A Child's Wish To Have Loving...

By Creativityismylife15

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This book will only be nine chapters long. I'll be making everything single one of the chapters as detailed a... More



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By Creativityismylife15

Eugene's Outfit above ⬆️

That Day Eugene was woken up by his mother, telling him to get up and ready. His parents hardly talked to him. His father Brendon kept yapping on about how they should get to Houston three days early so he could do a stage rehearsal. He was pretty much rushed, to get dressed.

The dogs were taken to a day care centre, so at least they didn't have to worry about them, just their son. Sarah recons Eugene will annoy everyone with his pictures but when getting to the air port, Eugene forgot his sheets of paper.

It's so boring right now. We've been on the plane for ages, and I've been getting ignored. Not cool at all. "Are we there yet?" I said, no response came instead Mummy put her head phones in and leaned her head on Daddy.

Hours later....

Finally off that plane, Mummy and Daddy holding hands and going to collect the luggage. I followed behind them as I picked up my suitcase, trailing behind them to a big looking bus like coach. "Ahh, the tour bus was here right on time." Daddy said as the door opened, being greeted by a middle aged tubby man.

"It's great to see you again, hop in." He said, as he and Mummy got on, then sees me struggling to get up the stairs. "Here kiddo let me help you," the man said taking my suitcase and helping me up, "I'm Chris by the way, and you are."

"Eugene. Eugene Urie." I said, then saying "thank you Chris."

I looked around on the bus, there was a section which was a mini bathroom and a bedroom. The big bedroom is clearly Mummy and Daddy's, the small one is clearly mine, there was even a curtain along the bed area so I could get away with not sleeping in the night.

We started to get our seat belts on as the bus began to drive away from the airport, I stared out the window, seeing in my reflection Daddy cuddling Mummy. Tired from that flight, I literally fell asleep with my head on the table.

Third person
Eugene was so exhausted he fell asleep in his seat, with his head on the mini table. He even used his arm as a pillow. He was travelling for hours with his parents and at his age he was very tired, uses a lot of energy.

His parents were cuddling, and watching a film. It's not until a sound from him moving his head gets Sarah's attention, making her look and see their son had fallen asleep. "Brendon, look Eugene's asleep." She said signalling him to look, "Oh yeah, he is. At least he can't bug us." He said.

Sarah got up, seeing the window by Eugene was open and blowing a breeze on him. She closed it and touched Eugene, who felt cold. "He's cold, I'm getting a blanket." She said as she went into one of the bags and pulled out a fluffy cream coloured blanket and laid it over Eugene, even over his head.

"There's a smaller blanket for him, if..." she cuts him off, "I think this will be fine. Besides can't afford for him to get sick." She said, as she joined her husband again and continued watching the film together. She leaned her head on his shoulder as she watched the film, but every five minutes she keeping looking over to Eugene, he was still sleeping.

When the film finished, Eugene started to groan as he slowly opened his eyes. Seeing that his parents where both looking at whatever was on the laptop. He went to his narrow room, seeing his suitcase was already there. Opening it he saw, his felt-tipped colouring pens had survived the air pressure of the plane during the travel. Now it was just finding some paper, he looked around the bus for it but found nothing.

It's not until he reaches the tissue box in the mini bathroom, 'Bingo' he thought, as he took a few and went back to his room and on his bed and started drawing on them. He drew several pictures of all kinds of things, even his parents.

Looking at them they were mostly his parents and the tattoo he wanted to get. He ran out of tissue to draw on. But then looks at his arm and then at the drawing of his wanted tattoo.

I'm so board, and I have been literally drawing on tissues for what seems like an hour. Mummy and Daddy just kept talking, what are they talking about? They were loud and the walls on the bus were thin, so I pressed my ear against the wall, facing the living area and hearing;

"It's so hard having a child here, really wanted to have next few weeks to ourselves." I heard Daddy say, but then he adds; "maybe we should look into sending him to boarding school, when we get back home."

