Lost + Found (A CatchingYourC...

By PaintingTheShadows

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Jenna is the "outcast" in her school. She has been the target of bullies ever since she decided to be her tru... More

Lost + Found (A CatchingYourClouds Fan-fic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
(Message to readers)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

417 9 0
By PaintingTheShadows

"So. Are you in the street team?" asked Drake.

"Um...no," I said feeling guilty.

"You should join it, we just talk about pineapples and shit." he said laughing.

"Well I would..."


"I don't think im going to have internet for a while," I replied dying at the thought.

He looked over at the bags and my guitar case and suddenly understood. Before I knew it, he had me in his arms, giving me possibly the best hug in existence.

"What happened?"

I wanted to tell him, I knew he would understand. But I would cry, I didn't want to cry anymore. I stayed silent and scratched my arm. MY ARM. But it was too late, he had already seen.

Drake took a deep breath, sighed and hugged me tighter. I couldn't keep the tears in any longer. I sobbed in his arms for at least ten minutes while he rocked back and forth.

"Sssh. It's okay. Now tell me, why did you do that?" pulling back and looking at me straight in the eye.

"Cause my life is total and utter shit. My mum hates me for who I am, I get picked on everyday, I've been cyberbullied, beaten up. I almost took my life last night Drake. I just can't handle it. That's why I'm on a train to Los Angeles, I want a new beginning," I said with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Jenna. I really am. But you're a strong and beautiful girl. And things will get better, I promise. You need to hang in there doll, because if you think no-one cares, you're wrong."

He opened his arms and smiled while I ran to him for another hug.

"Now, lets wipe away those tears shall we? I'm thirsty as hell, so c'mon!" he grinned.


We ran down the train- well speed-walked- and went to get some drinks. Drake eventually found someone and ordered us both milkshakes(well, soy-milkshake for him).

"Wait...you like milkshakes right?" he asked looking worried.

"Ummm...no sorry." I faked.

His expression was so sad and embarrassed, it was hilarious. But he noticed me struggling not to laugh and his face broke into an annoyed smile.

"Of course I like milkshakes you jelly bean!" I grinned.

"J-Jelly bean?" he said laughing.

"It was the first thing that came into my head, shut up!"

"So I look like a jelly bean?"

"Well now that you mention it..."

A few hours later we were both off the train. It was a relief to be honest, it was getting a bit cramped for my liking. But then it dawned on me and I stopped smiling.

"I-I've no-where to go..."

Drake looked up at me looking quite amused.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't have anywhere to go." I said starting to cry.

He pulled me into a hug and whispered, "Did you honestly think I was just going to leave you here?"


"You're coming with me. It's okay, my uncle's house is absoloutely huge, maybe even a bit too huge for me. I just phoned him, we have a spare room. Wanna give that room some company?"

"Really?" I replied starting to smile.

"Yes, really," he chuckled, "now come on."


I couldn't believe my eyes when we pulled up to Drake's uncle's house. It was MASSIVE. It even had a pool!

We walked to the spare room, and Drake opened the door smiling.

"Here you go," he said chucking my stuff down on the bed.


"No problem!"

"I mean it Drake, thank you so much!"

He just smiled and walked away leaving me to get settled in.

What was happening? Why was I suddenly in Drake Christopher's house? What was I doing?!

I knew that this was real, I knew that this was actually happening but I still felt as if it were a dream. I mean, how often do you run away and suddenly end up staying in an amazing musician's house? I guess I just got lucky for once. Definitely makes a change.

I heard a knock on the door, I ran over to open it to find Drake standing there.

"Um, what do you want to eat?" he asked shyly.

"I don't mind. Whatever you're having i guess." I smiled.


"Drake?" I asked through a mouthhful of ramen.


"Why are you letting me stay here?"

He looked at me oddly for a moment then put his fork down.

"You're a cloudcatcher. Every single cloucatcher is my best friend, regardless of whether we've even talked. Every single one of you means the world to me. That and the fact you are a really awesome, nice person who just needs to know someone cares." he said smiling.

I was speechless. He genuinally cared about me?!

*Well yeah dumbass, why else would he let you stay in his house?*

Shut up! And it's his uncle's house, dumbass.

But the feeling of knowing someone actually liked you, even thought you were important...it was the feeling I needed and missed most of all.

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