Only you; Jack Hughes


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Annabella Brodeur, well Ava. Yep, the daughter of the one and only Martin Brodeur. With a child's whole life... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1- cutie at Dunkin
Chapter 3- Bruised knuckles
Chapter 4- Kisses, surprises, and cries
Chapter 5- Date night
Chapter 6- America's Ass
Chapter 7 - Panick attacks & Jealousy
Chapter 8 - Oh My Friend
Chapter 9- a constant thing
chapter 10 - expecting the unexpected
Chapter 11 - pappa brods
Chapter 12 - family
Chapter 13 - birthday
chapter 14 - No. Fricken. Way
Chapter 15 - wait 'til later
chapter 16 - one week
17 - things must come to an end
Chapter 18 - Don't want to feel another kiss if its not from your lips
Chapter 19 - NHL
chapter 20 - so am i
chapter 21 - number one! Lets go baby!
chapter 22 - baseball boys
Chapter 23 - Happily Ever After
Chapter 24 - dreams
Chapter 25 - the same
hola chicitos

Chapter 2 - Blue eyed hottie

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Will had called me 10 minutes ago, so I was currently walking back into Dunkin Donuts.
But before I could say anything to him he said, "I have to go to the bathroom. Guys this is Ava, Ava these are the guys. They'll introduce themselves." And bolted off to the bathroom.
This isn't awkward at all.

A tall kid stepped forward, "I'm Trevor" he said extending his hand. "That's Spencer" he said pointing to a cute kid with blonde hair and blue eyes. "That's Josh." He said pointing to a slightly less attractive kid. "That's Quinn." He said pointing to another slightly less attractive kid. "And that's Quinn's brother, Jack." He said finally pointing to the super hot one.

I shook all of their hands, Jack holding mine a little bit longer than usual.

"How come I have to be Quinn's brother?" Jack complained to Trevor. "Couldn't you have introduced me first and then said that he's my brother?" He whined. I chuckled and Will came back from the bathroom.

"Alright. Next stop, our house." He said ushering everyone into the car.
"They're coming with us?" I asked Will who was now in the front seat. He just nodded as they all crammed into the back of my Range Rover. Quinn and Spencer sat in the trunk, while the other three sat in the back.
"Is McDummy calling today?" Will asked with a smile talking about my best friend.

"Yes. That's a new name though, I like it. I might have to bring that one into the convo today." I said with a laugh.
The boys didn't interrupt on our conversation and waited until we were done talking.

"Dude this is such a nice car!" Trevor said in awe, taking in his surroundings.
I smiled, "Really? I hate it. I like my moms Jeep way more."

Jack gasped, "YOU HAVE A JEEP!" He said sounding like a five year old getting candy. I nodded with a chuckled.

When we pulled up to the house, I put in the password at the security gate and it opened up.
"Um Ava I hate to break it to you but I think that you pulled up at a mansion." He said gaping in awe as he looked at our house.

I smiled and got out of the car, everyone following, "Welcome to la casa Brodeur."

Everyone followed us inside and I headed up to my room. Those were Wills friends to entertain, not mine.
When I got upstairs, I took off my shoes, laying down on my comfortable bed.
For some reason though, I can't get Jack out of my mind. How is he so damn hot.

I was thinking peacefully, when I decided that working out is probably a good idea. My physical therapist said that I shouldn't be doing any major conditioning yet, but only you know your own limits, right? and plus I only had about an hour until Connor called.

I put on lululemon shorts and sports bra, and a pair of gym shoes. Let's not forget the ugly brace still on my knee.
I headed to the workout room downstairs, immediately hooking my phone up to the speakers that were built into the room. I played my workout playlist, and instantly started stretching. I wasn't going to risk anything bad happening.

After stretching I started my workout and was almost done, but was then interrupted by someone walking into the room. It was non other than the hottie himself. Not to mention... Shirtless. I guess the boys were in the pool.

"Hey...." he said looking me up and down, "Will said that there was a bathroom over here somewhere but I got lost in this mansion." He said with a slight chuckle.

I let out a laugh and took a water out of the mini fridge, "It's not that big." I said with a laugh.

"I've been meaning to ask this, what's with the brace?" He said nodding his head towards my knee.

I sighed, hating talking about this, "Long story short. Hockey incident." I said with a frown and taking a sip out of my water bottle.

He instantly showed guilt in his face, "Touchy subject, sorry." I just nodded and he continued talking, "I get it though. Once, my freshman year of high school, I had a sprained ankle and I couldn't play for two weeks. It sucked ass." He said, grimacing while thinking about it.

