By TwoDimensionalSphere

74K 2.8K 2K

The story of 192 tributes in nine different Games, the special twist for this 150th year of the Hunger Games... More

Announcing the Quarter Quell
District 1 and 2 Reapings(18)
District 3 and 4 Reapings(18)
District 5 and 6 Reapings (18)
District 7 and 8 Reapings (18)
District 9 and 10 Reapings (18)
District 11 and 12 Reapings (18)
Capitol Update: Tributes
The Train
The Remake Center
The Opening Ceremony
The Training Center (Day 1)
The Training Center (Day 2)
The Scores
The Interviews
The Bloodbath (Also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
District 1 and 2 Reapings (17)
District 3 and 4 Reapings (17)
District 5 and 6 Reapings(17)
District 7 and 8 Reapings(17)
District 9 and 10 Reapings (17)
District 11 and 12 Reapings (17)
Capitol Update: Tributes
The Train
The Remake Center
The Opening Ceremony
The Training Center (Day 1)
The Training Center (Day 2)
A brief input from...
The Scores
The Interviews
The Bloodbath (Also Day 1)
Day 3
Some Notes
A/N: 2. k. Oh. my. gosh.
District 1 and 2 Reapings (16)
District 3 Reaping (16) (yeah sorry District 4 coming soon)
District 4 Reaping (16)
District 5 and 6 Reapings (16)
District 7 Reaping (16)
A/N: 135!!!!!
District 8 Reaping (16)
District 9 Reaping (16)
District 10 Reaping (16)
District 11 Reaping (16)
A/N: 3k
District 12 Reaping (16)
Capitol Update: Tributes
A small chapter
The Train
The Remake Center
A/N: I forgot
The Opening Ceremony
The Training Center (Day 1)
A/N: Oh my.
The Training Center (Day 2)
who is he?
The Scores
The Interviews
A/N: 5 k
The Bloodbath (also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
A/N: I am literally screaming.
Another A/N
The Aftermath
District 1 Reaping (15)
District 2 Reaping (15)
District 3 Reaping (15)
District 4 Reaping (15)
District 5 Reaping (15)
District 6 Reaping (15)
A/N: I was just blown away.
District 7 Reaping (15)
District 8 Reaping (15)
District 9 Reaping (15)
District 10 Reaping (15)
District 11 Reaping (15)
District 12 Reaping (15)
Capitol Update: Tributes
Haley and Victor
The Train
The Remake Center
A/N: Slow Updates Coming....
The Opening Ceremony
A/N (part 100!)
The Alliances
The Training Center (Day 1)
The Training Center (Day 2)
The Scores
The Interviews
The Bloodbath (Also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
Form for y'all again
District 1 Reaping (14)
District 2 Reaping (14)
District 3 Reaping (14)
District 4 Reaping (14)
District 5 Reaping (14)
A/N: Serious Talk.
A/N: part 2
District 6 Reaping (14)
District 7 Reaping (14)
District 8 Reaping (14)
District 9 Reaping (14)
District 10 Reaping (14)
District 11 Reaping (14)
District 12 Reaping (14)
Capitol Update: Tributes
The Plan
The Alliances
The Opening Ceremony (..forgot about this)
The Training Center (Day 1)
The Training Center (Day 2)
The Scores
The Interviews
The Bloodbath (also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
The Aftermath~part 1
The Aftermath~part 2
District 1 Reaping (13)
District 2 Reaping (13)
District 3 Reaping (13)
District 4 Reaping (13)
District 5 Reaping (13)
District 6 Reaping (13)
District 7 Reaping (13)
District 8 Reaping (13)
District 9 Reaping (13)
District 10 Reaping (13)
District 11 Reaping (13)
District 12 Reaping (13)
Capitol Update: Tributes
The Train
The Remake Center
The Opening Ceremony
The Training Center (Day 1)
The Training Center (Day 2)
The Scores
The Interviews
The Bloodbath (also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
The Aftermath
District 1 Reaping (12)
District 2 Reaping (12)
District 3 Reaping (12)
District 4 Reaping (12)
District 5 Reaping (12)
District 6 Reaping (12)
District 7 Reaping (12)
District 8 Reaping (12)
District 9 Reaping (12)
District 10 Reaping (12)
District 11 Reaping (12)
District 12 Reaping (12)
Capitol Update: Tributes
The Train
The Remake Center
The Opening Ceremony
The Training Center (Day 1)
The Training Center (Day 2)
The Scores
The (long, boring) Interviews (nobody cares about)
The Bloodbath (also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
The Aftermath
District 1 Reaping (All Ages)
District 2 Reaping (All Ages)
District 3 Reaping (All Ages)
District 4 Reaping (All Ages)
District 5 Reaping (All Ages) (part 200)
District 6 Reaping (All Ages)
District 7 Reaping (All Ages)
District 8 Reaping (All Ages)
District 9 Reaping (All Ages)
District 10 Reaping (All Ages)
District 11 Reaping (All Ages)
District 12 Reaping (All Ages)
Capitol Update: Tributes
The Train
The Remake Center
The Opening Ceremony
The Training Center (Day 1) (REVISED)
The Office of Jumbalya Hawk (also The Training Center, Day 2)
Our First Insight Of District 13 (also The Scores)
The Interviews
An Alarming Update
The Bloodbath (also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
The Aftermath
To Thirteen(or not)
District 1 Goodbyes (part 1)
District 1 Goodbyes (part 2)
District 2 Goodbyes
District 3 Goodbyes (part 1)
District 3 Goodbyes (part 2)
District 4 Goodbyes

