Kinlanture Vol I: The Kingdom...

By JCraig93

486 98 53

It was a day like any other day. Claire and Selina were together, talking about the reoccurring dream Claire... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

17 5 2
By JCraig93

      "You were gone for a long time" Claire said as Adara sat down beside her.

    "Yeah sorry about that. Got a bit distracted."

    Selina sat with Aster, looking up at the stars. He was watching them so intently. It made her wonder what it was like. What the stars said to him. What the stars thought of him. Did the stars speak the way they spoke, or did they communicate in a different way? She wished she could share this with him.

    "What are they telling you?" Selina asked, watching him.

    "Uh. Nothing really. Just speaking about the night" Aster said, looking over at her.

    She looked so beautiful in the moonlight. Her bright white eyes sparkled as the moon struck them. He began to blush, leaning himself back while supporting his body with his arms extended behind him as he sat with her.

    "Sometimes they don't have much to say. I listen and watch the formations to see if they are doing alright."

    "How can you tell?"

    Aster looked over at her with a soft smile. He never got to share much with people like this. People of the Star Kingdom saw stars every day and although he was the only one able to speak with them, no one was interested. He took care of it and that was all that mattered. Even the past princess wasn't interested. Although, she had bigger matters to attend to...

    He pointed up at the stars. "They separate here. I guess they want another star. The workload gets a bit much for them."

    Selina tried to see, but couldn't. She leaned over, her body shifting closer to Aster. She tried to make out where he was pointing to, leaning close enough that her back was leaned against him. Her head beside his as she stared at the stars.

    He felt her back against him. He looked at her, trying not to breathe too heavily so she wouldn't feel his breaths against her back. Her face was very close to his, his nose almost touching her cheek as he looked at her.

    "Oh! I see it!" Selina announced pointing up at the sky.

    She turned to look at him, a smile on her face. He swallowed hard as he looked into her eyes. He never had been this close to her before. Now he could see even more of her beauty.

    Selina's smile slowly faded off of her face, becoming serious. Aster was handsome, she suddenly found herself thinking. She started feeling a bit warm, wanting to pull herself back from him, but at the same time wanting to stay in the moment forever.

    He wanted to kiss her. Maybe make a move while he had the chance. Then maybe she would understand how he felt. But, as much as he wanted to, he knew he couldn't. They could never be together. He knew all too well of the consequences of being with a different race.

    Still, he found himself leaning closer to her face. It was like he had no control of his body at all. His mind was screaming no, but his heart was pushing him forward.

    Selina's heart started beating faster. She didn't move but instead watched him move. He was close to her. Close enough that she could feel his breath on her lips. Slowly, she closed her eyes.

    Aster stopped, his lips just an inch from her face.

    "Ahem... Um..." Aster coughed, turning his head away from Selina.

    She opened her eyes. The moment was over and she felt a bit disappointed. She wasn't sure what she wanted to have happened and felt a bit shocked that she was upset.

    "I guess we should get some sleep. Long day tomorrow" Aster said quickly, laying himself down on the cold forest ground.

    "Okay... Night" Selina spoke, moving over from him to give him space to sleep.

    Claire and Adara sat by the fire. It was a cold night in the forest so the heat felt nice. Claire rubbed her arms in an attempt to warm up. Goosebumps ran up her arms and she felt the coldness running through her.

    Aden got up off of his sleeping area away from the group. He walked over to Claire, sitting himself down beside her.

    "It's a bit chilly over there" He spoke softly, looking at Claire.

    She nodded in agreement. It was a bit weird between them now. She wasn't sure how to act around him now. She didn't want to upset him again. Although he unleashed power against her, she wasn't upset about that. She was not afraid of him no matter how powerful he was.

    "Decided to actually be social for once?" Adara asked in a nasty tone.

    Aden looked at Adara and rolled his eyes. "Whatever princess."

    He got up and walked back to his place of seclusion. He didn't have time to make up with everyone. He didn't feel the need to be friends with any of these people. He never had friends before and sure as hell didn't need them now. He was a loner and it was easier that way.

