyptian vulture takes a good look at the deep blue of the tanzanite through the lens of his mini-microscope. Not a single angle of its elegant crystalline structure goes unchecked.

Kavu: Yep, definitely up in the thousands department. The most valuable so far.

The scene briefly cuts to the inside of the trunk, showing a myriad of stolen rare gemstones. It then cuts over to the pursuing police squadron, with a shotgunner unveiling the window to stick his head out with a megaphone.

Policeman #2: Attention diver! You are to stop your vehicle immediately before any further harm can ensue! I repeat -- stop your vehicle!

Eegun: Ugh! [digs into her ear with her pinky] Really not a fan of megaphones!

Kavu: Slow the car down a bit. I have a little gift for our hardworking officers.

Eegun: Don't spoil 'em too much.

As Eegun slows down the car, Kavu opens up the window on his side in order to get out and stand on top of the moving vehicle, keeping his balance firm while doing so. The pursuing police are caught by surprise at what sort of stunt he's trying to pull.

Policeman #1: Wh- what is he', crazy!?

Policeman #2: (megaphone) Sir! Do you or do you not have a death wish?!

The feathers covering Kavu's body begin to quiver rapidly, building up a great amount of kinetic energy.

Kavu: (aloud to the police) Apologies fellas, but I think the road will be much safer with less speeding cars.[raises his arm out towards the cars] Like yours, for example.

Kavu uses his own feathers as bullet-like projectiles and pops the front tires of all the police cars, doing so with predatorial accuracy. This causes them to stop at a screeching -- and crashing -- halt. With that job done, Kavu's feathers cease quivering, and he returns inside the car as it speeds away. The cops appear to be injured, but still breathing nonetheless.

Policeman #1: [breaks out of the jammed door, groaning from the soars] Is everyone alri-

Others: (in unison) No!

Policeman #1: Good, you're all still alive. [sees that the crooks are out of visual range] Damnit... [picks up and speaks on his walkie talkie -- still intact] All units come in. Our pursuit of the perpetrators has been compromised. We need backup as soon as possible. Our current location is...

As the rest of the police squadron exit their busted cars, they all suddenly hear the ground rumbling and turn to see two strong trails of dust in the horizon, heading their way.

Policeman #2: Wow. Didn't even have to tell them where we are.

Policeman #1: [lowers his walkie talkie] Are... those even police cars?

The dust trails rush in closer and closer, and start to show sparks of electricity flaring wildly about.

Policeman #2: What the hell?!

Policeman #1: (to his whole team) Move outta the way!!

The squadron quickly leaps out of the wake of Umeme and Radi, whose race is now taking place on the highway. The dust clears away, and the squadron are shown shocked by what they've just witnessed.

Radi: [glances momentarily at the wrecked cars he passed by] Okay, I'm not the only one sensing a pattern, am I?

Umeme: Yeah. Ya' think whoever did this is close b-

Driver: (off-screen in the distance) Watch where you're driving!!

Umeme and Radi turn their heads forward to see a large truck having stopped abruptly, while blocking their path at the same time. But with split-second timing, they manage to evade this eight-wheeled obstacle; Umeme ground-slides under the truck, whereas Radi barrel rolls over the truck. As the two speedsters proceed, the truck driver inside unveils his shotgun window.

Warthog Driver: [rubs a fresh bruise on his head as spitefully addresses the reckless driver] ROAD HOGS!!!

Radi: [turns forward and sees something] Closer than you think.

Umeme also turns to see a speeding lamborghini maneuvering past various other cars with ease, with only a few sparks and scratches along the way.

Eegun: So Kavu. Whatcha' gonna do with your share of the money?

Kavu: [tries to maintain his balance from the rough driving] Well hopefully it won't be for medical insurance.

Eegun: Relax, I've been modifyin' this baby for years. She can take anything you throw at it and come out with barely a dent.

Suddenly, the two hear the tapping of glass coming from Eegun's side of the car. They look at each other with slight hesitancy, but the hyena unveils the window regardless, revealing Umeme running beside the vehicle.

Umeme: Sorry to interrupt fellas, but do ya' mind slowing down? Abiding to the speed limit and what-not?

Eegun: ... Slow down? You're one ta' talk, kid.

Umeme: True, true, but I'm not the one with a driver's license. Let alone a car.

Eegun: We-hell the joke's on you, 'cause I only have one of those things.