His facial expressions were really cute and I didn't even realize how close he had gotten to me. He was literally right in front of me.

All of a sudden Trevor walked into the room, "Hey Ava, want to show me where the bathroom is? And then tell me why Jack is in here when he said he had to pee?" He said raising an eyebrow.

Me and Jack laughed at the same time, "This idiot got lost, too. But c'mon I'll show you where it is." I said, walking out of the room with all of my belongings and taking two lefts with the boys hot on my tail. I decided that I had worked out enough for the day.

"Okay, the bathrooms right there." I said pointing to a door right in front of us. Trevor quickly hopped into the bathroom, leaving just me and Jack again.

We started talking about random things and actually found out we had a lot in common. Then when Trevor came out and Jack went in, we talked as well, but not nearly as much as me and Jack did.

Once they were out of the bathroom I spoke up, "Are you two tart tarts done now? I need to shower." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Actually..." Trevor said scratching the back of his neck. "I kind of need you to show us how to get back outside. But you should come with us in the pool! It's a beautiful day." He said getting excited.

I sighed, "Maybe for like 15 minutes at the most. I have an important call in like 30 minutes." I said.

"Oooooo Ava has a hot dateeeee." Trevor said in a teasing way.
I groaned, my face getting red, "It's not like that at all, I promise" I said, noticing Jacks facial expression change a little bit. I couldn't tell what it was though.

After showing the boys where the pool was I headed upstairs to change. I put on a bikini that was a baby pink top, and then a white pair of bottoms. The light colors made my body look super tan, which was pretty good considering I hadn't tanned much this summer.

I threw my hair into a ponytail and headed back outside to see all of my brothers hanging out in the pool with Wills friends as well. I instantly went over to the tanning beds putting on my sunglasses and sitting down. Max came up to me, holding his floaties in his hand. He could swim really well, but Gen always wants him to wear them because he always rough houses with the boys.

"Can you put these on for me, pretty please?" He said with a cute smile.
"Of course bubby." I said blowing then up and putting them on his arms. He thanked me and instantly jumped into the pool, our dog Bailey following him.

"Ava come in the pool." Josh said, sending a splash my way from the pool.
I gasped at the cool water hitting my warm skin.
"I'll think about it." I said with a devilish smirk on my face.
I closed my eyes again until I felt two arms picking me up and over their shoulders. I opened my eyes to see Quinn.
"No no no. Put me down!" I said banging on Quinn's back. But it was no use.

The only response I got was the feeling of water splashing.

I rose up from the water, shooting Quinn a death glare. I chased him around the pool hopping on his back until I heard someone yell, "Chicken Fight"

I was thrown on someone's shoulders and I look down to see Spencer. He gave me a smirk as we ran to go get Jack and Trevor, attacking them with all of our might. We eventually won against everyone, doing our victory dances around the pool.

Before I realized, it was dark and I realized what I had forgot.
"Fucking shit!" I said jumping out of the water.
"Oooo I'm gonna tell mom." John said from the pool. I looked at him and groaned, taking a ten dollar bill from my phone case and handing it to him so he would be quite.

I then tried to unlock my phone, wondering why it hasn't rung, until I realized it was dead.
Without another word I dried myself off with a towel and ran to the basement. After letting it charge for about five minutes it finally opened to reveal 5 missed calls from Connor and a couple of texts.

I instantly FaceTimed him, and while it rung I threw my wet hair up into a messy bun.

If you're wondering who Connor is, then I guess I'll just tell you. Connor McDavid and I have been friends for the past 2 years now, and no one knows me better than he does. I'm grateful for just about everything that kid has ever said to me, let alone done for me. I'm also super close with Mitch Marner and Dylan Strome. The four of us have been best friends for 2 years now. We first met because my dad and uncle Wayne (Gretzky) held a training camp and I met them there.

After a couple of rings, Connor finally answered. He looked a little bit mad and immediately started talking. "Annabella Grace Brodeur! What the hell is wrong with you? You had me scared to death young lady."

"I'm sorry, McDummy. First of all you're only like 3 years older than me. Second of all, I was hanging out in the pool with a couple of friends and then my phone died so I didn't get any of your calls." I said truthfully. I didn't want to talk about the guys though because then he'd go all over protective older brother like the other 3 I have.
He sighed, "I'm sorry. I just though something bad happens like last time."

"I know, but I'm over that. I promise." I said with a reassuring smile. When I had first had the accident with my knee I was in a really dark place and it took me to places I never want to visit again. Connor was there for me throughout all of it and I love him to death for it.

