Shadows in the dark

By MaiaGeesin

85.8K 1.6K 405

This is a mlp fan fiction of Sombra and Twilight sparkle. Sombra returns to Equestria. The Crystal Empire is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Authors Note
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Authors note
Chapter 39 (Finale pt 1)
Chapter 40 (Finale 2/2)

Chapter 13

2K 36 9
By MaiaGeesin

Rainbow Dash found herself in a familiar black void once again. Instead of feeling afraid, she felt rather calm. She was standing in the middle of the black abyss before she heard a familiar voice call her name. This was a recurring dream. Whenever she turned to see who it was, she would wake up. But tonight, she didn't.

Standing a few feet from her a was pale, light grayish mulberry coated unicorn with a pair of large, moderate violet eyes. A medium length mane that was an array of brilliant purple and blue colors trailed down her neck; perfectly trimmed bangs covering most of her forehead. Rainbow Dash immediately felt her heart flutter with joy as tears began to well up her eyes.

"Twilight!" she cried, happily galloping over to her friend. The joy was short lived, however, when Rainbow Dash noticed the look in her friends eyes and skidded to a stop. "Twi?" she asked.

Twilight Sparkle had a terrified, anguished look in her eyes as tears flowed silently down her cheeks. The unicorn looked beaten up. As though she had gone through multiple fights at the same time. She let out a sob. "Save me, Dashy." she pleaded sadly. A dark mist suddenly materialized behind her; growing larger and larger. A deep, malicious laughter echoed throughout the dark void that surrounded them. The same mist suddenly wrapped itself tightly around Twilight and pulled the mare in. Her screams growing dimmer and dimmer into the dark, shadowy fog.

"TWILIGHT!" Rainbow Dash cried. Thrusting her hoof out in an attempt to reach her.

In a blur of blue, Rainbow Dash shot herself up in bed. Panting frantically as sweat rolled down her forehead. Hoof placed over her rapidly beating heart as it pounded against her chest. The hospital room was a midnight blue color. Moonlight leaked through the closed blinds and lit up the room in a dim white glow. Rainbow Dash slowly turned her head over to the other bed on her right. Star Knight was sleeping peacefully with his arm draped over his belly.

Rainbow Dash sighed softly and layed back in bed. Aside from the humming coming from the machines, the room was silent. The pegasus fixed her eyes at the ceiling in a silent gaze. Hoping that sleep would come back to reclaim her very soon. She could really use it. She didn't want to remember the battle in Cloudsdale. Star Knight wasn't the only one who was severely wounded during the battle. She rolled onto her side and hugged herself tightly.


Rainbow Dash looked over her shoulder and noticed Star Knight sitting up. Although it was only a faint silhouette. The pegasus had his wing sewn back on. But it would be a long time until he would be able to fly again. Let alone function that wing. He was lucky enough to even have his wing reattached. It was rare to see a pegasus with only one wing. It was actually considered an embarrassment to some.

"Star." she replied softly. Sitting up herself and rubbing the side of her face tiredly. "I'm sorry. Did I do something to wake you?"

"Nah." Star Knight shook his head. "This isn't the first time I've woken up in the middle of the night for no reason. It's a habit of mine."

Rainbow Dash smiled tiredly. "How's your wing? Can you move it?"

Star Knight attempted to move the stitched back wing before cringing when he felt a sharp pain run down his back. "Nope. Not yet." he grunted. "What about you? How are you feeling?"

Rainbow Dash didn't reply right away. She debated on whether or not she should tell him the truth. Her encounter with the Obsidian Guard still haunted her like a ghost. Just thinking about it was enough to make her want to cry. It wasn't because of his attempts to kill her and Star Knight, but because of what he was going to do to her first. No pony had ever thought of violating her. And to think that that Guard had once been a nervous, depressed Crystal Pony. At least she still had her pride, and her friends.

"Not so good." she sighed softly. Gripping the blanket tightly. "B-but I'll start improving soon. Don't worry about me. You need to worry about your wing."

Star Knight smiled sleepily. "But what if I choose to worry about you, Dash?" he said.

Rainbow Dash snapped her head over to the white stallion and blinked. "W-what?" she asked with a faint blush on her blue face.

"I care about the well-being of my friends, Dash." Star Knight said, "But you're...special, to me. I don't know what, but you're not like most mares I've met. You might think this is cliche and all, but there's something special about you."

Rainbow Dash would've frowned if it wasn't Star Knight saying this to her. Yes, it did sound cliche. But the way Star Knight said it wasn't in a romantic way. Instead he said it to her as though they were old friends. That's what made her believe Star Knight was telling the truth. She let out a loud yawn and felt her eyes become droopy.

