I Can Imagine {GxG}

De Veo1328

205 4 11

I can't even imagine what it would've been like. To be like Ren... She CAN imagine. Ever since she was young... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 6

16 0 0
De Veo1328

*Talon's POV*

One thing I hadn't expected tonight, was my classmate Ren- who's supposedly a human- to suddenly show up in Kaiso running through our apartment building. But that's just what happened. I was shocked when we locked eyes, and apparently so was she because she tripped over her feet and fell face first onto the ground. There was a couple moments of awkwardness. None of us in the common area knew whether or not to help her. After roughly 3 seconds she springed back up. Her face a dark shade of red and ran again. Part of me wanted to go and chase her, but how weird would that be? So, I decided to just stay here. After all, it's not like she's my problem.

The nymph chick from this morning, Kaylen or something, was still angry at me and refused to speak more than a few words at a time. She would turn and scowl at me every once and a while but continued to help me. The common area was a few things. For 1, it was just an area where we all could hang out and talk, 2 it was a library with all sorts of magical books and copies of old texts. That's the part I'm concerned with currently, but while we're on the topic it also has a snack bar, occasional meetings and a set of public computers. Overall a multipurpose room.

I'm searching through- er we are searching through all of the texts about nymphs that we can find in search of why Max has been so- so angry lately. "Look, Talon. I can't find anything except mate rejection and periods."

I grumble at her. "It can't be either of those things." I state while glaring at the book I held.

"Have you thought to maybe ask him what's up?" She ponders while pulling at the hem of her dress.

"Of course not! Why would he just tell me? I don't think he even knows." I state while scratching a 'peircing'.

The sky nymph to my left stands and dusts off her dress. "Okay, Well I'm tapping out. You should talk to him, after all he's the only person you care about. Don't lose him too." She then turns with a whip of her hair and leave me alone.

I sat alone for a bit thinking. Until my eyes met Ren's once more. She and the were-chick were soaking wet, with towels around both their necks. Some part of me was angry at this. I couldn't tell you why though. I could only imagine what they had been doing, but they only met today why would they be that close? Either way, Mace seemed really shaken up and Ren seemed exhausted. I honestly don't know. How did Ren even get here? As far as I can tell she's just a human, so she shouldn't have been able to find this place. Let alone actually enter it. The barrier should protect us from discovery that's why we have guards. I instinctively look over at the door way. Two guards were both talking on their walkie talkies, probably about Ren now that I think about it. I can only assume she passed through a gate while they were switching, but that would either have to be very lucky or incredibly planned out. I narrow my eyes at her, what's it about you. She and Masse open the door and head out. Ren had seemed fragile while she walked, with her shoulders tight and head down.

Suddenly a familiar face passes by and I shoot up. "Max." I state before I can stop myself.

He turns to me, with an annoyed face and bloodshot eyes, "What?"

I stand up awkwardly, unsure of what I was going to say in the first place. Maybe Kaylin was right.... "Um, can we talk in private?"

Max raises his eyebrows and looks over to the door that had shut a few moments ago. "Whatever, come on."

Eventually we were comfortably in his room sitting on his bed. Nobody spoke. How do you start asking your brother why he's been so bitchy and moody? "Um... Max you're my twin, my brother, and to be honest one of the only people I actually care about."

"I know Talon, it's something you need to work on." Max states while falling back onto his bed.

I twist to look at him. "It's not something I need to work on. I just choose who I care about carefully." I state glaring at him.

"Riiight, must be nice." He mumbles. "Either way, I don't know where this is going Sis."

"I wanted to talk to you because I'm worried about you!" I state, while moving over more. He looks up at me. "Tell me what's been going on."

He looks exhausted. "Talon. Do you never know when to mind your own buisness?"

"Dude! Why the fuck are such a bitch lately?!" I raise my voice and stand up. "Honestly you've been moody as fuck and it's worrying."

"Stay out of it Talon. It's not your problem." He sits up and glares at me.

"I won't. You're my brother and we're supposed to look out for each other. You and I are all each other has!" I yell.

