Hoping Never Ends Well With Us

By _tweetster_

823 50 1

This book contains sexual, mental, and physical abuse. Some viewers might find this disturbing, viewer discre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9

42 3 0
By _tweetster_

"Yeah, um I'm in here Kate." He answered. And my whole body ached with rejection as he spoke her name. My lips still were a bit moist and warm as I took a few steps back away from him. I looked towards the door where Kate was standing on the other side. He pushed me away for this mystery girl Kate. It is blatantly obvious that he cares for this girl and he likes this girl. He could possibly even love this girl...

The door slowly opened and in walked this girl who was the complete opposite of what I was. She was a tall slim beauty.  Her brown earthy locks flowed carelessly and beautifully down to her small waist. Her skin was pale and flawless. While I on the other hand, was very short with many lumps and "curves". My hair was a enormous bush with many curls on display. My skin was like coffee with a lot of cream sprinkled in. Although people say that my appearance is beautiful, I feel as though those were lies spoken through the lips of people who didn't want to hurt me.  She makes me feel as such. She made her way over to Rade with those long legs of hers.

I questioned if this is really what he is into. I mean I guess this would be the type of girls that he is into. So what was I in this equation? Just someone that he can let his sexual frustration out on because she probably isn't giving him any sex. Suddenly she was kissing Rade on his cheek. Damn near gagging, I had to quickly recompose myself before she caught sight of my repulsion.

Soon those steely grey eyes of hers landed on me with curiosity. I know its wrong for me to hate her when I don't even know her, yet the sight of them together bugs the hell out of me.

"Are you going to introduce me?" The girl asked Rade in her sickening sweet voice. 

"Ok, um, Kate this is Ty, my best friend. Ty this is Kate, my girlfriend." Rade said nervously. 

"Its nice to meet you." She said with a small smile. 

"Nice to meet you too." I said with false happiness as I tried to remain calm. All I 
really wanted to do was scream at Rade and demand why he would invite this girl into my house without my permission. I mean my answer would have been hell no. 

"I'm going to head downstairs for breakfast. Coming?" I asked not really caring for the answer.

"No. I'm leaving soon. Thanks for having me over." She said as I made my way to the door.

"No problem." I said as I hurriedly made my way out and down to the others. I flopped down on the couch and sighed. Suddenly Cherry sat next to me with worried eyes.

"Are you ok girl?"

"So you guys failed to mention that this girl was in my house." I said calmly as I ignored her question. They all frowned at me.

"We didn't know that he would bring her here." Chris grunted. I looked to see him on the couch with a possessive arm around Camren who was curled up at his side.

"I guess. I don't care." I whispered.

"Are you hungry baby?" Camren asked as she began to get up.

"Nah. I don't have an appetite." I muttered as I motioned for her to sit back down. Suddenly I heard a door being slammed. Not long after Kate was making her way down the stairs not even glancing our way. She just left out the front door slamming it. Rade then appeared downstairs. He came in the living room and sat closely by me. The room was eerily quite and very awkward.

"So are you going to tell us why that bitch just disrespected  Ty house?"Cherry questioned breaking the silence.

"Cherry be quiet." Daniel said sternly.

"No. Please don't say shit to me, ok. You have been going crazy lately, but it's cool. You don't have to worry about me anymore." She spat at him as she stood up.

"And you!" she said directing her killer glare at Rade. " You are so fucking disrespectful that it's sickening." She stormed over to me to engulf me in a tight embrace.

" I love you girl. I'll come back over to check on you later when I calm down." She whispered in my ear. She then proceeded to storm out after she waved Chris and Camren goodbye.

"Cherry." Daniel called out sounding confused and shocked. Soon he dragged himself out of that state following her with pleas to talk.

"I think it's time for me to leave also." Chris said standing up causing Camren's frown to deepen. As if he could sense it, he turned around to face her.

"I'm going to call you as soon as I get home." Chris stated to her. All she could do was nod with a tear jerking expression painted on her face. He could see this also, so he lowered his lips onto hers for a short but passionate kiss. Soon after he left leaving Camren a blushing melting mess.

It was just the three of us again. Only this time it felt awkward and weird. It felt wrong.

"I can assume you don't want me here." Rade murmured beside me.

"I'm not going to force you to go home Rade. You've always have and always will be welc-"

"Ty, I'm just going to go."

"No I'm no-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence before he was walking out my house. His rude actions pissed me off more than I already was. I stood up from my fucking seat and headed to my room to throw on some clothes and shoes.

"Ty what are you doing." Camren screamed.

"To tell that asshole about himself. Lock up." I replied. Soon I was in front of his house banging on the door. Suddenly it swung open leaving me a bit shocked and stunned. Instantly I was on guard.

"He is in his room. Please don't make too much noise."

