A Child's Wish To Have Loving...

Von Creativityismylife15

197 2 0

This book will only be nine chapters long. I'll be making everything single one of the chapters as detailed a... Mehr



19 0 0
Von Creativityismylife15

An hour after Eugene's parents returned home..........

Eugene tried what he could to get his parents to acknowledge him, to know he's there. So far they have been brushing off what he says and continue with their stuff and careers. He even got a fork and stabbed himself in the hand, forcing himself to cry out in pain. His dad jumped and so did his Mum they both looked and saw him trying to force a cry, his Dad shrugged and carried on with what he was doing.

His Mum came over and saw he had a fork in his hand but saw no blood, so Sarah basically shrugs and looks at him like 'Stop it' and takes the fork, putting it back in the drawer. He sat there thinking how he could get their attention?

Eugene (Yeah it's mostly Eugene's POV)
I sat there against the wall in the living area, looking at the big picture on the wall that Daddy really likes. I was thinking, what could I do to show them that I'm not invisible? Should I yell out saying, 'why do you both act like I'm invisible?!' Or are they going to ignore that too?

Or should I say, 'Fuck A. Silver Lining.' No, they'll probably go mental. But it will get their attention, giving them a shock that their six year old child swears. Maybe I could play the piano, but that could anger Daddy.

Hey I could press a piano key and then run away, it would like playing hide and seek but instead it would be press piano key and run. Let's do it.

I got up and walked up to the piano and when Daddy wasn't looking, I reached over and pressed the C key and the F key. I quickly ran away before Daddy could even look, running down the hall way to my room up the stairs, hearing Daddy saying,"Eugene, I told you, do not touch the piano or play it." He said, which made my heart beat fast, hearing his foot steps.

I sat there under the small table in my room, trying to hide. Then I saw the window still and climbed on there, pulling the curtains over covering myself. This was a bad idea, within seconds I heard the door opening, hearing foot steps. I held my knees to my chest for comfort, hearing Daddy get closer. "Eugene, I know your there. Now listen, I'm busy and your mother is busy. Get used to it, ok?"

I moved the curtain away, seeing Daddy standing there by the window still. "Why?" Is what I said, making him get down and say "because it's what we do for a living, get used to it." He got up and left, I felt like I was punched in the gut. I went over to my drawer, getting out the picture of Mummy and Daddy holding baby me. The tears were coming from Daddy, he cried when holding me.

I looked at it, reminding myself Mummy and Daddy do love me and did care. I turned the picture around seeing some writing on the back, it said:

'Our little bundle of joy is finally here.
He's perfect and we love him very much.
Welcome to the world Eugene Urie.
Mummy and Daddy love you very much.'

It made me emotional when reading it. I felt like I wanted to cry and hug my parents telling them I love them. But that felt like it was impossible. They'll tell me to go away. Guessing going down and seeing what their doing is better than sitting up here feeling down. I put the picture back and went down.

The living room was empty, just stuff everywhere. Then suddenly the sounds of Mummy and Daddy talking was there, more in the kitchen. I listened carefully:

"So I got a call from Chole. And it's not good news." Sounded like Mummy. I heard a sigh it sounded like Daddy.

"What is the bad news? Sarah come on, what did Chole say?" Sounded like Daddy.

"She called saying she wasn't feeling well. Brendon she's sick, she said she's sorry and can't take care of Eugene." Definitely Mummy, since she said Daddy's name, I know my parents names.

"So now there's no one to take care of Eugene, Great." Daddy seems angry.

"Well, we'll have to take him with us. Can't leave him here on his own." Mummy said to Daddy as Daddy sighed in defeat, he really didn't want me there on tour. Well I'm used to that.

"I guess so, do you want to be the one to tell him or should I?" Daddy said, but then adds,"guess we can't go touring round like we never had a child, it's a shame."

"I know. I'll tell him." Mummy said to him as I saw Daddy going to his studio which was in a little building outside. Mummy sat down at the table on her laptop, should I go in? Yeah I'll go in. I went in seeing that my mud pie has been moved, I looked outside seeing it by the bush, guessing Mummy or Daddy had moved it there.

The mud pie itself had gotten a little cracked. But the burnt wood chip was still in it, so at least most of it survived. Mummy came outside, walking up to the studio where Daddy was. She went in with her laptop, the walls being so thin I can literally hear their conversation.

