Dangerously Delicious

By nerdyflirtykari

1.3M 52.9K 26.4K

Filled with street smarts and book smarts, Arianna Lincoln reached her dream of owning her own restaurant. Re... More



25.2K 928 456
By nerdyflirtykari


After my breakdown in my office and Ray comforting me, the rest of the meeting went by great. I actually introduced him to them, when it was said that he was my significant other, the girls who showed interest in him, jaws fell open in shock. It took everything in me not to laugh. Ray made a show by taking Vinny's lead and kissing me soundly. I think he noticed the girls also.

This man. Never ceases to amaze me.

"We have two hours before your doctor's visit. What would you like to do?"

We were in the back of the blacked out SUV, driving away from Angela's, it pained to leave but I felt confident that I was leaving the runnings in capable hands.
Before I can answer him, alerts popped up on our devices simultaneously. "I want to see the restaurants around St. Helen's, after the doctor's, we can visit the OB/GYN," I answered distractedly while opening up an email.

"Very well," he muttered.

The email consisted of the bombing victims and their status, even family records. I released a sigh of relief when I found no permanent or extremely bad injuries.

"I'm keeping their situation as critical, also Michael's. I have to make a statement but will do so after we get you checked out. Do you want to visit or stay with the families and Michael till I'm finished?"

I smiled his way. Overhearing his conversation from earlier, he was apprehensive in including me into this situation but he was trying. I can see it. He was trying to let me make the decision in being part of the underworld he rules. I want to let him see that, I'm not going anywhere, I've accepted all of him. The good and the bad.

"We will both visit the families and we will both be there making a statement on the bombings."

"Then he will know...."

"Then let him. You're not a coward and neither am I. He went after Stephen and me, now Michael. Who knows when he will get close to Gianni. This attack on the boys not only affect you but me also, Ray. Being at your side will show that prick that it takes a lot to break us. I'm not weak, baby, a bit down for the count but soon I'll be back. I know you're scared of me getting hurt and that will be normal. After all, I agreed to be your woman, I can train, get reacquainted with guns and whatever you want me to do. Just don't shut me out," I said. The honesty and conviction were in my voice and I knew he heard it by the acceptance in his eyes and body. That olive green gaze I've grown to love was fixated on me, during my little speech he got hold of my hand. The light squeeze of my hand told me so much.

"You're my weakness, Kitten. Please promise me to follow the guards instruction when we're not together," he said in a low voice.

"I promise. That reminds me, my gun license has to be renewed."

Chuckling lowly, he placed a soft kiss on my lips, threatening to have me lost in his love and touch, I'm so lucky to have him as mine. "You are truly my queen," he said reverently against my lips. My heart was on the brink of bursting by his comment, I was living a fairy tale. I had a man who was truly devoted to me, respects my independence and opinions, even went as far as accepting my possessive pitbull.

"Then I guess I've truly found my king," I returned. Taking back hold of his lips, neither of us took note of the SUV's stationary state. If I can be in his arms, 24/7 then I'll be there forever. A soft knock on the window glass pulled us apart, looking out at our new environment, we laughed in embarrassment at our little faux pas. It was nearing the lunch hour and patrons were already entering Gia's, the one out of two restaurants I've enjoyed visiting on my free time with the guys. Today, I wasn't a patron but the staff's future boss. The handover hasn't been official yet but Raizon already saw me as the boss.

Leaving the vehicle with his help, a few people recognized him on the sidewalk and began to take pictures of us but our guards waylaid them by standing in their camera view, allowing us to enter the restaurant in peace. He informed me that an unofficial statement was released and word of the conference was sent, he selected news station he held in high regards for that particular conference. Knowing how the media hounds work, some may take the situation to spiel some sort of terrorist attack or involve his underworld affair with his legal one. I was also informed that rumors are circulated around the country and his homeland of his position as Makia king but none was able to confirm it. My hand in his, I saw the Raizon Delacourde the world knew. Cold, distant and fierce. Head held high, body stiff and reeked with power, I felt so small beside him but I held my head high. I belonged by his side. His dominant aura sent fear to the maitre d at the podium before us. I took note of how the man's eyes widen incredibly after seeing Raizon. He quickly rounded the podium and actually bowed in greeting, stumbling over his words.

