All Roads Lead to Rome

By fireheather

31.2K 1K 92

"Promise me you'll come to the club tomorrow night." he said in a rough voice, forehead on hers. Her head sti... More

The Road to Rome
At Rome's Door
In Love and War
A Favor Owed
A Favor Repaid
A Storm Averted and a Haven Found
Fire Kindled
Fire Building
Fanning the Fire
The Fire Dies
Cold Ashes?
Rome Rebuilding
Panic and Disorder
Where Roads Meet
A Brotherly Turn
When Roads Merge: Right Lane
So it begins...
The Artist of War
What a tangled web...
When We Practice to Deceive
Double, double toil and trouble
The Game is Afoot
Troubled Waters
Unexpected Allies
Unwanted Truth
Wings with that?
Strategy Unfolds
The Scent
To Fly or Fall
The Best Laid Plans
Symphonic Battles
Deadly Illusion
Illusion and Truth
Losing their head
Just a hint

The Line was Crossed

636 20 0
By fireheather

Lyra felt him stiffen even more in her mouth at Rome's words and it triggered a chain reaction deep within her core. Romulus finished with Antares' upper body and then knelt behind her to get to his ribs. Before he began, Romulus ducked his head and ran his sharp teeth over her shoulder. She let out a muffled groan, causing Antares to curse and grip the desk behind him. Romulus slid a hand around her waist and pressed his body against her back, enveloping her in his heated scent.

"If only you knew the countless number of things I want to do to you both." Romulus growled before stroking Antares' skin with his rough tongue gently. Antares' air escaped in a mindless exhale at the tender touch and he had trouble taking his next breath.

"Lyra, I need a moment to breathe," Antares said hoarsely, the shine in his skin becoming a constant glow. Humming with delight, she slid her tongue along him, chasing the pulse of the colors. He shuddered with pleasure but clawed the desire back. "So I can control the incubus."

"Take him deeper and I'll give you your own release." Romulus countered in her mind, sliding a hand down her belly. She lifted her hands to Antares' hips, using them to steady herself as she took him into the deep recesses of her mouth, willing to tease. The taste of him was sending fire through her blood.

"Dammit, Rome." Antares snarled, his head going back and knees going weak. Romulus plunged a finger into her hot core and her gasp of pleasure dragged another growl from Antares. As Romulus' mouth roamed over Antares' ribs and what remained of the scratches, he stroked the hot velvet at his fingertips with an expert touch.

"How does he do this so well?" Lyra thought hazily. Romulus' lips curved into a sensual smile as he lifted his head from his work.

"I've had a lot of practice," he replied. His phone started ringing.

Lyra lifted her mouth from Antares and leaned back into him. Antares sagged against the desk, breathing raggedly. "Oh don't you dare answer.." her words ended on a sob as pleasure crashed through her unexpectedly. He kissed her damp neck and moved his hand.

"If we hadn't just declared war on the council, I wouldn't. Take care of him. He hasn't let me so much as nip since that night."

"You mean he hasn't..?" she asked incredulously. Romulus nodded as he stood. He traced the hand that had given her so much pleasure over Antares' lips, leaving the taste of her lingering on Antares' mouth.

"That's just mean, Rome." Antares growled. Romulus just smiled wickedly.

"That's exactly what I mean." He picked up the phone from the floor and answered it. He listened for a moment and sighed. Every damn time. "I'll be right down," he said then tossed the phone into the pile on the floor. He hesitated, looking over the both of them. How did this end up being his family? How had he gotten that lucky?

"Go ahead," she said, wrapping her hand around Antares, who groaned again. She delicately licked at the tip, causing him to jerk. Romulus' eyes darkened with a passion of his own and he bent to kiss her, savoring the taste of them both. He lifted his head and laid a hand on Antares' sweat-drenched face adoringly.

"Thank you for letting me heal you, amore," he thought "Now, please just enjoy this. I know first hand how talented her mouth can be."

"Don't leave me alone with her, Rome. I'll hurt her..." Antares pleaded. Romulus smiled as the wet fire of her mouth engulfed him again and pleasure flooded those electric eyes. He could watch that for an eternity and never tire of it.

"No, you won't," he said out loud. "There are people causing some trouble downstairs. I'll be back up after that."

He went out of the door with a light step. Lyra turned all her focus on Antares and began exploring what made him shudder with pleasure. Her mouth and fingers danced over him as he struggled to control himself. After a few minutes of feeling the tense struggle, she rose up and slid her hands into his damp tangled hair.

"Antares," she said softly. He opened his eyes to look at her. There was fear in his blue eyes but the desire was stronger. "If you want me to stop, just tell me. But only if you don't want it, because you will not hurt me."

