It's Ada(m) and Eve, not Adam...

By tooobvios

359 5 0

18-year-old Ada had a tough life. Always lying about who she really is, always hiding behind a mask, until sh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fiveteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eightteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter twenty-six

Chapter Twenty

10 0 0
By tooobvios

Eve's POV

"Eve?" Someone shouted next to my ear ripping me out of my trance. "Yeah?" "Ugh, finally." Jenna sighed, sitting down on the chair next to mine. "What have you been thinking about? I tried talking to you for at least ten minutes." I blushed. I thought back to the weekend. The two 'dates' I had with Ada were amazing. "Eve!" Jenna was waving her hand in front of my face. "Sorry, I must have spaced out." "You're spacing out the whole time. Now tell me... what are you thinking about that makes you totally forget about your amazing best friend?" "Just the weekend." I say shrugging my shoulders to play it down. "And what happened this weekend?" "I'll tell you, but under one condition." "What is the condition?" "You tell me everything that's going on between you and Ally." Jenna's eyes widened. "Nothing." She said quickly, way too quickly. So, she added, "We're just friends," with a shrug. "Yeah, sure. Then nothing happened this weekend." I said turning to the whiteboard in front of the classroom. "No." Jenna grabbed my arm and pulled me back to her. "I'll tell you." She sighed. I lean back, "Okay, spill..." "Well, after you and Ada disappeared, Ally asked me if I could drive her home, but my car didn't start, so we decided to walk to my place. We tried to call Ada but Ally's phone was out of battery and mine was still in the car, which I totally forgot. So, we went to my place and my parents said it'd be okay if she stayed over, so that's what we did." Jenna shrugged. "Jenna, I didn't ask for a childfree summary of your weekend. I want to know what's going on between you two. As in inside that cold rock-like heart of you." I poked her chest. "Well. We're ... friends." I groaned. "Friends? Jenna, you sure about that?" I pulled my phone out and showed her the pic Ada send me. Well, technically I stole her phone and send it myself. "This does not look like friends." "So, what? Friends aren't allowed to cuddle? And where did you even get this?" "Ada send it to me, and this does not look like friends cuddling. We don't cuddle like this." "Ugh I'm gonna Kill her." Jenna sighed. "So...when we called Ada and she said she couldn't pick her up, we were actually happy that she couldn't, because it meant that we could spend more time together. We laid around on my bed the whole day, just watching movies and commenting on them. Like dance movies. You know how I am about them. And Ally wasn't even bothered by me criticizing their dace moves, instead she said things about the music and what could have been done better, what she would do differently. And somehow during that we ended up cuddling and falling asleep. It felt so nice and save to hold her in my arms. But then Ada came and woke us up and teased us. And then after that we all ate Pizza. They left and it was so hard to let Ally go, but I had to. And now, we haven't had a chance to talk about anything, and she hasn't called or texted me at all. I haven't heard from her since Saturday and I'm freaking out." Jenna rambled down that rest of her weekend not caring about what I said earlier. "Have you texted her? Maybe she's waiting for you to text her first." "Yeah, I have, but she never answered." "Maybe she was busy?" "The whole Sunday?" "I don't know." "Have I done something wrong? Was it too soon? Am I moving too fast? Does she even have these feelings for me? Or are we really just friends?" "Hey calm down." I put my hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure it's nothing like that. She was probably just busy when she got your text and thought she'd reply later and then she forgot about it." "You sure?" "Yes, now should I tell you about my weekend?" "Yes!" she said overexcited. "Well Ada and I had a hang out on Saturday and her niece Ruby was with us. And it was so much fun, and she'd be such a good mother, it's so cute when she interacts with Ruby. Anyway, we met again on Sunday and it was even better, because we were alone. So, we went to IN N' OUT and got Burgers and after that we went to the beach and just took a long walk, talking about nothing and everything at the same time. It was amazing. Then after that we went to the cinema to chill out, and we watched a movie and when it got a bit scary I took her hand. She pulled it away and I was so disappointed, but then she wrapped her arm around me and hold me close to her. I swear I've never felt so comfortable and safe in my whole life. I was so sad when the movie ended and she drove us home, because I could have sat in that cinema for the rest of my life if it meant that I could have her arms around me." I sighed. "Wow sounds like you're so in love with her. Almost like you two are dating." Jenna chuckled. "What? Now, we're barely friends again." But I can feel my heart jumping at the thought of us dating. Can I just stop lying to myself? I'm so in love with Ada, I would date her if she was a guy. "Not yet, but soon you two will be the schools cutest couple." "Na, you and Ally already stole that title." Jenna blushed and quickly got up, leaving the room just as Ada arrived for class. "Hey." She smiled at me and sat down next to me. "What's up with Jenna?" "Well Ally isn't talking to her." I shrugged. "God, those two are driving me crazy. Can they just admit that they love each other?" "You shouldn't be asking me, you should ask them. Why is Ally doing this?" Ada sighed. "Well, she thinks Jenna isn't ready for a relationship. She's scared that she'd destroy their friendship." "That's bullshit." "Yeah, that's what I told her, and then I came home yesterday and she was sitting there with her phone in her hand staring at this text she got from Jenna and then she just closed her phone and put it on the other side of the room, as if she was forcing herself not to look at it or even answer." "So, she ignored Jenna on purpose?" "Yep." "Ugh those two are so complicated." The teacher walked in and stopped all the conversations in the room.