When Gianni visited last, with all of us by his side the man did the same and ushered us all ahead of the line. Is it fear of the men or fear of the name?

"I'm here on business, " was all my now stoic man said to him before leading me to a double door on the far side of the dining room. Patrons were being seated and efficiently waited upon, the wait staff all had a professional disposition but does it carry behind the kitchen doors.  Both teams must have a good relationship to have efficiency in serving the patrons.

Raizon led me through the doors explaining the system he uses and how each restaurant was different. All new members of staff were trained before they are allowed to wait tables on their own. Etiquette was also taught and they are all monitored by the floor manager. We passed the kitchen which I wistfully glanced at, passed the bathrooms but stopped at the staff lounge room.

"I recently changed the locks on their lockers after one of the new busboys attempted to steal personal items from a few ladies. I let him off with a warning."

"Any other thefts or vandalism?"

"No. None at all. I have different security teams in place who monitors each sector of business. They all have your information for emergency use only," he replied before leading me back in the hallway. Further up I can hear the swinging of the kitchen doors and the loud chatter of servers and chefs also the telltale signs of a busy kitchen. We stopped outside an office door with a security code pad.

"All offices at the restaurants are highly secured, I tend to carry my work everywhere." Placing himself behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his chin on my shoulder.

"Hidden cameras on your left and right. The code for this office is 2-4-1-0-7. Gianni's birthday and the age this place was built for him." Kissing the side of my neck, he nudged me gently to unlock the door myself. The loud click signaled us to go on in, Raizon took that to heart by pushing me inside and quickly turning me around to capture my lips in a mind-numbing kiss. My knees went weak with need but he caught me and lifted me up by my thighs. His pants covered the hardness he was trying to hide, a loud groan escaped me when I felt it against my pants covered heat.

"I love how my body only reacts to you. My mind only calls for you. You make me feel alive, Kitten." His desire and love filled confession made my hunger for him grow. The urge to take him right now on the sofa in this office was high but we couldn't. A frustrated groan sounded between us, Raizon chuckled over his ragged breathing and placed a few chaste kisses on my lips and cheek before letting me down.

"Did I tell you how gorgeous you look in this outfit though I miss your wild curly hair, " he said with a pout on his red-tinged lips.

"So spoiled," I teased tugging at the lapels of his dark suit.

"You spoil me with your love. Why don't you go visit Francis? I know he will love to see you," he offered.
I knew he saw the excitement in my eyes by his amused laugh.

"Go on, Kitten. I need to get some things situated before we visit the other restaurants. No cooking, Miss Lincoln," he said pushing me gently to the door with a swat to my butt.

Fixing him with a mock glare over my shoulder, I closed the door with his smiling face as my last vision.
Back in the hall, I met my two guards, "Ray is in the office, I will be with the chef for a few. Twenty minutes before we leave again, " I told them. One followed me while the other went closer to the office.

"Yes, ma'am," they chorused.

Stepping into the kitchen, I literally paused and took in the marvelous chaos before me. Busboys by the wash stations cleaning used plates, chefs and sous-chefs moving around each other, cooking over blazing flames and steam from hot pots and pans even the warmers. The scents were amazing. I can smell the spices and the dishes they were added to it was all so wonderful.

"Miz Arianna!!! Come! Come! What a splendid surprise!" The boisterous shout to me brought a lot of attention my way, a smile bloomed on my face when I spotted the tall, slender white-haired man with his arm raised high with a knife and prongs in his hands.


Dodging waitresses around the pickup area and the sous chefs, I met him in time for me to be pulled into a tight hug.
"My protegé has come to create by my side," he exclaimed. Francis turned me to the meal he was in the midst of creating. Biting my lips, I remembered Ray's warning but everything was right there.
The makings of teriyaki salmon and grilled veggies were begging me to create.
"Sorry, Ray," I muttered aloud and quickly donned the apron Francis was offering me with a fatherly smile. My heart lurched at the gesture, I had a dream when I was younger to have my father watching me work in a five-star restaurant with pride in his eyes. Having Francis, one of my mentors be in his place, for now, was good enough.

Shouting for clearance at a station and working alongside everyone felt natural. I didn't care that I still had on four-inch heels and a high classed business suit, I was in my element.