Boarding school?! What. Daddy wants to send me away? But, if it happens, I will miss my parents. I won't see Mummy and Daddy and I love them so much, I can't bear to be apart from them for a long time. "We could but, a lot of boarding schools are expensive." Mummy said then Daddy said, "Well, I found one that's really good in Washington DC."

He wants to send me miles away from home in another state?! What. How is Mummy going about this? "No. No, Brendon we are not sending our son away to another state. He's only six." Mummy said but then adds, "if we want to send him to boarding school, then we have to look for one that is good in our area."

"Ok, your right. Besides it might not happen, it was just an idea I came up with." Daddy said, as I heard them kiss and then Mummy saying, "if we do decide on sending Eugene to boarding school, let's first agree on something before making a decision." Ok so Mummy is ok with sending me to boarding school. I feel like I lost my parents at this point.

"I lost them!" I cried out, oh no! I didn't want to be that loud and now Mummy and Daddy will think I'm crazy. I heard footsteps coming this way, I pulled the curtain of my bed across to hide. "Eugene, Eugene." It sounded like Daddy, he's in here. "Nothing!" I said as his silhouette got closer to the curtain.

"We're here!" I hear Chris yell, as it made Daddy go away. I got out and saw him and Mummy leaving the bus and going into a building, it was huge. I watched from the window, seeing Daddy talking to two men. Mummy was out there too, also talking to them. What could they possibly be on about?

I didn't even bother to go out there or ask, they'll ignore me and I know it. They'll be there for ages, so I carried on watching them. I even pulled out a little plastic bag from my suitcase, it had some sugar bombs in it. Mummy thought she could stop me from eating sugar bombs, Well this time she didn't as she's out there and I'm in here.

The sugar bombs were quite dry, I looked in the mini fridge of the little kitchen seeing mostly alcohol and water. Ooh there's milk, as I pulled out the bottle then realising it was a milky vodka. Yeah I've heard of vodka, why? Cause Daddy drinks it. I mean it is milk with just vodka added to it.

Pouring it in the plastic bag of sugar bombs and then digging a spoon in it and eating it. Woah that's strong! It's like heating my mouth and throat. Only lasted a few seconds but most of all I still ate them. They still taste good though.

Besides it's not like they can see me through the window. Right?

I watched as I ate sugar bombs, seeing them get a little closer to my window. I continued to eat them, they seemed to have tasted pretty sugary than usual. Hopefully they don't glance in my direction. I ate some more, crunching them down in every bite. The door opens and I quickly hide the bag of sugar bombs, in came Mummy, Daddy and the two men. I didn't know who they were.

They didn't seem to care where I was, they continued talking.

"Mummy, Daddy. Who are these people?" I said feeling a little funny after eating the sugar bombs. "Eugene, I'm busy talking. Not now." Daddy said a little sharply then continued to talk to the two men. One of them looked at me, then at Daddy saying, "It's ok Brendon. Hey there kiddo, I'm Brad. A friend and guitarist of your Daddy's." he said, seemed nice.

"And I'm Toby, I'm also a guitarist and drummer I also know your Daddy." The other man said. Brad and Toby. Daddy rolled his eyes at this and so did Mummy. Their mad at me. "What? Brendon it's ok. I'm fine with your son talking to us." Brad said, as Mummy peeped in, "I'm sure he didn't mean it. Eugene tends talk a lot and it can be annoying some times." She said. "Oh come on Sarah, you rolled your eyes too. You both did." Brad said as he got up, then said to me, "remember kiddo, you have done nothing wrong. You hear me, nothing wrong." I'll Remember that. You have done nothing wrong.

"Where are you going?" Daddy said, as Brad turned round and said, "I'm just can't stand seeing a child being looked at like this by his parents, and it's rude to roll your eyes." Daddy tried to say something, but instead Mummy did "we didn't mean to roll our eyes, we just got fed up that the conversation was interrupted. Eugene shouldn't be interrupting conversations." She said.

"I just can't right now." Brad said as he went outside, Mummy followed then Daddy. All that was left in the tour bus was Chris, me and Toby.

I looked out the window, see Mummy and Daddy talking to Brad. Toby looked and said, "don't worry about your parents, especially your dad. He's just probably stressed and tired."