"Hey Hun, I managed to book the tickets for the travel. It wasn't easy but their booked and ready for next week. They'll come in 3 days." I hear Mummy say.

"Well that's great, one less thing to do. So I thought you might like to listen to this, I could do with a second opinion." I hear daddy say as I hear him and Mummy kiss. Then after a minute I hear Mummy say:

"I think it's great, sure everyone will think so too...." and now I just hear kissing, a lot of kissing, then moaning.

The door swings open, seeing Mummy and Daddy kissing as they walked out. They've done this before. I looked and saw they had gone inside, still kissing. It began getting cold out here, so I went inside and remained in the kitchen. They are having sex, I just know it. I peaked and saw Mummy and Daddy taking their clothes off, they're doing it in the living room.

I covered my ears but the sound still went on. Hearing Mummy moan Daddy's name, ewwww!

"Wait let me get a condom," I hear Daddy say, which made me hide in the lower cupboard, I don't wanna see my Daddy naked ok. He's in here, he's going through drawers, till I hear him opening something up and then walking away. "Oh you got it, should've got two, to have two layers of protection," I hear Mummy say, as Daddy said "I think this will be fine, wanna get fucked or not." From there Mummy moans, Daddy pants.

"Aaah Fuck me! Oh right there...fuck you!" I hear Mummy yell, and I'm still in the cupboard, I don't think I wanna get out. I might be stuck here for an hour.

Wait it's all stopped, there's no sound. There's foot steps, coming this way. Sounds like Daddy, bin opening, Oh he's putting the condom in the bin. Walks away again and I get out the cupboard, feeling rather traumatised.

"I'm gonna take a shower, your free to join me if you want," yeah that's definitely Mummy. "I think I will." I hear Daddy say, taking a peak into the living room seeing it's empty. I can hear the shower going, they're in there together. I sat there in the living room on the far end of the couch, looking at the baby picture of me.

I can still remember being three and Daddy getting drunk and dropping me.

Flash back:
Mummy was done feeding me, picking me up and cuddling me. "There we are little man, all done. And your so cute!"  She said going to Daddy who took me and continued to drink. He got up and powered the music on, started singing and bouncing me on his hip.

Being so young, I started to gurgle. "You just like to gurgle don't you? Oh it's Crazy equals genius!" He sang as he continued dancing around and bouncing me on his hip. "Oooohoooohhhhoo! I'm rocket scientist! It's Crazy equals genius!" He sang on.

I started slipping out, his arm no longer supporting me. I fell and landed on the floor. I started to cry, it made Mummy rush over. "Oh Eugene! Are you ok, it's alright." Mummy said, picking me up and hugging me tight. "Brendon! How could you do this to him! You dropped him and your drunk." She added.

"Hun, I told you time and time again. I'm not as drunk as you think I am." He said trying to stay standing. "It's ok Eugene, it was an accident. Daddy is sorry." He added. Mummy carried on trying to calm me down, she continued to be mad at Daddy.

"Sorry Sarah, my bad." He said as he tried to kiss Mummy but got her cheek. I was still crying, feeling Mummy patting my back trying to calm me down. "He won't stop crying, it's like he's a baby all over again." Mummy said, as I suddenly stopped but had my arms wrapped round her.

"It's ok, it's ok. There, are you ok? Not bruised are you?" She said.

"No Mummy," I said. "Alright, your a strong little man," Mummy said.

She cuddled me from there, Daddy was still drunk. Mummy not letting him hold me.

Back to the present....

I snapped back to reality, staring at that picture. Mummy and Daddy returned, both going into the kitchen, hearing drinks being poured. They came back to the living room, putting something on the tv and watching it. None of them even acknowledging me or even caring that I was in the room.

I walked off to the kitchen, pulling out a pencil and paper from the drawer of stationary and put them on the table, then pulling myself up on the seat.

'What to draw? What to draw?' I thought as tried to think, but nothing came in mind. I wrote on the paper instead. Sounding out that word, Oooh I know! Fuck! I tried sounding it out, as I wrote down on paper;


Writing down the f word at six is strange, but it's my Daddy's fault for having it in his piano books. I kept writing it all over the paper. I'm board again, and Mummy and Daddy are still watching Tv, it's not until Daddy gets up comes into the kitchen. He sees me and goes into the fridge and obviously it's beer. Who would have thought, what else he could be getting out.