Three more orders came in and Francis simply handed me the ticket with a grin and stayed out of my way.

"Pick up for table 10!" I shouted, half an hour later.


Oh no!

I froze in cutting up two pieces of chicken breasts for a garlic chicken and potatoes when I finally felt eyes on me. I knew who it was instantly.
Looking up, I saw the owner of that heated gaze. Leaning against the wall with our guards flanking his sides was my Ray. Anger wasn't set on his face, but his signature crooked smile and a proud look. He made an action for me to continue with his head in which I happily did, with a smile on my face. In my peripheral, I saw Francis joined him leaving me in command of his kitchen.

All was well till I heard a familiar voice, "Table 4 will like to speak to the chef."

I did table 4, two tickets back, raising my head I saw the one person I didn't count on seeing.

"Please inform them that I will be out in ten minutes, " I answered her. The shock was evident on her face, then the ugliness of her mind settled on her face.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you tired of pushing up to those out of your league? I won't be surprised if it's a complaint you're about to get, " she shouted, each word was coated with her disdain.

Raizon, the guards even Francis moved to approach her but a subtle shake of my head made them stand down. The kitchen grew quiet.

"Good day Britney. Was that the way you were taught to speak to your superiors?" I asked continuing with my task.

She scoffed, still not seeing the men behind her. At the same time, another old friend came bursting in with a ticket. She paused when she too saw me, a sous-chef came and plucked the ticket out of her hand, proceeding to call out the new order.

"What are you going on about?" Britney asked.

"What is she doing here? Where's chef Francis?" Gabby asked looking around that's when she saw a cold Raizon in the corner.

"I'm surprised word haven't reached your ears. Don't tell me you two are slacking in the gossip department? You run a tight ship, Ray, " I shouted over my shoulder as I turned to the stove.

"Can't spoil the fun, my love, " Raizon returned.

"Can I put them out of their misery, baby?  It looks like they are trying to use the none-chemically damaged brain cells they have left, " I quipped. A few chuckles erupted in the kitchen while we all worked. Peeking over my shoulder, I caught Britney eyeing Ray who kept his stoic look up. After our falling out at the club months ago and my absence, I found some voice messages from her asking for financial help and a job at my restaurant. I ignored them all. She was considered a leech, along with the other two, her thinking was so transparent.

Work at my place. Gain a rich boyfriend.  Let them take care of her.

"Is this a trick you're trying to play with your white friends, you're in way over your head, " Britney sneered. Gabby was trying to gain her attention to shut up but my dear foul-mouthed small minded black girl won't shut up.

"You've been looking down your nose at us for copping rich guys when you probably did the same. Fuck him to gain leverage in his company. You're just a fucking gold digger just like us. That place you got, how many men passed through you to get it. Coming in here playing chef."

Such hatred in this one.

Finishing my latest ticket, Francis came to take back the helms. Ditching the apron, I strutted to the middle of the kitchen and smirked her way.
"Oh, no, boo-boo. This isn't a trick with my white friends. This is a reality. Something I've earned after years of hard work. I don't need a rich man to pay my bills or fuck him to get his attention, hell he begged me to, even begged me to spend his money. The same man you are eyeing, your boss, oh honey, that's all mine, " I began.

Raizon raised his head higher, his jaw clenched tightly from the anger he was holding in. The guards were ready to restrain Britney but I motioned for them to stay down.

She was looking between us in disbelief, I still don't know where her animosity came from. We were in the same classes, same living, wherein that spectrum grew her dislike of me. I can't recall doing her any wrong, maybe this is just the hidden side she kept from me.

"Due to the Delacourde Empire growing vastly, changes are being made. On the restaurant side of things, a director of all locations has been appointed. I am that director which means any complaint or issue is mine to deal with, upgrades and customer service also. This will not only give the big boss some slack but your floor and kitchen manager. There will be no major changes, I'm in the process of checking each location to see how well you work. Some may know me and some may not....."

My last words were emphasized as I looked at Britney and Gabby's way.


"Miss Charles, please refrain from interrupting Miss Lincoln. Admonishing you seems to become a past time for me. Another outburst and you will be looking for a job. Now stop this high school fuckery and listen, " Raizon said aloud. His voice was calm as the sea after a storm but you can hear the brewing backlash behind his words.

