Chapter 5

86 6 7

Word Count: 1098

Warnings: None!

Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

The next morning you and Tyler called for a family meeting.

"You sure you want to do this?" Tyler asked you and you nodded.

"You caused this Ty, so you have to do the explaining." You were still upset with him lying to you.
"I'm worried about how Connor is going to react," he confessed but you just shrug.

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you went out and broke the law." You headed to Westley's room to go wake him up and feed him breakfast.

Autumn and Connor were already downstairs eating cereal. You and Tyler headed downstairs to join them, and Autumn couldn't even make eye contact with either you or Tyler. You wondered how much she had heard.

"We're going to have a family talk, is that okay?" you asked your kids, and they both look up at you and nod. You could tell that Autumn must have told Connor something because he was acting off as well.

Tyler handed you Westley's bottle, before shooting you a quick look that said 'are you sure?' You gave him a quick nod, while you sat down at the kitchen table across from your kids. Tyler took the seat next to you. You held Westley in your arms and started to feed him his bottle while waiting for Tyler to initiate the conversation.

"No matter what I tell you, you must keep it a secret, because if you don't, it will be dangerous for every one of us." Tyler started the conversation off on a darker tone, and you looked up from Westley and studied the kids looks. Connor looked mad, and Autumn looked afraid.

"As you guys know, I use to be a creator. I use to make music and play it for lots and lots of people, right?" he asked and both Autumn and Connor nodded slowly.

Tyler took a deep breath and started to fiddle with his thumbs. You rubbed his back with your free arm, trying to calm him down.

"I've been still playing shows with Josh." Tyler let out the breath that he had been holding in.

"What?" Connor asked incredulously.

"I know it's hard to understand, but it's something Josh and I needed to do. Our music helps people, and I couldn't not play music ever again," putting emphasis on the 'not'.

"But you're breaking the law."

"Connor, I know, but we are being safe and everything is okay," Tyler tried to reassure him.

"Are you sure daddy?" Autumn whimpers, on the verge of tears. Tyler held out his arms to invite her on his lap.

He held her close and whispered into her ear, "I promise I will never let anything happen to me, or any of you."

"I want to hear you play music," Connor pleaded but Tyler shook his head.

"It's too dangerous to play in the house. If you were to hear we would have to go down to the Trench and play."

"Could we go down?" Connor interjected and Tyler nodded.

"Can we!?" Autumn started to get excited. Tyler shot you a look, and you nodded.

"I guess we could." You switch Westley over to your other arm as Autumn

stood up and squealed with Joy. Connor seemed unsure about everything, but you could tell he was excited to hear his dad play music again.

Around 4:00, you and Tyler got all your kids ready to head down to the Trench. Tyler handed you a roll of yellow duct tape, and you gave him a confused look.

"What is this for?"

"It's to put on your body so you are safer, remember? The Bishops can't see yellow." He explains. You both spend the next fifteen minutes wrapping the yellow tape around your outfits and helping the kids.

You put Westley in a stroller and grabbed Autumn's hand as you all started to walk towards Trench. Halfway through, Josh joined you guys on the walk.

"Uncle Josh!" Autumn ran up and jumped into his tattooed arms.

"So you all know our little secret now?" Josh shot Tyler a wink.

"I can't believe you are a criminal!" Connor teased Josh. Josh then grabbed Connor and started to ruffle his hair.

"Yep, and if I go down then you're going down with me!"

"No!" Connor tried to wrestle back but Josh was much stronger.

"We're almost there!" Tyler announced. There was this little tunnel that led underground, but there was a huge rock in the way. Tyler moved it to the side, and let everyone in. It was a dark cave that was downhill.

"Do we just follow it down?" you ask hesitantly, and both Josh and Tyler nodded, it was steeper than you were expecting. No wonder no one can hear them play down here.

Josh, who was now holding Autumn's hand, led them down the cave where it got darker and deeper.
"I see a light!" Autumn shouted as this little stream of brightness came into view. As you got closer, the path you were walking on split into a trench-like path, surrounded by walls of rock that you could climb up.

"I see why you call it Trench," you exclaimed, looking up at the walls on both sides of you. You never knew that there was an actual trench, inside a cave, underneath your province in Dema.

There was a drum kit at the end of the cave and a Ukulele. You stopped and picked up Westley from his stroller, while Connor and Autumn stayed behind with you as well. Josh went up and took a seat at the drums, and Tyler picked up and grabbed the Ukulele.

"The first song I'm going to sing is called Screen." Tyler started to strum and began to sing. His voice filled the trench and brought goosebumps to your body. You could feel Autumn grab on to your arm tighter, and Connor just stared in awe.

Once he finished Connor ran up to Tyler and hugged him. When Connor pulled away you could see his eyes were wet, which made you get choked up as well.

"The next song I am going to play is called House of Gold!" His fingers strummed the strings on the Ukelele, making the sound ring throughout the tunnel. His voice made you want to melt, and you never wanted to leave to the silence again.

"Josh is so fast!" Autumn whispered into your ear. You watched Josh's arms blur as they quickly drummed. The bass drum pounded in your chest.

It was nice to hear Tyler and Josh perform once again. 

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