Being The Only Girl

By DreamySha

51.2K 1.5K 151

Taylor grew up without knowing her mother ever since her mother died after giving birth to her. Taylor had to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 27

856 27 6
By DreamySha

Jared POV

We were all anxious as we waiting outside for any information about Taylor.

One of the doctor had came out and told us about Sam's condition. He wasn't badly injured. He only fractured his ribs, broke one of his ankle. And his head wasn't seriously injured. He was conscious when they got here. It was Taylor we all worried about. Its been two hours, there's no news on her just yet. Not even one.

Mr Marty rush to us and walk to Chad, "How's Sam and Taylor?" He ask worried and scared.

"Sam's alright. He's in the room 34 just turn the corner from here. Taylor, well, we don't know." He answered quietly. Mr Marty look at all of us before turning his attention back to Chad, "I'm gonna go check on Sam."

When he disappear from the corner, Chad groaned and tugged on his hair. "What took them so long? Surely she'll be okay. Sam wasn't that serious. She should be okay by now." He said, but we all knew that's not the case. We all knew that something is seriously wrong with Taylor. All we hope was it wasn't anything too serious, that she'll make it through with no problem.

We don't know how long we've been waiting.

But when the doctor came out, we all stood up while Chad and Mr Marty make their way to him. He look at us, amuse was there before it turn to sympathy when he turn to look at Chad and Mr Marty. "Your daughter, well, she's in a coma." He started, "Her right arm and leg was broken badly, from how the truck was hit at the side of her car. She loss a lot of blood but we took care of that already. Her lungs seem to not working perfectly, so we had to attached her an oxygen tube to help her breathing. Her heart is weak. But I'm afraid, we might have a slight chance she will lose her memory from the impact from her head or she might have trouble remembering. We don't know when she will be awake. Its all up to her now. There's nothing more I can do but just help her breath." He told us.

He then put his hand on Chad's shoulder, "Don't put your hopes too high. We almost lost her during the drive here. She's a fighter, but every fighter will eventually got tired of fighting over the same battle." He said before leaving us after telling us the room that Taylor has been transferred too.

We were froze in place, letting the information sinks in. I was broken. I could feel my heart breaking. "Taylor!" Chad yelled before stomping down the hallway, going to Taylor's room. Mr Marty sigh before following his son.

I stay put as I fall back down on the sit behind me. Cameron look over at me, pain was showed in his eyes. He walk towards me and sit beside me, "I hate to say this. But Taylor need you right now." He said quietly.

"You love her, don't you?" I blurted out, staring blankly at the wall.

He chuckled, "Who wouldn't? She's amazing and different from the others. I think lot of guy who close to her might have a crush on her." He answered and sigh. "Come on man. The girl need us." He told me before walking away, leaving me with my own thoughts.


It's been one month.

One mongh since the accident.

One month she didn't wake up.

One month without her smile or laugh. And I was miserable.

Vanessa has been discharged from the hospital the day after the baby was born. They name the baby, Jamie. Vanessa name it after Taylor and Sam, in case anything happened. I was mad when she said that. But I know anything can happened.

Sam's condition is no good either. At one point, he suddenly couldn't breathe. He were transferred to the opposite room of the ICU, across from Taylor's, so they could keep a close eye on him too. We were all truly scared for them. It's been a few times when Taylor's heart stop beating, but the doctor manage to keep the beat back. Her skin were so pale, there's scars just across her cheeks and she look weak and vulnerable as she lay on her hospital bed. The tubes been attached at her arms.

I didn't leave her side.

I couldn't.

But Chad convinced me that Taylor wouldn't like what I did to myself. So I went home late at night, eat some food, wake up for school and come straight to the hospital after.

I can't even concentrate in class.

Lot of people came to visit Sam and her. Cody's friends member and some guy named Shawn visited her once or twice. Her room was basically almost filled with flowers. Her favourite ones. And then there's Clara, one of her basketball teammate who bought her a balloon which said 'get well soon'.

"Wake up Taylor, I don't want to lose you when I hardly have you." I whisper as I hold on to her hand. I kiss her hand before resting the hand on my forehead. "Wake up, I can't do this. Not again." I whisper, feeling defeated as I got nothing from her.

The door to her room open slightly and Chad's head peek in. He stare at me before walking in with little Jamie in his arm. "Hey, can help me hold her for a minute? I need the bathroom and I lost Vanessa at the cafeteria." He told me as he carefully hand me over Jamie.

Jamie had Chad's blue eyes. Though it was pale blue. Her hair is definitely dark brown, almost black. She look a lot like Vanessa but with a few of Chad's feature, she definitely will grow up with boys hot in her tails. Her big pale blue eyes stare at mine in curiosity.

I grinned, "Hey there little beauty. Sleep well?" Just as I ask that, she yawned and her lips twitch to a faint smile. I look back at Taylor, wishing she was the one holding the baby with a huge smile on her face. She definitely will love Jamie to death. "Tay, your niece is here to visit you." I mumbled quietly. "You love kids. So why can't you wake up and get her out of my arm and cuddle with her?" I said, feeling a lump in my throat.

I look down on Jamie, she giggle. I smile slightly, "I'm not making any funny faces and you're already giggling at me." I mutter as I shook my head. She giggle again.

Chad walk in, this time with Vanessa and Sam on the wheel chair. My eyes widened, "Man what are you doing out of bed?" I asked, feeling a little worried about him.

He rolled his eyes, "I need to see my sister." He simply stated.

"But you need to rest."

He sigh, "I couldn't lay down on my bed and not knowing about my sister. The doctor let me off for few minutes anyway." He told me. I smile, "I would pat you on the back but Jamie seems comfortable right now." I said.

His eyes light up, "Where's my little princess?" He ask excitedly.

