War of Hearts

De Kopowerbomb88

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Haytham kenway never thought that he had a son, but he never thought his son would become an assassin. Howeve... Mai multe

Chapter 1: My Son
Chapter 2: Searching for Church
Chapter 3: Working Together
Chapter 4: Sailing with Father
Chapter 6: Nightmare
Chapter 7: Trying to Make Things Right
Chapter 8: Am I A Monster
Chapter 9: Dealing with Templars
Chapter 10: It is Over
Chapter 11: Speaking to Achilles
Chapter 12: The Last Stand
Chapter 13: Doing it Right
Chapter 14: Meeting an enemy from the past
Chapter 15: The Unxpected Attack
Chapter 16: dont leave me
Chapter 17: People of the Homestead
Chapter 18: Drunk Haytham
Chapter 19: Making Amends
Chapter 20: A New Life (The End)
what do u think

Chapter 5: How I Met your Mother

201 6 3
De Kopowerbomb88

Haytham Point of view
I sprint across the rooftops, killing any of the redcoats that were in my way. The sun set about two hours ago, and since then the clouds in the sky have grown thick and dark. It's already began to drizzle and I can tell we're in a storm tonight, I do not wish to get soaked, not to mention the fact that there might even be hail. I see a familiar figure from the corner of my eye, and I slide to stop. My son Connor is on the street, who was talking to one of the sons of Liberty fellows in the cold rain.

I shake my head wondering how's he's okay with getting soaked, while also noting the intensity of the rain increased. It has been three months since I last saw Connor, I've heard nothing of him in that time and I was beginning to think he vanished. I didn't realise how much I have begun to care for him, until just now seeing him again. It's incredible how this young boy, had gotten to this old man in such a short time. Hmm I wonder if he feels a similar feeling, or if he hates me I thought.

I creep closer hoping to eavesdrop, but they're only discussing the progress of the war. The man Sam Adams is I'm not mistaken, is bragging about some battle that Connor pretty much won on his own. The young boy was humble as always, says it just was the right thing to do I rolled my eyes at this. Finally the two part ways as Connor looks around, and his eyes linger where I am. Though I'm hidden I'm still convinced I've been found, but he turns and walks the other way as if he hasn't seen me... so I follow him.

After speaking briefly with a few people across the city, he finally stops. Connor looks at a letter then nods and tucks it away, he approaches a man leaning against a wall.
Connor: I am here behalf of Doctor White, it is time the campaign against him is out to an end, who sells the papers this slander him?
He asked as he crossed his arms to his chest
Man: you won't find any argument from me, Doc lye fixed up my leg good as new. There are paperboys throughout the city who sells the papers, perhaps with some coin you might put a stop to it.
The mans says to my son
Connor: thank you
As Connor goes to carry out the mission  hmm I figure why not help a bit?

With the aid he doesn't know he has, Connor bribes all the paperboys trying to sell the papers about the doctor. I catch back up to him, but to hear him asking one of the children who printed it. The child only tells him that he was hired by a man, who pays him to keep it up and that all he cares about. But Connor isn't done, he has a town crier Point him in the right direction, and soon finds the overseer. Without a word Connor slams his fist into the mans face, one two, three times. He then grabs his coat and holds him still, as he speaks angrily to him.
Connor: your days of slander are through, do not print or sell anything else about Doctor White or I'll pay you another visits. And you won't come out of it, without a real beating understood?
He sneers at him
Man: ye.. yes sir
He stutters
Connor: good now go, before I regret leaving you conscious
As the man runs away from him.

Connor looks over his shoulder in my general direction, does he know I'm watching him? I thought but Connor just turns into an alley. How odd I abandon my hiding spot and follow, I follow him into the alley and don't see Connor anywhere. Baffled I activate my eagle vision, still nothing I walk further into the alley and I sigh and turn to go. Before I know it a weight from above collides on top of me, knocking me to the ground. I look into the dark brown eyes of my son, who bears a tiny smirk what is he game?

