The Goddess's Warrior (Alexa...

By HungrySavage

10.5K 146 70

Alexa Bliss; Five-time Women's Champion, The Goddess, Five Feet of Fury, The Powder-Keg of Violence. She has... More

Info and Welcome!
Chase's Moment of Bliss
Welcome To The Big Leagues
Thank You For Your Service
Rumble Weekend
Who Got Next?
Scouting Mr. Angle and Taking Down a Lone Wolf and Sassy Southern Belle

Temptation Beckons

1.1K 19 28
By HungrySavage

After driving for roughly an hour and ten minutes through the Emerald City of Seattle, Washington Alexis Kaufman and Kai Butler finally arrived at one of the famous landmarks The Space Needle. They got out of the Limit Breaker's car which had driven by the Goddess herself and took in the massive sight in front of them as people entered and exited through the observatory.

Alexis: It's even bigger in person and you've never been here or inside the Space Needle?

Kai: Nope I've been to a few Seahawks and Mariner games whenever I've come to Seattle but I put visiting and being inside the needle one of many bucket list wishes I have before my time on this Earth is over with.

Alexis: Given what I've seen out of you I'm going to regret asking, what else is on your bucket list?

The St. Louis would rub his chin trying to recall his full bucket list.

Kai: Let's see there's seeing a Broadway play, collect a championship banner from each of my favorite teams in professional sports, watch every single Simpsons episodes.

Alexis: That's not so bad.

Kai: Eat a Carolina Reaper and Ghost Pepper with my favorite dinner, go on Fear Factor.

Alexis: I retract my earlier statement with your spicy pepper revelation.

Kai: And go surfing in Australia and Hawaii.

Alexis giggles at his soft heart.

Alexis: And I re-retract my earlier statement with your surfing prophecy; you really are a guy of many talents aren't you?

Kai: I wouldn't say that Alexis. Am I insanely good in the squared circle? Yeah you've seen it yourself but many talents? Nah I'm just a fun loving guy that always tries to take advantage of having the best time of my life. That's exactly what I plan on doing with a beautiful woman like you.

Alexis hid her face from the obvious blushing she was doing after he handed her the beautiful compliment.

Alexis: You think I'm beautiful? Thank you Kai that means a lot to me.

Kai: I only speak the truth Alexis...

Alexis: Please we're off the clock you can call me Lexi.

Kai smiled warmly.

Kai: So long as you call me K or Kai-Kai we'll call it even then Lexi.

Alexis: Alright well shall we observe the stars and overlook the city?

Kai opened the door and let her in.

Kai: Come on Bliss ladies first.

They would enter in the colossal building and began the long descent upwards the building. It had gone under heavy renovations to fit in with society today, including new restaurants and a couple of telescopes because well of its obvious moniker. Kai and Alexis had pressed a button which led them a indoor steakhouse which had been bustling during the late night hours.

Alexis: Well I didn't have this in mind.

Kai: Neither did I.... but then again they do have lobster and shrimps.

Alexis: Fuck it I do need something to eat and it appears seafood is on the menu tonight.

Kai: Alright impromptu date it is come on.

Alexis: Actually this kinda has real date written all over it to me; just two friends having casual fun.

Trevion silently gulped and smiled.

Trevion: Okay then I promise this'll be the greatest date you've been on let's do it then; Yeah can I get a table for two with the lovely lady and myself?

Waiter: Very good sir, please follow me.

He then picked up two menus and led them to a nearby table with a nice window view.

Waiter: Before I leave you two to your menus, what will we be drinking tonight?

Kai: Lexi?

Alexis: Just some water for me.

Kai: I'll take a raspberry lemonade and water as well.

The waiter left as Alexis talked to Kai.

Kai: Okay did you press the wrong button accidentally or intentionally?

Alexis: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Kai: Alexis?

Alexis looked up with a smile.

Alexis: Yes?

Kai: You always mildly sweat from the head when you're lying?

