The Bastards of Winterfell (A...

By piewoman101500

85.2K 1.6K 185

Note: The first three-four chapters are very rough, but it does get better as it goes on. Ned Stark rode ho... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Eighteen

2.1K 49 5
By piewoman101500

Episode three (The Long Night) actually hurt my soul. Then, I went to see Endgame right after it and well I just wasn't emotionally okay that night.

I've been trying to get this chapter done since the final season premiered, but you know, procrastination. I gotta say I didn't entirely hate season eight. Are there things I would like to, and most likely will change for this fic? Hell yeah, but it wasn't a godawful way to end the show.

I realized this fic won't end for a very long time, probably well after the show itself ends. I'll make it work.

Raven's POV

I step out of the Maester's solar, taking in a deep breath of the frosty air as I look out to the world around me. I start limping my way slowly down the aisle, greeting anyone I came across. my mind wanders back to Jon and our fight, as well as Maester Ludwin's words. How do I just let my brother throw his life away?

A voice cuts through my thoughts. I turn to see Robb waving from across the courtyard, Arya still firmly on his shoulders. I pick up my pace as much as I can without hurting myself further, meeting Robb, now joined by Theon near the front gate. "Set her down before you drop her." I grin, gesturing for Robb to hand Arya to me, he complies.

"What's with the limp?" Theon asks

"A sharp rock had a disagreement with my leg." I shrug

"Are you alright? We heard about what happened with Jon? I get the feeling the two are connected." Robb inquires

I hold Arya a little tighter, "I'm alright. I just have to give him his space to calm down."

"Are you sure? You two have never fought that way before."

"Siblings fight," Uncle Benjen reasons as he approaches with Father, "it is a normal part of life."

"Funny you say that, uncle. Maester Ludwin told me quite the story regarding you and father."

Father chuckles, raising an eyebrow, "And just what does that story entail?"

"Your and Uncle Benjen's scuffle when he decided to take the black."

The two older men share a laugh at the memory, "A scuffle it was, shoulda seen the number we did on one another."

"If I recall, you did much of the punching."

"Aye, but you did your part as well, brother."

"What a different time that was." Bejen points out

"Different indeed, but that's all behind us now." Father smiles before his eyes find mine, "If you all would excuse us, Raven may I have a word?"

"Of course, father." I hand Arya over to Uncle Benjen before walking off, "What did you need to speak with me about?"


"What of him?" I sigh slightly, not wanting to get into this with him

"Seems no one can find him, you were the last one to speak to him."

"Have you checked the godswood?" I ask, concern creeping into my voice

He nods, "He wasn't there, and his horse is gone. He could be anywhere by now. Is there any other place you can think of that he would go?"

"None that I can think of..." I trail off as a thought crosses my mind. Maybe I do know where he went...

Father catches this pause, kneeling down to meet my gaze, "What is it? Have you thought of a place?"

I shake my head, "No, just trying to think of one." I cover

He straightens out, "If one comes to mind, come find me as soon as possible. I don't want him out there after dusk."

"Yes, father."

He walks off back towards the boys and Uncle Benjen. Once the adults have gone, I rush back up to Robb and Theon. "Rave, Uncle Benjen told us Jon's missing."

"I know, Father just told me. But, Robb, I think I may know where he went."

"What? How?" Theon asks

"Let's just say it's a twin thing."

"Well," Robb urges, "where is he?"

"The hill. The one where we saw the execution today."

"Why would he go there?"

"It's a quiet place, away from the castle and everyone in it. That's where I'd go."

Robb starts walking in the direction the eldest Starks walked off in, "We should tell Father right away."

"No, I need to talk to him first."

"So what? We sneak away?" Theon asks

Robb shakes his head, "With Jon out there, Father will have the guards on high alert. We won't be able to just walk out the front gate."

"That's why we need a distraction."I grin

"Who's going to do that?" The ward voices. Robb and I look to one another, then back to Theon, "Me?" we nod, "Why do I have to be the one?"

"Because this is a conversation for siblings. No offense, Theon, but you're not that."

The iron islander huffs, rolling his eyes, "None taken." he sighs, "Alright, I'll try my best."

The three of us start to plan this "adventure". Theon is to distract the stable boys and guards while Robb and I ride off to the clearing through the back gate.

The plan starts off just fine, Theon challenges the boys to a sword fight, they fall for it, and the guards rush to intervene. While this goes on Robb and I get our horses out without anyone noticing. It all goes off without a hitch, that is until we get to the gate.