Kavu: ... [is about to respond to that, but instead just face palms]

Umeme: ... Okay, how's about you just stop the car instead and wait for the pol- [gets pushed away by the lamborghini] Whoa! Hey!

Eegun: How's about you get lost instead?! I ain't letting no brat stop me!

Radi: (off-screen) What about this brat?!

Eegun and Kavu hear a sudden thud coming from the roof of the car. The scene scrolls up to reveal Radi, hanging onto the moving vehicle with a firm grip.

Radi: You don't if I put your car batteries on hold, do ya? [charges up electricity] Hey Umeme, you might wanna back up right quick!

As Eggun quickly closes the window, Umeme complies and backflips away from the car -- quickly getting his footing back and maintaining a safe distance. He then covers his eyes amidst the flashing of an electric discharge, enveloping the entire vehicle's exterior.

Radi: Well, well. Looks like I'm back in the lead. [ends discharge, but notices that the lamborghini is showing little to no sign of slowing down]... Huh? [peeks above the front windshield] Isn't this the part where your car's supposed to stop?

Kavu: [also notices that the car's just fine and then chuckles] Looks like the electric-proof casing actually came in handy.

Eegun: Like I said, this car can take anything it meets. Even morons.

Radi: (miffed) Oh yeah?! Well hate to break it to ya' lady, but this downpaid hunk o' junk hasn't met me just ye-

Suddenly, Eegun presses hard on the brakes, stopping the car on a dime, and causing Radi to get pushed off from the inertia. He tumbles onto the rough, stinging asphalt and finally stops, groaning from the bruises, but Radi then gasps at the sight of the car driving towards him, about to turn him into roadkill. But in the split second, Radi's fortunate enough to quickly dodge the incoming vehicle.

Eegun: [opens up window] What?! You're the one who said "brake"! [laughs as she closes it and drives away].

Despite it being a close call, Radi isn't taking it too kindly of almost becoming a peregrine pancake. Umeme rushes over to him soon after.

Umeme: Electric-proof, huh?

Radi: Augh, are you kiddin' me?! [kicks the pavement in frustration] Stupid pile of TRASH ON WHEELS!!

The scene zooms out a bit to show a garbage truck passing by on the opposite side of the highway.

Garbage Truck Driver: [driving by] BITE ME!!

Umeme: [looks at the passing truck and then back to Radi]... Y-

Radi: Don't start.

Umeme: I was going to ask if you wanna put our race on hold.

Radi: Well let's see. Given that those jerkwads are stirring up trouble and almost turned me into roadkill... I'll assume you're being rhetorical.

Umeme: Hey, works for me.

With both intentions mutual, Umeme and Radi charge up their bodies in a coating of electricity and blast away in pursuit of their moving target. As of currently, the car chase has led them to an oceanside, spanning quite far along the highway.

Radi: Just so you know, I normally handle stuff like this solo. So if you wanna chip in, just don't get in the way too...

Umeme: Heads up!

Umeme pushes Radi out of the way in order to evade the same feather bullets that came from Kavu.

Kavu: Persistent, those two. [gets the rest of his feathers quivering and brings out his hover board from earlier] I got the sky, you have the road.

Eegun: [snickers as she sees Umeme from her side-view mirror] Oh, this will be fun.

The scene zooms over to Umeme and Radi.

Umeme: So, what was that part about not getting in the way?

Radi: (a tad embarrassed) Yeah, well... Okay, starting now!

Kavu, riding his hover board, forces Radi to separate from Umeme, leading to an aerial pursuit. In regards to a more ground-leveled pursuit, the cheetah closes in on the hyena, only to soon fall right into her trap. Eegun presses a button which releases a mud-like substance from under her car, catching the cheetah off guard as he succumbs to a series of slips and tumbles -- to which the hyena finds absolutely laughable. But despite the situation, Umeme manages to get out of the way of the slick and regain his footing/traction.

Eegun: (annoyed) Aw man! Just when it was getting good!

Umeme sees that Eegun has all the car's windows closed.

Umeme: (via his thought) One good shot through the glass oughtta shock her.

The cheetah sends an electric bolt straight over to the back windshield. However, instead of shattering to pieces, it takes it like a champ. The hyena in response blows a raspberry at him, boasting the durability of her car's windows/windshields. This surprises Umeme, but he remains unwavered in his pursuit.

