The Housekeeper

By f0reverbr0ken

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Teresa aka Tree is just your everyday housekeeper till one guest changes her world. More



312 13 0
By f0reverbr0ken

I get up and hold my hand out to Noah and he takes it linking our fingers together. We walk passed Britt and Justin and head upstairs to my room.

We walk into my room and I let Noah's hand go as he looks around my room, I go sit on my bed and look at him.

"I like it," he says.


He walks over, taking his shoes off then gets on my bed and looks at me. "You're beautiful."

I blush a little, "Thanks."

I move my hand to his and link our hands together causing him to smile.

"So what happened to not falling for me?"

"I said that when I was drunk and everything that happened last night changed my mind about you."

"I'm glad cause I think I starting liking you more than a friend somewhere between the dancing and texting you while you were drunk."

"When Justin invites you out, were you hoping I was going to be there?"

"Yeah. I came back to my room and that housekeeper with the black and blue hair told me you stopped by and I rushed as much as I could downstairs via elevator and you were gone. I thought that was Britt talking to Justin when I came back from getting lunch but we missed each other. I was hoping you would be there and I was glad you were there and so happy he invited me cause I don't even wanna think of what would have happened if I wasn't," he moves his other hand to my wrist and looks at it then kisses it softly.

I blush a little. "Thank you again for last night."

"It was nothing, Tree."

"It was definitely something, Noah."

He looks at me and smiles softly.

"So tell me something no one knows about you?"

"That's gonna be hard, um I'm moving out of my sister's place when I go back home. The only person that knows is Tay, my sister."

"Why are you moving out?"

"I feel like it's time, I'm 22 almost 23 and I shouldn't be living with my sister all my life. I'm making more money with my acting and I think it's time to be responsible for myself."

"Would you get a roommate or live alone?"

"I wanna try living alone maybe for six months or a year then probably get a roommate."

I nod, feeling a little down cause he's leaving in a month and I just got to know him.

He automatically picks up on it and moves closer to me. He moves us so I'm sitting between his legs with my side against his chest. "I'm not going to let that change us. I like you, Tree."

"I just feel like we're on borrowed time and the more we spend together the more it's going to hurt when you do have to leave."

"I know," he holds me closer. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"For hurting you, that wasn't my attentions. I just wanted to get to know someone not to fall for them and hurt them."

"Will you stay with me tonight?"


"Can I ask you a question?

"Of course."

"Have we danced before tonight?"

He laughs a little, "Yeah, about a month ago. What made you ask that?"

"The way you held me last tonight was the same way my mystery man held me that night. Where'd you go that night?"

"I went over to the bar to get something to drink. I came back and you were gone."

"Did you know who I was when we crashed into each other?"

"Not at first but when you were dancing in my room, I figured everything out."

"I was so embarrassed that day and when we crashed into each other."

"Don't forget when you said my dirty sheets smells good," he smirks.

"Don't remind me." 

He laughs and I hit his chest which causes him to laugh more.

"You better be using protection in there!" I hear Britt yell from the door and my eyes widen and Noah stops laughing.

"Just a minute and you better be here when I get back," I playfully glare at him when I get off the bed.

He holds up his hands in defense and smiles.

I go over to the door, open it, and go down to Britt's door. I open it and find her on the bed with Justin. "And you better not keep me up all night with your moans!"

Justin just looks at me and I glare at him and Britt tosses a pillow at me. I turn around shutting her door and walk back to mine.

I find Noah playing with my tv, "what are you doing?"

"Trying to sync my Apple Music with your tv."

I walk over to the bed and take his phone and do it for him.

"Thanks Tree."

I sit down on the bed and look at him while he searches for a song. He picks a song, Star by Bazzi and places his phone down.

"Why do people call you Tree?"

"Because my name is Teresa and you can't really nickname that. So everyone just started calling me Tree but only my friends call me that, so that's why when you called me Teresa, I corrected you and said it was Tree."

"I see."

"Do you have a nickname?

"Swagmaster P Diddy daddy 22."

"I'll stick with Noah."

He laughs and says, "some of my friends call me Cent, but only a couple do."

"Where are you taking me on Wednesday?"

"Out to dinner and then maybe back to my room.

"Oh back to your room huh? What will we be doing there?"

"Taking off our clothes?"

"And then doing what?"

"Putting on our bathing suits to go hang out in the hot tub."

"And then what?"

"Depends on what happens in the hot tub."

"And what does that mean?" I ask.

"Well I would like you to stay the night with me but if you don't want to then I will take you home."

"When we first met did you think I knew who you were?"

"At first I thought you knew but as time when by I figured out you didn't but then you were dancing in my room, I knew you figured it out."


"Because you were different like you didn't care if I was Noah or Noah Centineo."

"I was so tired that day."

"You didn't seem like it."

"I was listening to music cause if I didn't you wouldn't have found me dancing you would have found me sleeping in your bed."

"I definitely wouldn't have minded that," he smirks and I laugh.

"Speaking of sleeping, I'm tired."

"We can sleep if you want."

"But I don't wanna," I pout.

"Why not?"

"Cause I wanna talk to you."

"We have all the time in the world to talk. Let's sleep."

I pout again at him but lay down. He smiles at me and lays down too.

"By the way I love your outfit," Noah says and smirks.

"Britt made me put on shorts," I pull up the shirt some.

"Why did she do that?"

"So you wouldn't get ideas." I laugh a little.

"Tell her too late," he winks at me.

I roll my eyes. "I have a very important question for you Noah."

"I have a very important answer for you, Teresa."

"Can we cuddle?"

"Promise not to get any ideas, Tree."

I hit his chest and he moves closer to me. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer against his chest.

"Night Tree."

"Night Noah."

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