"Thanks." I whispered as I made my way down the hall. I didn't bother to knock and I walked straight in to find him shirtless on his bed. From what I saw just a few minutes ago, I know he might not be in the talking mood and my plan to curse him out now was evaporating quickly. He didn't even look at me. He spoke only one word that had me cringing in pain.


"Rade come back over." I demanded as I tried to ignore my pained heart.

"Leave." He repeated once more this time more aggressively and louder. His coldness towards me was agonizing and the blows he was sending was hard to cope with. But then my pain turned to anger.

"Make me then because I'm not fucking leaving." I declared stubbornly as I folded my arms. In rage he hopped up from his bed and stalked towards me. I wanted to go run and ball up into a corner, but I stayed glued to my spot refusing to be a coward. I could feel the heat and anger radiating off of him. The effects I was getting from his proximity and his bare chest was shameful.

He began to stalk forward causing me to move backwards until my back hit the wall. His strong arms were slammed on the wall, one on each side of my head. My breathing was harsh as my heart began to pump rapidly. I refused to look up to those beautiful yet angered eyes.

"Look at me." He boomed in that husky voice of his. I bit my lip trying to contain the embarrassing sounds that wanted to escape.

"No. I'll l-leave then." I squeaked. Suddenly, I felt his hand slide around my throat for the second time today and forced those soft lips onto mine for the most rough and passionate kiss I've ever experienced. I was lost in his lips for a while but soon I came to my senses and tried to organize my chaotic thoughts. My arms were now pressing against his smoothed bare muscled chest trying to free myself.

This angered him. One of his hands had both of mine held against the wall together like chains as his other hand slipped around my waist as hoisted me up. Suddenly his was between my thighs as he began to grind against my most sensitive spot.

His mouth captured the moans that left my own causing him to grind harder. I could feel my toes curling and my back arching as my core began to ache with want. His hand that he had around my waist quickly found it's way over my mouth as his lips began to bite and lick the sensitive flesh of my neck. This is the most intimate I've been with anyone and it was driving me crazy how he was doing these things to my body.

Although my body felt all this pleasure, my mind was racing. Did he even want me or was this because him and his little girl friend had a fight? Was I being used? Tears began to flow from my eyes as his lips tore from my skin leaving me whimpering from already missing his touch.

"Princess, why are you crying?" He questioned as softly as possible through his harsh breathing. And this just made me cry harder. I didn't want this. I don't want his actions to be because of her. He released me from my prison against the wall, yet he refused to let me stray from him. He led me to the bed to sit.

"Talk to me." He pleaded. I looked into those hazel eyes of his and sighed. It was no way around it.

"I don't want this Rade." I whispered. His expression was unreadable. I was scared that he was hiding his emotions.

"Explain." He demanded calmly.

"I know that you like Kate a lot. And you have urges. But I don't want to be just a person who you use to be satisfied." I said

"So you think I'm using you because you think Kate isn't giving me any." Rade said slowly.

"I mean I'm not judging you. I just don't want to be that for you. I mean I get it. Jay did it. I just-"

"Don't fucking compare me to him." Rade boomed making me jump in fear.

"Sorry." I whispered and he sighed.

"I fucked Kate the same night I met her. I'm not using you for anything. I know you are not ready for sex, so trying to use you to release sexual tension is stupid." He said shaking his head.

"Why were you doing the things you are doing to me then?" I questioned confused. He looked at me like I was retarded.

"Ty do I have to really answer that question?" He asked leaving me even more confused. He sighed.

"I just don't feel comfortable with you kissing me while you have a whole fucking girl friend. I'm not going to be a fucking side chick." I said. I admit I was a bit bitter.

"Ty, you could never be a side chick of mine. I realize that what I did earlier was wrong to you and her which is why I'm single now. I want you. I've wanted you for awhile and I know that you feel the same. I just wanted to respect you and your relationship. Yet, I was losing hope and that's why I was with Kate. But that just confirmed how much I wanted you and how much you wanted me. I could see the hatred you had for that girl. But its like now you are free of him, and I just want to do things to you that you aren't ready for." He said lowly. All of this that he is saying was overwhelming. Very overwhelming, which left me a red and aching mess. I took a deep breath. Suddenly my phone rang, I was going to ignore it but it was Camren who was calling so I picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ty Jay is at the door saying that he wants to speak to you. I told him to go away but he said he won't leave until he talks to you." 

"Ok, we are on our way back. Don't open the door." I hung up and let Rade know what's going on. He really didn't like it.

"Let's go." He said and we began to make our way back to the house. I don't know what's going to happen with us at this point. I just hope everything doesn't go to hell once more.

Sorry guys for the late upload. I just been procrastinating lately. Again I am sincerely sorry. But I hope this chapter was amazing and have you guys wanting more. Just want to thank you guys once more for reading my work. Enjoy. Love you guys lots!

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