Day 2

484 13 3
By TwoDimensionalSphere

Ingeborg Thorn's (District 9) P.O.V:

I made it through the first day. This is progress, good progress. But today is the day that Elijah, Thor, and I have decided to climb the wall of thorns. We have teamed up-strength in numbers- and suspect that on the other side is water, because there wasn't any in the packs that Thor and I managed to grab during the Bloodbath, and I don't see it anywhere else.

I am the first one awake of the three of us. I stretch, pull my brown hair out of my face, and am just about to rouse Elijah when-


A cannon goes off- someone has died. It's loud enough that I don't have to wake them up. What happened? I begin to fear for my own life. "Come on, guys," I say to Thor and Elijah as they groan and get ready. "Let's start climbing."

Princess Galore's (District 1) P.O.V:

I wake to the sound of a cannon. Mmm, good, I think without opening my eyes. One less competitor.

Then I open them. Mildred is awake to my left, but Caesar, to my right, is still motionless. He must be in a very deep sleep not to be woken by that cannon!

I slowly crawl over to his body, ready to poke him on the nose to wake him up. He doesn't stir. I suddenly realize his chest isn't rising and falling like when a human normally sleeps. I put a hand on his chest over where his heart would be. I don't feel a pulse. I take his hand in my hands, and it's limp. I press on his wrist on top of his vein. Nothing. "Caesar?" I whisper, frightened. "Caesar?!" I look down at his body. His hand is going cold.

"CAESAR?!" There is no response. My body begins to tremble. No. He can't be dead, not Caesar. He can't be. Caesar, no! You can't die now! It's only the dawn of the second day! We were going to win this thing, together! But now it's just me and Mildred, and she's probably going to kill me now that you aren't here to help fend her off and protect me. So I should probably just kill her now before she gets the chance, right, Caesar? Am I making the right move? I've got my bow right next to me and my arrows slung over my back, so why not? Why shouldn't I just kill her now? I think I will, Caesar. To revenge you. After all, she is the one who suggested to go through the wall with your sword instead of over it. She is partially responsible for your death. So why not? I slowly reach for my bow and knock an arrow while Mildred is looking the other direction.




But I never get the chance, because suddenly she is on top of me, and she's plunged my own arrow into my arm, and then another in the other arm, pinning me to the ground. Ow ow ow ow ow ow. It hurts so bad, so so bad. And then she butts me in the head with the bow, and everything goes blurry, and I can feel myself fading. I faintly see some other tributes climbing over the wall, and Mildred using my bow to kill them. I can't see who they are. Then I find that I can reach Caesar's cold hand with my own, and I hold it as I die. I speak my final words to his dead body.