Connor: it is different when the tables turn, would you agree?
Connor asks
Haytham: what do you want?
I asked slightly annoyed
Connor: why are you following me?
Haytham: don't be foolish, you forget that you are my enemy
From there Connor extends his blade, and presses it to my throat.
Connor: if we are going to be this way so be it, any last words?
Connor says in mock British accent, as he fights a smile is he mocking me?
Haytham: you think this is some sort of joke!

Connor snickers and retracts his blade
Haytham; get off me you little brat!
I shouted
Connor: I did not hear a please anywhere in that sentence, or is my English worse than I thought?
I huffed at this
Haytham:I am not going to beg you to get off, I am demanding you to
Connor: no!
I started to build rage within me, I hate this brat I thought
Haytham: dammit Connor! What are you trying to prove?
I asked
Connor: nothing consider this is my message
As Connor bends down so his face is closer to mine, I can't help but notice that he's soaked and is getting me wet too.

Connor: never follow me again, you are lucky that I hesitate to kill you. Even though you are no use to me, we're I wiser you would be dead. But I'll let you live this time, but I mean it leave me alone.. my affairs are my own.
Haytham: and what if they concern me?
I asked as I was curious to know what he would say
Connor: then approach me next time, rather than hiding and pretending I can't see you.
I sighed
Haytham: fine you proved your point, now kindly remove yourself.. you are still on top of me
I though for a moment
Connor: one word
I sigh again at him
Haytham: please get off me
Connor pats my right cheek, and he gets me up in a instant I'm on my own feet.

Connor: was that so hard?
Haytham: who is Doctor White?
I asked him as I completely ignored his first reply
Connor: someone of no importance, to you father
I shrug I don't truly care that much
Haytham: fine just curiosity is all
Connor: hmph if you say so
An uncomfortable silence settles between the two of us, I look at my hooded son. If things were different, maybe instead of the awkward silence there would be shared of laughter. Instead of standing there awkwardly we could have walk to home together, if only things were different I thought.

Ah this is pointless no use in wondering what might have been, Connor will always hate me. And though I feel regret and even sorrow at this thought, there is not enough there to warrant any major life changes to appease him. I have no love for Connor anyway! There is something maybe a flicker of hope, that things will change... but whatever it is I feel, it is not love I thought.
Connor: well I suppose... I should've be off now
Connor said clearing his throat, with some hesitation. As if he wants me to stop him from going, he turns he begins walking down the alleyway. I notice again that Connor is soaked, he folds his arms in what looks like a poor attempt at warmth. He is shivering ever so slightly, perhaps the young boy doesn't have any layers that I wear.
Haytham: Connor wait!
I called out to him, Connor pauses at the end of the alley and looks at me over his shoulder.

Connor: yes?
He replies
Haytham: where.. if you don't mind me asking, where are you heading?
I asked
Connor: New York, there is something there that requires my attention
Haytham: I mean right now son
Connor shrugs his shoulders
Connor: a Tavern I suppose, it is late and I have no desire to ride all the way to New York without some rest.. why?
Haytham: well... I was just concerned you look rather cold
Connor tilts his head, as if I'm speaking a language he doesn't know.
Connor: you know what concerned means?
I chuckled at this
Haytham: funny
Connor: is my answer satisfactory?
Haytham: yes I suppose
Connor turns around, but then he stops
Connor: would you be... interested in...
I huffed in annoyance
Haytham: well? Out with it
Connor soon faces me, why does he look nervous?
Connor: would you be interested in assisting me?
Haytham: hmmm we can discuss it, just not out here. I for one enjoy being where it's dry.
Connor nods
Connor: that is fine with me.

Connor Point of view
Father and I sit in the room, I have rented for the night. I'm sitting near the fire trying to warm up at least a little, my father is sitting on the edge of the bed. Also looking at him reminds me of what I thought on my ship. For a man I believed to be is cruel, so violent he seems so calm and gentle now. I thought I don't know which side of him, is the real Haytham both I guess.
Connor: I've heard rumour of this band of thieves within New York, they're stealing to both enrich themselves and provide for the British. I aim to put a stop to it, if not the colonists struggle then for the people.
I say rubbed my hands near the fire, the thunder which grows even louder can be heard in the background. The chatter downstairs has died to almost none, most of the people have likely retreated to their homes to escape the storm.
Haytham: rumour.. you've heard a rumour
My father echoes after a long silence
Connor: rumour that I have looked on, it is true.
Haytham: very well I will accompany you, should be interesting.
Connor: good we can leave first thing in the morning

