The Running Back

By carmonizer

109K 2.5K 476

By: LovelyMagickUnicorn on Fanfiction Quinn Fabray is the popular cheerleader, and the thing with cheerleader... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 16

3.6K 67 26
By carmonizer

Rachel hated the idea of Quinn having dinner with Jesse. Sure, it wasn't Quinn's idea and it wasn't like they were having a romantic dinner or anything like that but that didn't mean that Rachel had to like the idea or even be okay with it. She could just imagine it; Jesse and his smug face bragging about his many accomplishments. He didn't even have that many, although many of the ones that he did have involved beating Rachel. Of course some of those wins were due to cheating.


Maybe Rachel didn't have any definitive proof but she had experienced too many coincidences while completing with him to believe that everything had happened purely out of chance. There was one particular contest where Rachel was certain that Jesse had stolen her performance and made it his own. Rachel was forced to come up with a whole new routine, and despite having plenty of backups Rachel didn't have enough time to prepare. Her performance was still amazing; it just wasn't enough for her to win.

And due to her experience with him Rachel felt it was necessary for her to give Quinn a call after dinner to ensure that he didn't completely ruin her day. She waited an adequate time, simply lying in bed with Quinn's Cheerios jacket wrapped tightly around her. Rachel hadn't taken it off all day, nor did she have any plans of taking it off anytime soon. She'd probably take it off before she went to sleep... maybe.

Anyway, Rachel decided to call Quinn. It took two and a half rings before she heard Quinn pick up. "Hey, girlfriend." Rachel's lips curved upward as she heard those words. It was like music to her ears. But despite her joy, Rachel couldn't hear the same amount of joy in Quinn's tone.

"Bad dinner?" she guessed.

"Am I that obvious?" Quinn forced out a laugh. "It wasn't that awful, I guess." "Yeah?" Rachel was quite sure if believed Quinn, but she wanted to hope.

"Yeah. I did have to sit next to that douche, but he at least acted polite." Rachel could just see Quinn rolling her eyes. It was hard for her to imagine Jesse ever acting polite, unless he was in fact acting; which he more than likely was. "But let's not talk about He-Who-Will-Not-Be- Named, okay? How was your evening?" They ended up talking for hours and Rachel went along with Quinn's wish of not discussing Jesse St. Jerkface. She didn't even want to talk about him anyway.

Instead they ended up talking about what they wanted to dress up as for Halloween. Rachel wanted to reuse her Elphaba costume and have Quinn as her Galinda. Quinn on the other hand wanted to dress up as Harley Quinn and have Rachel be her Poison Ivy. She also had an alternate suggestion of Rachel dressing up as Catwoman in case thought that a Poison Ivy costume would be a bit too revealing, but Rachel sure that Quinn just wanted to get her into a skin-tight suit. Rachel liked her idea better, but she wasn't at all opposed to what Quinn had in mind. They still had time to make up their minds though, and as long as they wore matching costumes Rachel would be happy.

During previous Halloweens Rachel had always tried to convince Noah to wear complimentary costumes. She was always careful about what she chose so that they wouldn't appear to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but most times Noah refused... or at least he would initially. It was never too hard for Rachel to convince him to play along. One year she even got him to wear tights when they dressed up as Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, or as Noah called Rachel, Tinkerberry. That had been a fun night, a funny one as well. Rachel remembered bumping into Quinn during Noah's Halloween Party.

Quinn was dressed up as Blossom of the Powerpuff Girls. She looked particularly adorable due to her oversized bow. Rachel had been too shy to compliment Quinn, but that didn't matter at the time because Quinn had told Rachel that she looked cute. In retrospect though, Rachel started tow wonder if cute was the only word that Quinn would have used to describe her that night. Rachel's costume was kind of small; her legs were on full display.

It was necessarily Rachel's goal to look hot, but she was. Noah even said so himself. And there was one point in the night, a moment that Rachel might have imagined, but there was one point where she was certain that Quinn was staring at her butt. Of course Rachel wasn't about to ask and risk embarrassing either herself or Quinn, and so they continued to bring up other ideas for what to dress up as. Eventually it grew dark, and only then did Rachel realize that she had spent the entire evening on the phone.

That wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world, but she had a mountain of homework that needed to get done. Quinn laughed and lightly chastised Rachel when she told her, but also admitted that she had some unfinished homework of her own. They said good bye with kisses through the phone. After she hung up Rachel pulled out her laptop. Although she knew that some teachers would give jocks a free pass, Rachel wasn't about to take the easy route through school.

