Key to the Heart - A Kingdom...

By PhoenixBunny456

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Ruby was born in another world (the real world) and at an early age, she learned that no one has happy ending... More

Chapter 1: Ruby!
Chapter 2: Ruby's First Friends and the New Girl?
Chapter 3: Ruby's First Touch of Loneliness!
Chapter 4: First Ever Reunion!
Chapter 5: Inseparable Friends!
Chapter 6: Friendly Conversations!
Chapter 7: Secrets Even in Friendships!
Chapter 8: First Friendship Fight!
Chapter 9: Reconnecting?
Chapter 10: Xion Vanishes!
Chapter 11: Finding Xion!
Chapter 12: Saying Goodbye!
Chapter 14: Ruby Taken Over By Darkness!
Chapter 15: Beast's Castle!
Chapter 16: Saving Beast!
Chapter 17: Land of Dragons!
Chapter 18: Escaping The Underworld!
Chapter 19: Olympus Coliseum!
Chapter 20: Disney Castle Is Under Attack!
Chapter 21: Pirate Tales!
Chapter 22: And Fish Tails!
Chapter 23: The Knight of Nightmare!
Chapter 24: Friends In All Shapes and Sizes!
Chapter 25: The True King of the Pride Lands!
Chapter 26: Not Ready To Say Goodbye Yet!
Chapter 27: DTD
Chapter 28: Reunion At Hollow Bastion!
Chapter 29: Under The Sea and Saving China - Again!
Chapter 30: When You Give Your Entire Being In An Attack!
Chapter 31: We'll Meet Again - I'll Make Sure of It!
Chapter 32: Let's Be Friends, Naminé!
Chapter 33: Sora and Riku's Return - Axel's Return To Radiant Gardens!
Chapter 34: Keep Your Hands Off Our Light!
Chapter 35: Heart's Intertwined!
Chapter 36: The Search For Roxas Begins!
Chapter 37: Meeting Little Chef and the Old Mansion Computer!
Chapter 38: Helping Friends!
Chapter 39: Saving Ansem the Wise and Freeing Aqua From Darkness
Chapter 40: Axel and Ventus's Reunion!
Chapter 41: Roxas's Return and the Adopted Siblings Reunite!
Chapter 42: Key To The Heart

Chapter 13: Sora, Donald and Goofy!

210 5 0
By PhoenixBunny456

        "Breath... should I take a deep?" Ruby is shown sitting alone on the clock tower as she stares out at the sunset. "Faith... should I take the leap?" Roxas is shown in his organization thirteen cloak with the hood up. "Taste... what a bittersweet!" The two are shown walking the opposite direction of one another before they are shown looking at one another from over their shoulders. "All my, all my life!" Axel is shown walking over to Roxas and putting his arm around his neck and pulls him away. "Let me face!" Ruby is shown looking away as she stood alone. "Let me face!" Light flashes and Ruby is shown running from Nobodies that suddenly attack. "Let me face my fears!" Roxas is shown looking down sadly as he was forced to follow orders. "Let me face! Let me face! Let me face my fears!" Light flashes and Ruby is shown laughing as she sits next to Roxas as the two talk. "Won't be long!" Light flashes and Ruby is shown standing with shock on her face as Roxas is shown standing in front of her. "Won't be long!" Light flashes and Ruby is shown crying as she stood alone. "I'm almost here!" Light flashes as Sora and Roxas are shown on separate screens before Roxas is shown fading away and Sora is shown alone. "Watch me cry all my tears!" Ruby is staring at the sky as it looked like doves fly around her. "Let me face!" Light flashes as Ruby is shown floating back as she reached up. "Let me face!" Roxas, Ruby, Xion and Axel are shown laughing together as Ruby and Roxas sat beside one another. "Let me face my fears!" Music continues to play as Ruby and Roxas are shown reuniting before Ruby is shown sitting alone as she stares at out the sky and the title is shown above her.

[Seven Days Later]

"Who are you?! What have you done with the real Ruby?!" Roxas asks as he attacks the datascape version of DIZ.