My gaze drifts to the fire what an odd thing, fire. When controlled it was so useful necessary even, but when out of control. My mind wanders further to all those years ago, images flash through my memory. The distinct smell and crackle of fire, the screams of terror and loss. My own being one ista... afraid and yet affectionate in her last moments. Against my will I shudder, that memory cut a wound in my heart. I feel the urge to cry, I would give in too if it weren't for the hard look my father is giving me.

Haytham: are you still cold?
He asks I look at him then look away, I hope my hurt isn't evident in my eyes or my facial expression.
Connor: I am fine
I muttered
Haytham: liar, what's the matter?
Connor: nothing
My father sighs
Haytham: well since you clearly are not going to be truthful to me, I suppose I have no more purpose. I'll meet you here in the morning Connor.
He rises to leave the room
Connor: father wait
Haytham: hm?
Connor: the storm is getting bad out there... perhaps you should rent a room here as well. So you do not have to face the harsh weather.
He thought for a moment
Haytham: hm perhaps expect you have the last room that was available, if you'll recall.
Connor: then wait it out there
Haytham: whatever for?
Connor: I just do not wish for you to get hurt in the storm, it is bad out there.
My father raises an eyebrow at me
Haytham: and when did you start, concerning yourself with my wellbeing?
Connor: when you became my partner, you are of little use to me dead
He rolls his eyes at me and sits down.

Haytham: fine so since I am trapped here, what do you wish to speak about?
I look down as I fidget with a loose string on my coat.
Connor: how did... you meet my mother?
I asked as I looked up to my father, he looks shocked to hear the question I asked.
Haytham: why do you ask?
He spoke softly
Connor: I am curious, she did not speak much of you
Haytham: you know curiosity killed the cat
I shook my head at this
Connor: but satisfaction, brought it back
My father chuckles and I feel something warm, within me at the sound. I like his laugh plus it makes him seem more, human.

Haytham: I came to America in search of a precursor site, I had an amulet which I thought was the key to the site. I just had to locate it, and I could open it and see what could be discovered. I bought it with me to speak to Johnson, he inspected it and said it appeared in Mohawk in origin. So I decided to turn to them to seek aid, but first I ad to gain their trust. We began the task by looking into a slaver by the name of Silas, he was kidnapping the Mohawks particularly of your tribe for slavery.
I huffed
Connor: sounds like a lovely fellow
I say sarcastically
Haytham:indeed anyway I snuck into the fort, accompanied by my closer assistants dressed as red coats. Who were delivering more slaves, your mother was on that cart that I stole.
This soon angered me
Connor: you took my people to the slaver!?
I shouted in rage
Haytham: oh calm yourself, it was only long enough to get inside. I freed them both those on the cart, and those already inside upon arrival. I then killed Silas but Benjamin Church shot him actually, once the deed was done I saw Ziio leading the others to safety. And then I heard nothing from them, well in months actually.
Connor: but
Haytham: but some time later, I located your mother. I remembered her distinctly and when so, I discovered her it was a familiar face. Well truth be told I may been a bit infatuated with her,the last time we met. So I had been searching her out, of course she spoke good English so that made her useful as well anyway. Well I learned that she wished to kill a man, named Edward Braddock so I offered to help her.
Connor: let me guess, she decided she could trust you and from there you both fell madly in love right?
I ask as my father shoots me a glare, and I regret interrupting him.