As Rachel started her work she found herself opening up her internet browser. She logged onto Facebook despite the distraction it would likely cause. Her friends list had increased tenfold, maybe more, since joining the Titans. Rachel added all new request simply to be nice, and also maybe because she liked the attention. But she didn't really know all of them though, but she knew that all of them would end up bragging one day that they were friends with Rachel Berry before she became a big Broadway star.

There were tons of new notifications. She had been tagged in a bunch of photos; most of them were from Homecoming. She browsed through them for a bit before deciding to go on with what she had originally intended to do. Understandably, Rachel wanted to update her relationship status but before doing so she decided to check Quinn's Facebook page first. Unfortunately, she found that Quinn had yet to change her relationship status from single to in a relationship.

Rachel had to frown. She didn't want to update her status if Quinn's wasn't updated as well. She would just have to wait. And while she waited, she still had her homework to do. She had a sizable amount of assignments to get done, mostly from her honors and AP classes, but not all of them needed to be turned in the following day. Despite that though, Rachel still finished everything, tiring herself out in the process. She had just enough energy to go through with her nightly routine before going to sleep in Quinn's jacket.

Quinn too was wearing her girlfriend's jacket. But unlike Rachel, Quinn was unable to sleep. Closing her eyes only replayed the events that had taken place just a little bit earlier. She had gotten through dinner, survived Jesse's annoying rambling. Everything should have been good. She would have liked to think that it had all just been a dream, but the fact that she was still awake told her otherwise. She should have said something. Quinn knew she should have said something, but instead she smiled and nodded like a good little girl. It wasn't as though it were the end of the world.

So long as she bided her time everything would be fine. It wasn't much of a plan but Quinn didn't have much of a choice otherwise. She tossed and turned, trying to find the most comfortable position that she could find. Quinn knew that worrying about things wouldn't help at all, and she still needed her rest. She tried to fill her mind with happy thoughts. It didn't help much. She wrapped Rachel's jacket more tightly around her and slipped out of bed.

She went over to her window and pulled back the curtain. The night sky was clear. The stars shone brightly. Looking at them made her think of Rachel; Quinn's own little star. She curled up on her window seat and looked up at them. They offered some comfort, something that Quinn really needed. Quinn stayed there for some time, but eventually slipped back into bed. She wouldn't be sleeping but there was no point in not trying.

When morning broke her body was weak. Quinn was tired, having stayed up all night despite her best attempts. She couldn't stop her thoughts nor slow the beating of her heart, but Quinn quickly put on a happy face once she got out of bed. Neither of her parents saw through her façade. Quinn was glad that neither of them decided to talk about the events that had transpired the night before. She didn't need or want any reminding.

After breakfast Quinn left to pick up Rachel. Shortly after a quick drive she pulled up outside her girlfriend's house. As she walked up to the front porch, Quinn saw the door swing open. Behind it stood Rachel; a beaming smile upon her face. Her eyes were twinkling. She looked happier than Quinn had ever seen her. The moment she was close enough, Quinn pulled Rachel in and kissed her hard and long. When Quinn pulled back Rachel looked to be in a daze.

"What- what was that for?" Rachel asked. By the sound of her tone Quinn could only guess that she was still out of it. It made her giggle. It was funny to think that she could be that good of a kisser considering that Rachel was the first person she had ever kissed. Quinn wrapped an arm around her girlfriend's shoulders and gave her another kiss, this time on the cheek.

"Just saying good morning to my beautiful girlfriend," she answered simply.

"Oh." Rachel took a brief pause. "I suppose I should say good morning back," she replied with a grin. After the night she had, Quinn couldn't say no but first she led Rachel to her car. What followed was a lot of making out. It was lucky that Quinn had picked Rachel up early or else they would have likely been late for school. Instead they were able to cuddle in the backseat. Quinn nuzzled into Rachel and squeezed her tightly.

The day was starting out so nicely. She didn't want to ruin it. Quinn planted a kiss on the top of Rachel's head. "We should get going," she whispered. Rachel groaned out her annoyance but did little else to protest. With a sigh she slipped out of Quinn's arms. Quinn got into the driver's seat and drove them to school. Beside her, Rachel had a silly grin upon her lips. Due to their heated makeout session, her cheeks would redden every time she looked Quinn in the eye and so throughout most of the trip Rachel simply gazed out the window.

