His Only Hope || A Severus Sn...

By MayaDemonAngel

3.2K 400 265

*Updates every Friday!* The war is over. It left behind torn up families and scarred orphaned children. Sever... More



740 49 27
By MayaDemonAngel

10 July, 1998

Snape: Scoundrel or Saint? By Rita Skeeter.

In this autobiography, we will dive deeper into the so called "lesser known war hero," Severus Tobias Snape's true intentions and psyche. In order to do so, let me first give you a brief summary on the man's life and some exclusives from our trusted sources.

He was a product of an unstable and possibly abusive family, and frequent target of bullying at Hogwarts. Severus Snape took a liking to the Dark Arts at a very early age, our sources confirms that he knew more spells than all his first year classmates. This immediately put him at odds with his best friend and object of affection, Lily Evans, as told by close sources from the controversial war hero Harry James Potter.

Our sources further reports that young Snape used to practice dark magic on his classmates and would often be seen torturing them privately. His disturbing behaviour later escalated when his Gryffindor rival, James Potter began vying for Evan's love and attention.

Later in Snape's school years, Potter was successfully able to obtain Evans and the two got married shortly after their graduation. Snape was devastated when he knew of their marriage and at the start of the First Wizarding war, joined the Death Eaters along with other Slytherins from his year out of pure anger and jealousy.

The proclaimed lesser known war hero joined the death eaters when he was only Seventeen years old! So I pass this question off to you my dear readers, can a death eater and someone who used to use dark magic at a young age really have a change of heart? Could someone as vial and monstrous as him join the good side just as Dumbledore keeps telling us?

And sadly my erudite readers, that is not all.

Flight without a broomstick was seen as largely impossible for witches and wizards-- until Lord Voldemort came to power. It's unclear how was obtained by him, whether by spell or curse or some other form of magic, but it's most certainly of dark origins.

Aside from Voldemort, the only other person who mastered it was Severus Snape—a credit to his obvious skill in dark magic. Both Voldemort and Snape could surround themselves in a smoky black mist in which spells and curses could still be performed while in the air.

Spectators at Hogwarts confirmed that Snape fled Hogwarts during the second wizarding war using that technique. This further confirms that we were lied to ladies and gentlemen!

Harry Potter claimed that Snape became a spy for Dumbledore before Lord Voldemort fell the first time, yet the man was seen using the same techniques as the dark lord only recently. If he truly switched sides then why is he using dark magic to float himself around? Was this the traitor's way of showing off?

Our sources further confirmed that Voldemort taught this skill to Snape sometime during the Second Wizarding War, when he had helped take over Hogwarts. It also...

Severus Snape closed the book with force and threw it across the room in anger.

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