The Creator

By beanfic

1.1K 84 49

It's the year 2050, and the country that was once known as America has closed off all of its borders and has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 14

47 3 0
By beanfic

Word Count: 947

Warnings: Angst & talk of violence

Author's note: I definitely did NOT add this chapter in yesterday even though i have had this series finished since like february! I just thought it needed more explanation, so I hope you enjoy!

"I heard her singing again Nico. You need to control your daughter," Keons growled at Nico. He paced around the office while Sacarver and Andre sat behind him. "We don't want what happened to Nills to happen to you, do we?"

"No," Nico groaned as he slid down into his chair. He thought back to the old leader of Dema, Nills, who had broken the rules and therefore was bumped back down to a level one Bishop and allowed Nico to take the role of the leader. "I'll talk to her."

"Good," Keons tapped his fingers together meliciously as he stared Nico down. "Any news on finding Josh and the boy?"


Keons walked over to the Bishop and grabbed him by his collar and held him close to his face, "You're pathetic Nicolas." He threw Nico back down and walked away. Nico looked over to Sacarver and Andre who both just shook their head at Nico was sprawled out on his chair.

"You aren't cut out to be a leader, Nico," Andre whispered as he walked out of the room. Sacarver followed him and then Nico was alone. He took a deep breath before standing up straight and headed up to his daughters room.

"Clancy?" Nico knocked on the wooden door and it slowly opened up with a creak. He saw the flicker of her red hair as she turned around and walked back to her bed.

"I heard Josh and the little boy escaped," she whispered. She looked up at her father with eyes that were filled with sadness, but he never noticed.

"Yes, did you have something to do with this?" he asked.

"Why would I-"

"Don't act like we don't hear you singing all the time, Clancy. After everything that has happened."

"Seriously, Dad, I thought we weren't going to talk about that anymore," she mumbled. She walked over to her bed and sat down on it while staring at her hands, trying to avoid his dark eyes. "I told you, they weren't why I tried."

"Doesn't matter anymore, what matters is that Josh and the boy escaped."

Clancy shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you." Nico sighed and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Clancy layed on her bed and softly sang to herself.

"Stay alive, stay alive."


Josh finally was able to catch up to Connor whose face was red from running about a mile away from the Dema headquarters. They weren't exactly sure where they were, besides that they were somewhere in Necropolis.

"We need to find someone who can drive us back to our house," Josh told Connor who agreed. They continued walking until they finally came across a house on the side of the road that they were walking down.

"Excuse me?" Josh asked politely. The old man who was working outside, he must had been a farmer, looked up at Josh and smiled.

"How are you boys doing today?"

"We could be doing better, our car broke down and we really need a ride home? Could you drive us?"

"I don't see why not! How far away are you?" asked the old man. Josh told him, and everyone piled into the man's blue pickup truck and drove about forty minutes to their house.

"Thank you so much for the ride," Josh thanked him and handed him some money that he had in his pocket. Thank god the Bishops and the Niners didn't take any of it.

"So what is the plan? Why are we here?" Connor asked. He was afraid, and he wanted to make sure his family was safe.

"I need to get the word out to the other Banditos," Josh mumbled but Connor was still confused.

"What do you mean? Why?"

"Because I think I know a way we can try to save your dad and the rest of your family, but I need the Banditos help. And tape. Yellow tape. Lots of it."

"Yellow tape?"

"Yes, remember? Bishop's and the Niner's can't see yellow," Josh explained.

"Uncle Josh, I'm scared," Connor admitted. Josh walked over and wrapped the little boy up in his arms, holding him close.

"I know this is scary but you have been so brave and strong so far, and I know you can continue to be for your family. I believe in you."

"Thank you Uncle Josh," Connor whispered into his chest.

The rest of the day was spent with Connor going to the store and picking up yellow tape while Josh was busy trying to find the other Banditos. He went to the Trench and it still looked like a bloodbath. He wondered where the bodies had went, but at the same time he didn't want to know.

"Josh?" he heard a voice whisper from behind him. He turned around to see a young girl, maybe 15 years old, sitting on the ground holding a Ukulele. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to find the other Banditos, I need your guys help."

"I can help. What can I do?"

"Do you know a way to contact the Banditos of other provinces?" Josh asked and the girl nodded.

"My name is Rose by the way," she held out her hand for Josh to shake.

"Thank you for helping," Josh whispered.

"Of course."

Josh gave Rose a pile of napkins that had instructions of where to meet and what to do, and she told Rose to get them out to the other Banditos in any way possible and for everyone to spread the word. He needed the banditos to join him at his house tomorrow so he could go and help Tyler and his family. 

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