"Mummy and Daddy are mad at me, I just know it. Why are they so mad? I tried to talk to them but they just ignore me." I said, Toby listened and then said, "Well then, you need to tell them how you feel, because honestly it's not nice seeing parents ignore their children like that and I saw how they rolled their eyes. Do they do that all the time to you?"

"No, but they do ignore me a lot." I said as Toby looked down then back at me saying, "oh, then why did they have a child. I wouldn't even ignore my child if I had one."

"I wasn't planned, I was an accident. Mummy said something called a condom didn't work, and Daddy said him and Mummy had sex. They had sex." I said, as Toby was looking quite surprised by what I had said. It is strange hearing something like that coming from a six year old.

"Well, um....so they had sex. And you know about it?" He said, I sighed with a "yes, I asked them if they still loved me and Mummy kept giving me the same answer." I said, then seeing out the window, Brad walking away and Mummy and Daddy walking back up.

"You seem like a bright kid, just be strong and remember deep down your parents Do love you," Toby said as my parents came back in, hearing Daddy say, "he'll be over it soon, besides he still works for me." I still had the picture of Mummy and Daddy holding baby me. It was precious, I would always like to read the writing on the back to remind myself that they do love me.

"What happened out there with Brad?" Toby asked Daddy, who responded with "we had a bit of a disagreement, he didn't like how Sarah and I treated our son but really it's none of his business." After a few minutes Toby leaves, now it's just me and my parents. Remember what Brad said, 'you have done nothing wrong' and what Toby said 'be strong and remember deep down your parents do love you.'

I started to feel uncomfortable and left the living area, going to my room. Foot steps are coming and I'm shaking. I tell myself, 'your strong, your strong.' But that didn't protect me. "Eugene, I know your there. Besides, when Daddy is touring you do as your told. Ok? Good." He left the room, leaving me feeling rather worried, I never saw this side of my Daddy before and it scares me.

"What did you say to him?" I heard Mummy say, as Daddy answered with "I told Eugene that when touring, he does as he's told."

There was no response from Mummy after that, maybe I should tell them how I feel and how them ignoring and not bothering me has hurt me. But I guess they could quite possibly ignore that. I love Mummy and Daddy, but I'm feeling sad. I need my Mummy and Daddy back.

The next day.....

I was dragged out the bus, just so Daddy could rehearse. I was told to just sit and be quiet, so that's what I did for the next hour. I didn't want to make Daddy mad. He comes off stage and comes backstage where I was sitting, Mummy claps and applauses him, he then looks at me and says; "Eugene, get Daddy a beer."

I did as I was told, I jumped off the box I was sitting on and went to the cooler, taking out a bottle of beer. "Woah kid, what in God's name are you doing with Alcohol? Your too young to be drinking that stuff." I looked up and saw it was a security guard, he scares me. "It's not me, it's for my Daddy." I said, he went ok and allowed me to go.

I went to Daddy with the beer in my hand, he takes it from me and opens it. He takes a drink from it, as Mummy holds his arm and kisses his cheek. I sat back down again on the box, I feel hungry but there's nothing to eat here. I could really do with some chicken nuggets, I'd do anything for a chicken nugget.

"Does anyone want lunch because I could really do with some food."

Who ever said that made my cravings for chicken nuggets even worse. "Yeah we could have break, maybe order some food." Daddy said, ok so what do they order. Possibly chicken, and what does Eugene get out of that....vegetables. "Yeah we can do that, um so what does everyone want? Pizza?" Same strange person said, how does Daddy know this person?

They all settled on ordering pizza and chicken. Mummy and Daddy placed an order, and so did everyone else. Just thinking about the times when Mummy and Daddy bothered with me and how they reacted when I was born. They had a video of it all happening, when I was five they showed it to me. It was a lot.

Flash back....
Third person

Eugene aged five, was sitting down in the living room with his parents, they wanted to show a video of him being born. "You sure we should be showing him this, it's quite graphic. You literally filmed every detail." Sarah said, sitting down as her husband put the disc in the player, then sat down and pressed play. "I'm sure, besides Eugene needs to know the truth about birth." He said as he sat down.