Bertha Hulk's (District 5) P.O.V:

I wait until that Mildred girl has moved off from the area before jogging through the tunnel she and her friends made to get some of the water in the lake. I'm so thirsty I can hardly stand it.

I approach the edge of the lake and cup some water in my hands to drink. It's sweet and cool, and I realize just how hot I am in this desert heat and figure it would do no harm to go for a dip. I dive into the water, submerging myself in the wonderful coolness of the lake. It's deeper at the edge than I expected. I open my eyes underwater and see something I did not expect to see at all.

I'm face to face with a huge fish. It's mouth opens wide to reveal dozens of rows of razor sharp teeth. And it swims toward me, and the mouth comes down on my head.

Fecilia Feathersfowl's (Acting Gretchen Tittle) P.O.V:

I have a plan. I need to get away from the cameras, though, so I built a little building out of boxes in the Cornucopia that the camera can't see through. Now I'm inside the box, with a knife, and I'm scared. I know this is going to hurt. Badly. But it's necessary.

I plunge the knife into my arm and carve out the tracker. I bite down on my lip super hard so I don't make any noise. After all, I'm supposed to be dead. The people will think I made this shelter to hide myself and then killed myself. All I'm really doing is killing the tracker inside of my arm so they can't tell where I am anymore.

I find the tracker and get it out of my arm. I start stabbing it. It breaks into pieces. I wait.


That was my false cannon.

Margret Patterson's (District 7) P.O.V:

I think it will be the thirst that gets to me first. Perhaps running the opposite direction as everyone else was not the best idea. Into the desert.

Night has fallen, and Magnus from 9 and I gaze up at the stars. We have vowed not to kill each other. He and I wait impatiently for the names of the fallen to flash across the sky. We wish to know how many competitors are left. After all, we are the only ones in the desert, as far as we know.

"Look," Magnus frowns. He's pointing into the distance, where I see a lone, tall, shadowy figure. I squint into the darkness to see who it is. The figure draws closer, and I see it is holding a bow. Perhaps it is Princess. But the figure keeps getting closer and closer until I can distinctly see who it is.


"I think we'd better-" Magnus begins to say, but he suddenly has an arrow in his neck. His body falls back onto the sand.


I scream. His sword lays only a few feet away. I lunge for it, and dodge an arrow in the process. I run towards Mildred and throw her onto the ground. I knock her bow out of her hand and she knocks the sword out of mine. We tumble over the sand, me on top one second, her on top the next. She punches me, I punch her back. We roll and roll and roll over the sand, and then I'm on top, and I've pinned her down. I smirk at her. "The fight's over, Mildred."

She smiles devilishly back. "Yes, it is, but not in the way you think." And then I notice we've rolled right to where the sword landed when she knocked it out of my hand. And before I can do anything, Mildred has it in her hand, and then it's in my stomach.

The last thing I hear is my own cannon.

Mildred East's (District 2) P.O.V:

I shove Margret's body off me and take the sword and all her supplies. I suddenly hear the anthem playing in the sky. I casually look up to count the dead, most of which I have killed.

Both tributes from 1- the girl my doing, and the boy partially. Both tributes from 4- the boy my doing. The girl from 5- not me. The girl from 7- that was the one I just shoved off me. Both tributes from 9 and the boy from 11- all dead because of me. How many is that? Seven. Seven of the nine tributes that died today. I smile maliciously.

All Day 2 Deaths:

Princess Galore, District 1

Caesar King, District 1

**Gretchen Tittle, District 4**

Elijah Gregory, District 4

Bertha Hulk, District 5

Margret Patterson, District 7

Ingeborg Thorn, District 9

Magnus Copperfield, District 9

Thor Stump, District 11

A/N: So, Day 2 is over! Did your favorite die? Do you think Mildred will win? I can't wait to hear some comments from all you wonderful readers!!

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