By ElatedRose

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She's broke , she's starving and she hates men. He's rich , he's charming and he hates love. Unexpectedly a m... More

Chapter 1- The Beautiful Lie
chapter 2- The Harmful Proposition
Chapter 3- The Awful Contract
Chapter 4- The Unforgettable Face
Chapter 5- The Kidnapping Mayhem
Chapter 7- The Dreaded Discussion
Chapter 8-The Glistening Sapphire
Chapter 9- The Surprise Surprise
Chapter 10-The Economical Dress
Chapter 11 - The Heavenly Wedding
Chapter 12- The I Do Dillema
Chapter 13 - The Mindless Heart
Chapter 14 - The Existential Crisis
Chapter 15 - The Serendipitous Dance
Chapter 16 - The Late Excuse
Chapter 17- The Conundrum of Misunderstandings

Chapter 6-The Unexpected Confrontation

133 11 5
By ElatedRose

"Care to explain Mr.Carter? " I said pointing out to the shirt.

He just blinked and completely ignored me.

The nerve of this man

"Here you go sweety" said Ms.Hattie placing my breakfast on the table.

I quickly thanked her and took a seat, as soon as she was out of ear shot again, it was questioning time.

"Did something happen last night?"I hissed at him.

"Like what?" He deadpanned.

"Like did we, did we ?" I said moving my index finger between us back and forth.

"Is there a problem with communicating with words?, did we what?"

I was getting aggravated, he was pushing my buttons on purpose, he knew exactly what I meant.

"Did we do it?" I said with hope gleaming in my eyes that he would deny it.

"Whatever do you mean by it, Ms. Sapphire ?" he questioned, I could see a shameless smirk on his face, like he was challenging me.

I facepalmed myself internally, I didn't know why I was so nervous to ask him about it directly.

"I meant did we have..s"

*ding dong

"Just hold on to that" he said while getting up from his chair to answer the door.

For two complete minutes it was extremely silent, Ms.Hattie was nowhere in sight.

I was growing curious,

what was taking him so long?

I tiptoed towards the living room for no particular reason at all. I peeked from behind a huge vase, my eyes turned into the size of saucers.

Why is she here?
Oh, no !
This can't be good.....

Things are just getting worse!

When I saw who was standing behind her, my heart dropped to the floor with my jaw. Avery was at the door with a bunch of policemen who were currently interrogating Mr.Carter.
I pushed my head farthest without blowing my cover but all I could hear were muffled noises and nothing I could make sense off.

Just a little more further

little more..


Unknowingly I tilted the vase over but I caught it just in time,

Whew dodged a bullet there..
Or should I say vase

I tried placing it back, the weight was too much and before I knew it, I was on the ground with a vase on top of me, crushing any remaining bones, the fall might have missed.

I cried in pain and sure enough all eyes were on me.

"My god!, Ivy are you okay?" said a familiar female voice.

My eyes were blurred with tears while my head was drowning in pain.

Strong arms hoisted me up after the stupid vase was taken away.

I stood up all shaken up by the fall, arms went around me and hugged me tight.

"Thank god, you're okay!, I would never forgive myself if something happened to you"

"I'm fine Avery, calm down"

"Don't tell me to calm down! , I was worried sick all night after your scream !"

"Wait, you heard that?"

"Of course, I ran out towards you as soon as I heard you, there were too many people blocking the way, I couldn't get to you in time but I did get the number of the van"

I hugged her tight remembering last night's events, Avery once again proved how undeserving I was of her.

"Now, tell the police, what happened so they can arrest this man!" she said in an authoritive tone.

I can't tell her what happened
She can't find out about the contract!!

Maybe I could pretend that he was actually my kidnapper?



"Why are you wearing that?"

Double crap!!!

"Did he make you do things or force you to wear that?"she gasped, covering her face with her hands, tears were reflecting on the surface of her eyes.

"No,no, Avery, you got it all wrong!"

"I did?" she questioned hopefully.

"Yup, he's boyfriend" I blurted without thinking.

I'm so going to regret this!

"You had a boyfriend??!?!!"

"Yes and we met 3 days ago" I said with a very unconvincing smile that obviously didn't reach my eyes.

"You're lying, Ivy!, you're protecting him, did he blackmail you to say this?"


I was cut short when Avery grabbed Mr.Carter by his collar and pushed him backwards towards the wall or atleast she tried to, the man did not move an inch.

"Listen you perverted scumbag who thinks it's cool to kidnap girls and blackmail them, you are never going to get away with hurting my best friend! and no matter what she says, I know her and I will make sure you rot in jail"

"Let's see you try" he said with a smirk.

Why would you say that?
Especially to a disturbed best friend!!

One day I'm going to smack that smirk off of his face so hard, he'd wish he never
met me!

If Avery was in a cartoon show this would be the exact moment where red hot steam would blow out of her ears.

"Ave, calm down" I said pulling her away from him before she went all ballistic.

"What the hell, Ivy! , I haven't slept all night and now I'm talking to this pervert who obviously has no respect for women, just go give them your statement"

"I told you Ave, he's my ....... look "I said pointing towards the entrance.

