Rosetta ✔

By WillRight101

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#Teen Fiction # |Rosetta| " Do you understand me ?" I nodded . " Do you trust me ?" I nodded " Will you obe... More



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By WillRight101


            "You dare sleep in the chamber of the king !? " I whimper stepping back . My body was trembling . Madam took step ahead making me look down on the ground and let my tears fall . " Why did you disobey the orders !?? Do you understand the consequences of letting a whore like you sleep on the bed of his grace !? "

No ..I was not a whore .

But They had given me to him for his pleasure. I suppose I couldn't be much less of one . " I-I didn't have a c-choice , He .." , " Sleeping with the king on his bed after he has been satisfied is a punishable offence , I had made myself very clear wit the rules that you must follow , yet you broke several of them . You slept near His grace , You must have also touched him , you did not walk out the door after he was done with you . I suppose you need some enlightenment on how to follow the rule given by me !" I gasp crying out as she slapped me . 

My body fell on the ground hurting my elbow , the hot stinging pain grew over my right cheek . I trembled gasping and crying as she talked to someone . My tears hurt my own bruised cheek . My hands , my entire body started shivering , I was scared, I was unable to move .My body felt numb . " Don't go hard on her , I do not desire one scratch on her beautiful skin " Spoke the general . 

He kneed in front of me making me gasp out of fright and crawl away . " I want her as soon as possible Madam " She laughed , the evil grin could be sensed by me without my eyes on her , "I'll  send her to your house as soon as I am done teaching her a lesson " I whimpered as he grabbed my chin , He licked his lips and grinned watching me . " I can't wait to play without my slut " I sob as he let go and walked out . 

As soon as I was left in the chambers of his highness alone , The guards had barged in . They grabbed me harshly by my hands and dragged me down to the General . Madam was waiting for me to return , however when I did not she got furious , Sleeping with King could cause me death . I was not of a noble blood nor was I chosen to be his mistress , I had committed a crime . Crime in the eyes of these people . 

I have had the chance to explain myself to Madam as she brought the black whip to ram it against my back . I screamed for help however she grabbed my hair and pulled it back . " This is how we punish those who go against my orders , I could have lost my work you little girl , If anyone from the royals found out that a filthy whore had spend the night in the king's bed and stained it with your filth " 

I cried as she pushed me to meet the ground . " I won't hurt you more , The general wants your flesh unharmed " She said sitting in front of me . " Look at you , Were you trying to seduce the king further ? What made you think he would be pleased by a filthy slut like you ? You are a whore ! You are here to please men , suck on their cocks and be the cum dumper , And you will please every man that walks in here , Just like I want you to . " 

" No " I whispered , " NO ?, Do you want me to throw you between the angry men to be raped ? They won't spare your cried little girl. Hence , You do as I say . Be a good whore and earn me my money " She walked away , laughing with the man who stood near me watching my every move.

I held my cry however they could't stay in any longer , I should die , I should die before they tame me any further , I want no more life now . His face was what came in my dreams . He said I belonged to him , he lied , He said I was his , But He never searched for me . 

While Rosetta lied on the rough ground shivering through the night sobbing and weak, The king was destroying every thing that came in his sight . "I NEED HER NOW !!!" his voice boomed through the walls of the castle . His hands grabbed the neck of the maiden who was tending her just hours ago . " If I find you hiding anything from me I will rip your head off " She gasp struggling from breath . He slammed her back on the wall and looked at the guards . 

" Find her !! I want her now , I want her near me and I won't fucking spare any of your lives if I do not see her till dusk !!" He commanded . Every one in the castle was now in the fear of being torn into pieces by the king . His angry was no different than a lighting coming upon ones body . He could kill , very easily , And if he did not find what he wanted . 

His inner beast growled in furry at the sight of empty bed as he enter his chambers . He wanted his Rose sitting their , waiting for him to devour her again . However his anger surfaced as he received no answers from the maids who had helped her clean herself . His fist slammed against the glass window shattering it into pieces , Blood dripping from his knuckles . 

He was stunned, surprised at himself . How could the disappearance of the girl her had slept with cause him such a pain , such furry and anger to surface . He clenched his jaw . He wants her , he needed her . He could kill just for wanting her arms around him again . 

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