We talked a little bit more about hockey and just life, and about 15 minutes late I hung up on him because he looked really tired and had practice the next day.

I walked back outside to the boys and sat on the ledge of the pool, relaxingly putting my feet in the pool.
A presence then filled the empty spot next to me and I looked over to see the blue eyed hottie once again.

"You know you look super pretty right now, right?" He asked making me blush. Thank god it was dark outside so you couldn't really see.
"Shut up Hughes." I said with a chuckle trying to play it cool.
"Im serious" he said taking out his phone and taking a picture of me. I turned my head and laughed, not wanting to be in the spotlight right now with no make up on.

I looked at his phone and gasped, "HOLY SHIT YOURE THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHER EVER!" I said taking his phone and examining the pictures. My body did look really good and my face wasn't that bad.

"It's not that hard when you have a beautiful model." He said with a wink. I playfully pushed his shoulder as I typed my number in his phone so I could get the photo.
I really like the photo so I posted it right away.

tagged: jackhughes
Caption: The actual best photographer in the history of photographers


jackhughes I'm just the best ever
trevorzegras that's what you two were doing alone over there....
dylanstrome ^ @ marner_93 @ cmcdavid um boys I think somethings going on with our sister
joshnorris why are NHL boys commenting on your post?
avabrodeur @ joshnorris theyre my bffs
Spencerknight teaaaa^
marner_93 young lady what are you doing hanging out with these guys
avabrodeur @ marner_93 ummm... I love you?
cmcdavid idk boys, get on the gc we're having a discussion on this @ marner_93 @ dylanstrome

Load more comments

"Umm Ava why does it sound like they're going to kill us? And what do they mean by group chat discussion?" Jack asked nervously, fidgeting with his phone case

I smiled at his cuteness, "They're my best friends, they've been there for me through thick and thin, which basically means I have a few extra overprotective brothers." I said with a chuckle, "Dont worry about it."

He just nodded and the boys called us over by the fireplace to roast marshmallows. I sat in a hanging chair thingy and pulled my knees to my chest, being slightly chilly. ( Idk how to explain it lol)

After a solid two hours of talking I looked around with sleepy eyes, taking in my surroundings. To my right, Jack seemed to be telling Max a funny sorry, and it threw me head over heels because hot guys that were good with kids was literally my type. Next to him was my older brothers Ant and Jeremy talking to Josh and Quinn. Then, Will and Trevor were the next ones, in a super deep discussion. Lastly I look over to see Spencer talking to... my dad?! Hmmm. That's weird. I guess he's giving him goalie advice or something.

I let out another shiver and held myself as tight as I could. Somehow, my bathing suit was still a little wet so I was kind of cold.

A sweatshirt was then put in front of my face, "You're cold." A voice said, "Wear it." I look behind the sweatshirt to see Jack smiling. I gladly put the sweatshirt on, which was huge on me, keeping me extremely warm.

The last thing I remember after that was my eyes slowly closing to the relaxing smell of Jacks sweatshirt.


I woke up to someone carryon me up to my room. Their muscular arms carried me bridal style and slowly placed me down on my bed. They uncovered the sheets and placed them over me. I opened my eyes to see Jack smiling at me.

I rubbed my eyes so they could adjust to the lamp that was on in my room, "Are you and the guys leaving?" I said groggily.

He chuckled at my voice and shook his head, "No, your dad really likes Spencer, so he told us that it was too late to drive home, and that we could just stay in the basement." He said. I didn't know what else to say so he just stood there awkwardly for a second.

He then came over and placed a kiss on my forehead saying, "Goodnight Beautiful." And leaving my room at that.

Don't freak out, don't freak out, don't freak out. He definitely does this with other girls, too. I just needed to get through tonight and steer clear of Jack.

He's dreamy, don't get me wrong, but he's Will's friend. I wouldn't do that to him.


I walked down to the basement all giddy after say goodnight to Ava. That girl is really something else.

When I walked through the door all of the guys looked at me. "Did you kiss her?" They asked

"What? Why would you guys say that?" I said all defensively.
"I'm maybe because you're basically in love with my sister?" Will spoke up.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about...." I said lying.
"Jack Hughes stop this lying right now. I know my baby brother when he's lying." Quinn said.

I sighed, "I don't know how I feel right now okay? I don't have crushes, and I definitely don't date... but I think I like Ava." I said, my eyes went wide, not even realizing what just came out of my mouth.