Alexis: It's a rare flaw so sue me... but yeah I pushed it intentionally but I swear I didn't know that button would lead to a restaurant. And a somewhat romantically themed seafood/steakhouse type restaurant.

Kai: I will admit this lighting is kinda romantic.. uh for real couples that is!

Alexis giggled.

Alexis: Yeah we might want to be careful before people start assuming we're dating or we're friends with benefits.

Kai: Oh God don't get me started my fans wouldn't let me hear the end of it; "You're dating Alexa Bliss for her looks, you're being pushed plenty as is, why overdo it?" Truth be told I like a woman for her looks I do but there's more to a lady than just a fat ass and big breasts.

Alexis: And what do you really like in a woman?

Kai: Well for one her personality has to be a free-spirited take life by the horns and energetic. She definitely has to love animals, amusements parks the whole nine..

Alexis: That sounds like me to a tee; you sure you're not describing me?

Kai: (snorting) Whatever keeps you ego inflated... but seriously I just want a down-to-earth never afraid to show her boldness and check me type of girl. Also has to love my cooking and binging coffee almost all day.

Alexis: Yeah that's definitely describing the lite version of me; but I say chase your dream girl Kai. Any woman would be insane not to want experience the Limit Breaker up close and personal.

Kai: Thanks, Alexis; it has been nearly two since I broke up with Ash and I should've moved on by now but I haven't been able to because I'm getting into another relationship and striking out a third time.

Alexis: Sometimes K, you've gotta be willing to take a chance and calculated risks when it comes to love. I know I made one when I told Matt that the relationship wasn't working out. Now he's with Kairi so yeah.

Kai: Matt with Kairi? I get she's adorable but she didn't strike me as an Aussie lover.

After dining on a couple of steaks and shrimps, the two continued their trek upwards to the sky-bridge of the tall needle. Alexis had inserted a quarter in a nearby telescope to examine the stars.

Alexis: I can obviously see the crescent moon and a star that I want to say is maybe Mars?

Kai: Very good Lexi you got it right that is Mars.. you could pass for an astrologist if you wanted!

Alexis: I don't know I think actress would've suited me but I do love looking at stars in the night in my Orlando backyard.

Kai: No cap I do the same thing sometimes when I'm bored and not doing anything important; just staring at the empty void and all the bright stars and cosmos of the galaxy just imagining what really lies in our solar system.

Alexis: Wow are you always this deep and understanding of science?

Kai laughed.

Kai: I've been known to be a space nerd from time to time; I've even told my mom if I weren't a wrestler, I'd probably be a storm chaser since I love chasing tornadoes and severe weather or probably an astronaut so I can go exploring on Mars.

Alexis looked at the bustling downtown scene of Seattle at night.

Alexis: It really is nice at this time of night; I can see why the expression is Sleepless in Seattle. They're always moving not even entertaining the idea of resting sleep.

Kai: Yeah Seattle really is the Emerald City; unparalleled beauty like a certain Goddess.

Alexis looked at him with a perked up eyebrow.

Alexis: Flirt.

Kai: Shut up you know you love my flirty side.

Alexis: I don't know do I?

Kai: Maybe I don't know I know Alexa Bliss but I don't really know how Alexis Kaufman all that very well now.

Alexis: Well let me tell you a little secret...

She then pulled his face close to hers, flashed a seductive smile and lightly kissed which grew more heated by the second.

Alexis: I was going to say how about we keep this between the two of us; it's obvious we got a little spark going but I want to see where this goes big guy. But I want to pull an Andrade and Charlotte; Let the fans go bananas until we confirm the relationship ourselves and just maybe see what this leads to? I'm not saying we're a couple yet

Kai: Yeah yeah sure I can get behind that.

She giggled which turned into a full-blown laugh.

Alexis: Turns out my kiss has more power over guys than I thought...

She shut up quickly when he pressed his lips up against hers which made her melt into the kiss and close her eyes slowly as a shooting star shot over the city with a new relationship, romantic or not blossoming for two WWE Superstars.


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