Umeme: [charges up his hand for another bolt] I bet that glass can't hold out for l-

Unexpectedly, Umeme starts to slow down, with each stride becoming harder and harder to perform. He soon realizes that the mud-esque substance he was tracking around had quickly hardened up like cement, stopping him in place entirely. Umeme begins trying to break free from Eegun's trap, forcefully jolting and lunging in different directions to the point he loses balance and accidentally hurls a bolt of lightning backwards. Said bolt strikes at one of the first hardened tracks the cheetah left behind, igniting it and creating a trail of flames slowly heading right towards him.

Umeme: CRA-

Radi: -AP!!

The peregrine meanwhile continues to dodge every feathery bullet shot at him by Kavu. But two can play at that game, as Radi discharges numerous electric bolts at Kavu. However, the vulture proves to be not bad a dodger either -- continuing to shoot back. The avian dogfight soon moves over to above the ocean.

Radi: You're wasting your time, pal! As if molting's gonna take me down!

Kavu: If anyone's wasting my time, it's most certainly you! So how's about we wrap this up?

Kavu stops in place and gets his hover board to spin him in a cyclone-esque motion. He quickly turns himself into a bullet hell of feathers, scattering to any and all directions from his body. This causes Radi to lose focus on Kavu, as he's too busy evading the onslaught in front of him. Despite getting a couple cuts in, Radi gets out of the bullet hell unscaved; however he turns around to see that Kavu has completely vanished. He quickly checks his surroundings to try and spot him, but all he sees are a bundle of drifting clouds, scattered apart yet piling up at the same time.

Radi: ...

With Radi's head in the clouds, something hidden soon emerges from the ocean's surface. That something being Kavu, who rockets over from below and grabs Radi by his scarf. Kavu then dives down forcefully back towards the water, taking Radi with him. Radi tries to create a discharge to break the vulture's grip, but it's too late, as Kavu slam dunks him straight into the ocean, giving him a devastating belly flop. The vulture gives off a chuckle seeing the immobilized peregrine (internally screaming) with stinging red on his belly.

Kavu: I'd say to make yourself "comfortable", but you're obviously anything but. See ya' never!

Kavu rides back to Eegun, leaving Radi to his intense pain as he floats along the rough rippling waters. However, as the scene cuts to his motionless hand, it soon begins twitching for a few seconds -- until finally clenching into a firm fist. Back to Kavu, he spots Umeme struggling for his life to escape the fiery trail, slithering ever so closer to him like a starving serpent.

Kavu: Looks like the cheetah's been taken care of too. Now it's back ta'...

Radi: (off-screen) HEY!!

Kavu is caught by surprise, as he sees the peregrine back in the air, despite breathing heavily from that rough belly flop.

Kavu: Back for round two, huh? Hate to break it to ya',[points down to Umeme] but I'm pretty sure I'm the least of your problems right now.

Radi is shocked as he sees Umeme less than a minute away from becoming engulfed in flames.

Kavu: So what will it be, kid? Suffer another embarrassing beat down, or save your buddy, over there? Either one doesn't matter, just as long as you're finally out of our wa-

Suddenly, Radi flies higher and higher into the air until he reaches the perfect height to perform a diving stoop. And combined with his electro, said stoop turns him into a living projectile that heads straight towards Kavu.

Kavu: Whoa!

The Egyptian vulture manages to dodge Radi's stoop by just an inch.

Kavu: ... H-Hah! Ya' missed!

Radi: ...

Surprisingly, Radi's diving stoop wasn't meant for the vulture. It was, however, meant for the ocean. In doing so, he essentially creates a powerful and devastating splash/uproar of water. This instantly catches the attention of Umeme and Eegun, stunned as to what they're looking at. The uproar soon results in rain-like droplets that cover the highway for miles, including where the cheetah and hyena are right now.

Eegun: ...

Umeme: [flames close in and begin to sting him] Ow, ow-ow-ow! Hot-tot-tot! Ho-huh?

The raining droplets from the splash prove to be just enough to extinguish the trail of fire, thus saving Umeme -- who gives off a sigh of relief. And surprisingly enough, he even manages to get his feet freed from the hardened substance -- due to the large amount of falling moisture softening it. Back to Radi, he propels himself straight out of the water and towards Kavu, who just caught sight of Umeme's save. The peregrine appears prepared to deliver an electrified punch to the vulture's face.

Kavu: Okay, so you did the latter. [is about to project more feather bullets] But don't think for a second that you can...