"I think it's best if we continue this in the morning." Star Knight chuckled softly. Yawning himself.

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash agreed.

Both Pegasi layed back in their beds. Pulling the sheets closer and having their backs face one another. "Hey, Star?" Rainbow Dash suddenly whispered, "How did you get your cutie mark?" His cutie mark was that of a neon blue star with a sword running down the middle. It always made her curious as to how he could've earned it.

Her only reply was a soft snore.


Princess Celestia sat on her throne. An uneasy look on her face as she went through the reports about the damage in Cloudsdale. There were very few resident Pegasi that remained in the ruins of the cloud city. All of which were too in shock to speak at the time. It had only been three days since the incident and reports were coming in like wildfire. A pile of read scrolls were stacked on one side of her throne while a pile of unread scrolls were stacked on the other.

Luna stepped into the throne room and was a bit surprised to find her older sister still up. Even the guards were asleep by now. "Sister." she said as she walked up to her, "You should rest now. Cloudsdale isn't going anywhere."

Celestia sighed softly as she used her magic to roll up the scroll she was currently reading and stood up from her throne. "You're right, sister." she agreed, "But I cannot rest while the remaining ponies of Cloudsdale suffer like this."

"It's as though Sombra's addiction for crystals has grown tremendously." Luna said darkly, "Going as far as to kidnap an entire city and using them as slaves as well. He must be running out of Crystal Ponies."

"Either that. Or something more." Celestia added. She then walked over to one of the large arched window and gazed out of it. Stars blanketed the night sky as Luna's moon casted its white light upon the landscape below. Luna walked over silently and stood by her sister's side; looking out the window as well. "There's a storm coming, sister." Celestia said without taking her eyes away from the window.

"That's what you said the last time Sombra caused amok in Equestria." Luna said quietly.

"We must find out where Sombra is at. He's become a much a more bigger threat than I originally thought. But I will not let my ignorance get the better of me." Celestia said firmly. Th last time she was foolish was during her clash with Sombra. Oh, how ignorant she'd been to think she could resist his dark magic. She couldn't have been more wrong. Because of her ignorance, they lost half their stallions and a few civilians in the Empire. The victory was rather a hollow one.

"Perhaps there's a way we could send in a spy?" Luna chimed thoughtfully, "An agent, perhaps? Place them in a town where Sombra is likely to go after next, or something like that."

Celestia took in all that her sister before gasping. Luna was about to ask what was wrong before, in a sudden surprise, found herself in a tight embrace with her sister. "Luna! You are a genius!" Celestia spoke with enthusiasm she hasn't spoken in for a very long time.

Luna blinked. While she happily accepted being called a genius, she was starting to find it very hard to breath all of a sudden. Celestia released her sister from her bear hug and sighed happily for the first time since Twilight's death. "It's so obvious." she whispered, "Why didn't I think of it before?" Celestia turned back to her sister with a serious look in her eyes. Multi-colored mane flowing gently behind her. "It's a very high risk, and I'm not one to send a pony into such danger. But if these civilian attacks continue, then we have no choice. We must send in a unicorn who is well versed in magic. Someone who is willing to, if necessary, sacrifice themself for the future of Equestria."

Luna said nothing for a full minute before nodding. "I agree, sister."

"I am calling in a meeting for all available unicorns who are no more then eighteen years of age living in both Ponyville and Canterlot. I shall send them all letters tonight."

"But sister. You should really get some sleep. Here. I'll write the letters for you and have them delivered."

Celestia smiled and nuzzled her little sister. "Thank you, Luna." she said. Luna happily nuzzled back.

"But I must ask you, sister, why a unicorn for this task?"

"That way, if their cover is blown, they could hopefully teleport out. Or at least defend themselves in a way." Celestia replied before she closed the throne room doors quietly behind her.


A large array of different colored unicorns had gathered outside of Canterlot Castle the next morning. All of whom were either in their late teens or mid-adulthood.

"What do you think this is about?" a pink unicorn asked with a small giggle.

"Don't. All I read is that Celestia called forth a meeting for all of the unicorns in the area." a mint green unicorn replied.

Rarity was sitting in the fifth row. She let out a small yawn before looking at the many unicorns around her chatting. When she received the letter, she knew she had to go. Something inside told her that this meeting could be important. More important than designing a dress for any sort of Canterlot Wedding. She just hoped Spike would be able to hold the fort while she's gone.