Haytham: well I feel that's an over simplification... but yes. Since you are so clever and interrupted my story, that's the most detail you'll get.
Damm now I really regret interrupting him, but father smiles a bit looking lost in memory. Then his smile fades, and he looks sad and hurt.
Haytham: god... I miss her Connor so much
I sighed heavily
Connor: me too father
Haytham: I can't help but wonder, what life would be like if we both stayed together. You and I wouldn't have to work together in secret, I'm sure.
Connor: perhaps not, though I suppose we will never know now
Haytham: I suppose not

I back into the fire I hate fire, what I also hate is the lone tear that slid down my face, thinking about ista and her death always makes me emotional. I wiped my tear aggressively.
Haytham: what did she tell you about me?
I look at my father
Connor: as I said not much, I learned your name reading a diary. All she ever told me was that my father was...
I soon closed my eyes, trying to remember her words
Connor: she said you were one of the kindest.. man she knew and that... you cared about people a lot. But she also told me you were a fanatic man, who hung around the wrong crowd of people.
I looked at my father reaction
Haytham: huh I expected.. something more spiteful
Another question popped into my mind
Connor: what happened between you two?
My father shakes his head
Haytham: that is a story for another day son
Connor: but I-
I was cut off
Haytham: Connor please
I sigh but nod
Connor: alright father, I understand
He looks out the window
Haytham: Connor the storm isn't going to let up, I'm going to go now.
Connor: father it is not safe!
Haytham: a little rain never hurt anyone son
Connor: maybe a little, but this is a Storm!
Haytham: goodbye son

Connor: you could stay in my room
I blurt out before thinking about it, I think about it after I say it. Perhaps my father will decline? I thought.
Haytham: there's only one bed Connor p
Connor: hmm maybe they have more
What am I saying? I thought
Haytham:I'll see if you're sure
Connor: it is fine
It is not fine! I thought
Haytham: if you insist.

Before long another bed is in the room, and parallel to mine. Father thanks the innkeeper, as the man departs for our room. He then sighs and sits down on the new bed, I crossed my arms over my chest since I don't know what to do with my hands. Any lightness and comfort between the two of us is gone, now things are nothing but awkward. I can't even bring up any small talk, do we have anything in common aside from ista? I am not sure, I know very little about Haytham Kenway.

I hate that actually, I wish we could be normal but I doubt we ever will. Still I long for my father and I to get along, maybe even to like each other.. it hurts me.. to think we never will.
Haytham: is there something the matter?
My father asks
Connor: no
I muttered as I reluctantly take off my weapons, but not my hidden blades. Never those I sit on my bed and cross my legs.
Haytham: you seem troubled or upset... and uncomfortable
I don't wish to tell him anything of what's bothering me, I don't to seem weak or silly.
Connor: I am fine
He narrows his eyes at me

Haytham: did you know that you do that?
Connor: do what?
I asked annoyed
Haytham: when you lie, you fiddle with some pieces of your clothing
I fold my hands, is that he pointed it out I realise I was idly messing with the cuff of my sleeve.
Connor: sometimes I wish you weren't perceptive
Haytham: and I often wish you weren't deceptive or secretive. Come now, what is bothering you?
I shrug then curse in Mohawk, when I catch myself rubbing my thumb against my shoe at a scuff mark. I clench my fists and look at my father, who smirks with an eyebrow raised.

Connor: do not concern yourself over it
Haytham: Connor I -
I cut him off this time
Connor: I do not need you to pretend you care, for I know you do not. And I do not wish for you to try, and lead me to believe what is false.
Haytham: well excuse me, for trying to have empathy. I suppose you are right, I was wrong to try and figure out what was bothering you. Evidently it is of no importance to myself, and it will not aid me to know what you're upset about.

Connor: go ahead and twist this so I look like a bad guy, poor Haytham just wants to care for this son. But the big bad Connor, is just rejecting every strained effort to make things right how dare I right?
Haytham: I merely asked you a simple question, you had no need to flip out on me
Connor: a simple question which implied a falsehood!
I shouted at him
Haytham: you know what? Forget it! I don't even care what's bothering you.
My father takes off his weapons, shoes, coat and hat before laying down.
Haytham: I would bid you a good night and wish you pleasant sleep, though that would evidently be a trick to make you think I give a damm. Which I do not!
I huffed at him
Connor: I am glad we can both agree on something
I plop into the bed and rollover, so my back is to father
great that went well, I can't believe I overreacted like that. Now he may not think I'm silly, but he's surely thinks I'm childish. That fit was unnecessary, no wonder he can't stand me.

Don't we just love Connor and Haytham bickering all the time! There's more to come with these two, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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