The scene quickly shifts to slow motion, showing that both Radi and Kavu are surrounded, as well as covered, in falling water droplets. As the slow motion begins to speed up back to normal, the discharge from Radi's fist connects instantly to the surrounding water droplets, including the ones on Kavu. Since the droplets came from salt water, they make a perfect conductor for electricity. Because of that, the Egyptian vulture becomes both fried and paralyzed from the inescapable attack -- and in response, he lets out a single cough of smoke out of his own folly. Before he's about to fall belly-first into the water, Radi catches him in the nick of time, leaving his hoverboard to float adrift at the will of the tides.

Radi: ... Huh... not what I had in mind, but whatevs.

The scene cuts over to Eegun looking behind, completely bewildered as to what just happened.

Eegun: Where'd that splash even come from?

The hyena suddenly feels a thud coming from the front of her car. She turns around to see Umeme standing right on the hood.

Umeme: Let's try this again.

The cheetah proceeds to dash away from Eegun, gaining enough distance apart from each other to finally make a sharp stop. In doing so, Umeme turns around and charges himself up in electrical energy, revving up for a tackle towards the speeding vehicle. The hyena takes notice of this.

Eegun: (via her thoughts) Hold on... Does he seriously wanna play a game of chicken? This kid's got guts...

Eegun turns to her stick shift and kicks it into its highest gear -- purposely labeled "Oh shit, bro!" -- unleashing turbo thrusters from the back of her car.

Eegun: (via her thoughts) Too bad they'll end up outside him!

As the lamborghini rises in speed, the cheetah rises in electricity, too excited to contain it any longer. And so, Umeme launches off, leaving cracked asphalt in his wake. In this unconventional game of chicken, neither speeding forces seem to be backing out of this challenge. Their own courage overshadows their caution.

In the midst of a terrifying collision, Eegun expected there to be a flatten cheetah, but instead, she gets a cheetah pushing back her moving car, to which the back tires begin to burn out. Umeme is shown to be running rapidly in place, so fast that he's preventing Eegun's car from proceeding any further. Both opposing forces leave clouds of smoke and dust festering throughout the road.

Eegun: (surprised) What th-... Okay, I call BS!

Umeme: [struggling to hold back the car] And if I could... I'd call the cops right about now!

Eegun: [eyes locked on the cheetah] Cops? Hah! In case you didn't see it, we just wiped the pavement with those clowns! If they can't stop us, what makes you punk kids any different?!

Despite the rising dust/smoke obscuring both of their vision, Umeme notices for a brief few seconds that Radi is landing far behind him. He also noticed that the peregrine was carrying a little surprise for the hyena.

Umeme: ... Ya know what? Maybe I shouldn't try to stop you.

Umeme quickly jumps and rolls over the turbo speeding car, tumbling down to the pavement as it blasts away. Eegun looks back, laughing hysterically at both her success and Umeme's blunder.

Eegun: So long, brat! [turns back] Now all I gotta do is wait for...

Eegun suddenly sees that she's heading straight towards Kavu's paralyzed body. And right next to him is Radi, standing ever so confidently to see if she has the guts to try running over him again. But without a second thought, Eegun quickly makes a sharp stop, averting the collision by just the tip of the vulture's beak. Momentarily shocked, she manages to catch her breath in relief, only realizing seconds later that all four of her tires have been taken apart.

Done so in a cyclonic blur was the spotted speedster, who reveals to be holding the lug nuts that held the tires together. As well as a wrench used to unscrew them. Briefly flashing back, the wrench was originally in Eggun's seat pocket, which Umeme glanced at while her window was open. Before giving Radi space to attempt stopping the car, the cheetah lightning-quickly snatched the wrench unnoticed, just in case.

Umeme: [tosses aside both wrench and lug nuts] Then again, probably should've.

The scene scrolls up to the air, showing that the raining droplets from the massive splash begin to cease.

>> >> >> NOW LOADING...


The police squadron from earlier, in addition to some backup, managed to apprehend the two thieves, as well as retrieve all the stolen gemstones from inside the trunk of Eegun's lamborghini. The tanzanite included.

Eegun: (sighs) Beaten by a couple of kids. The guys back in prison won't let this down anytime soon.

Kavu appears to be still paralyzed from Radi's discharge, but manages to respond to Eegun with some stutters and jitters.

Eegun: I feel your pain, bro. Just... not the physical kind.

The scene then zooms out, revealing Umeme and Radi watching the arrestment from a nearby cliff, discussing what just transpired.

Umeme: So, how'd you know she wouldn't just run you both over and drive off?

Radi: Easy; I didn't.

Umeme: ...?

Radi: ... Yeah, that sounded a lot smarter in my head. Guess it was just a stroke of luck.