    Still, he did not want them to think he did that to Claire on purpose. He was not setting out to harm her. His powers were stronger than he knew and since he had no control over them he was dangerous.

    "I know you never meant to hurt me."

    Aden opened his eyes. Claire sat down beside him, curled in a ball. Her bright pink eyes still seemed to glow even at night.

    "I didn't" Aden repeated over and over in his head.

    He sat up beside her, sighing. She was too sweet and innocent. She seemed so fragile that he felt he had to handle her carefully. Protect her from harm so she wouldn't crack. But, was he even capable of being that protector?

    "I have barely to no control over my power. If you heal me, I just can't stop myself from hurting you" His eyes met with hers.

    Claire felt the sincerity in his eyes. She felt the seriousness of his words.

    "That's why you can never do it again okay? None of you can" Aden said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

    His hand was cold, yet she felt warmth instead. She nodded in agreement but wasn't really sure she could do that. Could she really just let him lay there, struggling to breathe? Could she really watch him suffer?

    Could I..... Could I really just watch him die?

    Of course not. How could she? She felt a connection with him and she wanted to help him. Yes he was stubborn and a bit hot headed, but he was sweet with her.

    Claire stood up and walked a few feet away. She laid herself down, not speaking another word to Aden. She wasn't angry because he was ungrateful or upset over what he said. She was just trying to understand.

    My life could be lost helping him.

    As much as she didn't want to admit it, he was right. As much as she would want to help him in the future, he was more powerful than she could ever dream of being and was capable of great pain and destruction. He could not control himself and she had no strength to stop him.

    She closed her eyes. She needed to rest so she could keep up with the others. Claire would have to think this over more in the morning.


      Aden stretched his arms high above his head as he watch the sun peak its way into the sky. It was a cool morning and the dew was fresh on the grass. His arms fell back to his side.

    "Let's go people! Up! Up! Up!!!" Aden yelled.

    Aster slowly opened his eyes, yawning. He felt something on his arm. There was Selina, covered by his arm and laying against him. His face started burning as he quickly jumped to his feet.

    "Things like that are going to get you in trouble star gazer" Aden smirked.

    Aster felt himself get even warmer as he turned away from Aden. As if it was not obvious enough that he had feelings for Selina. The last thing he needed is for Aden to start cracking jokes.

    Adara started collecting her things. She thought of Gale as soon as she opened her eyes. She was hoping he was okay and hoping he may be found his way home... or to what was left of his home. Would it really be so risky for him to come along? She would feel much better if she could have him close by and was able to protect him.

    Adara sighed. She obviously knew it couldn't happen. Bad enough if normal folk hid a so called criminal, but someone in the public eye such as her would be highly prosecuted. Lord knows what they would do to her.

    But really, if they even looked at Gale, could they really believe he was so evil? He looked like a lost puppy, and was as cute as one too. How could you not want to love and protect the little guy?

    She wished she could get to know him better. She was always taught to never ever trust anyone like him in the rare chance she ever met someone like him. She was told to hate his kind and to alarm the authorities if she ever saw such a crime against nature. But for once she found something different. Someone unique and she felt there was a lot she could learn from someone like him.

    Adara shook her head to return to reality. "Alright I'm ready!" she grinned.

    Selina brushed her hair out. So much grass and dirt tied up in her silver locks. She remembered being cold in the night and moving closer to Aster. She remembered him placing his arm around her, almost hugging her closer to him. She smiled, biting her lip as if holding a deep secret.

    "Hey Claire, up and at it" Aden said gently, bending down as he placed a hand on her back.

    Claire rolled over and sleepily opened her eyes. The sun shined on Aden, making him have a heavenly shine around him.

    He stood back up and extended his arm. "Grab hold."

    Claire gracefully took his hand. Carefully, he pulled her up and helped her steady herself.

    He smirked that painfully criticizing yet insanely perfect smirk. Claire stared at him for a moment, soaking in that moment as much as she could.


    Aden just nodded and turned around to start walking. The others followed behind him.