"I assure you, she's safe. In reality that is." DIZ replies.

"I hate you so much!" Roxas says.

"You should share some of that hatred with Sora. He's far too nice for his own good." DIZ replies.

"NO!" Roxas yells, "My heart belongs to me! I want to be returned to Ruby's side! I promised her I'd come back!"

"That can't happen. Her memories of you will have to remain simply that... Memories." DIZ replies and Roxas attacks DIZ. DIZ vanishes and the container holding Sora opens up to reveal Sora floating there. Roxas's eyes widen.

"Sora..." Roxas says, "You're lucky. You can see her again in person... but... Looks like my summer vacation is... over."


Ruby sat with Hayner, Pence and Olette and the group looks at her. They blink confused and Ruby looks at them confused. They mention to her that she's crying and Ruby touches her cheeks.

"Why am I? Why am I crying?" Ruby asks.

"Are you alright?" Olette asks.

"I don't get it, we were just laughing." Ruby says and she wipes her face.

"Just like a girl." Hayner says.

"Hey, don't be rude." Pence says.

"Hmm..." Ruby says. The group goes back to talking and Ruby's eyes widen when she senses Roxas's presence. She looks over at a boy walking into the room with a duck and a dog-like creature.

"What do you want?" Hayner asks.

"Uh, nothing. Just wondering what was back here." The boy says.

"Now you know. This is our spot." Hayner says.

"Umm..." Pence says.

"What?" The boy asks.

"You're... new around here, right? I'm Pence." Pence says.

"Hayner. Nice to meet you." Hayner says, "But we got stuff to do, so catch you later."

"My name's Olette." Olette says with a smile. Ruby continues staring at the boy and Olette nudges her arm.

"Oh, I'm Ruby." Ruby says.

"Hey, did you finish up the summer homework yet? Independent studies are the worst, huh?" Olette asks.

"Homework?" The boy asks and looks at his two friends.

"Hey, what're your names?" Pence asks.

"Oh, sorry. We're Sora, Donald and Goofy." Goofy says and Ruby's eyes widen.

"Hey there." Sora says with a smile.

'Sora... Donald... Goofy... The three that that weird guy was talking about... Which means... Sora's the reason Roxas is gone!' Ruby's thoughts say.

"Sora, Donald, Goofy, we just met someone who was looking for you?" Olette says. Ruby crosses her arms as she looks over at the three.

"He sure seemed in a hurry." Pence says, "He had a black coat on so I couldn't see his face, but he had these big round ears." The three do some thinking.

"The King!" Donald suddenly exclaims.

"Where'd you see him?" Sora asks.

"When we picked Ruby up from the clocktower. Oh, that's the station, I mean." Pence says.

"Well, we'd better get back to that assignment." Olette says.

"Later!" Pence says. Olette and Pence leave the hideout.

"Uh, aren't you going too?" Goofy asks.

"Of course I am." Ruby says angrily. She follows after the two and Sora, Donald and Goofy blink confused.

"I'm sorry, have we done something to offend you?" Sora asks and Ruby looks back.

"No." Ruby says and leaves. Ruby stays behind and watches Sora, Donald and Goofy leave.

'Sora's the reason that my friends left... He's got to be the reason I can get them back...' Ruby's thoughts say and she follows after the trio. She stops in her tracks when suddenly the trio are attacked by white creatures.

'Those... those creatures... they aren't Heartless.' Ruby's thoughts say as she ducks into hiding. Suddenly, Sora summons his keyblade and fights off the creatures. Her eyes widen as she spots the keyblade.

"The Keyblade..." Ruby whispers. Suddenly the little mouse creature jumps down from the clock tower and attacks the creatures finishing them off from hurting Sora and the others.

"You're majesty?" Donald asks.

"Shush. You gotta board the train and leave town! The train knows the way!" Mickey says, "Here."

"Your majesty!" Donald says as Mickey runs away after giving Sora, Donald and Goofy something.

"The King... what that really him?" Sora asks.

"It coulda been... yep, I know it was!" Goofy says.