Umeme: Uh, last time I checked, you said something about not needing luck.

Radi: (just remembers that)... Uh -- Y-yeah, well... [notices that the weather's starting to pent up some more clouds here and there]... Thanks for the reminder. Though I didn't forget I still have a race to win.

Umeme: (pumped up) Alright, finally!

The cheetah and peregrine falcon charge up in electricity and blast off from the cliff, resuming their race. Said race features Umeme and Radi speeding past all the sights and sceneries they come across in Lagos, as well as the rest of Nigeria. Sceneries range from the arboreal dynasty of Ngwo Pine Forest, the sacred shrines of Osun-Osogbo Grove, the cultural landscape of Sukur, and so on. One by one throughout these destinations, the weather slowly turns dark and cloudy, until it eventually pours from above.

All of these areas lead them back to the savannah of Chad, also caught within the hard hitting rain. But regardless of the conditions, the two speedsters give it their all to reach the finish line. That being the tree where they found the golden baobab. Umeme appears to be enjoying himself, purely from the thrill of the race alone -- all while Radi appears to be worried and in a hurry.

Radi: (to himself) C'mon, c'mon... Just rain, Just rain...

With the tree not too far away, victory looks to be in both their grasp, as the two electric streaks approach it in high gear. However, a clap of thunder lashes from the sky, and the sound of it causes Radi's body to vibrate rapidly. As if automatically, his body then ceases to emit electricity -- and in turn, ceases flight all entirely. This forces the peregrine to fall down alongside the rain drops, and tumble onto the soggy -- yet rough -- earth. Umeme, despite taking the lead, quickly takes notice of the peregrine's hard fall and speeds back over to him.

Umeme: Whoa, Radi! You alright? What was that just now?

Radi: [gets himself back up, coughing a bit of dirt] Oh, that? It's nothing. Just a little sore from uhh... my fight with the vulture guy.

Umeme: Oh, well can you still fly?

Radi: W-well yeah! Of course! [tries flying off the ground but is rendered to just petty jumping] But uhh... ya' mind giving it a while?

Umeme: Wait, what do you mean "a while"? The tree's right there.

Radi: Yes... I-uhh see that...

Umeme: ... Are you stalling or something?

Radi: No! 'Course not! Besides, I don't see what's stopping you from reaching the finish!

Umeme: You mean besides wanting a fair race? I ain't moving unless you are too.

Radi: (agitated) Agh come on! You can't be ser... [sees that Umeme is and sighs in response] Well... I don't see any point unless this storm blows over.

Umeme: This didn't stop you earlier! I don't see what's the big deal about some rain and...

The sound of thunder clashes again, causing another rapid vibration throughout Radi's body. Umeme takes notice of this and realizes why Radi fell.

Umeme: Radi, are... are you afraid of thunder?

Radi: (hesitant to answer)...

Umeme: Even though your name means "thunder"?

Radi: Ironic, I know. But... no. It's technically my body that's afraid.

Umeme: (confused) I uhh... I don't follow.

Radi: Look. I don't know why, but every time I hear... [vibrates from another clash of thunder, to his annoyance]... that, my electro shuts off, so I'm stuck to ground level for a while. (sighs) Well, no point in racing me now. Enjoy your dumb prize.

Radi proceeds to begrudgingly walk away in the opposite direction of the tree.

Umeme: So... that's it? Now you're just gonna walk all the way home?

Radi: (ceases a step)... Yeah, I don't exactly have a "home" ta' go to.

Umeme: ... Oh...

Radi: I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm used to it, but... as soon as I heard rumors about some magical golden fruit that can grant good fortune, well... I thought it could help get rid of this "condition" of mine. Or at the very least, put a roof over my head and out of the weather.

Umeme: ...

Radi: (sighs) I don't know... it was probably a stupid ide-

Making up his mind, the cheetah grabs the peregrine by his wrist and rushes over to the baobab tree, making Radi's hand touch it first. This action of good-sportsmanship makes Radi O. Peregrine -- to his complete surprise -- the winner of the race.

Radi: ... Okay, I have several questions. Most of which relates to your intelligence.

Umeme: Isn't it obvious? I'm letting you enjoy your dumb prize.

Radi: Wh-... (to himself) Oh, god. (to Umeme) Look, if this is out of pity, then no deal! I have dignity too, y'know!

Umeme: Oh -- it's more than just that, Radi. You saved my life earlier, so why not return the favor?