It was better that way for Quinn. She couldn't have Rachel looking at her, reading her expression. As bad as she felt for lying to her parents, Quinn could only guess that she'd feel worse for lying to Rachel. But thinking about things like that would only make it far easier to notice that something was wrong. She would deal with everything when she needed to, but for the time being she was simply going to school with her girlfriend.

Their morning started off much like any other. She walked Rachel to class and she kissed her good bye. Once Quinn began to leave, people started crowding around her girlfriend. Chatter started up, most of it revolved around Rachel's performance at the Homecoming game and her victory in being voted Homecoming Queen. This wouldn't have bothered Quinn if it wasn't for one particular voice; Jacob Ben Israel. Jacob had had a crush on Rachel for almost as long as Quinn had.

Naturally, Quinn wasn't fond of the idea of him being anywhere around Rachel. It wasn't because he was a threat, but because his previous behavior around Rachel was typically of the inappropriate kind. Quinn could hear him say something about interviewing Rachel for the yearbook. Jacob was on the yearbook staff so it was possible that he was doing just that, so Quinn let it go. She had enough problems to deal with and Quinn was confident that Rachel knew exactly how to deal with Jacob.

Unfortunately though there was no real way of dealing with Jacob. Rachel's first three years of high school had taught her that. If there was one thing she could say about him it would be that he was persistent. No matter how many times that Rachel rejected him, he always kept coming back. Rachel could have actually found the trait endearing, if she wasn't so repulsed by him. She played along and answered his questions; it would be good practice for when she became famous.

In fact, her current status in general was good practice for when she became famous. Rachel would have preferred to become popular due to her singing ability instead of her football prowess, and that fact she was popular because of the latter made her frown slightly. But she did have hope that her popularity would help boost interest in glee club. Maybe Quinn would join. Rachel had never heard Quinn sing before, but she had imagined it constantly. She wondered if Quinn's really singing voice would be as angelic and seductive as the one in her mind. Rachel was pretty sure it would be.

Throughout the day Rachel pondered how best to bring up the subject. She didn't want to make Quinn feel like she was being forced into doing something, but she also really wanted to hear Quinn sing. The extra time that they would spend together was also nice. After much deliberation, Rachel decided that the best course of action would be to casually tell Quinn about glee club as they left school. Sectionals were coming up and New Directions were currently planning their set list.

Rachel's plan was simple. All she had to do was casually ask Quinn about her opinion; ask her what songs she felt would be good to perform. Particularly, Rachel needed songs she could mostly perform on her own. This wasn't due to Rachel's need for the spotlight though. It had more to do with the fact that New Directions was short on members and would be having the band fill in as extras. Rachel kind of needed to perform the whole number on her own. Not that she minded.

After the bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Rachel happily went to find her girlfriend. It didn't take long before she found her. Rachel carefully snuck up behind Quinn. Once she was close enough she close enough Rachel got on her tip-toes and wrapped her arms around Quinn's shoulder and kissed her cheek. "Hi, Quinn."

Quinn turned around and pulled Rachel in for a real kiss. "Hi, yourself," she smirked. "I missed you. I wish we had more classes together. I got so lonely without you around. I hope your day was better."

"A little bit, I guess," Rachel shrugged. "I had a talk with Mr. Schue earlier." She hadn't.

"Yeah, what about?" Quinn asked, looping her arm around Rachel's waist as the two of them started walking towards the parking lot.

"About Sectionals; he wanted to know about my ideas for our set list." He would never actually ask something like that and so Rachel decided to add, "There's no guarantee that he'll change the set list that he's already prepared, but I thought I'd ask what you thought?"

"What I think?" Quinn pondered aloud. "Well, I do have one idea." She leaned in close and whispered in Rachel's ear. Rachel's eyes went wide. "Quinn!"

"What?" Quinn laughed. "I think it'd be really sexy if you sang that. I wouldn't mind if you sang it to me." Rachel could do nothing but blush. She could really see herself performing that song, except maybe for a private show for Quinn. Maybe. It took a moment or two for her to regain her composure.

"Perhaps, but I don't think the judges would very much appreciate my performance." "No," Quinn agreed. "No, they probably wouldn't."

AN: Don't hate me for the issues I'm bringing up in Quinn's life. Please don't. I do have good news. I've opened up a poll so you can choose what Rachel and Quinn dress up as for Halloween. You can even give me suggestions, and if I am familiar with the pairing, I'll add it to the poll. I've never used a poll on here before though, so it may not show up properly. Hope it does.

Sorry for the long wait guys! I hope i can upload the next chapter faster, but i have quit a busy week ahead of me, so bear with me please.. 

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