If John Lennon had Survived


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Imagine a world in which John Lennon survived the firestorm of bullets. Now, imagine a world in which him and... Еще

Chapter 1: Good Morning! Good Morning!
Chapter Two: Darling Sean (Beautiful Boy)
Chapter Three: Goodnight
Chapter Four: Baby's in Black
Chapter 5: Getting Better
Chapter 6: Two of Us
Chapter 7: Revolution
Chapter 8: I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Chapter 9: Imagine
Chapter 10: Rain
Chapter 11: Cry Baby Cry
Chapter 12: I Should've Known Better
Chapter 13: Boys
Chapter 14: It's Only Love
Chapter 16: This Boy...
Chapter 17: The End
More to Come??
Chapter 18: Dear Prudence
Chapter 19: Act Naturally
Chapter 20: My Sweet Lord.

Chapter 15: All Together Now

172 5 0

"That's what happened?" I gave John a sympathetic look. I can't believe I sent him out of the house for that. It wasn't even his fault.

"The Truth and nothing but the truth," John looked down and then gave me a quick smile. I smiled back and then sipped my coffee.

"So are we just gonna forget about the press conference tommorrow?" I gave a shocked look to George.

"Oh, Christ! I forgot about that one! And we're having lunch with our surrogate to-"

"Don't worry Paulie. It won't interfere. That conference is at four, we'll be finished with lunch by one thirty," John rubbed my back to calm me down.

"By the way, what's the girl's name?" Ringo gently prodded.

"Nancy," I beat John to it.

"Have you two thought about names?" George jumped in.

"Well," John started, " if it's a girl, her name will be Julia Mary an-" I cut John off.

"If it's a boy, Brian Stuart," It came out rather proudly.

"Wait, you guys don't know the gender yet?" Ringo's brows furrowed.

"It'll be a surprise," John scrunched his nose. We didn't worry about gifts from others for the baby. It felt almost inappropriate for some reason. Plus, we had more than enough money to pay for everything.
"So, how's everything going?" I said as I handed Nancy her requested water.

"Pretty good actually. The baby's already kicking. You two may have quite the football player on your team," Nancy did a little hair flip, "Are you two excited?"

John vigorously nodded and I said, "Oh yeah, definetly. But more importantly, are you still sure about this?"

"Yes, absolutely positive. But, I am a little scared," her cheeks turned a nice rosy shade of pink.

"Don't be," John reassured her, "I've never given birth, and I never will, but I can assure you that everything will go by smoothly. In fact, you can come visit any time you want, that is, only if you want. I just want you to know that Paul and I aren't going to force you to do anything, and we'll never be disappointed in you for doing something like changing your mind, " I could see Nancy's eyes tear up.

"Thank you so much. That just means so much," by now she had stopped wearing makeup because of her emotions. I handed her a couple of tissues and watched her cry a little.

The rest of the time we told juicy little stories and laughed.
"Mr. McCartney, what do you have his say about your and John's relationship?" the place was simply swarming with them. The Daily Mail, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, they were all there.

"What do you mean? We love each other, why can't it just be that simple. Look, if you want a more simplified answer, it's like husband and wife." I felt sick.

"Who's the husband and who's the wife," I couldn't tell who asked that one, but they sure were a smart ass.

"Do you even have a wife?" John was rather irritated too, "Look, let's focus on the record. We worked very hard on it."

"Well, an article in Rolling Stone Magazine states that this was originally just a Lennon-McCartney album but turned out to be a Beatles record, what do you have to say about that?"

"Let's let Ringo answer this one," I winked in his direction. He seemed to have blushed a little. Crap, I forgot about that.

"Well, it was just another day. I was trying to relax, but as usual Paul wouldn't quit phoning me," the crowd laughed, "So, I guess it was a pretty normal. We've all worked on eachother's records, it's just that this time around our names won't be finely printed on the back, they'll be in big bold letters spelling out John, Paul, George, and yours truly as B-E-A-T-L-E-S," the crowd quickly wrote down notes.

"Does this mean that The Beatles are officially back together?" The room went silent. We all looked at each other.

"One second," I said as we all huddled up, "should we?"

A yes came out of John's mouth, a yes came out of Ringo's mouth, but George stayed silent. The three of us just stared at him.

"Okay, fine, I guess I need a new project to do anyways," we all moved back to our seats and Let everything settle.

I mouthed one, two, and three at them and we all said : "yes," in unison.

The room roared in applause and yelling. Cameras went off like crazy and microphones were shoved in our faces. We had to duck down to escape the room.

Once we escaped, we frantically looked around for our car. We found it and rushed into it.

"We're getting a bit too old for this, eh?"

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