"See here Eugene is your Mummy breathing. And now saying 'Get this thing out of me!' And more breathing." Brendon said as Eugene looked closer at the TV.

Conversation in the video:

"Get this thing out of me!!! I swear to god woman, if you don't get this thing outta of me, I'm gonna sue you! Not this hospital, I'm going sue you!" Sarah yelled in pain, as Brendon apologised to the nurse, who understood "it's ok and it's normal for pregnant women to get like that before giving birth, i have three kids and I know what it is like."

"Just breathe, ok your doing great. You just need to push now." Brendon said rubbing her shoulder and the belly. Then she screeched out in pain again, breathing hard. He held her hand as the mid wife told her to push.

Reality conversation:

"This is where the good part begins," Brendon said telling Eugene to pay attention. "Yeah the part where I'm screaming at literally everyone, but you gotta understand I was pushing a human out of my vagina, it hurts." Sarah said trying to get the boys to understand that it was a lot she had to go through.

Suddenly the camera in the video was being pointed at Eugene's head crowning out of his Mums vagina. He looked away in disgust, making his mum say to his dad, "you had to film my vagina. Seriously Brendon, you could have just kept the camera on my face." She said.

"He has to see everything, the whole process." Brendon said getting Eugene to look again but instead he put his head on his mum, not wanting to look. "I think you traumatised him, he doesn't want to look." Sarah said which made Eugene get his head off her and looking at the video.

Conversation in the video:

"Oh the head's crowning keep pushing," the mid wife said as Sarah screamed again, pushing as much as she can, as the mid counted ten seconds in each push. "Your doing great honey, just push." Brendon said holding her hand as she squeezed his hand tighter, saying "I don't want to, can't you do it for me?" She cried in pain then screamed as another contraction came, "I wish I could but I can't. But think about it we'll be parents," he said as Sarah cried out, "that's easy for you to say, you don't have a human coming out your god damn vagina!"

"Your making good progress, now push." The mid wife said as Sarah gave it her everything and pushed as hard as she can. "Sarah you need to push a little harder, the baby isn't getting any further out." The mid wife added as Sarah screamed out, "I'm trying! For love of god, just cut the baby out if you have to! Anything, just get this thing outta of me!!!!"

"Sarah honey, just breathe. Calm down, your nearly there." Brendon said smoothing down her hair and getting it away from her sweaty forehead, then looks over at her vagina with a baby whose head was half out, "Oh my god Sarah, how are you doing this?! All I see is half a head." Brendon said staring in shock but fascination.

"Now push harder," The mid wife said, as a little more of the baby came out, "Oh more of the head is coming out, Sarah honey keep pushing." Brendon said still staring at what seemed like the most amazing thing, "I'm trying to! It's hard, I don't think I can do this!" She cried out, as mid wife said "you've got too, it's nearly out. Push!"

Sarah pushed again, screaming through it as the mid wife focused then suddenly a cry fills the room and everything is silent.

Sarah starts to cry when seeing the mid wife holding up her baby, "it's a boy, congratulations." She said as Sarah cried "he's beautiful, perfect." The mid wife placed the child on her chest, as Sarah touched her baby as the mid wife was wiping the child clean with a towel. Looking to her right, Brendon was nearly in tears "he's perfect. We're  parents." He said then the mid wife clamps the umbilical cord and offers Brendon the scissors.

"Just cut right in middle," the mid wife said.

"Daddy cut the cord," Eugene said looking at his dad then his mum, "yeah daddy did cut the cord." His mum said, "I did a service I separated the mother and the baby's join," his dad said, Sarah laughed a little and said, "true but you were shaking, let's face it. You said the cord was spongy."

"Just keep watching Eugene and you'll see you Daddy cry," Sarah said as Eugene went "ok, but Mummy it's gross." Sarah rubbed his back saying in agreement "I know it is. But now you know the truth."

"Let's keep watching it's not over yet." Brendon said as he continued to play the video.