Chad chuckle and wheel him next to me, I carefully pass Jamie to Sam who instantly giggle once her eyes landed on her uncle's face.

Definitely a beauty.

Chad groaned, "She's only a month old and I already had a feeling I might need my shot gun loaded at all times." He grumbled making all of us laugh slightly.


The bell rang.

I sigh as I got up and walk out of class. Cameron instantly on my side, "Dude what happened to your charm? You look like a caveman." He joked as he nudge me.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm gonna go see Taylor. Want to tag along?" I asked him. Its the end of school and thank god it was Friday today. Cameron shrug, "Sure. I'm heading for Sam anyway." He said. Cameron didn't really up for driving, so he usually hitch a ride from Austin or Sam but since Sam is back in the hospital, he's been riding with Austin.

We got in my car just before Kayla call for me. I gritted my teeth in annoyance. I don't know what's gotten into me when I decided to date her at the first place last time. I turn around just before Kayla, Iggy, Gillian and Cassie reached me. I quirk my eyebrow, "What?"

She twirl her hair in her index finger, biting her bottom lip and trying to cute. But let's be honest here, she look like she's twitching. "I thought maybe we could hang out tomorrow? Just you and me." She said, fluttering her eyelashes.

I resist the urge to rolled my eyes. "Can't. I'm visiting Taylor." I answered. My tone is clipped.

She huff, "You always spend time with that skank like she's dying or something."

I clench my fist and narrowed my eyes at her, "I have you know Kayla Morris, Taylor is a the kind of girl I would gladly date. She worth everything. Unlike you, who open up your fucking leg for any guy just for some stupid fucking popularity. Have some dignity in you Kayla." I spat before turning to Gil and Iggy. "I don't know what's gotten in you two when you decided to join her little group."

Kayla rolled her eyes, "Because Taylor is way too boring for her."

"Taylor is amazing girl compared to you. Hell I can't even compare her to any girl I knew Kayla. She's beautiful inside and out." I said and turn to get in when Iggy grab my arm. I turn to look at her.

"She's not what you think. She's not an angel fallen from the sky. In a matter of time, she's gonna get run in a truck and her life ended there. She's not like us. She's just plain girl who don't deserve to be here." Iggy stated. Kayla look smug.

For the second time I had to control my anger. "Oh you had your prays alright. Taylor is out in the hospital, battling for her life. Yes, she got in an accident. Go ahead, have a celebration. Some kind of friend you are." A new voice said but definitely not me.

Cameron, now stood just outside the passanger side, glaring at the girls. "You're lucky you're not a guy." He gritted out.

I silently agree with him.

I turn to Gil and Iggy who froze in spot. "What?" Gil whisper so quietly I couldn't really hear.

I groaned and just got in the car and slam it shut, waiting for Cameron to got in. I saw him saying something before getting inside. I quirk my eyebrow, "Ready now?" I ask.

He sigh and put on his seatbelt.

The drive to the hospital took us only half an hour as I drive over the limit. We got out of the car before I locked it. "So I'm gonna go buy some coffee from Starbucks first. Mocha latte?" He asked.


He nod and walk off from across the street while I walk up inside the entrance. The nurses give me a small smile. "Jared? Aren't you suppose to be in school?" One of the nurse, Rosie said. Rosie is a blonde and in her late twenties. She's happily married and had two kids, with one more kid which is still only four months pregnant. Rosie is Taylor's nurse. She pretty much saw me everyday since I spent most of my time here.

I smile politely, "School has ended about an hour ago."

"So you didn't bother to go home and freshen up?" She asked with a disapproving look.

Well Rosie has been the one forcing me to eat or go home for some rest. To say the least, she's been looking out for me and acting out like my sister. Charlie, Kylie and mum did come visit Taylor once in awhile and bring me some food cause they know once I'm sit on the chair right next to Taylor, I won't get my butt up. Not even when my stomach growling.

I sit on the chair beside Taylor and held her hand. "Any sign of her waking up?" I asked quietly.

She sigh, "I'm sorry dear. Still the same." She answered before leaving the room quietly.

I sigh and kiss her hand, "Wake up angel. I can't do this anymore. I can't act like I'm strong enough. Heck I'm a goner when it comes to you. Please wake up. I miss your smile. Your laugh. Why won't you wake up?" I asked, my voice crack at the end. I blink back the tears, refusing to cry. I can't cry. I'm not suppose to.

Someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turn my head slightly to see Cameron stood there with a small smile. "She's going to be okay, I know she will." He said but it's more like he's trying to convince himself more than me.

"I don't know man. Every time I look at her, it's like I'm losing hope. It hurts to see her like this." I told him and took the drink from him as he held it out for me.

He sigh, "I'm sure she will wake up soon. She's a fighter." He said before leaving the room to go check on Sam.

I look back at Taylor, looking at her feature. Her pale lips. Her hazel blue eyes that is hid under the eyelids. I sigh and rest my forehead on her hands that I'm holding. "I can't do this Taylor. I can't let you go. I don't want to lose you. There's so much things I want to do with you. Of all the girls I've been with, you're the only one I want to be with in the future. Sometimes, I pictured us together, with mini Jared and Taylor running around us."

"Then there's time that I just want to kidnap you from your friends so that I could have you all to myself. I haven't even make it up to you yet. I haven't make you mine officially. You can't leave me. You promise you'll stay. You told me you love me, so please wake up. Please." I whispered as my very first tears escaped my eyes.

I sniff and wipe the tears, feeling pathetic. But I don't care. Taylor is my everything. She mean the world to me. She can't just leave. I don't know what I'll do if she did. She need to wake up.

"Wake up baby, please."


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Its a depressing chapter for me cause well Jared is broken. Haha any who, hope you enjoy it.

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