(chapter 1)

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Roger POV

It's 5:30 am and i'm laying on my bed. I thought that everything was normal , but it isn't everything normal. It it totally crazy! I think i've lost my mind or somthing. I'm having a weird feeling for my best friend Brian. What does his feeling mean? We're friends for years now but I'M NOT IN LOVE WITH HIM or am i? I don't know what i'm feel for him. He's cute and smart and totally perfe-OH SHIT I'M IN LOVE WITH MY BEST FRIEND!!!! But i'm can't tell him the truth because, he will hate me.

I got up and went into the kitchen. It was early but i made myself a tea. I heard someone coming down the stairs. And it was Brian !!!<3 OMG my heart was got faster. He said: " Good Morning, Rog! " "mornin' Bri" i answered. I smiled at him. "When were you awoke ?"he asked

I looked at the clock. It was 6 o'clock. I WAS A HALF HOUR AT MY ROOM ?! "I awoke at 5:30 am, why are you asking?" I said. "I don't know, Maybe because You're my best friend? " he answered and smiled at me. He made himself a cup of tea and sat down on the chair across from me.

I blushed slightly. I hope he doesn't saw me. It was a emberassing silent. Then Freddie came into the kitchen. "Good Morning, Darlings !!" He screamed. Brian asked us :" Do you both want some toast as well?" " Yes, sure" i said. " I want some toast too!" Freddie anwered. Freddie and Brian Talked about some stuff. I was staring at Brian. His beautiful hazel eyes and his perfect lips, he is so beautiful!!
I stared at him such a long time.

Freddie POV

"Roger, Roger! ROGER!!!!" I yelled at him. " ehh...WHAT" he was startled and fell from his chair. I laughed and Brian helped him to get up. Roger blushed. Why is he blushing?

When the breakfast was over we woke Deaky up. Then we drove to the Studio.

In the afternoon Brian asked :" will you mind if my girlfriend came to dinner? She wants to know you guys." "It will be nice to Meet her", i said. John agreed. I looked over to Roger. He was looking a bit sad.
"Rog, what Do you think about it?" I asked. "Eh... that's a great idea, Bri."

Roger POV
"Eh... that's a great idea, Bri" i said. I smiled a fake smile at him. I sat on the couch, then Brian and John came into the living room. Brian Sat next to me on the couch and Deaky in the armchair. We watched TV. i was tired and rested my head on Brians shoulder. I fell asleep.

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