"No. I'm all You have. I have other people! I have a mate! One who was supposed to love me unconditionally and hug me through nightmares!" Max yells while standing. "BUT HE'S FUCKING LIKE YOU. HE DOESN'T WANT A MATE!" Max's voice vibrates off everything with power as he rips off his T-shirt and shows me his left bicep with harsh anger. I gasp and stare down at the forming of a tattoo. It was the size of a sandwich, meaning that he had met his mate quite a bit ago. I look up at his eyes, wondering why he didn't tell me. Why he didn't come to me for help. "SO JUST GO! Leave me alone like you always do! Why don't you go fuck Kalley and reject your mate too. It's not like you care about anyone but yourself-"

I hug him. Pulling him in close and squeezing like it was the last chance I'd get. I screwed up royally, and I didn't even notice until now. I don't know how to make it better. "I'm sorry." I say. "I'm sorry... I didn't realize..."

He hugs me back, I hear him start to cry. Whatever has happened with his mate, clearly it's taken a toll on him. I wasn't hearing him. I just hug him. We talked for a bit. I learned that his mate was Auggie the next alpha. The alpha dude was dating the were-chick from earlier. The one who gave Max a weird look and was with Ren. He told me how much it hurt, to be rejected. How is heart felt like it was being stabbed, no doubt due to the werewolf part of the mate bond. He looked so hopeless. I couldn't find the words to console him. Eventually he fell asleep. It was really getting early into the morning now so I had to make the call to head to bed. Part of me wanted to stay and cuddle with Max. As I slip from his hold I turn and look at him. He was sprawled on his side. Tear stains streaming down his face and red cheeks.

A sense of disappointment in myself wells up in my stomach. I brush Max's curly mess from his eyes and pull his black blanket up and over him. Max has always been more sensitive than me... I suppose this should've been expected. I need to get my mind off this. I need something to distract me. Kaymee. She should come over- no she's mad at me right now. I sigh and turn off Max's light while leaving the room. I trudge back to my room, not too far away.

"Talon, you haven't returned my texts." A voice says making me meet the eyes of- let's call him an old friend.

"Oh, that so? Sorry Eton, I'll check later. After go fuck yourself and before I shove a stick up your ass." I state annoyedly while shoving him from my door and opening it.

"Rude." He states while following me. Eton.. we used to be fairly close when we were younger he was one of the only kids aside from Max who I hung out with. I trudge over to my bedside(nestside) table and pull out my trusty bottle of whiskey. Eton makes a face. "Yea, so sorry to interupt your self loathing and destructive sex and drinking habits. We all know you're very busy."

I glare at him and sit at the rim of my nest. Max had both a nest and a bed. He would often flip flop between the two, normally whichever was closer or had less mess on it. Back to Eton. He sits down next to me after shutting the door. Effectively inviting himself into my room. "You know, we stopped talking a long time ago for a reason, E." I warn while taking another gulp from my bottle. Feeling the alcohol already begin to calm my nerves.

"That was years ago Talon... still. I think it'd be good for you to come join the guards. We- we look out for each other like a family." He gives me his signature vamp smirk. "Give it a chance, it's all I ask. They're help you with your alcoholism and everything."

I send him a glare. "I'm not an alcoholic, and I don't negotiate with future rapists." He flinches. "If Max knew I was even speaking to you-"

"I was a kid Talon! I was learning boundaries and self control... if it means anything I really am sorry for what happened." He rubs his arms and shifts awkwardly. His blonde hair and pale skin glowed in the moonlight, and his brownish red eyes seemed to hold true emotion. E was turned into a vampire when he was 13 in an accident... previously he was just an average dwarf. Short in both size and temper, when he turned his temper became a huge problem and well- things happened.

I take another swing before looking up and challenging his eyes. "E, just go. I'm really not in the mood today."

He sighs and caves under my glare, but turns back during his retreat to the door. "Come down to the pub on West Cherry Ave. if you ever need something or change your mind." He opens the door and steps out only to pause. "Max is and will always be precious to me. I hope you and him both know that." After a moment of silence he leave and I take another long swing of my drink. Fucking dick. Looks like I'm finishing my bottle tonight. I note while looking at the mostly full bottle.

Another thing I hadn't expected tonight... getting fucking hammered alone in my room.

Continue lendo

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