"How are you so sure?" his beautiful voice was full of aching longing.

"I've seen your heart," she replied simply. Her hand toyed with the amulet around his neck as she looked up at him. It shone briefly and she smiled. "Your necklace likes me," she laughed. He managed a smile. "Do I stop and just tell Rome we finish later?" Her hands slid down and hovered at his waist, petting his hips. "Or do I get my dessert?" His hands slid into her hair and started to ease her back down, but she resisted. "I need the words this time."

He swallowed then took the leap. "The dessert might be too rich for you," he warned with half smile. She grinned, her eyes gleaming at the challenge. "But if you are willing to risk it, so am I."

This time when his hands eased her down, she went. His groans of encouragement were music to her ears as he breathlessly praised her. A loud crash reverberated through the building and they both paused. She stood, wiping her chin.

"That's where Rome went, isn't it?" she asked urgently. Antares nodded. "You get dressed. I'm going to go ahead and see what is going on."

He gave her a hot kiss. "I'll be just a moment." His blue eyes glowed with repressed lust and she paused. "I'll be alright. The faith of my dancer will sustain me."

She stroked his face then went out to a scene of destruction and a standoff.

"Move out of the way!" A female vampire snarled. The bartender twirled the bat in his hands as he stood planted in front of the doorway.

"Drop him and I will." he returned with an equally ferocious snarl. His Italian accent thickened. "Otherwise, go fuck yourself." He looked up, relief going across his face when he saw her. He nodded his head in the direction of the other vampire. Lyra's gaze shot to the head of the group and saw a bloody Romulus being half dragged half carried with bound hands. She took it in and began slowly walking down the steps. Her eyes went to the door where the queen was kept and relaxed a moment when it was being subtly covered by a waitress.

"Romulus?" she called out casually. "You ok down here? The music stopped." His eyes opened and she was relieved to find them coherent and clear, despite the blood-soaked clothes.

"I'm fine, darling." he smiled. She could see the blood dripping down his chin from his bloody fangs that indicated this had not been an easy conquest for them. "How is the situation upstairs?"

"It was well in hand until the crash down here."

Romulus laughed, tossing back his hair only for it to tumble back wildly around his face. "My sweet Lyra, that wasn't your hand. That was your mouth." She smiled back as he grinned up to her. How did he stay that arrogantly at ease when he was bound and bleeding? And why was it so hot?

"Tell the hero over here to let us out or we're going to kill him." the female vampire snapped as the room broke out into surprised laughter. She could sense she was losing the fear filled control she had held over the room.

"You are not going to lay a single hand on him and you are going to unbind him. Silk is the only thing that should ever be wrapped around those wrists." Antares' deep silky voice echoed in the club. The vampire mistress looked up at them.

"And why will we do that? Because a half-crazed faery said so?" she sneered with only a moment's hesitation. Antares brushed by Lyra and she nearly moaned at the incubus heat that was radiating from him. A deep throbbing in her core had her gripping the banister to support her weakened knees.

"Will you be alright if I do this, Rome?" he asked. Romulus drank in the sight of his confident stride and the power that thrummed in his sultry voice with a hungry gaze. There was the incubus that had pulled him from a Roman harem.

"I have my way out if I'm not," he replied. He met Lyra's eyes and her heart melted as she understood his meaning. Antares turned his attention back to the woman.

"Not a half-crazed faery," he corrected, his silky voice beginning to reach out into the crowd, stirring them. "A sex-starved incubus whom you just kept from having one of the best orgasms of his entire existence with your childish tantrum."

The vampires shifted uneasily as Antares began humming. He looked back at Lyra. "Sing with me," he asked softly. She nodded then stopped as Romulus let out a groan and slumped.

"Rome!" Antares pushed his way into his lover's mind frantically. He found Romulus sliding into unconsciousness. His eyes went electric and he looked up at Lyra. She took his hand.

"Sing," she said softly. He kissed her hand then let it go. A long hum from him drew the attention of the room. He paused, the air thick with anticipation.

He slammed his way into a genre of heavy operatic rock that he didn't often turn to then turned his incubus loose. His voice captivated them all and began weaving around the crowd, rising in intensity then dropping to almost a whisper. Lyra lifted her voice with his but knew that he was the one that was making the vampires sink to the ground, sobbing from the emotion from the song. Murmurs of apology began working their way through the crowd as the song intensified. When the song ended, only the club's employees were still standing. Many had their eyes closed to savor his voice but they were otherwise unaffected. The vampiric mistress was on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. Antares walked down to her and cocked his head, his eyes alive with electricity.

"Please, let me stay here with you," she whispered. Her male followers began voicing similar pleas. Antares let them for a few moments then raised a hand for silence. Even his speaking voice was ethereal right now, echoing in the silent club.