The baby dragons name brought a fond smile to her face. Spike has been a huge help around the boutique ever since she took him in. He did, after all, love to help others in any way he could. She often admired him for his loyalty towards Twilight whenever she saw them together. Then again, the unicorn was his mother of sorts. Spike had cried the first few weeks since Twilight's funeral. Normally she would've been annoyed and scold him for waking her up in the middle of the night. Instead she hugged him close and cried with him.

The doors to the balcony above the castle doors suddenly opened and everypony present fell silent as the princesses of Canterlot stepped onto the balcony. Each pony present bowed their heads respectfully before looking back up at her.

"Thank you fillies and gentlecolts for coming today." Celestia said loudly, "Today I am here to discuss a matter that requires you and your abilities. Who here has knowledge of magic?" Everypony present raised their hooves and Celestia chuckled softly to herself. "Of course. Who here studies magic?"

Half of the unicorns present suddenly lowered their hooves.

"Who here is well versed in magic?"

A couple more unicorns lowered their hooves; leaving only a handful still raising their hooves. Rarity included. Not that she was into the study of magic like Twilight had been, it was something she often did when she had nothing better to do at night.

Celestia mentally counted six unicorns with their hooves still up and nodded. "Excellent. Will you six please come forth." The six ponies, Rarity included, stood from their seats and stood on the bridge. Craning their heads back in order to look at Celestia. "Everyone else, you may leave. Thank you for your time."

The unicorns gave the princesses a confused expression. Even Luna gave her sister a quizzical look. "Trust me." Celestia mouthed wordlessly. Luna blinked before nodding understandingly. As soon as the unicorns were gone, and only the six remained, Celestia suddenly glided down from the balcony and landed in front of them. Luna landing beside her.

"What I am going to tell you three is absolutely TOP secret." Celestia said sternly. Looking each in the eye. "I'm sure you six are aware of what happened in Cloudsdale the other day, yes?"

The six nodded.

"My sister and I have come to believe there is something more to this then we originally thought. Which is why we've come to an agreement to send in some spies."

A blue unicorn suddenly shot her hoof into the air and waved it frantically. Trying to catch the princesses attention. Celestia sighed softly to herself. "Yes, Trixie?" she asked.

"What does this have to do with us, Princess Celestia?" the cocky unicorn asked.

"She was just getting there." Luna replied.

Celestia nodded. "Yes. The reason why we've choosen unicorns is based on the fear of capture. A unicorns horn and magic are their best weapons to defend themselves in battle. If strong enough, they could simply teleport to safety if their cover is blown. This is where you six come in."

Rarity swallowed. Her throat dry with anxiety. As if reading her mind, Celestia added, "This isn't something I will force upon you. The choice is yours if you wish to volunteer. This is your chance to back down. But when you leave, you must NEVER tell anypony what you heard today."

In a matter of seconds, four of the six ponies turned around and left without question. Clearly not wanting to participate in such a dangerous mission. Rarity found herself standing beside the Trixie.

"This mission will be a dangerous one." Celestia warned. "I do not want to put your lives on the line, but are you willing to serve in the quest to stop Sombra once and for all?"


"Are you CRAZY?!" Spike screamed, causing Rarity to flinch.

She knew he was going to react like this. But she had to tell him. "I'm sorry, Spike. But my decision is final: I'm going to become a spy for the Royal Guard. I already said I would."

Spike trembled on the spot. His tiny claws curled into fists as angry tears began to swell in his eyes. Trailing down his chubby cheeks. "D-didn't you even think about me before you said 'yes'?"

"Yes. I did." Rarity replied. The white unicorn then turned back to her bag and, by using her magic, proceeded to back some of her belongings. "I'm going to be staying in Canterlot for my training. I'm going to need you to run the shop while I'm gone. Sweetie Belle will help you out. She's been helping me around since she could walk."


"... Spike?" Rarity turned around to find that the baby dragon had his back turned to her. Rarity sighed softly and approached him. "Spike...don't be mad..." she gently placed her hoof on his shoulder. She was taken by surprise when Spike suddenly wrapped his little arms around her neck in a tight hug. She felt warm tears running down his cheeks as he cried.

"I...I just don't want to lose you like how I lost Twilight!" Spike sobbed, "I love you, Rarity! More than a friend!"

"Spike..." Rarity hugged the baby dragon back. Feeling her own tears threatening to fall. "Spike...I need you to stay strong. I'm doing this for Twi. Stay strong, Spike. For me. Do it for me."

Spike pulled away and sniffed. Wiping his nose with his wrist. "O-okay..."

Rarity smiled. "That's my Spikey-poo." she said as she patted his head affectionately.

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