Red vs Blue The Other Recruit

By NoMoreDottyGirl

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It's all explained in the first part. I'm too lazy to write it down twice. -Author More

Red vs Blue The Other Recruit
The Rookies Come To Blood Gulch
Getting Rescued SUCKS
Texas Is Here To Stay?
He Loves Me Or He Loves Me Not?
An Enemy Becomes A Friend
Who To Choose
Going Out Of My Mind
Swish Swish Stab For Two?
Wake Up, Will Ya?
Don't Say Goodbye
Unexpected Savior
Team Meeting, Team Fighting
Pleased To Meet You
What The Hell Happened?
Voting Time!
Miss Me, Assholes?
What Are We Supposed To Do?
I Give Up
Poor Thing
Let's Go
Rescue Mission Part One
Rescue Mission Part Two
I Want To Fight
Such A Fucking Tool
Dear Chairman
Help >.<
Self Promo and Sneak Peak
Back and Forth
More Often
Hey, Guys...
Another One Bites The Dust
A Baby And A "Field Trip"
Soo...Long Story

Separated Through a Portal

488 26 7
By NoMoreDottyGirl

Dorothy's POV

"Dotty, we have to!"

"No you don't! You don't have to do anything! You're just being noble!" I argued.

Church tried to turn back around, but I grabbed his arm.

"Fine. You can go. But I'm going with you." I said.

He turned back to look at me. "Are you insane? I can't risk you dying."

"That isn't your risk to take, Church." I said, getting my sword out and looking back to him.

He sighed, but didn't argue any further. The rest of the guys looked at me worriedly, but I just shook my head stubbornly.

"I'm not just gonna sit and stay while you guys go through some damn portal, possibly heading towards your death. Plus, Tucker and I are secret weapons." I said.

"How are you secret weapons?" Sarge asked.

"The computer Bitch said that together, the two 'chosen ones' are almost unstoppable. Time to put that shit to the test." I said, swinging my sword once.

Tucker stepped forward, nodding his head. "Team Swish Swish Stab will be your Plan B."

Church laughed and shook his head. "Fine. But if you get hurt, don't expect me to not say 'I told you so.' Now, Caboose and Sarge are going through together, Grif and I, Simmons and Donut, then Tucker and Dorothy. Got it?"

We all nodded, then started going through the portal that was on top of Red Base. Once it was Tucker and my turn, we jumped through together, and came out covered in the stupid black stuff.

"What the Fuck is this black stuff?" I asked, frustrated.

Tucker was trying to wipe it off with no success. I looked around for water, and found a stream a few feet ahead.

"C'mon." I sighed, pulling him over to the water.

We washed each other's armor off in the hard to reach places, but didn't go near each other's crotch/ass area. I glared at him when he mumbled "Bow Chicka Bow Wow" once. and he quickly straightened and washed the rest off himself. I sighed and looked around, not seeing any sign that the rest of the guys had landed anywhere near us.

"Where is everyone?" Tucker asked, walking over to me.

"We must've gone through different portals. Or...come out of-" "Bow Chicka Bow Wow-" "different portals. Did you have to interrupt my sentence to say that?"

He nodded like a little kid, then suddenly looked around. "Well, we better find out where we are."

I sighed, not arguing. I followed him around the grassy area until we got to a red base with a Portal on top of it and a tank beside it. I groaned.

"We went through a Portal to wall out of a Portal RIGHT ACROSS THE FUCKING BASE?" I said incredulously.

Tucker shrugged and looked at me. "Wanna try going through again?"

I sighed and nodded, and we ran through. This time we fell out of the portal to find a room full of portals. Our armor surprisingly didn't have the black goo like most times. We heard voices, and I motioned for Tucker to be quiet. I looked around the corner, silently taking my energy sword from its sheath. There was Simmons and Donut, looking at each portal and conversing with each other. I sighed with relief and stepped out to face them.

"Donut, Simmons!" I said, walking towards them.

"Dorothy?" Simmons asked, looking me up and down.

"Who else would have my voice and armor?" I asked, the looked back. "Tucker, its safe to come out. Nothing is going to hurt you."

Tucker scoffed and walked up to us. "Like I couldn't handle myself."

I laughed and looked back to Donut and Simmons. "So what are you guys doing?"

"Trying to find the others through the portals." Simmons sighed.


"Found Sarge." I said happily, going to the portal his voice had come from.


"And there's Caboose." Tucker sighed, walking to stand next to me.

"CABOOSE!!! SARGE!!!" I yelled through the portal.

"DOROTHY!!!" Caboose yelled.


"Like he can tell which direction to go.." Tucker muttered.

"Shut the fuck up, Tucker." I said, elbowing him. "He's still my brother. Doesn't matter if he's a little on the dumb side."

"Uh huh." He sighed. "Sorry."

Suddenly, Caboose and Sarge walked out of the portal and ran straight into us, sending us toppling to the ground.

"FUCK!!!" I said, falling down. "Get off of me!"

"Sorry!!!" Sarge yelped, scrambling off me and standing up. "Didn't mean to tumble into ya."

"It's alright." I said, standing up.

"Sarge and Dotty!" Donut said. "It's beautiful!"

Long story short? I punched him in his gut and we went on our way to find Church and Grif.





"Found them." I said, standing in front of the portal I heard their voices come from. "OI, DUMBASSES!"


"GO AWAY!!!!"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "GO FUCK YOURSELF, OREO BOY! NOW, FOLLOW MY VOICE!"

And a moment later, the same thing happened with Grif and Church as it did with Caboose and Sarge. But thank God it was Church who landed on top of me (bow chicka bow wow).

"Hey there." I said, looking up at him.

He lifted up his helmet and kissed my cheek before standing up and taking the helmet off completely. He helped me up and looked around.

"Where the Hell are we?"

"Um...a portal room? I dunno." I said.

"Well, let's go back to the canyon. Mission failed." Church sighed.

"Um...guys?" Grif said, his voice cracking.

"What is it?" I asked, turning towards him.

"Just a thought, but you may not wanna turn around..."

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