Conversation in the video:

The mid wife took the child to be cleaned up, as she washed him carefully in warm water and gentle soap, then dried the baby up. Putting a hat and diaper on him, Brendon watching it all, as she turned around with the child wrapped up in a blanket. She told him how to have his arms as she gently laid the baby in them, he turned around and came towards Sarah with tears his eyes.

"He's finally here," he said as he sat down on the little space made on the bed next to Sarah as she rested her head on his shoulder and then looked over at their baby. Putting an arm round Brendon and a hand under the baby's head.

"All he needs is a name, any names in mind?" The mid wife asked as she cleaned up, "um what about um Will no um Brendon Junior?" Sarah said then looks at Brendon "he doesn't look like a Brendon junior, let's think." Brendon said as Sarah then suggests, "ok um Lee."

"Kinda like that but I was thinking Eugene." He said as Sarah smiled and looked at the baby then at Brendon, "it's perfect, Welcome to the world Eugene Urie." She said as Brendon adds, "Actually Eugene Lee Urie."

"Aww you included the name Lee, I love it." From there the mid wife took the picture of them looking down at their baby, catching a shot of Brendon crying in the picture.

End of video

Eugene sat there trying to process everything, that he had seen in the video. "And that is how little Eugene was born." Sarah said giving her son a cuddle as he said, "I love you Mummy, Daddy." He said. "Aww we love you too." She said.

Back to the present....

I wished Mummy and Daddy were still like that now, but Daddy did scar me for life with  the video, it's not like he showed a video of me being conceived. But I do want the loving parents I had a long time ago back, I miss them.

Back to what has been going on, everyone has ordered lunch and it comes. I'm starving at this point, seeing everyone opening up their foods and eating them. Daddy comes in with a bag, putting it down on the box I was sitting on, Mummy comes over opening one of the boxes, it was chicken in one box, in another box was a salad and other box also contained a salad.

They each took some chicken, and salad leaving a spare piece of chicken for me and a little salad. They went up to the other people they know and ate with them as I stayed seated on the box and ate. The chicken wasn't bad, it seemed a little bland and dry. I watched Mummy and Daddy socialise, they seemed to have sounded so happy.

I ate, till my food was finished. Sitting around and looking into space, "Daddy I'm going to the bathroom, I need to go." I said to my Daddy but he said nothing neither did Mummy. I left the room going to the bathroom, once I got there. I stared at the mirror, then down at the floor.

What did I do to make Mummy and Daddy mad? They seemed upset with me and I know they are because their ignoring me. As Brad said, 'you have done nothing wrong.' Always remember that, I stepped out the toilet and turned on the taps to wash my hands, the water was cold making it harder.

Why are Mummy and Daddy behaving like this towards me? It's weird. I don't like it. I couldn't hold myself together, I burst out into tears. Crying a lot surprised no one has heard me.

Face reddened with tears, can't go out there like this. I knew at some point I would have to leave the bathroom, so I quickly left and went outside. None is out here, and I like it. Helped cheer me up, seeing how much less noisy it was out here than backstage.

"Kid what you doing out here alone?"

I turned round and saw it was a security guard, "it's better than being inside." I said to him, as he got closer and said to me "Your Daddy has sent me to find you, saying you disobeyed him and wondered off."

"I was going to the toilet, honest." I said as he escorted me back inside, seeing daddy standing there folding his arms, he didn't look happy. "Found him outside, wondering about." The security guard said, as Daddy said "thanks Zac, sorry if Eugene was a handful."

Zac left leaving me and Daddy, as Daddy said to me "What did I say to you about doing as your told? Security told me they saw you going into the bathroom, crying." I stood there not knowing what to say but I do know I had a reason to be in the bathroom. "Daddy I.....uh was peeing." I said. Daddy said nothing after that, when we returned backstage.

He didn't seem to ask me why I was crying. Daddy began rehearsing again, as I returned to sitting around and doing nothing. The little grin on his face as he sang made me angry, but yet upset why couldn't he have that face when he sees me? Mummy stood there watching the whole thing, smiling as she supports Daddy she didn't even bother to look at me for one second.

