Rikkaidai's Queen | Yukimura...

By icyhct

6.7K 120 32

Tezuka Yumiko has always been overshadowed by her younger brother, by 10 minutes, Tezuka Kunimitsu. She was a... More

prologue + character profile
[ pre-chapter ]
[ chapter 2 ]
[ chapter 3 ]
[ chapter 4 ]
not an update

[ chapter 1 ]

1K 20 3
By icyhct

new year, new me

Yumiko's P.O.V

Yukimura, Sanada, Yanagi, Kirihara, Niou, and I were walking to school together today. We all live in dorms/apartments that are a 10-minute walk to Rikkaidai. It was the first day of their junior year (sophomore year for Kirihara), their last year in junior high. "We better win National's this year," Kirihara said, breaking the silence. "We're Rikkaidai, so we will," I said with a hint of confidence that Niou chuckled at. "Yanagi, training better be intense this year. You can ask Inui from Seigaku for his infamous drink. That may pump up the regulars a bit" said Yukimura, with a small laugh. "Damn Yukimura, you're so mean," I said, pouting at him. "Yanagi, don't ask Inui for jackshit before that stuff kills us," said Kirihara. "The buchou told me to, so I will" replied Yanagi. Everyone let out a big sigh, including Sanada. "Where's Marui?" Niou asked us. "I think I left a cake in your dormitory last night.." I said and covered my mouth. "Tezuka..." everyone whispered with a facepalm. "Blame him, he's the one who asked me to bake a cake!" I said. 

"What are your guys' classes?" Yanagi asked us. We all stopped and took out our schedules. "So Tezuka, Niou, and I have 3 classes together, Yukimura, Sanada, and Marui have 3 classes together," said Yanagi, after looking at everyone's schedules. Damn, I have first and second-period without the regulars. Once we got to school, everyone started on the first-day assembly. Pretty boring to say the least. After that, we all went to our classes. I decided to come to mine earlier since it was easier for me. I walked into the classroom, expecting there not to be anyone but instead, there were the people I really didn't want to see. "Oh good morning, Tezuka," said a girl, as the words sounded so bitter in my ear. She flipped her hair back and walked back to her desk which was, unfortunately, near mine. She was in Yukimura's fan club. Her crush on him gets really bothersome. They just enjoy fucking with me. Like really, they're irritation to humanity. "Good morning, Nakagawa" I replied to her, giving her a light smirk and sat down. 

"I see the way you look at Seiichi. Don't even think about him falling for you. You're too ugly. I see your makeup" she whispered into my ear. I ignored her. "I watch your matches, Tezuka. You're not good. I don't even know how you got into the regulars. Maybe your infamous brother gave you a free pass. I heard you're older than him too. You're dirt compared to your brother" she whispered once again. She planted a grin on her face, satisfied with pissing me off. I ignored her again. She's getting on my nerves. "It's sad your family abandoned you," she said, faking a sad face. "Can you shut the fuck up" I finally snapped. 

She slapped me. "Don't ever tell me to shut the fuck up, slut" she said, then walked back to her seat. "You deserved that slap, Tezuka" another girl walked up to me and chuckled. Ah, another one. She's Osaka Chikana. "Tezuka, you should learn your manners," she said, with a sadistic smile. She slapped me. These assholes. Honestly, I'm used to this. I never told the regulars though. I don't want them to worry or do anything stupid. Plus, I can take care of myself, or I try to.

[ l u n c h ]

Honestly, I've been pretty good at hiding bruises or cuts from the regulars. I'll just make some believable excuse. I got my lunch and walked up to the roof, where our regulars eat our lunch and talk. Once I got to the roof, I saw most of the regulars there. "Oh hello Tezuka," said Yagyu. "Hey. Where's Jackal and Sanada?" I asked. "I think the teachers wanted to ask them something" replied Niou. "Your cheek's bruised. What happened?" asked Yukimura. "Walked into a wall. I don't know how these things happen, honestly" I said. Marui laughed, "Y-you bruised your cheek b-by bumping into a w-wall!". Yes, he was on the floor dying. "Fuck you too, Marui. I made your cake...I won't make anymore~" I said, giving him a sadist smile. "THAT WAS A GOOD ASS CAKE, YOU'RE MAKING MORE-" he exclaimed. 

[ a f t e r   p  r a c t i c e ]

After practice, I decided to go to the park to practice a bit by rallying with the hitting wall. There weren't many people there so I was a bit relieved. I started hitting a few rallies and practice my serve and volley. I heard someone playing on the other side of the wall but I didn't think much of it. I started hearing 2 people hitting on the other side. "Ne Tezuka, what do you think about that freshman?" one of them asked. Tezuka? Wait. Shit. I didn't want to face my brother right now. i mentally facepalmed myself. It's like the worst time. I stopped my rally and walked over the working out section of the park and did pull-ups and stuff as muscle training. Wait. Even if he did see me, he'd probably not recognize me. I dyed my hair a way different color from the Tezuka Brown. Ok, that was a bit relieving. I decided to walk back to the hitting wall to continue. The two people were still there. I started an intense rally with the wall. I was so into it. My concentration level was so high, I didn't even notice the two guys watching me play in amazement. 

No one's P.O.V

After Yumiko finished her rally with a powerful smash, she was released from the concentration zone and looked over to her right. There were two certain guys she did recognize. Fuji Syusuke and her brother. "You're good," Fuji said to her. "Thank you," Yumiko replied, with a smile. "And judging by your Seigaku jersey's, you two are Fuji Syusuke and Tezuka Kunimitsu, right?" I added. "You are right" Fuji replied. "What's your name?" he asked. I put my racquet in my tennis bag along with the tennis balls. "You can call me Rikkaidai's Queen" Yumiko replied and walked away. "She looks familiar, but I can't put my finger on it," Tezuka thought. "Ne Tezuka, she looks like Miko-chan," Fuji said, looking at his friend. Tezuka nodded. 'Her eyes..' thought Fuji.

[ b o n u s ]

The next day, Tezuka was skeptical about what Fuji said about his sister being that girl at the park. Yes, she does look like her, the features look different. He tried to shake the thought of it out of his head. The girl at the park was way better than he ever saw his sister play. He wasn't even sure if she still plays tennis. "Inui, do you have any information on Rikkaidai's Queen?" Tezuka asked. He nodded, "Her name is Miyagawa Yumiko. She's been a Rikkaidai regular since she was a freshman and is an internationally ranked player. She's most famous in the West and people call her 'The Queen'. She was the youngest person to ever compete in a grand slam and almost won one before being defeated by U.S' Serena Williams". "But she disappeared for a while and people forgot about her before she joined Rikkaidai's team". Tezuka nodded as a thank you and left. 'That is not my onee-san' he thought. 

Don't underestimate the ones who go through the most. 

a u t h o r s    n o  t  e

Even if Yumiko had all of these achievements, she'll always hear about her brother. He may have not had as many achievements as Yumiko but his technique was flawless and his play was satisfying to watch. Yumi wanted to step away from the spotlight for reason's you'll find out ~ Anyways, there will be a bunch of updates for next week 1/2 since it's officially spring break!! I literally just started writing this today hahaha. See you soon!

- author-chan <33

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