Love of my Life | Maylor

By Cheeseontoast_yay

9.8K 241 107

Roger Taylor, the drummer of Queen, has feelings for his best friend Brian. But he can't tell him the truth... More

(chapter 1)
(chapter 2)
(chapter 3)
(chapter 4)
(chapter 5)
(chapter 7)
(chapter 8)
(chapter 9)
(chapter 10)
(chapter 11)
(chapter 12)
(chapter 13)
(chapter 14)
(chapter 15)
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
new storyyy (i'm still Bad at self promo)

(chapter 6)

522 14 1
By Cheeseontoast_yay

Roger POV

"Darling, it wasn't your fault! I'm ok. Please come out, you must eat something!" Freddie said from the hall. I unlocked my door and looked at him. I nodded. "Come with me, i will make you a jam sandwich what do you want to drink?" He asked me. "Just water, thank you for everything" I answered. I hugged Freddie. I went with him into the kitchen. There was John, he ate cheese on toast. I Sat me across from him. Freddie was making my food, when John said:"Hi, Rog. It's nice to See you again!" He smiled.

"Shut up deaks!" I mumbled. Now Deaky became tears in the eyes. Oh shit what have i done. "No-No don't cry! I didn't meant that! I-I'm sorry. Please don't cry!" I pleased him. "I heard you crying in your room, why?"he asked me. "I-I can't say it. Please don't ask me again about that" i answered. I was scared abou the truth.

------ the next day--------

I've been since yesterday Not in my room. Freddie had the great idea to go into a Restaurante. I didn't say much, when Brian is here. I was to shy. I hoped he didn't noticed that. We want to Drive at 8 pm. Now it was 6 pm. Nice. What should i do in this time? I went into the living room. There was Lisa, just Lisa. I went in and sat down. She watched some fashion TV things and something about make up and some stuff.

"Ehh... Lisa c-can i watch my cartoons now? Of course only i-if y-you agree. "I stutterd. I hoped she won't be angry or something.

"Why do you want to watch cartoons, those are for kids. Are you a kid?"She asked me cold. But i could hear the anger in her voice. That's Not good.

"We could do some more exiting things, Roggie-Poo~" she whispered. Oh my fucking god. WHAt should i do? My First idea was that i just Run away. Yep.. that's good. Ok, lets do it. One...two..three RUN!ROGER RUN! I ran so fast as i can upstairs into the bathroom. I locked the door.

"Why are you in here, Taylor?"I heard a voice Behind me. I turned around to look at the Person Behind me.

IT'S BRIAN OMG!! Oh shit! Before i came into the bathroom he showered. I blushed extremely. No, Roger don't blush. DO NOT BLUSH! It was too late. MY face turned so red as a tomato.

"H-Hey Brian! N-Nice to See you again. H-How was your day?" I stuttert.
"WHAt are YOU doing here, Taylor!?" He said again. I stared at him. His beautiful eyes and his poodle hair. He's so perfect. "Taylor? Taylor!? Answere me Taylor!" He yelled. "Why you didn't locked!?"I asked
"Oh-- mh i forgot it, but why you didn't knocked?" "Because i didn't exptet someone in here, Bri!." I answered. Brian hadn't buttoned his Shirt yet. I leaned in and buttoned his Shirt for him. He stared at me. He blushed slightly. It looked really funny. When i've done it i smiled At him. He smiled back. That was the cutest smile that i have ever Seen in my life. It's a good Moment to kiss him. Should I do it.
I stared into his hazel eyes and then i kissed him on the cheak. I went out of the room into mine. I jumped into my bed and smiled. That was the best Moment ever!!!

Brian POV

That was weird. But i blushed too. Why did i blush? Is Roger drunk or something? And the most important question is: why did he kiss me. Roger is a weird guy. At First he kissed Lisa and now me? But it was a good feeling. No, don't think about it. It's just weird. But i can't be mad at him. Because Then he will be sad, and i don't want that. Just forget that.

Roger POV

I was so happy!!! I kissed my crush! On the cheak, but that's the same! I looked at the clock. 7:30pm.
I went Down into the kitchen. There was Freddie and John. I smiled. "Why are you so happy?" Freddie asked me. "Eh.. it's nothing special!" I said cool. Freddie looked over to me and winked. Do he know what i did?

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