A few hours later we met again at our lunch table. "Hey, where's Jenna?" "Hi, she stayed in the studio, said she had to go over the choreo again. What about Ally?" "Said she has something in her music class." "So...I have a question." "Shoot." She took a bite of her pizza. "My dad's still not home so I was wondering if maybe you'd want to hang out again today?" "Ah damn. I wish I could, but I have basketball training." "Oh... okay." I sound more disappointed than I intended to. "I mean I could pick you up after, at like 4 p.m.?" Ada quickly added. I smiled. "Yeah, that'd be great. I could wait here, so you don't have to drive to my house." "Oh no, you don't have to. I can pick you up, that's no problem." "No, it's okay, I'll just train for the spring assembly until you're done." "Okay then. I'll see you at 4." We got up and walked to our next class.

Ada's POV

"Concentration Knight." Coach jelled at me when I nearly lost the ball to my opponent. I quickly caught it and threw it into the basket, hearing the coach whistle, signaling us that training is over. We quickly gathered around him and he told us our mistakes and stuff we had to do better in the game on Friday. Then we got up and ran to the showers, eager to get home. I quickly took a shower and got dressed in my black jeans, fall out boy shirt and leather jacket, before I met Eve in the parking lot. "Hey." "Hi." We waked to my car and I turned to her asking where I should drive. "Damn. I totally forgot to think of something." I laughed. She's so cute, while trying to think of something. "Okay, I'll take you somewhere, but there is one condition?" She raised her eyebrow at me. "This is not a hang out, it's a date." I don't know why I said it or what I thought that made me say that. Did I just ask her to go on a date with me? She smiled. "Okay. So, where are we going?" I smiled back and turned the key in the ignition. "It's a surprise." I pulled out of the parking lot and drove to a park in the next city. The whole way there she tried to get me to tell her our destination, but I just smirked at her attempts to guess where we're going. When we reached the park and I parked the car, she smiled at me again. "Seriously you're taking me to a park? How cliché. And why not the one in our city?" I smirked back. "What? It's better than doing nothing." We got out of the car and started walking. "Ada?" "Hmm?" "How many girls did you take to this park." "None." I answered. "You're lying. Matt told me that you always take girls to a park before taking them home to... to fuck them." Eve turned away from me. Ugh I'm going to kill Matt when I'm done here. Eve turned back to me, when I didn't say anything. "So, is that what you're planning? Taking me to a park, sweet talking me into sleeping with you and then leaving me like you've done so many times before?" "No!" I exclaimed. She got it all wrong. "Yeah, I don't believe you." She scoffed and turned around, walking back to the car. "Eve!" I ran after her. "Eve wait." I caught up to her, turning her around to me. "I am not lying to you. You asked me how many girls I took to this park and I answered truthfully. Yes, I took the girls to a park, but it's not this one. It's not my intention at all to get you to fuck with me, so that I can leave you afterwards. I took you to this park to spend time with you, because I really like you. I also want to show you something that I've never showed someone before, because you are special. So please, give me a chance and go on this date with me?" "You're saying the truth?" "Yes. I would never lie to you. Well not again. I don't want to lose you again." I know that I hurt her a lot when I lied to her about who I am, and I don't want to do that ever again. "Okay." "Okay?" I'm confused. "I'll go on a date with you." I smiled at her and she took my hand as we continued walking around the park. My smile grew even bigger when she took my hand. We stopped at a playground and sat on the swing set, sharing childhood memories and future dreams. When it started to get dark we continue our walk and finally arrived at the point where I wanted to take her. "Wow." She breathed out. In front of us was a small valley filled with people, lights, food trucks and music. It was a small music festival with local bands. "This is amazing." "Yeah, it's every second Monday from February till September. I usually go here on my own, but maybe you'd like to join me from now on." "Hell yeah. Let's go get some food, I'm starving." She quickly walked down the hill and I had to run a bit to catch up to her. "This smells so good." We walked around the food trucks and bought everything that looked good to us. We sat down on the grass and started eating our food. "Damn these Pizza popsicles are delicious." She mumbled while eating a magnum formed pizza. "These Honey garlic shrimps are the best I ever ate." I countered while we ate through all the food before just sitting there listening to the music. "This is my favorite song, you have to dance with me." She said jumping up and trying to pull me up with her. I shook my head vigorously. "No way." "Please." She whined. "I can't dance, you won't have fun when I dance with you." "Oh, come on it's a simple waltz." "I will literally step on your