At this point I feel like I have nearly lost both my parents.

Daddy soon finishes and comes back down, Mummy hugs and kisses him, as she made her comments on his performance. Obviously she is going to say he was great or even wicked. He sees me and says, "Eugene get Daddy a beer." Again, fine I'll get the beer. I got off the box and went to the cooler and took a bottle of beer out of the ice, going over to Daddy who was sitting down.

I gave it to him, as he opened it and drank some. Not even a thank you he carried on drinking it, he sat there drinking as Mummy talked to him.

"Hey there kiddo, how you doing lately? Did you tell your parents?" I looked and saw it was Toby, he was nice. "Um I'm fine I guess. I don't know how to tell Mummy and Daddy." I said as Toby got down on his knees, saying to me "i wish I could relate, but I didn't have parents like that, but you must be strong." Ok so be strong. "When was the last time you went out for ice cream? Or a donut or the park?" He asked, that's hard because I haven't been out for ice cream ever and only went to the park a few times with Chole, never my parents.

"I never went out for ice cream and I only went to the park with my babysitter, Chole." I said, seeing how Toby reacted he clearly felt bad for me, "Oh my god. So you never went out for ice cream, hmmm." He said. "I got it, you need to live your childhood dream so how about I take you out for ice cream," he said, I felt so happy, but yet guilty as I'll be disobeying Daddy.

But then it could be my chance to live my childhood before it ends. "Ok." I said as we went to the door, looking back Mummy and Daddy were kissing, they were clearly too distracted. Before we could even leave the building, Zac stops us.

"Eugene, what are you doing out here. Go back in there." Toby intervenes saying, "Look Zac, I'm just taking Eugene out for ice cream. Come on man, the kid never went out for ice cream like ever." Zac gasps, like "what? No."

"Yeah, and that's why I'm making his childhood dream happen." Toby said but the Zac still blocks the door, "But Brendon told me to make sure Eugene stays put. But since the kid never went out for ice cream, then fine. Fuck Brendon, go live your child dreams kiddo." Toby sighed in relief, "thank you Zac." He smiles and says "No problem, besides I'll just tell Brendon you went to the bathroom and took a nap in a break room."

We went to the nearest ice cream shop. "Have any ice cream you like, it's your first time so make it special." Toby said. They had a whole rainbow of flavours, all so brightly colourful. "I'll have this one," I said pointing to the one that was Fruity pebbles, "that's a great choice little dude, I loved that ice cream flavour when I was your age and trust me you'll love it." He said as he picked out his ice cream which was Cookie Dough.

Once we got our ice cream, we sat down at the table as I took a taste of my ice cream, it was delicious, I loved it. This was the best thing I have ever had in my life. "How's the ice cream?" Toby asked as he started to eat his, "it's really good, yummy." I said eating more of my ice cream.

We continued to eat our ice creams, and left wiping away the evidence that I had ice cream. "Now how does it feel having your first ice cream?" Toby asked as we walked back, "Feels good, my Mummy and Daddy never took me but you did. Thank you." I said, "your welcome little dude, besides I'm happy I got to make a child hood dream come true," he said as we made it back to the building.

I knew once I get back, I got to be in the break room and look like I'm taking a nap, in case Mummy or Daddy ask. "Your back on time, this way." Zac said as he guided us down the hall. "How was it? What ice cream did you have?" He added, as a Toby said "We had a good time, and Eugene tell Zac what ice cream you had."

"I had Fruity Pebbles ice cream, it was yummy and like sugar bombs. My Mummy would always get mad at me for eating them." I said, Zac smiled and laughed at the part where I mentioned the sugar bombs and Mummy. "I can imagine that, does your Daddy get mad too for eating Sugar Bombs?" He asked, "No he lets me get away with eating them, it's only my Mummy." I answered as we arrived at the break room.

I knew what to do, I laid down on the couch in the break room, as Zac and Toby left, pretending to be taking a nap. I laid down there for ages till hearing voices and foot steps.

I think it's Daddy.

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