"Going somewhere?" a voice inquires

"Uncle Benjen." Robb acknowledges with a wide, slightly scared smile, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, just wondering what my lovely niece and nephew are up to."

"Just, uh, going out for a ride." I grimace at my stutter.

"Is that right? This ride wouldn't happen to lead you straight to Jon would it?" Robb and I share a look, "Ah, it would! And why, pray tell, have neither of you informed your father?"

I sigh, "We wanted to talk to him first." I look down, kicking the ground lightly

"Why would that be?"

I look back up to meet his calm gaze, "I'm the reason he's out there, so I should be the one to bring him home."

Benjen smiles, "Alright, you two be careful. Do act with haste, if you're not back by dusk, I'm going to have to inform your father."

"Yes, Uncle."

'"Where will you be heading?"

"The clearing from earlier," Robb informs

"Best be on your way, then. It was quite the ride over."

"Thank you, Uncle." We mount our horses and ride off down the road.

At the clearing...

"It's almost dusk. You're sure he's here?"

I sigh, rolling my eyes, "For the last time, Robb, yes. Besides-" I read the sun's position, "-I'd say we still have about an hour left before sundown." As we ride closer to the site, I spot a horse tied to a tree, a lone figure leaning against a large rock not far off. We dismount our horses, tying our horses to the same tree as Jon's. As we begin the steep climb up the hill, I grab Robb's arm, "Let me go first. Alone." He nods, allowing me to go ahead. I walk slowly continue the walk, mindful of my injured leg.

Jon barely registers my presence until I am sat down beside him. Not looking up from the ground he whispers, "I am sorry for what I said."

"Fret not, brother. All is forgiven."

"No, I shouldn't have said what I did. I said what I did to hurt you, and I am so sorry."
"True, what you said hurt, but you were upset. I will not hold any of it against you. I just want to know what brought these feelings on."

He shakes his head, "You'll think I am being foolish."

"Jon, you know you can tell me anything. What is it? Was it that shepherd's son again? Father told you to-"

"It's not that."

"What then?"

"It's just..."  he sighs, looking down to stare at his hands, "Do you remember the day Sansa was born? The bells rang all day for her arrival, then again for Arya, and then for Bran."

"So? What of it?"

"We never had that, our children will never have that."

"Really, that's what this is about?"

He shakes his head, "The whole castle loves to remind us of what we are and can't be or do because of it. I'm...I'm so tired of it." He sighs, "At least with the Watch I can prove them wrong."

"Jon, no matter what we do they'll always be wrong. We decide what we can and can't do with our lives."

Another heavy sigh escapes him, "And I've decided to take the black. I'm sorry, Rave,  but I am going to do this."

I nod, "Alright."

"Alright? That's all you have to say?"

"A wise man told me to let you forge your own path. I may not like it, but I love you and trust you to know what you're doing."

"Thank you," He gets choked up a bit, like that was all he needed to hear.

I throw my arm over his shoulder, "Just don't plan on leaving us too soon. A girl needs her best friend."

He chuckles, "I guess I can hold off for a while."
"You better. Now come on, we ought to get back before Father has the whole of the north out looking for us."

He nods and we start walking back down the hill towards Robb, "You two alright now?" We nod, "Good. Now, you may be my brother, but," He moves closer to Jon, " you hurt my sister again, and we just may be forced to duel." he says seriously before his face breaks into a grin, "I jest, I jest. It is good to have you back, brother. You gave us all a fright there, Snow." He looks up to the sky, "We ought to be heading back."


We ride straight through the front gate to find our rather angry yet relieved looking father there to greet us, or lecture, not entirely sure yet. We ride into the stables and dismount out mares, then move to meet father.

We stand in a line, ready for the incoming lecture. Father looks down at Jon, "Never run off like that again, you hear me?"

"Yes, Father."

"Good." He turns to Robb and me, "As for you two, you are not to leave this castle without informing me. Are we understood?"

"Yes, father."
"Yes, sir."

"Ned, you have to admit, they had a well thought out plan. They even had Greyjoy as a distraction." Uncle Benjen praises

Shaking his head, Father ignores the comment, "If something like this ever happens again, and you have any information, you tell me right away. Understood?"

"Yes, father."

He moves closer, "Good work today." He all but whispers, smiling down at us. Robb and I smile at one another, "Now the lot of you wash up for supper."


Probably gonna try to get right into plot soon. It's been a long time coming and I can't wait to get started.

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