"Now we know he's okay!" Donald says.

"The King was locked in the realm of darkness, right?" Sora asks.

"Uh-huh." Goofy says.

"But... we just saw him." Sora says.

"Yep." Donald says.

"And if the King is here that means Riku's here!" Sora says.

"He's gotta be!" Donald says.

"Well, I'm gonna go look for Riku. Then he and I can go back to the islands together. Kairi's there waiting for us!" Sora says, "What are you two gonna do?"

"Gawrsh, Sora. Do ya have to ask?" Goofy asks and Sora starts laughing.

"HEY! What's so funny?!" Donald asks.

"Your faces." Sora says. Donald and Goofy exchange a look before they start laughing.

"What do you say guys? Let's stick together for one more journey. To... where again?" Sora asks.

"We hafta board the train!" Goofy says.

"Oh yeah." Sora says and Donald sighs, "Come on."

Ruby steps out of hiding and she looks down. She knew that Sora was the reason that her friends left her. She couldn't just sit by and let Sora leave. She heads into the train station to find Hayner, Pence and Olette catching up to Sora, Donald and Goofy.

"Hey, Sora..." Hayner says.

"What?" Sora asks.

"Nothing, but..." Hayner says.

"We came to see you off. It just seemed like something we oughta do." Pence says.

"Oh... really? Thanks!" Sora says and a bell rings.

"You should hurry and get your tickets." Olette says.

"Right." Sora says and Sora pulls out his munny bag and Olette's eyes widen with a gasp.

"What is it?" Donald asks and Olette pulls out her own munny bag.

"They're the same..." Goofy says. Sora gets the tickets and Ruby stares at him with narrowed eyes.

"I can't help feeling like we won't see this town again..." Sora says.

"Why not?" Donald asks.

"You're thinking too much." Goofy says.

"Yeah, you're right." Sora says and the group sees them to the train, "Okay, let's go. Bye."

"Hey, Sora? You sure we haven't met before?" Hayner asks.

"Hmm? Positive Why do you ask?" Sora asks.

"I dunno." Hayner replies. Sora looks at Ruby who was looking down. Sora smiles at her.

"It was nice to meet you, Ruby... Even if... you seem a little mad." Sora says before he suddenly begins crying. Ruby looks up at Sora with a confused look on her face.

"You okay?" Olette asks.

"Y-Yeah. Don't know where it came from." Sora says.

"Pull it together." Hayner says. At that moment, Ruby could see it. Sora and Roxas looked almost identical.

"Right. See ya!" Sora says and climbs onto the train.

"Sora!" Ruby says as the door closes and Sora looks at her through the small window.

"Huh?" Sora asks.

"See you again..." Ruby says loudly.

'Roxas...' Ruby's thoughts say, 'I'll do whatever it takes to get you back.' Ruby begins to cry and Pence, Hayner and Olette look at her.

"Why were you so mad at Sora? You just met him." Olette says.

"I... I know." Ruby says and she looks down, "I'm... going to the roof." She heads up to the roof and she stares out at the area.


"Guess that's that." Axel says.

"Let's go." Riku says.

"Go where? It's not like we have homes to return to." Axel says, "We don't exist, remember?"

"Yes, it's true. We may not have homes. But there IS someplace I want to go." A blonde haired blue eyed girl says, "And... someone I want to see."

"Same here." Axel says and looks up towards the clock tower.

"The clock tower princess still waits there you know. Waiting for you and him to return." The girl says.

"So, you think you might let us go? I know you're here to get rid of us, but..." Axel says.

"DIZ wants to get rid of me?" The girl asks.

"Go." Riku says.

"You sure about this?" Axel asks.

"I owe you both." Riku says.

"For what?" The girl asks.

"Castle Oblivion. You helped us." Riku says.

"Heh. You don't have to tell me twice." Axel says and opens a portal.

"You mustn't return to her, if you do, when you leave again, it will shatter her." The girl says.

"I didn't plan on going back to her." Axel says.

"Thank you." The girl says before she enters the portal. Axel walks into the portal before he vanishes. 

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