Gwilym Lee Imagines

By Mother-of-Smurphs

49.2K 1.1K 399

A collection of Imagines of this tall and handsome man Gwilym Lee, including himself and his character Brian... More

Neighbors on Valentines
Neighbor's on Valentines - Part Two
Where did it go?
A Little Bird Told Me
Why Me? Part Two - Brian May
Beautiful Mornings
That's not polite
Please, Stay With Me
I have to do something
You're the one that I want - Brian May
You're the one that I want - Part Two - Brian May
You're a cute shorty
Moment to Moment
Moment to Moment - Part Two
Moment to Moment - Part Three
The Guitar Hero - Brian May
You Look Good in a Suit
You Look Good in a Suit - Part Two
And I married you because...?
Big Hair and Strawberry Tart - Brian May
Big Hair and Strawberry Tart Part Two - Brian May
Sounds like a plan
I don't understand - Brian May
Messy Bakers
You Bumped into my Life... Again
The End

Why Me? - Brian May

2.6K 55 104
By Mother-of-Smurphs

A/N: Finally a Gwilym/Brian fic! And if you guys haven't heard, which I'm sure you have, Gwilym is now engaged! So happy for him. But, now I don't know if I should carry on this imagines book because of that. What do you guys think?

Being an assistant to an up and coming rock group is not an easy task, especially when you can have more than one diva in the group. Sometimes I don't even know who the bigger diva is, Roger or Freddie. Even John can give them a run for their money at times. And it's most likely not going to get any better. The way these guys are going, they'll be one of the biggest groups in the world in no time.

At least I have Paul here to help me out with everything. Who am I kidding. Paul just stands or, if you want to make things interesting, sits there staring at Freddie in the creepiest way possible, leaving me to basically do his job for him. But sadly, he won't be going anywhere any time soon. I swear, one of the only sane people in this group is Brian. Maybe that's why I hang around him so much. But at least I can say my job isn't boring.

"I have arrived with tea!" I announce as I walk into the studio where they are currently recording the A Night at the Opera album.

"About bloody time you came here to do your job. It's not like I get paid to do it for you." Paul comments snarkily.

"And you think I get paid to do yours?" I can't help but snap. I really cannot be bothered with his shit today. I feel a light hand on my shoulder and I quickly look back to see Brian and I instantly calm down under his touch and kind gaze. Taking a deep breath, I hand each of the boys their respective cups.

"Tea? What happened to our coffee?" Roger asks in confusion and mild disgust. I sigh.

"Some of you guys take milk in your coffee's and dairy is not good for your vocal chords when you are wanting to sing. It actually makes it quite difficult. Seeing as you boys have a long day ahead of singing the operatic section, you all need all the help you can get. Especially you, Roger. It's not going to be easy hitting those high notes."

"She's right, you know." Freddie says, smirking at me, and I can't help but feel like I had done something well. "Vocal chords can be a bitch."

"But the tea does have a bit of caffeine in it. I checked. So, something is better than nothing. And I'm not giving a couple of you coffee and the rest of you tea, that's not fair." I smile and take a seat on the couch. The boys start to discuss the upcoming challenges to the song, getting into their own little worlds, but Brian chooses to closely sit next to me instead.

"Where did you learn that?" Brian asks with a small smile.

"I just read it somewhere."

"You read it somewhere." He repeats, making me chuckle.

"Yeah, well, for your information, Mr May, your not the only one here who likes to read." I bump him with my shoulder jokingly, making him laugh which sends shivers down my spine.

"I can see that. Your full of surprises, Miss Y/L/N." With that, he stands up and joins the rest of the boys in their discussions. I can't help but imagine that the look he just gave me right before he left was a look of admiration. But that's just crazy thoughts.


I'm so done with today. I'm almost falling asleep on the couch. Sure, the boys have been hilariously entertaining with their antics, and they sure have kept me busy, I've just never felt so tired. I need a nap.

"Alright, darlings. I think we are done for today. I don't know about you guys but I feel like I could sleep like the dead."

"Honey, your not the only one." There are a few grunts of agreement as I stand up, dusting off my skirt. The boys are already heading out the door when I feel Brian catch my arm.

"Actually Y/N, can I have your help with something real quick?" If it was anyone else, I would be super annoyed right now, but it's Brian, so I can't be. And he's also being super adorable right now with how nervous he's acting, I definitely can't help but smile.

"Of course, Bri. What can I help you with?" He takes my hand and brings me into the recording studio, before sitting me down on the stool. He picks up his acoustic guitar and sits down on another stool closely in front of me.

"There's a song I wrote that I want to run by you. It's quite different to what people usually write about in songs, so I don't know if the others will like it enough to put it on the record."

"I'm sure they will like it, Bri. What's the song called?"


"Well, lets hear it." I give him an encouraging smile and he soon begins to play. I immediately become entranced by his beautiful, smooth voice. I knew he could sing, I just didn't know he could sing so well. I don't realize just how hypnotized I become by his voice until he nudges me in the foot after he's finished playing, snapping me out of it.

"So, what do you think?" He asks hopefully.

"I thought it was brilliant, Bri. You should definitely put this on the album and if the guys don't want it, then just ask why their putting Roger's song about having sex with a car on it and not this one." This causes him to laugh and I can't help but smile affectionately at him.

"You really think it's good?" He asks excitedly, and I nod. "Good. Great. I might have a little difficulty with Freddie singing it, but I think..."

"Freddie singing?" I interrupt, slightly confused.

"Yeah, Y/N, Freddie is the lead singer. He sings songs. That's what he does."

"I know that, but I think you should be the one singing it for the record. You have a beautiful voice and you should be showing it off..." Brian cuts me off by leaning forward and pressing his lips against mine. The kiss is soft and gentle, yet so passionate that I start to melt into the kiss. That is, until warning bells ring in my head and I place a hand on his chest, pushing him away.

"Brian, we can't." I say softly, looking down at my lap to avoid his eyes.

"Why not? Y/N, I really like you. I really want to be with you." I look up at him, his eyes searching mine and he places his guitar down beside him.

"Why me? There are plenty of other gorgeous girls you can choose from and I'm just Queen's assistant."

"No, your much more than just our assistant." Brian takes my hands in his, rubbing circles over my skin with his thumbs. "Your family to the boys and your much more than that to me. You always have been."

"But it won't work between us."

"How do you know that?" Brian asks, scrunching his eyebrows and he holds my hands a little tighter.

"Because, we're so different, you and I. And I can't see anyone liking us being together, not Paul, not my boss, and especially not your fans. I just don't think it's a good idea." Brian's features turn into one of sadness and anger, a combination I have never witnessed before, and he lets go of my hands. I instantly miss the warmth that they provided.

"No, Y/N, we're actually not that different. From what I can think of, the biggest difference between you and I is our jobs. And it's nobody's business to decide who I want to be with. Nobody gets to be a part of that decision but me and the woman I want to be with. But as far as I can see, the only person who doesn't want us to be together is you, so I guess I know where I stand now." With a sigh, he stands up and leaves the studio and I watch him go in defeat.

I think I just made a huge mistake.

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