I was cut short by the sight of the cops leaving. All of them were out in under a minute, Avery ran behind them. Mr.Carter however had a smug smile on his face.

"Why are they leaving?"

"Because I'm magnificent?"

"I meant why are they actually leaving?"

"Only because it would cost them their jobs, if they tried to arrest me and might I say, they chose wisely"

"How can you be such a"

"Talented person? Don't mention it, I was born this way" he winked.

"You.. you"

Avery came running back and now that I noticed, she had huge bags under her eyes and her hair looked disheveled, she still had last night's clothes on.

"Ivy, we need to get out now, the cops are useless, come on!"

"You, do know that I'm right here, right?"said an amused pervert.

"Ivy come on, fast!, you idiot!"

I caught her hand and she pulled me outside with the speed of a hungry cheetah but I had just enough time to mouth the words 'I need to go' before Mr.Carter could intervene.

We hailed a cab and in no time we got to my house. All through the ride Avery held my arm and fell asleep with her mouth open.

I would be lying if I said she wasn't drooling, she was completely exhausted after the rescue mission, she pulled for me.


"Hey, you're finally awake"

"Ivy, can I get some water?"

"Yeah" I said handing out a cup of water.

After about 5 minutes of staring into the abyss, she finally spoke.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

"Of course not, Ave, do I ever lie to you?"

I lied

"Tell me the truth, what happened last night?, why don't you want to get that guy arrested?, why did you keep quiet and not say anything?, were you really blackmailed?"she said rubbing her temples, her face contorted into an expression displaying extreme stress.

"Ave, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you, he's actually my boyfriend and we did meet 3 days ago, he wanted to surprise me on my birthday so that was all a huge prank"

"What?, I was so worried because of a stupid prank?, you could have atleast called me!!"

"No, Ave listen, I.."

"Happy birthday, I'm leaving, I'll call you once I clear my head" she said while grabbing her purse and hurried out.

"I'm sorry, Avery" I sighed once the door clicked shut.

I didn't want to lie to her but I had no choice



"Hello, Ms Sapphire?"

"Yes, it is I, what do you want now?"

"I would like to remind you that today is the last day of our deal, if you don't sign the contract today, the deal is off"

I completely forgot!
I wasn't sure anymore, if I wanted to sign it but did I have another choice?

"Oh... right, could you extend it for another day?"

"I don't do things that waste my time and once a date is set, it is engraved in stone"

"Why are you being so dramatic? It's just one more day"

"Drama is what you and your friend performed in the morning, I dont have time for such frivolous things"

He sounds like an old man complaining that his neighbour's are too noisy

"That wasn't drama, I just need one more day" I pleaded.

"Ms.Sapphire, it is now or never, so choose wisely and call me back in 5 minutes"

"But.. but Mr.Carte..."

He hung up.

I had to decide fast,
My future self would probably throw a shoe at me for my choice

I called him back,he was apparently busy, instead he texted.

3/2 Elysian Manor
Judse Street, missiapo

Be there by 6;)

Why did he find the need to wink?
Sometimes I'm super confused with his personality.

He doesn't have time? but there is always time for a winky face?

Ahh the irony

It was four and I still had an hour to think this through and weigh the pros and cons, so I decided to make a list.


4.Respect in society

I scratched number 4 and rewrote it again.


The numbers five to ten all had the same reason. The pros list looked super strong and almost unbeatable, it could convince almost anyone to marry him.Now for the cons.


1.Guy's personality sucks
2.Talks like an old man
3.Ignores Important questions
4.A psychopath in disguise
5.Winks for no reason
6.Walks like he's on the runway
8.Easily amused
9.Could get lost in his eyes
10.Looks like a playboy
11.Death due to starvation
12.Drowned in debt
13.Unlimited bills
15.Living on the streets
Yup the pros totally outweigh the cons!
Time to get ready!

I wore a white shirt and blue jeans with the least amount of effort I could possibly apply in looking good. Hair was in a bun and I was good to go.

I reached the location 10 minutes earlier than I was supposed to, I contemplated running away and hiding in the bushes but I rang the door bell, well against my wishes.

I heard someone running to the door.

Was he so eager to see me?

The door opened slowly but there wasn't anyone, that's when I looked down I noticed a cute red haired boy with green eyes looking up at me with a goofy smile on his face.

"Hi" he chirped.

"Hi and who might you be?"

"The king of kings, dinosaur slayer, Sir of this house, Leader of Cars, Lord Elliot"

"Woah, I'm honoured to be in your humble presence Lord Elliott" I said smiling widely.

"Come in, big Lord is waiting"

"Alright, only if you promise me a hug?"

"Yup, done"

I stepped in but suddenly the situation didn't make sense.

I was definitely at the right house
Who was this kid?
How is he related to Mr.Carter?
The internet specified that Mr.Carter had no siblings, if he's not his nephew, then who?
Who was this kid?

Author's note


*Blows kisses to all who did♡

Hope you amazing creatures enjoyed it:)

Aren't you all excited to know who the mysterious Lord Elliott is?

*laughs like the joker

Stay tuned to find out!

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