    They walked silently for quite a while. They were all tired but knew they had to press forward. The sun was finally at its true place in the morning sky. The day was warm but the breeze pulled in all the scents of the flowers and the perfect chill to keep them going.

    The outskirts of the Flower Kingdom were truly beautiful. The flowers still covered the ground, but here the fields were free. No buildings or any real sign of civilization existed. The air was fresher, the grass was greener and the flowers scent was overwhelming.

    Adara and Aster stopped up by each other, setting down their small bags of food. Claire and Selena stopped when they had seen them.

    Aden continued to walk, not even noticing that they had no longer been following behind him.

    "Um, hello!" Adara sassed.

    Aden stopped and sighed. He rolled his eyes as he turned around. One eyebrow raised in confusion.

    "What the hell are you guys doing?"

    "Don't you think it would be wise to train Selena and Claire a bit? They barely know how to use their powers and there is a training ground just over there!"

    Adara pointed over to flat ground. Just a football sized area of cut down grass. Most Kingdoms had a ground for practice. It was essential for the royals to know how to properly and carefully be able to utilize their powers. Whether it be for everyday use or protecting the land, a royal needs to know how to be effective and confident in their abilities.

    "Oh my Jesus are you serious?"

    "First, watch your mouth and second, do you want them to get killed? Grow up and shut up" Adara snapped, walking towards the training ground.

    Aster laughed quietly and followed behind her. Claire and Selina cautiously went with them.

    Aden rolled his eyes again as he groaned. He scuffed his feet as he ventured towards the grounds.

    "Aster you work with Selina and I'll work with Claire" Adara decided, grabbing Claire's are and pulling her along to a open part of the ground.

    Aster nodded and walked with Selina to the other side. He understood her methods. He was a Star and Selina was a Moon. Their powers were compatible. As far as a Mars and a Flower, that did not make sense. The Flowers held a more delicate power than those of the Mars. Mars power was more of a forceful and aggressive while the Flowers were delicate and graceful.

    Although he knew it was a long shot, Aden would be perfect to train her. Obviously. A fellow Flower, and one with such a power as he had could really help her. He may not have all his powers controlled, but to be able to unleash a power as extraordinary as his, he must have a good control over every day Flower moves.

    Aden sat down on the ground. This was a waste of time but still he thought it might be amusing. Nothing better than watching a train wreck like this.

    "Okay so Aster already helped you with healing. So now, my specialty, combat!"

    Adara's eyes lit up red. Claire backed up and watched closely.

    Adara raised her arm into the sky. Flames burst around her, engulfing her. The flames shot into the sky. The blue world above seemed to glow red.

    Adara smiled, looking menacing. "Spinning mars flames dance!"

    Adara spun rapidly. So quickly she looked like a blur. Flames spit out around her. Claire ducked down but kept her eyes up. It was spectacular. Flames danced around the sky. Adara had complete control over all the flames, regardless of where they landed.

    Adara began to slow down. The flames calmed as she came to a stop.

    "That was incredible!" Claire announced, clapping as she stood back up.

    "But I could never do something like that!"

    "Of course not! You're a Flower! Your powers are different. But! The same concentration and focus!"

    Claire nodded. She remembered how Aster had calmed her. She remembered having to find a calm place in her mind.

    She closed her eyes. She tried to shut out all the noise of the wilderness around her.

    Adara watched closely. Everything Claire was doing seemed to be perfect. Her body seemed relaxed and she seemed to be in the zone. There was no doubt that Claire would not be able to harness her skills.

    "So since we are both from the night sky, our powers revolve around beauty, peace and tranquility."

    Selina nodded, hanging on Aster's every word. She really wanted to impress him. She also didn't want him to believe that he was not a good teacher.

    "We also have great healing powers. Your powers, when used under the moonlight intensify greatly. Your healing powers are untouchable under the night sky"

    Selina's eyes grew wide. How cool is that? Untouchable! She had powers that no one else could even compare to!