"After hurting the one I love, the only thing you can do for me is leave," he said simply. They rose and made their way out reluctantly, tears streaming down their face. So that was why they feared him so much, Lyra thought. This is what he reduced them to. He made them love him, then rejected them. She knew it was something she wouldn't survive.

"It isn't something you'll ever have to survive. Go see to him." Antares thought and Lyra ran down the stairs to Romulus. The employees did the same. The bartender got there just after Lyra and used his knife to cut the bonds. Lyra slid him into her lap and put a hand on his face. He turned his face into her hand as he opened his eyes.

"Antares, he's awake!" she called, relieved.

"I want to make sure they are gone. Can you get him up to the room?"

"I will."

Romulus groaned and sat up. "I can walk," he said roughly. He stood, swaying a bit and was steadied by both Lyra and the bartender. Blood drenched his arms and dripped from his fingertips. "I just needed to go deep for a minute to heal what I could."

"I've got him," Lyra said softly, hearing Antares growl in her mind. The bartender nodded and backed off. He had seen this before and knew the incubus was bound by instinct not reason right now. Romulus straightened and shook off the weakness.

"I've got me," he said firmly. "As I said, I can walk. Most of this isn't my blood."

"Humor me." she looped her arm around his waist and he smiled as she held on firmly.

"Alright. So how far did you get?"

"I had him talked into it but they interrupted before...the end of it." she flushed a little, still having a bit of trouble believing she had been that bold.

"But he agreed?" Romulus pressed as they slowly went up the stairs.

"Yes, he did." Antares' voice came from behind them. Romulus stopped and turned. Antares shook his head.

"Don't touch me quite yet, beloved," he warned, the ethereal notes still woven through his melodic voice. Romulus let his eyes go over Antares' skin. It was shifting and pulsing at a higher rate than he had ever witnessed before. Antares turned to the crowd while they were on the staircase. "Get the music started back up, Pan," he called out before smiling at the crowd. "This is a victory party."

The bartender put a foot on the bottom step as the stage erupted into music. "Antares." His black eyes looked up at the three of them then back at Antares. "I was only looking to help. You know that, don't you?"

Antares nodded and Lyra spoke. "He was just a bit grumpy because of what that interrupted. Thank you."

The bartender smiled. "Just looking after our home until Stan gets back."

"As much as I appreciate Leonardo, I could appreciate him a lot easier on the couch," Romulus said with an underlying edge in his voice.

Antares turned immediately and stepped forward to check on him.

"Just get the door, Antares. I've got the rest." Lyra said softly, seeing the torn look when Antares remembered he couldn't touch him yet. He eased around them and held the door as the two of them went through it.

"He'll be fine. Make sure they know that." Antares instructed, turning back around. Leonardo smiled with a hint of fangs.

"I will, but we aren't worried. We're pissed off. We aren't letting this go, are we?"

Antares smiled and his eyes glowed. "No. We are not." He walked into the VIP area and shut the noise of the club out. He walked up to where Lyra had eased Romulus down and reached for Romulus' shirt. He ripped it open and Lyra started to speak.

"Let him. He needs to get this out." Romulus thought then winced as Antares started to do the same with his pants. Lyra put her hands on Antares, feeling the thrum of his incubus magic deep in her core. After a moment to gain her composure, she spoke.

"Let me. That way you can see."

"And then heal." Antares' tone was firm as he looked at Romulus, who smiled.

"Yes. Then heal. There isn't much to heal. This is mostly their blood."

Lyra slid the pants off carefully and made a small sound of admiration that had them both looking at her.

"What? You're hot." she shrugged and tossed the pants to the side. Antares smiled as his eyes went over Romulus.

"The lady has a point." he murmured. He slid eyes over him. Romulus was right. There was nothing serious. He still straddled the other man and cupped his face in his hands, ignoring the small sound of surprised desire that escaped Romulus at the touch of his magic. "Stop scaring me like that," he said fiercely before kissing him. Romulus kissed him back hungrily. After a moment, Antares slid down his neck and set to work healing the scratches and bruises.

A sigh escaped Lyra who was sitting there, just watching. Romulus slid a hand over and linked their fingers.

"How am I a part of this beauty?" she thought.

"Because we got lucky," Romulus answered out loud. The incubus magic began seeping in and he pushed back the fear that rose with the need. A moan escaped and his head went back.

"What happened to him not touching you with the incubus touch?" Lyra asked concerned. A low growl escaped Antares as he ran his tongue over a bruise.

"This is the only way he can heal me," Romulus replied in a strained voice. He gripped her hand. "Just don't let go."

"I won't." she promised.

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