"Wow. You have it hard for Wills sister and it's only been a day." Was all Josh said and they all just nodded.

"You're okay with this?" I asked Will who seemed super calm about me talking about his sister.

"Well I'd prefer you date her then any other douche I know so I guess I'm okay with it." He said shrugging his shoulders. "But if you hurt her just now you won't live make it to the NHL." He said sounding a little bit scarier.
I nodded, understanding where he's coming from .

"DAMN HE ALREADY WHIPPED AFTER ONE DAY OF MEETING HER!" Spencer yelled and made my cheeks go red.
"And he's blushing!So when are you gonna make a move man?"
I woke up the next morning extremely happy. Considering what had happened last night I had no reason to be grumpy.

I got up and showered, not taking too long, just about 10 minutes. I then washed my face and brushed my teeth and hair. I changed into the outfit below with white vans

I put some slight make up on like mascara and my eyebrows and headed downstairs.
My parents were sitting at the table having coffee, so I'm guessing I was the first one up.

"Good morning guys" I said giving them a kiss on the cheek.
"Good morning sweetie" my dad said "Don't forget, we're leaving for Montreal today do you have to watch your brothers. I don't trust your older bothers." He said with a chuckle.

Gen let out a laugh as I frowned, "Awwww I really wanted to see Carey"
My dad treated Carey Price like a younger brother because when my dad was about to leave the league, he just came in. He mentored Price for a while and they still keep in touch all the time.

"I know honey" Gen said, "But your father was stubborn and decided to only book two tickets." She said and gave him a playful glare. My dad laughed and kissed her cheek.
God I admired them so much. They were literally so in love it's insane. I want to be like them so bad one day.

I trudged out of the kitchen and headed downstairs to see what the boys were doing.
All of them were asleep except for Trevor.

I chuckled as he looked super bored on his phone. I threw a pillow at him which made him jump and fall off the couch and on top of two bodies.

"Ow what the hell Ava." Trevor said rubbing his arm as I was basically rolling on the floor in laughter. This could not get any funnier.

Jack and Spencer shot up from Trevor landing on them and groaned.

At this point I was almost peeing my pants. This caused everyone else to wake up and to yell at me to shut up, but I really couldn't stop laughing.

Once I calmed down everyone was now wide awake and when I told them what happened they were laughing just like me. Of course except for Jack, Spencer, and Trevor.

Eventually we all decided to get up and go to the diner for breakfast. I drove my Range Rover with Jack while Will drove his car with literally everyone else. They all claimed that it was because they wanted to see his car, but I shook it off and went to the car.

The drive there was silent for about the first five minutes before Jack spoke up, "You know you look amazing today, right?"

Oh god. Here we go again.

"How many girls have you said that to?" I asked with a laugh

Jack had a smirk on his face, not phased at all, "Out of all the times I've said it, I've only meant it once."

I didn't say anything else as we arrived at the diner, both of us getting out of the car quietly.

Jack sat next to me and Trevor sat across from me. Every now and then i caught Jack staring at me and when I looked to see if anyone was looking, Trevor kept wiggling his eyebrows. Strange.

"So how long until you guys start practice?" I asked Jack, trying to make conversation.
"3 weeks." He said, basically ending the conversation without even looking at me. Was he mad at me or something? What did I even do?

The whole breakfast he kept one wording me so I shook it off. He even decided to ride in Wills car on the way back, so Spencer and Josh rode back with me.

Once we got home I headed straight up to my room. I was having a good day and I wasn't going to let Jack ruin my day. I started cleaning up my room a little bit and just making it look a little bit better.

Once I finished I was just watching YouTube videos on my laptop and there was a knock at my door.
I didn't even get the chance to say come in because they came in anyway.

Jack opened the door and and closed it once he was in and just looked at me.
"Are you going to just stand there like a weirdo or tell me what's up with you today?" I said standing up and crossing my arms, giving some attitude.

He sighed, his face still cold, "You're so stupid at times Ava, I swear." He said aggravated and started getting closer to me. I started backing up too, but then my back touched the wall and I realized I couldn't go anywhere.

Jack cornered me and said, "I swear you're one of the prettiest people, if not the prettiest, that I've ever met. And I mean it. " He said.

I didn't even know what emotions were running through my head. From me thinking how fucking hot he looks when he's mad to he's gonna kill me.

I flinched as he just looked me in the eye. I looked down at my feet, but his hand gently lifted my face up.
"Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Please." He whispered the last part, but all I could do was just nod. I was in such shock it was unbelievable. Where did all of this even come from.

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