    "So the key thing is to relax. Feel inner peace in order to achieve outer peace. Let your power flow through you"

    Aster closed her eyes and placed his hands together, almost as if praying. The wind picked up around him.

    His eyes shot open. Bright gold light shined from them.

    "Heavenly stars surround!"

    Suddenly, the sky became dark. Stars started shooting down from the sky. They were sharp, lethal even, but oh so beautiful.

    The sky regained its blue as Aster's eyes went back to normal.

    "Combat is important but just remember that our powers can be used for so much more than that."

    Selina took a deep breath. She felt ready for this. Ever since she learned she had powers she has wanted to learn about them.

    She closed her eyes. She tried to put herself into a peaceful state. She thought of the night sky and the silence it covered the world with. The moon was always so bright and seemed so close, yet was unattainable. She thought of herself soaking in the light and letting it surround her.

    She felt herself become lost. It felt like her spirit had left her body. Without her control, her eyes opened. White light shined from them.

    "Moon sparkling arrow."

    Her arms lifted as she spoke. It looked as if she was holding a bow. Her arm pulled back as an arrow formed. It looked as if it was made of glitter. She released the arrow and it flew through the air then exploded.

    Her eyes slowly returned to normal. She blinked repeatedly trying to make her eyes regain focus. She didn't really remember how she did it, but her eyes filled with joy when she realized she had done it.

    "Good job!" Aster grinned.

Claire tried but it wasn't working. She was really trying to focus and trying to let her power out. It seemed so easy before, but now she didn't feel it at all.

    "Claire, it's okay that you are having trouble. Let's take a break and get something to eat."

    "You go ahead. I'm going to try for a bit longer."

    Adara nodded and walked off the grounds to join Aster and Selina.

    Claire sat down. She breathed slowly trying her best to focus. Something was holding her back but she could not seem to figure out what it was.

    Aden watched her and shook his head. He couldn't watch her struggle anymore. He walked across the grounds, sighing and shaking his head.


    Claire opened her eyes. She had barely seen Aden this morning and right now, she was super happy to see him.

    She rose to her feet.

    "Look, I don't know what she's been telling you, but forget all of it. Flowers should connect with nature. It's kind of our thing."

    Claire closed her eyes again and took in every word he was saying to her.

    "Just breathe it all in Claire. This is a part of you."

    He walked around her silently. He studied her stance, her face and her body. He really did want to help her. He wanted her to be able to fight for herself.

    Claire let the scent of the flowers overcome her. She felt her body let go and relax.

    "Just let go."

    He placed his hands on her shoulder. "Just go with it."

    He slowly ran his hands down her arms. Her eyes opened, bright pink. As if in slow motion she lifted her arms and Aden held her arms with his in the same position.

    "Flower petal embrace."

    Flower petals of all colours swirled around the land. They were sharp like razor blades and once they found their target, they would attach, still swirling and cutting as they danced.

    Claire felt herself let go. Her body dropped. Aden caught her, his arms wrapped around her waist holding her up.

    "Perfect. You will stop getting light headed once you use your powers more."

    Claire looked back at him. He seemed so soft in this moment. His arms held her waist tight but the tightness felt good. She could see the man from her dreams in him when they shared these moments. These moments where time seemed to stop and they were the only ones still moving.

    Aden focused his icy eyes onto hers. He too felt this connection. He felt like he knew her even though he never met her. Strange enough all he wanted to do was to help her and keep her safe. Even if his own life is at risk.

    He slowly moved his hands off of her waist. This was weakness he felt. He could not afford to be weak now.

    "Ahem uh, good... stuff" he scratched his head awkwardly.

    Claire giggled. "Thank you."

    Aden nodded and shrugged it off. Weakness equals death.

    His scar began to burn, as it has done occasionally. He squinted his eyes in pain. He ignored it as best he could. There was no reason to alarm everyone about it. He himself had no idea why it did this.

    Deep down, Aden was harvesting something inside of him. Something he was not aware of. A power greater than he could ever dream of. All he needed to do was let it out.

    He needed to stop fighting because it would escape regardless...

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