He opens it and drinks it, then looks at me folding the paper, not wanting him to see that I wrote the f word all over it. He gets closer, seeing that I had hidden what I wrote. Daddy leans over and takes the paper from me, sliding it alway. I grip it before he could even pick it up. "Daddy don't!" I said, as he pretty much ignored what I said and took the paper, opening it.

Praying he won't yell. His eyes went wide, seeing what was on the paper. He then looks at me shaking his head with disproval, he goes into the living room with and shows Mummy, who looked it and was shocked. Hearing the whole conversation;

"I can't believe he wrote that! In fact where did he learn such a bad word." Mummy said as Daddy, looked at it again and laughed. "It's kinda funny, I mean you never expect a six year old to know and write the f word. Funnier when they start sounding it out," Daddy laughed as Mummy sounding serious said;

"It's not funny Brendon. This is bad, and it's our fault. One of us must have said it." She said as Daddy stopped laughing and said "I'll ask him where he leaned the word from."

Daddy came into the kitchen where I was still sitting at the table. He leans on the counter as I looked at him, hoping he wouldn't yell. "Um Eugene, where did you learn such a bad word? Because me and Mummy want to know." He said, then drinking his beer.

"I uh......saw it in a book." I said, Daddy took another drink of his beer, then said, "a book. What book was it?" I looked down at the table, twirling my pencil into the paper "a song book, that had a song called uh...Fuck A! Silver Lining." I said, Daddy looking shocked, as Mummy came in hearing what I had said, then looks at Daddy.

"So he learned it from you. From a song of yours. In a way it's your fault." Mummy said as Daddy looked at her, and then at me and her again, "Well then that solves that, besides it's not like he learned an even badder word." He said. "And also, it's not like I taught him that word," he added.

"Well it's only one word, he'll probably forget it." Mummy said, looking at me who was writing stuff, but not the f word. Daddy left and went to his studio again, he spends a lot of time in there lately.

The time where Daddy made me laugh when I was a baby with a dirty song, Mummy went mad:

Flash back.
3rd person POV:
Baby Eugene, two months old. Having lunch, as his mother held him to her breast and breast fed him. His father sitting beside her, watching as he puts an arm round her. "He's really going to town sucking on his mummy's boobie." He said as Eugene took his mouth off Sarah's breast, as she pulled up her top and burped him.

"There we go, what a good little boy." She said, giving her son a cuddle, as then added, "I need to go and pump out some breast milk, could you watch Eugene?" Brendon nodded and took the baby off her as she grabbed the breast pump and went to the kitchen to pump out breast milk.

Eugene was laid down on the sofa, his father trying to make him laugh. "You don't do much, do you? Well of course you wouldn't, your a baby." He said as he made strange noises which made Eugene gurgle. "Aaaaaaachooooooo!" Was the noise Brendon made, which made Eugene smile and gurgle.

"You just like gurgling. Like most babies." He said, till he heard Sarah say from the kitchen, "blow raspberries on him, babies like that." She said. Brendon blew raspberries on Eugene, but Eugene didn't laugh but gurgled.

"How am I suppose to make you laugh? I'm like the worst father ever." Brendon said in frustration but then a song gets stuck in his head.

"I like big butts and I cannot lie, your other brothers can't deny. That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist." He sang out, baby Eugene gurgling and then laughing, Brendon froze, looking at his son. Picking him up and cuddling him.

"You laughed. Aww you little weirdo. Hey, I like big butts and I cannot lie, your other brothers can't deny. That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round big in your face you get sprung." He sang again, as Eugene laughed, "aww you little weirdo." He cuddled his son, and kissed his face, which made Eugene smile and laugh, then started playing with the hem of Brendon's shirt.

"Sarah, I made Eugene laugh." He said as Sarah stopped what she was doing and saw Brendon bouncing Eugene gently whilst holding him. "Really? What did you do? What did Daddy do to make you laugh?" She said as Brendon began to sing:

"I like big butts and I cannot lie, your other brothers can't deny. That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round big in your face, you get sprung."

Sarah stood there, not believing what her husband had sung to their son, Eugene laughing as Brendon kissed his head. "What!? Brendon, how can you sing that to him? That song is inappropriate and dirty, not for babies." She said as Eugene continued to laugh and gurgle. "But it made him laugh. Eugene thinks it's funny." He said.

"He's a baby, babies find anything funny." She said. "Can you say, Mama? Mama?" She added, as Brendon joins in saying, "can you say Dada? Dada?" Eugene remaining silent, "Well, it's ok. You'll talk in your own time, won't you Eugene?" His mother said, as Eugene gurgled.

