The TaeJin Exhibit

By Mari-ah-Jin

417K 18.5K 7.4K

When Tae's feelings for his hyung reach beyond those of just pure admiration... ××Taehyung's internal monolog... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Question
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Just a shameless self promotion
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (mature)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Mature Pt. 1)
Chapter 36 (Mature PT 2)
Thank you!!!
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Ch 47 mature PT 1
Ch 48 Mature pt 2
Ch 49 ~ Final * Pt 1
Ch 50 ~ Final PT 2 ~ Epilogue

Chapter 33

6.5K 344 136
By Mari-ah-Jin


Seokjin had thought a lot about Yoongi's words since yesterday. The wise Genius Min's insight had led the eldest of bangtan down the proverbial path of enlightenment. Meaning... that he had finally made up his mind to speak with Taehyung the first chance that he could.

He wanted to voice out his concerns about their would-be relationship, and feels that he needs to be clear with Tae about his personal apprehensions. Jin truly only wants what's best for his young dongsaeng. He would never jeopardize Tae's hopes and dreams for his own selfish wishes.

Additionally, Jin needs to also make sure that Taehyung really understands what it would mean if the two of them were to be together; the lies that would be told, and the secrets that would be held, or what could happen to them if their relationship was to be revealed.

Is Tae honestly ready to face these types of consequences?

Is he, himself, also ready?

Seokjin still doesn't know the answer to those questions, but one thing that he is now certain of is the fact that he wants to at least try. He wants to be that one constant within the younger's life. Someone that Taehyung can always confide in. To be the rock that binds them into a solid foundation that reaches far beyond that of mere friendship. The person that will always be there to bring a smile to Taehyung's face when needed, or possibly to lend a shoulder for comfort if the situation calls for it. Seokjin knows for sure now that he wants to embrace the younger with his entire being...

To care for him...

And even...

To love him...

Being so close yet so far away from the younger over the last few days has left a deep longing within Seokjin's heart. He can't understand why it has taken him this long to finally realize what has been right in front of him this whole time. 

An untold truth... That without Taehyung, he isn't whole. His heart isn't full.

Taehyung completes him.

Upon coming to this conclusion yesterday, Jin couldn't wait to speak with the younger. After having no luck during their outing through the city, he waited for Taehyung's return to their shared suite that same night.

However, the younger never came back to their room. No, instead, Tae had chosen to go have a sleepover with Minho.


Honestly, Jin is about tired of Minho's presence. Every time that he thought he might have a moment to speak with Taehyung yesterday, Minho would come bouncing in and interrupt them. Seokjin can't stand how much the other male touches Taehyung. Does he have to put his hands all over him constantly? Continuously rubbing the younger's shoulders, or playing with Tae's earings. Truthfully speaking, the public displays between the two were becoming quite sickening for the older to watch. Seokjin physically shudders while he remembers the happenings of their city outing. 

Now standing alone inside if his and Taehyung's shared hotel room, Jin let's out an exasperated sigh while he leans his hands onto the elongated oak dresser that decorates the side wall. He breaths out heavily as he slowly raises his eyes to meet themselves within the reflection of the matching wood framed mirror that hangs above it.

'Shit' he thinks to himself, bringing his hand up to reach for the corner of his left eye, pulling at it gently. 'Yoongi was right... I do have a twitch.'

That's it! Kim Seokjin has had enough of waiting. Tonight is their last concert here. Jin sets his mind into a new determination. He is going to speak with Taehyung if it hurts him... He then smirks slightly to himself... Or Minho.

Seokjin shakes his head to rid his mind of that last thought. No matter how intriguing the idea of locking Minho inside a small closet somewhere seems to be, he knows that it isn't really the other's fault that things are this way. It's his own. Jin just needs to get Tae alone long enough to express how he really feels.

At his last thought, Seokjin stops to take a moment to reflect over their current situation.

Has he waited too long? Would Tae still want him? Or, did he miss his own opportunity at happiness because of weakness and self doubt?

A knock on the door startles Seokjin from his thoughts.

