Chapter 2

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Word Count: 806

Warnings: Language

Author's note: Here is the second chapter of The Creator! Also, I will be posting this series on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Sundays will be dedicated to one-shots! I might also throw in some random drabble posts when I feel like it, so be on the lookout!

"We're home!!" a bright cheery voice rang from the doorway. You turned your head that was resting on Tyler's chest to see your daughter and son back from school.

"How was it?" Tyler asked and Connor shrugged while Autumn went on and on about how they watched the broadcast and then created cookies in the shape of Nico for the anniversary of Dema.

"Can you ever shut up?" Connor spat at his sister which made Tyler furious.

"Connor Joseph. Up to your room. Now" Tyler closed his eyes and pointed up the stairs, and Connor sulked all the way to his bedroom. Autumn quickly came over and wanted to be picked up by you.

"Autumn, you're getting a little heavy to be picked up!" You said out of breath as you placed her on your hip. She was small for her age, but she was still growing fast.

"I get my job assignment soon!" She squealed into your ear making you wince.

"Are you excited?" Tyler asked and she nodded her head aggressively. You and Tyler glance at each other to signal that it was a good time for the talk.

"Should we get Connor back down here?" You asked and Tyler nodded.

"CONNOR! Family meeting!" Tyler yelled up and Connor came back downstairs.

"What? I just was sent upstairs," he asked and Tyler nodded to the couch. Everyone headed to the family room and sat on the couch. Tyler was feeding Westley while you started the conversation.

"So, Autumn has her job assignment this weekend and I want you to understand that ALL jobs are equally as important, even if you get chosen to do something you consider unimportant. It's our duty to keep our beautiful country running!" You explained, watching Autumn to make sure she was following along.

"Exactly. Dema is a wonderful place to live, even if it is different than it was ten years ago, but that's how history works." Tyler added in. Autumn nodded.

"Connor, do you have anything to say?" You asked and he shrugged.

"I guess just understand that we have rules and job assignments so Dema doesn't crumble," he mumbled, not wanting to be at this family talk.

"Good. Now Autumn, do you understand why society is like this?" you asked. She gave you a puzzled look.

"Like what?"

"There wasn't always a ban on music, and creators and listeners use to not exist," you said slowly.

"You mean anyone could listen to music?" she asked, her eyes widening.

"I use to listen to music and paint, even though I don't remember it," Connor added in.

"But things have changed for the better. Nico has decided to choose listeners and creators because in the past when anyone could be them, bad stuff has happened," you continued on.

"Like what bad stuff?"

"Like, celebrities would get into drugs, and there was a lot of abuse and assault in the celebrity industry. We need responsible role models." Tyler explained. He looked at you raising an eyebrow, and you nodded.

"Autumn, your dad use to make music. He used to be a creator," you exclaimed, and Tyler nodded.

"What?? Why aren't you anymore?" she asked with a worried tone.

"Because my music did bad things," he said but you interrupted him.

"Because Nico thinks it did bad things. Your father was talented, but people used his music in the wrong way and lost him and Josh's ability to be a creator."

"Uncle Josh was a creator too?" She seemed so bewildered by all the information she was gathering.

Tyler nodded, "Yep, he was my drummer. He was a damn good drummer too."

"I want to hear you sing." Autumn pouted and crossed her arms. You picked her up and placed her on your lap. You pushed her hair behind her ear as you explained how dangerous that is.

"Sweetie, I know, but if the Niner's or the Bishop's found out then our whole family would be in danger. There are rules for a reason, and we have to follow the rules no matter how unfair they seem." You explained. You hated the rules too. You missed the nights that Tyler would play the piano and sing you to sleep. He had sold out shows and traveled all around the world, and country back when it was called the United States of America before Nico became the leader and closed off its borders and named it Dema.

"I'm nervous for my job assignment," Autumn whispered. Tyler grabbed her little hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Everything's going to be okay, baby girl." Tyler gave her a soft kiss on the top of her head.

"Let's go have dinner," you suggested, picking up and taking Westley with you, even though you were starting to become nervous of what Autumn's job assignment would be.

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