(chapter 2)

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Roger POV

I slept very good. I was dreaming about Deaky being a cowboy, and he ate tons of cheese on toast. Then Brian came in and safed me from the evil Fred. Freddie was a villain with his giant Cats. That was a weird dream. Anyways i was woken up by a voice. "Darling, our guest is here. Let's greet her!"

That was Freddie. I didn't want to get up. It's so warm and everything. i mumbled:

"No! I want to sleep! Please Fred. "

"But she wants to meet you Rog."He said.

"Okayy!!!"I agreed.

Brian POV

There was a knock on the door. It was my girlfriend Lisa. She beautiful. She has blue eyes and shoulder long hair. Lisa likes animals and Books. She's very smart. Her hair is blond, it looks like gold. I think she's going to like Roger. I opened the door. She gave me a hug and said:

"it's beautiful here, where is Roger? "

"Hello, Lisa. Nice to meet you. How was your day?" Roger asked. He looked over to me and smiled.

Lisa hugged Roger. Freddie screamed from the kitchen:

" Dinner is ready, Darlings!!!"

"We're coming" i answered

Lisa took off her Coat and hung it over a chair. We went into the kitchen. "Hi, my name is John. " Deaky said.

We ate spaghetti again. Lisa sat next to me and Rog across from me. We was talking about some things. Lisa said that she is in a choir. And Freddie talked about some clothes . blah blah blah... that's Freddie. Roger said nothing. He stared at me. That was weird. And he looked a bit sad. I don't Know why. Roger stared at me, Without moving. Deaky asked:

" can freddie do the dishes today? "

"No, it's your turn John!" Freddie answered

"But i have no time to do it. Please Fred." John explained.

"Rog, what Do you think about Fred doing the dishes today?" I asked him .

"Ehh... what?ehh... It's a great idea!" He answered .

Roger POV

I stared at Brian. He is so beautiful. I'm sad but actually i should be Happy for him.

"Rog,what Do you think about Fred is doing the Dishes today?" Brian asked.

Oh shit! what did he talk about? Help!

"Ehh...what? ehh... it's a great idea!" I answered. I blushed extremely. I smiled."where is the loo", Lisa asked. " Down the Hall and then right.", i said. "Thanks"she answered and she left the room. "What Do you guys think about Lisa?" Brian asked. "She really nice"Deaky said. "I agree ", Freddie yelled. Hell i don't want to say anything. Because i don't like Lisa. If i say that he will hate me. I heard Lisa yelling from the hall:"Roger, can you come please?" I looked over to Brian.

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