angel // ashannie

By friiizzz

33.8K 654 79

"out of all the girls, why me?" "cause you're an angel" More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
not a chapter.
not a chapter.


1.4K 26 5
By friiizzz

Annie's POV

Today's the day! It's prom! I have my dress all ready and my groove is on! This is gonna be the best night of my life. I prepare my dress and I receive a text. It's from Johnny. It says: Can't wait to dance with you tonight😍. Get your dancing shoes on. I'm pretty good if I do say so myself. I reply: Oh it's on! I'm so excited! And sent. I'm so excited to see my friends! But I've been thinking, what if Asher is telling the truth? What if he really is my secret admirer and not Johnny? All of these questions are running through my mind and it's been keeping awake. But I won't let it ruin the perfect evening.

(Fastforward to prom night..)

I have my dress on and I'm just waiting for Johnny to pick me up. It didn't take long for Johnny to arrive, so I hop into his car and off to prom we go!

Once we arrived at school, we get out of his car and we go in.

Dang! There's a lot of people in here! I see my friends standing by the dessert bar.

"Hey guys! You both look amazing!", I compliment them. "Thanks! You look fabulous!", Lilia says. "So who are you with? Asher?", Anna asks. "No, actually. I'm with Johnny.", I tell them. "What? Didn't Asher tell you that he's your secret admirer?", Lilia asks. "Uh yeah. But I didn't believe him. Cause Johnny is.", I tell them. "What?! Are you crazy? Asher's the real one! Not that jerk, Johnny!", Lilia tells me. "Anna, is this true?", I ask her. She nods in response. "Oh my god. What have I done? I better talk to him! I also better punch Johnny in the face.", I tell them. "See ya guys."

I go look for Asher but he's no where to be found, but I do see Johnny. This is the right time to give him what he deserves.

"Hey Johnny!", I say as I punch real hard. "What was that for?", he asks. "That's for lying to me. I know you're not my secret admirer. Now, where is Asher?", I ask him. "Here's there.", he says, looking scared as he points to the dessert bar. "This is not yet over.", I say, sounding threatened.

I head off to the desert bar and I see Asher, looking depressed. I go to him and try to talk things out.

"Hey Asher. Can I talk to you for a sec?", I ask. "Yeah, sure. What about?", he asks. "Look. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for everything that's happened to us.", I say as I hug him. "Sorry for what?", he asks. "I'm sorry for not believing in you at first. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm so, so sorry. I'm a horrible friend.", I say. "Annie, you're not a horrible friend. You are amazing, funny, and you're the prettiest girl I know. And I forgive you.", he says calmly. "Thank you, Asher. For everything you've done for me.", I thank him. "You're welcome. That's what friends are for." "Friends, huh? Why don't we take it up a notch?", I ask. "What are you talking about?", he asks, confused. "I want us to be more than friends. What do you say?" "I say let's give it a try.", he smiles. "I love you, Asher Angel." "I love you, Annie LeBlanc.", he says back. "So, you're my secret admirer, huh?", I say. "Guilty as charged.", he chuckles. "Out of all the girls, why me?", I ask curiously. "It's because you're an angel.", he says. "To be honest, I never expected that we'd be dating." I smile. "Well, I did. Ever since I laid eyes on you. I knew that you were the one. And here I am, with the most beautiful girl in the world.", he says. "Well, I'm here the sweetest and cutest guy in the whole world. And I have no regrets.", I tell him.

Once we're done talking, slow dance music plays.

"Wanna dance, m'lady?", he asks. "Don't mind if do."

We go to the dance floor and we dance the night away. I lock my eyes into his and  we start getting close to each other until our lips touched. This was definitely a night to remember. The night where I found my true love.

Simon Says
Chapter 13. I enjoyed making this chapter. Shoutout to @ah1824 for the idea. Hope you enjoy❤️

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