feet the whole time." I tried to argue. "Nope, I'll teach you. Now get your lazy ass up." I groaned but followed her to the dance floor in front of the small stage. "Okay this is what you need to do. Step back with that foot." I do as told. "then to the side with the other foot... and now put your feet together again." I tried to do as told but I failed. "No not like this. Just put the foot that you stepped back with next to the other." I groaned when I failed again. "Okay. Let's start over. Think of it like four squares. We are standing in the first left square, there is one on your right, one behind you and one between those two. Now take your left foot and step back into the square behind you. Then take your right foot and step back but to the side, so into the between square. And now take your foot out of the left square and into the between square. Now take a step forward with your right foot and then a step to the side with your left foot and then the right foot next to the left. Yes, that's it. Well for now. And now just repeat those steps." I followed her lead and it seemed to work quite good. "Well I've seen you in jeans with no make-up on and I've stood there in awe as your date for the prom. I'm blessed as a man to have seen you in white, but I've never seen anything quite like you tonight. No, I've never seen anything quite like you tonight. No, I've never seen anything quite like you tonight." We danced slowly to the rest of the song that I've never heard before but the words burn themselves into my brain making sure that I'd never forget them. I have this feeling that I could use this song one day. We stopped dancing with the last note of the song and people started clapping. I don't know if they clap for the band or us, the only thing I care about is the girl in my arms and the big smile on her face. "See you can dance." "I've probably been the worst dance partner you ever had." "Nope not even that. You're not that bad, you just never really tried." "I tried. Jenna tried teaching me so many times but she always gave up because I was so bad at dancing." "Well I won't give up so prepare yourself." I smile down at her and then I realize that my arms are still around her waist, hers around my neck with us just standing on the dancefloor. The band is leaving the stage. Apparently, we danced to their last song. I didn't even realize that it was already this late. "So, it's getting pretty late. I better drive you home before your dad grounds you or something." "Oh, he won't know. He's on business trip, I got the message this morning. He's meeting my mom and some other people in San Diego." "Oh, that sucks. How often do you see your family?" We walk back to the car slowly. "Dad...about once or twice a week, plus mostly all the holidays. Mom's still working in Seattle most of the time so I see her like every second weekend." "Was it better when you still lived in Seattle?" "With my mom, yes. Back then she was one gone on the weekends. But Dad was away most of the week too. Which is why they want me to be at home when they are there." "I can understand that. It must suck for them to leave you alone all the time. I wouldn't do that to my daughter. I know that that is easier said than done but I think if you have kids they need to be your number one priority, right next to your wife, of course. I couldn't leave my family all the time." "Yeah, but sometimes life doesn't go as planned. And I know that my parents are doing most of this for me. Like moving to L.A. It was an opportunity to get closer to my future dreams. And I know that I'll only be here for a few months before I go to college. I mean, yes, maybe I'll go to UCLA but I also think about going to NYU or even Julliard, if they let me audition. I always knew that I'd have to sacrifice my family for my dreams." "But why not try to make it both work? Family and carrier?" "I don't know, I always saw children as a burden. Something that was keeping me from what I really wanted. They need time. Time that I don't have. But maybe one day I'll have the time and then I'd gladly have Kids. I don't know, I never really thought about having kids. It never was a topic with Isabel, since we were both planning to have carriers that wouldn't allow children." "So, it's not that you hate children, it's that you hate having to make sacrifices for them?" "Yes. If I knew that it doesn't affect my carrier I would think about having children. But at the moment my dreams have the first priority." I opened the car door for her and closed it behind her before going over to my side. "So uhm. I should probably drive you home, it's getting kind of late and we have school tomorrow." Okay." She put on her seat belt and I started driving. I realized that it was already half past ten when I drove into her driveway. We slowly walked over to the house and I stopped in front of her door. "So...thank you for giving me a chance. I had a great time." She smiled back at me. "I had a great time too. Maybe we could do that again some time. I'll see you tomorrow in school." "Sure, bye." "Bye." We hugged and I kissed her cheek before walking back to my car. I got in and smiled at her door before driving home. 

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