Found in Your Eyes.

By viablonded

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Another love story. More



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By viablonded

"Nate invited us to the barbecue, wanna go?" Elliott stared up at me while he laid on the floor, I shrugged "should we?" I asked as he shrugged as well "I mean I kinda have to go back home today, my family is coming over so" he sat on top of my bed "we could just hang out all day" he kissed me wrapping his arms around my waist "we haven't spoke to the guys in what? Two or three days? And the last time they saw us ,we were on our ice cream date" I said while trying to hold in my laughter, Elliott rolled his eyes while letting out a loud huff "and what about it? It's just two dudes hanging out" "we also have to lay low, you left me some hickeys the other time and now Jayden won't shut up about wanting to smash the person who gave them to me" I started to laugh "little did he know it's been you" Elliott grabbed my hand proudly making me roll my eyes "so what I'm hearing is, we go?" Elliott titled his head not really sure on what he said was the right thing to say. I nodded my head slowly while getting up "sadly yes. Although I would love to spend the day with just cuddling and receiving only but your kisses but we can't" I say watching him to sigh throwing himself back on the bed "I really hate hiding our relationship" he muttered rolling his eyes "me too" I say while putting on some clothes "lets go?" I asked making him sit up "I guess."


"The buttcheeks are finally here" Nate laughed jogging over towards us holding two red cups of beer, Elliott shake his head gently pushing the cup away "I can't drink, my family is coming over today" "so what?" Jayden rolled his eyes "I'm pretty sure they could smell the weed in your room and the amount of alcohol you consume over the weekend, parents aren't stupid you know" Jayden shoved the drink into his hand. I wasn't sure what was up his ass but Elliott actually looked pissed this time and he wasn't up for Jayden's shit, he was bitting onto his lip trying not say anything. "I'm sorry about him" Nate stared at the ground "it's bold of you to assume I drink every weekend and smoke everyday, I actually have shit to do. You know, I have an actual life" he shrugged smiling, my eyes widen as I nudged Elliott shaking my head at him. Jayden turned around laughing "okay" he rolled his eyes before walking inside.

"I find it so stupid, that just because he's on something it gives him an excuse to be an extra huge bitch" Elliott poured the beer on the grass throwing the cup as well. It was true, and it was pathetic and I'm pretty sure everyone in the friend group was getting tired of it as well. Daniel walked over to us throwing his arm around Elliott "your date was kinda ugly no offense" he winked, I shake my head "it wasn't a date, just doing bro code. You know?" I smiled "yeah bro code" Elliott smiled. But I knew that smile was different from the others, I know someday our friends would find out about us and I'm not really sure what to expect. Are they going to be supportive? I mean everyone so far up Jayden's ass I highly doubt they'll ever take my side, they'll probably spit on me and call me a piece of shit. I can't imagine what they would do to Elliott and I really don't want to think about it.

"What's wrong?" Elliott frowned at me "nothing" I took a drink from my cup "we really should've stayed home" "already regretting it? That soon?" He chuckle "we'll leave in a bit" he sat on the couch outside "I wanted a perfectly good day" I groan pushing my hand against my forehead, I really did waste a perfectly good day and I'm so ashamed of myself. "What do you mean?" He smiled at me "we have more days to hang out, trust me. This isn't our last day" he mumble leaning over towards me, pulling back a little "fuck, sorry" he scold himself. He wasn't wrong we did have more days to hang out, and I was just being desperate and clingy which is gross.

Cody quickly ran over to us carrying a pile of wood "let's make fire kids" he threw the wood on the floor making Elliott and I laugh. "I don't think a child like you should be playing with Fire" I took another sip from my cup "I'm no child" Cody scoff while piling it together "someone call micheal, did I tell you? When we were in 6th grade he went through this weird stage of being able survive in the wild and stuff and he made a fire and burned half his yard" Cody nodded like it was a normal thing to do "I truly have a hate and love relationship with your friends" Elliott whispered to me smiling.

"I brought a couple of bitches over" Jayden yelled, Nate groan "didn't we tell you we don't want any girls here? Let's just hang out like normal people" "what do you mean I brought a surprise for Lucas too" jayden fake pouted "let them stay" he said before Haley walked towards him laying her head onto his shoulder. The room grew quiet and I knew everyone's eyes were scanning to find Nate, to see how he'll react or to see his expression. Haley and Nate were never a thing but I mean they were two good looking people and they did sleep with each other a lot. The sad thing is that Nate started to catch feelings for her and she wasn't up for that. She didn't want a serious relationship, but she did have small feelings for him. It was a on going battle of jealously between them, they'll see each other with someone new and get upset about it but at the end of the night they were both in each other's bed.  Nate claimed to be over her but we knew it was a lie, I can't imagine how he feels right now to see how she's now leaching onto Jayden.

All Jayden did was just smirk and have one of his arms wrapped around her, I glance over towards Nate to see his cheeks filled with red. But he did have hurt in eyes, I chewed on the inside of my cheek and looked towards Elliott to see his eyes widen "wanna go?" He whispered. Daniel cleared his throat "so we're making s'mores later, I brought chocolate and Reece's" he mumble "and other chocolates" he said trying to break the silence that filled the air, Haley giggled "that's cute" "not as cute as me though?" Jayden winked at her before he grabbed her face heavily making out with her in front of us. Everyone stared at the floor while Nate stared at her with sad eyes "why" he shouted "why him" he shouted again making them two pull apart "didn't she tell you?" Jayden laughed "she's tired of your small dick" Haley didn't say a word but lay kisses around Jayden neck, Nate quickly shoved Jayden "I told you everything on how I feel about her and you do this" he shoved him again but harder, Elliott quickly ran towards them pulling Nate away as Jayden continued on laughing "stop it, he's not worth it" Elliott yelled "he's on something remember" Nate eyes filled with tears "I'm tired of that pathetic excuse, you're toxic as fuck and I don't want you ever in my life anymore" he yanked himself off of Elliott's gripped before leaving up to the front. Cameron slowly sat on my lap "as always elliott ruining things by yanking people away" she rolled her eyes wrapping her arms my neck "I missed you" I stared at her in disgust "you wanted to see a fight?" "No! I wanted to see you daddy" she kissed my cheek, I shoved her away gently.

"Lucas!" Elliott shouted "we're going home" he pointed towards the gate "leave him alone, you're killing the fun" Jayden grinned, Elliott clutch his hands "yeah, I'm ruining the fun! I mean I didn't bring some -" he paused while staring at Haley "some- girls over" he said before leaving, I shoved Cameron off running after Elliott.

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