He put Eugene down on the couch and began to sing the song again, but added dance moves. He began to twerk, and sing the lyrics. "Brendon no. He's too young to be seeing this." Sarah said as she used one had to cover Eugene's eyes, but that didn't stop him from laughing. "Come on, Sarah he likes it. See it's the first time I made him laugh." Brendon said as he bent down to pick up Eugene and started saying 'weeeee!' As he gently threw him in the air and catches him.

"Brendon no! He's only two months old. He could fall." Sarah said, making Brendon stop. Eugene started coughing, and threw up on his father. "Oh ew. Baby puke, well better out than in." Brendon said, handing the baby to Sarah, seeing the stain of puke on his shirt.

"Well no wonder he threw up you bounced and tossed him too much." Then she added, "the funny part about it, is he threw up on you."

"For the record I made him laugh." He said, as Sarah sat down on the couch rocking Eugene gently, till he fell asleep. Just in time for his nap, holding his mother's finger.

Back to the present.....

Back to Eugene again
That memory was funny, there was even a video of it happening. Mummy was gone, and then remembering that Daddy went to his studio, so Mummy must be in the living room. Yep she is and is on her laptop.

I went up to her. "Mummy, I- I" getting cut off by her saying, "Eugene, not now. Sorry but I'm busy." I stood there, not believing what she said. "But I..." then cuts me off again. "Eugene, not now." She said, I give up with her. I went off outside, seeing my mud pie was still ok, I played with it for a while.

I went inside Daddy's studio, seeing him sitting down on the computer and doing stuff with the sound. One tap of his shoulder, he says "Eugene I'm busy, not now." He said, "but Daddy I.." got cut off by him, "Eugene, I'm busy. Get used to it." That's it I give up with the pair of them.

I walked out, feeling rather annoyed and feeling like I'm being ignored. Although this has happened before and I'm used to being turned down like this. It began happening ever since I turned five, so it has pretty much been going on for almost a year. Now I wish Chole was here, she always listens to me and doesn't ignore me.

I walked back in the houses, not even looking at Mummy. Even though I love Mummy and Daddy, but I think their mad at me and when their mad. They don't talk to me. But they did talk to me so maybe their not as mad. I reached up the cupboard, getting some sugar bombs and eating them.

Mummy was talking rather loudly, guessing it's someone on the phone.

"Yeah, I got the tickets. Eugene will unfortunately be coming with Brendon and I. Yeah I know. But can't leave him by himself and yeah if Chole wasn't sick then he could stay behind. I know, tell me about it just earlier he was annoying me with his 'Mummy, Mummy' gets on my nerves when I'm busy. Look I couldn't do it, ok. Once it was a person inside me, I just couldn't so I kept it and Brendon agreed with me. Yeah I'll talk to you later bye."

So Mummy thinks I annoyed her. And Daddy agreed with Mummy to not abort me. Well she did say she still loved me.

Hours later....
Mummy and Daddy ordered take out. I have a feeling it was going to be vegetables for me again. "Could I get some chicken strips and yeah the kids chicken strips." I heard Mummy saying on the phone. After a few minutes she finished. Daddy was sitting there in the living room with Mummy about ten minutes ago he came back in and again neither of them even bothered looking or acknowledging me.

Door goes thirty minutes later, and Mummy comes back in with food. It's here, as she took it to the kitchen. As Daddy followed, which made me follow and sit at the table as Mummy got the plates, and poured out a box of vegetables on it, yup I knew it. Oh wait she's adding chicken strips to it, ok so it's not all vegetables.

She placed the plate in front of me and a fork beside it. Her and Daddy sat down, with their plates of Chicken with some kind of rice and fries. They began to talk and then Daddy asks, "have you told Eugene about you know," Mummy froze and realised she forgot, "Oh um, Eugene Chole can't babysit you next week she's sick, so you'll be coming with me and Daddy on the tour." I responded with a "ok, Mummy."

We carried on eating, randomly deciding to show a picture I drew. "Hey look Mummy I drew a picture, it's you and Daddy see." I said, Mummy takes one look and goes, "eh." And continued to eat, "hey look Daddy, I drew a picture." He takes one look responding with, "uh ok." And continues to eat and talk to Mummy.

This is going to be hard to get over.

A couple days later.....

Tickets arrive, and I pack up.


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