Dawn (It's the whisky talking...

By HiddenBlackLilly

345 60 37

A collection of short stories and poems. Some are from the depths of my heart and some well come from a dark... More

Author's note
Until flights do us apart #Friendshipday
Don't let life fool you
I keep forgetting (Poem)
Deadly obstructions (Acrostic poem)
Must've been love (poem)
Sister (Acrostic Poem)
Your honey
Under the covers

It's the whisky talking

43 6 2
By HiddenBlackLilly


It's the whisky talking


I take a sip and let the familiar scent engulf me. I could still make out your mint aftershave entangled in the aroma of food and booze. Same restaurant each time, but honestly it had never bothered me for I liked it's cosiness.

I take a sip and the memories of our first day here comes dashing in front of my eyes. Today too you're in the same shirt as that day.

I take a sip and laugh. I really like that shirt of yours. Is that a silver deer in the corner? I wonder as I squint my eyes. Couldn't really tell, it's too dark inside.

I take a sip and my eyes meet yours. It was funny how yours were averting mine today. You used to give a warm smile every time our eyes met. Your smile was the most genuine thing of my life. Why isn't it there today?

I take a sip oblivious to the loud sounds around me. I had always hated noisy places, but I felt more relaxed than usual now holding this half empty glass. Is it because of your shirt I wonder.

I take a sip and another. Everything around me seemed blurred except your face. It wasn't about your looks you know. Honestly you are attractive, but I never thought I'd like you this way.

Me liking you Maybe had something to do with how the wind messed up your already messy hair. Or maybe it's the way you run a hand through it as a habit when you are confused. Or maybe it's the way you smirk while you talk about your projects with groundless confidence. God knows why.

I steady my self with my once moving hands.

I reach for another sip, but a hand stops me.

Sad it's not your hand.

"That's enough" I hear a voice from my side, whisper in my ear.

Sad it's not your voice.

You give an awkward laugh looking at the person next to you. You've always looked at her only.

Sad it's not me.

You know I've always made time to attend these business dinners because of you. I always try to catch the seat in front of yours while you tried for the one next to hers. Its understandable why you like her. If I were you I'd like her too.

I heard a few gasps from around the table.

I take a sip and sigh. My throat was tightening as if someone was throttling me. I look at you again and finally you make eye contact with me. I feel a tightening sensation in my chest.

How can your eyes have this much effect?

I take another sip and finally everything was spinning, but I could still make out your eyes that were fixed on me.

You shouldn't have walked me home that day; I can finally hear my voice mixed with the loud noise.

Yes it was definitely my voice.

You shouldn't have saved me from the boss, that one time.

My voice cracked. I sounded awful. I wanted my voice to stop talking, but it just won't. It struck me hard that I might have been talking this whole time. It's too late to stop now.

I take a sip for I've already said more than what's needed. I never had the guts to tell you personally but here I am. My voice blared loud in my ears. Oh god stop; my thoughts kept yelling.

But I'm too drunk to differentiate between what I might have been saying or what I might have been thinking.

It's not me talking anyway.

It's the whiskey.

That is a huge difference I tell myself.

Hope you know it too.

It's the whisky talking.



So yeah, here's a short story I recently wrote. Hope you all enjoyed!

Make sure to press that star button at the bottom if this reached your heart😆

I don't know about you all, but I'm fangirling "the hand" guy who stopped her from drinking more. He heeXD

I might actually publish a part 2 for this. I mean I did start, but I'm not sure whether I should go with it and finish it or just let this one be as it is now. Like a drunk ramble.

So yeah do comment, like n follow me for more!

Oh and for those who are waiting for me to update "A billionaire's innocent love" and "My childhood friend the billionaire" , I will be posting the next few chapters soon!
Thank ya all for your patience.


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