Watermelons and Skies

By Yoonworks

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Secret Series - #4 Unbidden: - not asked, without having been commanded or invited. - (especially of a though... More

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By Yoonworks

Jisoo's POV

"Okay, this is so upsetting. Why are you able to go around like this when I was close to going crazy after I just gave birth to Ashton?" Chaeyoung scowled as we sat on the couch, on her hands were a bowl of nachos that we've been munching since she arrived.

"We married two different men, Chaeyoung. They think and act the exact opposite like each other," I chuckled as Chaeyoung pouted. It's cute how she'd start whining about it.

"But it's unfair! You always have this time to chitchat with us not worrying that your baby will cry," I saw Yoongi shaking his head from afar. He was seated while he watches Ashton stare at our baby who was sleeping on the crib. Ashton was simply standing and staring at her in awe. 

He can hear our conversation as well as Jimin.

Yoongi takes care of our child. He likes to be hands-on and is always insisting that I take a rest.

"Chaeyoung, our case was different. You kinda have a postpartum then which I don't. Plus, Yoongi may have gotten quite a few notes seeing Jimin and you taking care of Ashton. So I think we actually owe you guys one," I smiled and it calmed her down a bit.

Every day, her family will come over to visit. Yoongi had bought our own house after our marriage which happened one month after his proposal.

A lot has happened in a span of one year.

Yoongi and I had decided to be all out with our fans.

A day after his proposal, both our companies released an official statement about our relationship and our upcoming wedding. But we decided not to tell them about me being pregnant. Like what happened with Ashton, Yoongi and I would like our child to live a little normal than most celebrity children.

At least that, we want for ourselves.

It was a field day for the media. A few of our fans were devastated but surprisingly, more than half of them supported our relationship especially Yoongi's fans. We realized that he has a lot more fanboys rather than girls and most of them were okay with him being in a relationship.

Our wedding was held in secret.

It was a small wedding which we celebrated only with our families and friends. It was very private and was held in Daegu, Yoongi's hometown.

We only told our fans two months after by making handwritten letters for them. And as much as we would like to share this wonderful occasion, it's a sacred event that we wish to keep to ourselves.

I took a break from promotions due to my pregnancy. Thank God we don't have any tour scheduled.  Now,  our individual promotions were prioritized. Chaeyoung just had hers so it's Lisa's turn now.

Chaeyoung also took a break after her promotions and decided to accompany me from time to time.

Jennie and Lisa, however, were busy. With their individual promotions, as well as the preparation for their own weddings, we rarely spend time with them these days. They drop their asses here occasionally though to see my child.

A month before I gave birth, Yoongi also took a break from promotions. By this time, it's Jungkook and Taehyung's turn to release their solos. Namjoon was on break too but does produce for a few artists and everyone was quite worried for him. He's not the same after the incident and we just hope he'll get better in no time.

"Yoongi oppa is so sweet. He never lets you lift a finger and stays up all night attending to your child just so you can sleep," she squealed and we heard someone clearing his throat, and both Chaeyoung and I laugh. Her husband is such a jealous guy. He gets jealous that Chaey is best friends with Yoongi and Ashton adored my husband the same way. What's even funny is that Ashton treats our child like his little sister.

Every morning, Ashton would literally hop across the backyard towards our house to see Yoon Ji.

It's fascinating how we can see the bond between the two. Once, Yoongi and I got surprised when we saw how Yoon Ji stopped crying after Ashton started cooing her.  He started talking to her in his cute little voice. The kid even vowed to his uncle Yoongs that he will protect our child no matter what and he'll be his big brother too.

"Ashton, our baby Yoon Ji is pretty,  right?" Jimin asked messing up his son's hair.

Ashton lifted his gaze to his father and smile.

"Dada, uncle Yoongs said I will be Ji's bodyguard once I am big. I will protect her," he proudly exclaimed. We all chuckled at how determined he sounded.

"I will trust your words, Ash," Yoongi smiled and my heart literally skipped out of my chest.

I don't think Yoongi's effect on me will ever change.

Yoongi stood up from his seat and headed straight to me.

"Yah, you're not going to kiss unnie in front of me again,  will you?" Chaeyoung looked like she's gagging but Yoongi just smirked. Once he reached our direction, he leaned forward and gave me a quick peck on my lips before heading to the kitchen.

Yoongi does that. He just shows me affection a lot more these days and the presence of any of our members wouldn't stop him.

I told him off once about it and all I got was his sassy response.

"They are welcome to leave my house if they want. I will kiss my wife whenever I want and nobody will stop me. They can try but I assure you, I'm forcefully going to kick them out,"

A smile automatically formed on my lips.

As always,  Yoongi would never stop making me feel love.

I turned my head towards Chaeyoung who's just smirking at me.

"I can't believe we are married now and have some kids,'" she whispered and I nodded, agreeing with her thoughts.

Yoongi and Yoon Ji, what more can I ask for?

Oh right,  Namjoon. I kinda wish Namjoon will soon find the right girl for her. Because he had gotten the wrong fan, I hope he gets the right person who can bring back his old self.

That's all I can ask for now. But then again I'm just so glad.

I have my family my friends, my members...

I'm happy...

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