Radi: ... Even though you spent all this time trying to find it? Same as me?

Umeme: Yeah, I'm gonna lay it straight with you. I heard about the golden baobab from my grandma.

The scene briefly flashes back many weeks ago, when Umeme's grandmother (off-screen) showed him an old book featuring tales of mystical fruits, focusing mainly on the golden baobab fruit.

Umeme: She always wanted to see it for herself when she was a kid, so I wanted to surprise her. [the flashback ends] Also because it would go great with the dinner she makes.

Radi: Hm... Not saying I'm jealous or anything, but it sounds like you've got it pretty good.

Umeme: Guilty as charged. It's kinda selfish compared to your reason, so you deserve that fruit more than I do.

Radi, despite his initial hesitance, slowly feels a sense of gratitude from Umeme's good-sported gesture.

Radi: Well, damn... Really don't know what ta' say.

Umeme: Ah, nothin' to it. I j-

Radi: Other than "you just missed out big time"! [runs over to the same spot they buried the golden baobab fruit] WOOOOO!!!

As Radi begins digging through the dirt and mud, he soon sees its very glimmer piercing out through the wet, smooth earth. The peregrine is in complete awe, as the prize gleams on his face with a heavenly glow amidst the dreary weather. Finally unearthed, it is revealed for the world to see. The golden baobab...


eaten to the core by an Immobian echidna. Who just so happens to now possess said glow -- inheriting all its good fortune.

Radi: ...

???: ...

Well, seeing how this is rather awkward, the echidna gives Radi the core of the fruit and digs away into the undergrounds. Umeme walks over to Radi, who is still completely baffled by what the hell just happened.

Radi: Y- [vibrates again by another clash of thunder and breathes in despite the frustration] Y'know, in retrospect, I think it would've been easier if we'd just split the fruit.

Umeme: (agrees) Mm. (silence for a moment) Wanna split the dinner my grandma's making?

Radi: ...

>> >> >> NOW LOADING...


The scene shifts from a wide, thriving crop field to a 2-story rondavel house accompanying it. Said house -- belonging to Umeme's grandmother -- is stationed beside a rough, dusty road in the lush, grassy terrain. Umeme exits from the front door; not only him, but Radi as well.

Radi: On the real though, are you sure it's alright for me to crash in your basement?

Umeme: [performing his morning stretches] You heard my grandma -- she doesn't mind hiring some extra help with her crops. And since you never got the baobab, I figured it'd be the least I could do.

Radi: (a tad hesitant) Hm... Still...

Umeme: [finishes stretching] I mean, unless you have some other idea of where else to go.

Radi: [sees where he's getting at] Yeah... I'll think about that while I'm here. Thanks again, by the way.

Umeme: Don't mention it. [looks up at the clear blue sky] Welp, looks like the storm's cleared up.

Radi: Yeah, speaking of which. Ya' mind keeping my "condition" our little secret?

Umeme: You mean your astraphobia, right?

Radi: (annoyed) Again -- it's not a fear! It's a body thing! Y'know, like puberty!

Umeme: Uh... not sure that's the best comparison. But if it's anything like it, hopefully it'll pass.

Radi: [crosses arms] Emphasis on hopefully.

The cheetah sees the peregrine looking not all too encouraged, but he thinks he knows just what'll raise his spirit a bit.

Umeme: But until then, think you're up for a rematch, Radi?

Radi: (bummedness gradually turns into a light smugness) Hmm... That depends. Let me check.

The peregrine does a couple squats until he launches himself up high in the air, revealing that he has regained his electro, the source of his flight -- as well as his speed.

Radi: O-hoh, yeah! I'm up, alright!

Umeme: Sweet! Say, how about this time we start from right here to Lagos and back?

Radi: [floats down over to him] Straight to the race, huh? I'm down with that.

With that said, the two speedsters head over to the road and get into their positions.

Umeme: And this time, let's make it fair and square, kay?

Radi: Give me an actual challenge, and you got yourself a deal.

Umeme: [charges up] Three...

Radi: [also charges up] Two...

Umeme: One...

The scene zooms back to show the rising aura of electricity of the two speedsters, ready and eager for their rematch. And just at the tipping point of its start...

Umeme & Radi: GO!

The cheetah and peregrine bolt away in streaks of lightning, heading straight for the city of Lagos. And as they do so, the scene scrolls up to show the moon (daytime sky). It eerily zooms close to the celestial body, with its center suddenly yet briefly glimmering in an ominous purple light.


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