
By BillTemple1957

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On a planet created by the 4 new Creators, the worst of the worst from every planet, every galaxy, have been... More

Where am I
Whisper turned slowly
Whisper stared at the sight in front of her
Whisper found herself
Whisper now stood on the lower deck
She was dressed in a sheer white gown
Pike stood there watching the woman
Remember what I told you
Don't kill me
Where the fuck am I now
Pike awoke quickly
When Pike awoke again
What the fuck is that
... Pike started the boat
Donna smirked at Pike
Whisper stood over the dead demon
You can talk?
Pike was ... trying his luck at fishing
Pike could hear someone calling his name
Pike reached for his machine gun
Cassie crawled over to join Pike and Donna
Should we bow?
... Donna stumbled through the darkness
Donna heard someone calling her name
Imagine you awake to your worst nightmare
Cassie ... pointed to the treetops
Darkness shrouded Donna
Farren's eyes opened slowly
... Pike maneuvered the boat out of the inlet
Whisper stood in silence
Eva put her hand to her cheek
Donna opened her eyes to darkness
Skye found a safe inlet
The Eternal Hope was surrounded by boats
Whisper stared at the Mayor
Whisper took Emmeline's hand
Gunfire erupted from within the tavern
Angelita suddenly fell to her knees
The Eternal Hope continued on the river
Whisper took the bottle off the bar
The figure walked from the thick forest
Haven was growing by the hour
Emmeline was quite surprised
There was a knock on the door
Cassie's tail once again lengthened
Sarah stalked through the forest
The people of the village
Emmeline kissed Farren gently on the cheek
Angelita was sitting on a cushioned chair
Sarah was just finishing her story
Angelita walked away from Blinda
The armada had stopped for the night
Emmeline was the first to Skye
Krono walked from the forest
Blinda lay Angelita's body gently on the ground
Krono slammed open the double doors
Skye lay motionless on the floor
Pike's stomach suddenly felt tight
Whisper waved her hand
Emmeline put her hand on the man's shoulder
Krono lifted Blinda's head
Skye landed softly on the stern of the moving boat
Whisper stood in the darkness of the crypt
Emmeline watched the fires
Skye sat on a secluded section of the beach
Krono surveyed the river
Emmeline stood atop the control room
Emmeline suddenly froze in her place
Robbie gained his composure
Krono landed in the small open field
A single boat slowly made its way around the bend in the river
Angelita pointed to the sky
The man remained in the field
Emmeline watched as the huge cloud got closer
Samuel smiled
Eve laughed almost hysterically
What is happening?
Eve stared in disbelief at Adam
Suddenly it all stopped
All ... watched as Whisper appeared
Eve ... stood there, staring at Evangeline
Compassion, understanding, acceptance
Whisper was walking around the small fish pond
Cassie and Pike walked into Emmeline's room
Whisper walked out of the house
Robbie paced back and forth
The beach was set up with simple wooden chairs
Several months had passed
... Pike joined Evangeline and her mother for morning coffee

Cassie and Pike arrived in the galley

14 3 1
By BillTemple1957

Cassie and Pike arrived in the galley, as soon as they could, after getting the request.

Emmeline and Farren were already there.

There were several bottles of scotch on the table and crystal glasses.


"We expecting company," Pike joked, seeing the expensive glasses.


"Please sit," Farren invited them.

"We are waiting for our other guests to arrive."


Cassie was curious as to what was going on.

She hugged both women and poured drinks.

"What are we celebrating?"


"Our victory, I hope", Sir Henry said, as he entered with Tinsha and Amy.

They greeted the others and found chairs, as Cassie passed them drinks.


Skye and Sarah were the last to arrive.

Once they had drinks, everyone sat, except for Emmeline.


Emmeline looked around the room.

"All of us, in this room, have been through much, in our lives. And even more so, since we have come to this place.

It seems that no matter what, we have had to fight, to gain even a little peace.

In that way, especially, we are all connected. Very connected.

Not only in the fact that we will be sharing a battle tomorrow, that will change the course of this planet's history for ever, but it will change each and every one of us."


She walked around the table, touching each person on the shoulder, as she did.

"The biggest change is that ...

when this is over, unfortunately, not all of us will be here to celebrate."


A revered silence overtook the small room, as each person looked at the others gathered.

Henry took the hands of his wife and daughter.

Cassie sat back in Pike's arms, purring slightly.

Skye put his arm around Sarah's shoulder and kissed her forehead.


Emmeline stopped behind Farren's chair and put her hands on her shoulder's.

Farren took her hands and kissed them, holding them to her heart.


Emmeline took a deep breath and continued.

"Those of us that do survive this, will meet here again and celebrate our victory.

Because no matter what, we will win this thing and this new darkness, created by Angelita and Krono, will be destroyed."