"Hyung, we are leaving now for the fan pre-stage rehearsal. Army's are already lined up around the block! Some even camped out from last night!" Namjoon's deep voice sounds out excitedly through the closed door. No matter how often the rapper witnesses it, the dedication shown by their fans still truly amazes him every time.

"Alright... I'm coming now" Jin answers, quickly grabbing his jacket and room key before exiting the suite to meet up with Namjoon in the hall.


Hours later and the rehearsal stage has long come and gone, and the concert is now in full swing. The sounds of fan chants echo throughout the large venue hall as Army screams and sings along with every verse. The extravagant glow of lightsticks flash a rainbow of colours as they change with the beat of each song. 

'Oh, come on! You have got to be kidding me!' Seokjin thinks to himself as he watches Minho laugh and pull on Taehyung's arm, yet again, while the members are prepairing for their next set. Doesn't this guy have a drama to shoot somewhere?! Why the hell is he even still here?

Seokjin never recieved a chance to discuss things with Taehyung earlier during their practice stage. Nor did he find the opportunity to speak with him afterwards. Minho had been sticking to the younger like glue since the beginning of their rehearsal and made it very difficult for Jin to grab Taehyung's attention. And, to add salt to his already gaping wounds, the multitalented Shinee idol/actor decided that he would stay for the main event as well.

As much as it pains him to admit, if Jin had to name one good thing about Minho's presence here tonight, it would be that he has definately improved Taehyung's mood for the better. The younger in mention even played around a little with Seokjin during So What, giving a small but still crowd pleasing flying kiss to Mr. Worldwide Handsome during their bridge together in the chorus.

The group is now readying themselves to perform another fan favorite, DNA. Seokjin knows that the choreography for this song places himself and Taehyung close to each other many times throughout the routine. He would be lying if he said that this situation doesn't make him more than just a little nervous.

However, this thought becomes nothing more than a fleeting notion as the group lines up for the song intro. The crowd screams out each of the member's names while their feet and bodies work through the first part of the choreo. Jin runs to the sidelines while awaiting his next entry and watches intently as Taehyung sings the opening verse. The younger's deep velvety tones never fail to leave the older's body littered with chills and completely breathless.

The start of Jungkook's verse, mid song, lines Seokjin and Taehyung up to face each other. Jin exaduratedly mimics Jungkook's dance moves from his spot, earning a hearty chuckle from the younger standing across from him. The glorious sight of Tae's box-like grin, gives Jin the confidence boost that he so desperately needs to continue right now.

The song goes on and now they are close to the end. The final outro brings the boys forward, moving into formation for a straight line to perform their famous "la la's" that lead up to the routine's ending pose. Jin eyes Taehyung from the side, his body performs the dance on it's own from muscle memory while his mind contemplates his next move. Should he risk it?

'Fuck it'  Seokjin thinks to himself as he approaches Taehyung's form for their ending positioning. Jin looks up at the back of Tae's head as he stealthily brings his body up snuggly behind the younger. In just a matter of a few seconds, his left hand reaches up to caress the same side of Tae's neck, while his right pulls down his own microphone headset.

Just as the lights go out, darkening the entire stadium, Seokjin leans foward to press a sweet gentle kiss to the side of Taehyung's neck, the sensation causing the younger to shudder ever so slightly.

Jin takes in a deep breath prepairing himself for his next actions. Honestly, what comes out of his mouth wasn't the words that he had planned to say right at this moment. But appearently, his heart had slightly different plans.

As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, the phrase automatically flowed out without any form of hesitation. Four small little words, that his heart has been so desperately trying to get him to admit for such a long time. They come out softly and effortlessly, with nothing more than just a whisper.


"...I love you"


Awwwe, Jinnie!! 😭😭😭

I'm not crying, you are!

Hi babies!!

I apologize for the long time since I updated last. I have been dealing with some personal issues. I'm sorry to keep you all waiting.

Thank you so much for being so patient with me 🤗🤗🤗

I hope that Jin's confession was worth the wait.


Are you all as shook as I am with this comeback?!?

I mean...

Taehyung and Jin stans, How we doing????

As always, please leave me some feedback on the chapter. I miss you guys and could really use the comments right now.

Thank you!

I purple you 💜💜💜

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