Thanatophobia | Richie Tozier...

By eblenke

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"If you're bored you can always come to my house and we could..." "Beep Beep Loser." Eleanor Kaspbrak is the... More

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Adult Thanatophobia?
29 (start of chapter 2)
Chapter 37


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By eblenke

Despite the fact that my brother was currently passed out on a broken table with a messed up arm (I assumed it was broken but I wasn't sure), I could only think about Richie.

I mean, him and Bill might be dead right now for all I know.

I shook my head to clear the awful thought. They couldn't be dead; I won't let them be dead.

Shaking my head more vigorously this time, I finally clear the thought.

My eyes then train down to my thigh. The gash has stopped bleeding, but it stills hurts like a bitch.

I laugh humorously, knowing mom will have a heart attack after seeing the condition Eddie and I are in. I'll probably be forced to get a tetanus shot, and if I'm lucky that'll be all.

Who am I kidding? I'll probably be forced to have a gazillion shots. I better get a bunch of those cute bandaids.

My thoughts are interrupted by an audible gasp.

I turn my head to see Eddie slowly sitting up whilst eyeing his hurt arm warily. His breathing starts to quicken yet again, and I really don't want him to use his inhaler for the third or fourth time today.

"You're alright Eds; I've got you," I say softly, rubbing his back.

"Shit, mom is going to kill us." Eddie murmurs, and I laugh.

"Yep. We'll be lucky if she ever lets us go outside again."

"Are you okay?" He asks me, looking at my thigh.

"Yeah, I'm alright. We need to find Richie and Bill and then get the fuck out of here."

Eddie's about to respond when he freezes, looking directly in front of us. I turn my head to see where he's looking.

"Why're you staring at the fridge like that? We can get food later. Besides, I don't think that thing eats anything other than humans." I joke, but Eddie doesn't look fazed.

And then I see it.

There's a glove coming out of the fridge. And mind you, when I say glove I don't mean a winter glove, I mean the stupid gloves that the characters at Disney World wear. The big, fat white ones.

And unless the clown is holding Mickey Mouse captive, we're in real trouble.

I jump unto my feet (thankfully my gash isn't deep enough to keep me from walking), and grab Eddie's good hand, dragging him to the other side of the room.

I can tell by Eddie's facial expression that this mode of transportation isn't ideal for him, but he was easily too shocked to move.

Resting Eddie against the nonbroken table in the room, I turn towards the fridge, ready to punch this sucker.

Horrified, I try my best to keep a neutral expression as the clown slowly getting out of the fridge, untangling all his limbs.

The clown slowly walks limps Eddie and me, mimicking Eddie's shallow breathing.

It doesn't seem to want me, only Eddie.

"Time to float." It says over Eddie's whimpering.

"Ugh... I'm sorry, but I'm really fucking tired of this whole 'I'm gonna eat you and then I'll turn your dead corpse into a fucking balloon!' spiel. Can't you just eat all the skunks and the rats? Nobody will miss those fuckers." I roll my eyes, not letting the fear get to me. If one of us is going to die today, it's not going to be Eddie. If I annoy the clown enough, it'll just eat me instead.

The clown turned to me.

Yes! My plan was working!

It suddenly shoved me against the wall, far enough from Eddie so he couldn't hear what the clown was saying to me.

"If you stay here," The clown said, bringing Its face way too close to mine. I mean, I know It lives in a sewer, but personal space much? "You might see all your little friends again. Your brother is a good as mine though."

"If you're not going to kill them then why are you here?" I hiss

"Because they all have their time; some much sooner than others."

What did It mean by that? Someone was going to die soon?

"And to make sure you don't interrupt my fun with your brother," I hold back a laugh, the demonic clown doesn't need to know about my dirty mind. "I have to make some precautions."

The clown makes me watch as a singular long, sharp claw breaks through part of the glove, and then sticks it in my untouched thigh, leaving a deep, lengthy cut the same place that the gash was on my other thigh.

It laughs at my painful expression before retracting the claw back in Its glove and walking back over to my brother.

I watch in horror as It taunts my brother, no longer paying attention to my throbbing thigh.

"Tasty, tasty, beautiful fear." The clown drools, holding my whimpering brother down.

I need to get up, but I don't even have to try to know that I won't be able to walk on my own.

The clown's eyes roll to the back of Its head and must've dislocated Its jaw or something because suddenly Its whole fucking mouth is basically made of sharp teeth.

But before the clown does anything, It stops and turns to the doorway. I follow Its gaze and see nothing.

"Help, help!" Eddie screeches, and I burst into tears knowing that I'm a failure; that I can't save my brother.

The clown put Its hand over Eddie's entire face, and then the door burst open.

"Eddie! Ellie!" Richie shouted, but both Bill and Richie froze when they saw what was going on.

"This isn't real enough for you, Billy?" The clown pauses. "I'm not real enough for you?"

"Oh shit," Richie mutters.

"It was real enough for Georgie." The clown states harshly.

"You know, you'd be so fucking dead if I could get up!" I yell, but the clown barely blinks at me.

Instead, the clown gets up and runs towards Richie and Bill, roaring like some kind of lion.

I hastily scooch over to Eddie. I put my arm around him, and whisper, "Are you ok?"

Eddie nods, not taking his eyes off the scene in front of us.

I look just in time to see Beverly spear the clown in the head. The other three boys slowly walk in.

The clown's blood starts to float (ironic, right?) and Bill, Richie, and Beverly take the opportunity to run over to where Eddie and I were. They crouch down next to us, and Richie grabs my hand, looking at both Eddie and me concerned.

"We gotta get out of here!" Someone screams, but I wasn't really paying attention to the others.

I was paying attention to the clown in the corner, hunched over and growling.

It turns around, and everyone starts screaming.

The clown still had the spear in his head, and one of Its eyes were closed because of the spear running through it. There were also teeth coming out of Its cheek.

"Get the twins; let's go!" Bill shouted, but no one moved.

The clown grows the claw again, but this time it's on every single finger.

"For Pete's sake!" I groan, rolling my eyes.

The clown jumps towards us, taunting everyone. It then laughs before turning around abruptly and cuts Ben's stomach with the spear in Its head.

"Ben!" Everyone cries as the clown slowly backs towards the doorway. And then It's gone.

"Let's get out of here!" Richie cries.

Bill suddenly gets up. "Don't let him get away!" He says, following the clown.

"Are you okay?" Richie asks me.

"No, not really, but you should be helping Eddie instead. His injury is worse." Richie shoots me yet another concerned look before inspecting Eddie's arm.

"I'm going to snap your arm in place," Richie tells Eddie calmly as Bill runs back in the room and crouches back down next to us.

"Rich, do not fucking touch me!" Eddie shouts. I let go of Richie's hand and hold Eddie's good hand.

"Shh, Eds. It's okay." I tell him. "It's for the best."

"Okay, one, two, three," Richie says, and then snaps his arm back into place.

Bill, Beverly, and I all gag as it happens, the cracking noise was very loud.

Eddie, on the other hand, screams heavily.

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