She picked up her glass.

"To victory."


All the others raised their glasses.

"To victory," they all agreed, in unison.

They all drank.


Emmeline continued to talk, as she walked around the table and filled the glasses again.

"All of us here are family."

She kissed her father's head.

"Some old."

She took Amy's hand, "some new."

She continued to Pike and Cassie.

"Some by fate and still others by our past."

She stroked Sarah's hair.

"But, for whatever reason. We are all here, right now," she stopped behind Skye, "and we are ...



Again, she raised her glass.

"To family."


All joined her in the toast.


This time it was Farren who refilled the glasses, as Emmeline continued.

"Tomorrow, we face a foe, that I have faced before. A foe that we thought was destroyed, but for reasons, I am sure many of us don't understand, it is once again ...


She paused for effect.

"And once again ...

it has to be destroyed."

She looked around at all those in the room.

"And we will destroy it," she added, confidently.

"And this place, this planet, these peoples ...

will be free."


"To freedom," Sarah added, raising her glass.


Emmeline smiled.

"Yes, Sarah."

She raised her glass, as did the others.

"To freedom."


This time there was a silent toast.


Emmeline put her glass on the table.

She picked up the remaining bottle of scotch and put it back in the cupboard.

"For our victory toast."

She closed the cupboard door and pushed the latch across that secured it.


She turned slowly, tears now in her eyes.

"I love each and every one of you. I hope we all meet here again, when this thing is over."


Farren walked to Emmeline and hugged her, kissing her gently, tears now filling her eyes as well.


The scene was repeated many times, between those gathered.

One by one they all left, until only Skye remained.


Emmeline turned, as she reached the doorway. She looked back at Skye, who was sitting, in silence, staring at his nearly empty glass.

"You coming?"


He looked up, a sad look on his face.

"I will."


Emmeline walked back to the table.

"What is wrong, Skye?"


"I was just thinking about my family."


"They are no longer with us?"


Skye shook his head.

"I lost my whole family, when Krono and the demons destroyed my village.

My mother and father and my brothers and sisters. I thought I was going to die as well.

I wish I had."


"I am sorry."


Skye nodded.

"What he did to me, changed me. I have not cared about myself since. Never thought I had a reason to live."


Emmeline pulled out a chair and sat.

"What has changed?"


"You. The others. Sarah."


"Ahhhhh," Emmeline exclaimed, now understanding.

"You have a crush on our Sarah."


Skye blushed slightly.

"I am just a teenager myself. Father said I was nineteen. Not that time means anything here."


"Your father is not from here?"


Skye shook his head.

"He was from Earth. At a time when the Old West was being settled. He was what they called a gunfighter."


Emmeline was interested.

"Did he ever tell you his name?"


Skye nodded.

"Pat. Pat Garrett."


The name did not mean anything to Emmeline.

"I have not heard of the name before."


Skye laughed.

"He said he was not a famous gunfighter. Just one of many."

He pushed his long hair back from his face.

"Do you think that Sarah ...

likes me?"


"I am sure she does, Skye. We all do.

But ... "


"I know. I am part demon."


Emmeline shook her head.

"There is no evil in you anymore. You may still have wings, but you are no demon."


"Then what?"


"If Sarah is who I think she is, she..."

Emmeline searched for the right words, that would not crush Skye.


It was Skye who answered his own question.

"Then she is special and is meant for much more than this place."


"Her mother. Or at least, who I think is her mother, is a very special woman."


"I know."


Emmeline smiled.

"No. You have no idea, Skye. You have not seen anyone ever, that even comes close to Whisper.

And if Sarah is her daughter ..."

Emmeline suddenly realized something.

"Fuck," she swore under her breath.


Emmeline thought back to when Skye had crashed into the control room.

Sarah was quick to get to him. To touch him.

She could see what was happening, what was inside of him.

Emmeline laughed slightly.

It was not Skye who had defeated the evil.

It was Sarah.


"Emma? Are you okay?"


Emmeline stood up.

"I am fine."

She pushed the chair back to the table.

"Go and see Sarah."


"Did I hear my name?"


Emmeline turned.

"Well. Speak of the devil."


Sarah looked at Emmeline strangely.



Emmeline laughed.


Sarah walked past Emmeline.

"You say the weirdest things, Emma."

She reached to Skye.

"We are nearing the island. We will be stopping soon."


Skye took her hand and stood.

"I did promise you a walk, didn't I?"


"Just be careful," Emmeline reminded them.

"We are in dangerous territory."


Skye put his hand on Emmeline's arm.

"I will keep her safe."


"I know you will," Emmeline assured him, patting his hand.


The two young adults left.


Emmeline picked up the glasses and put them in the small sink. The empty bottle went in the garbage.

Suddenly, she fell to her knees, crying.

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