".... Taking on this role means my own restaurant, Angela's...."

At the mention of my place, murmurs began this time of shock and awe.

"..... Will be added under Delacourde's name but as an independent eatery. I'm looking forward to working with you in the kitchen and the floor. Now, judging by our boss' stance, my time in the kitchen has run out, " I ended, sending Raizon a teasing smile. His lips twitch in amusement and nodded.

A few stepped away from their tasks to greet me while the others gave me a welcoming wave. Heading towards Ray, I paused at the pickup station where Britney and Gabby stood. "Whatever shit you've concocted in your brain towards me, knock it off. I have a business to run. If you have a problem in seeing me, or even work here, you can leave. I'm not as petty as you, to fire you outright. Spout your hatred elsewhere but keep in mind, I'm always the one you call to get cash or a favor," I said low enough for both of them to hear.

Raizon, along with the guards approached me. "Kitten, it's time to go. We're behind schedule," he whispered in my ear as his hand snaked around my waist. Checking my watch, I gave him a nod in acknowledgment and allowed him to lead me out to the dining hall.

"Table 4 ma'am?" one of the guards reminded me. Changing my course, I found the table with three businessmen talking animatedly while devouring their meal.

"Hello, thank you for dining at Gia's. You've asked to see me. I'm Chef Arianna, " I greeted with a faux smile on my face. These guys gave off a vibe only my new nemesis, Britney can tolerate.

"Beautiful and can cook. A woman after my own heart, " one said reaching for my hand. Subtly, I made a move to brush my straightened hair to avoid his hold. Only four guys I've given liberty to boldly take my hand.

"That's very kind of you sir. I'm happy that you're enjoying your meal at Gia's. Is there..... " I started.

"How about I have you over for dinner? We can make it a teaching lesson. My penthouse is at The Dominion, I know a woman like you will love all the glitz and glamour. I'm sure your boss won't mind you taking the night off for some fun, " another said.

Yup, right up Britney and Gabby's alley.

"I can assure you the boss will mind plus a woman like me is already taken, " I replied in a condescending tone.
Before the man can answer, Raizon appeared by my side and possessively pulled me to his side.
"Mr. Delacourde. We didn't know you were in the country. We heard about the attacks on your businesses if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, " another popped up, extending his hand in greeting for Raizon to shake. I turned into his chest to muffle my laughter when he actually looked down his nose at the hand that was offered to him. With my abrupt movement, his hand slid to my rear in which he used to push me onto his body more.

"I do. Your outstanding bill needs to be cleared. Thank you for your patronage but my lady and I do have pressing matters to attend to," Raizon replied coldly. His reply had their eyes widening in shock, not waiting any longer, I was led out of the restaurant with a tense Raizon by my side. Inside the SUV before we can even pull away from the curb, I was pulled harshly onto his lap only to immediately brought into a bruising kiss. Long pauses between each heated kisses, eased the tension in his body each second. "I'm an extremely possessive man when it comes to you," he growled against my lips.

"I had it handled," I tried to say through my sex filled thoughts. Damn this man can kiss.

"I know but I hated how they looked at you as an easy target. Every man should know you're mine," he continued.

"Don't go all caveman on me, Delacourde. I will let them know I'm taken and shackled to you. Good?"


The other location visits went by without a hitch. I was amazed by the design and love put into each restaurant also how welcoming each chef and manager were. I had time to chat with staff members and patrons alike, made silent notes of minor things that were overlooked and learned a lot from my dear mafia king. It was after the last restaurant visit when I received an unlikely video call from a certain person.  Neither of us said a word but the conversation was in our eyes. I had my best friend back.

"I miss you." Sitting upright in his hospital bed, Michael looked paler than I left him, now with more pain etched on his face.

"I miss you too, Mikey, " I returned.

"The guys told me of your visit. Though I think you should have stayed till this morning, Raizon and yourself wouldn't have stayed put," he lightly teased. I actually pouted while Ray rolled his eyes beside me.

"We will be visiting you soon, after her doctor's appointment," Ray interjected but didn't crowd my screen time with Michael.

"Sure thing. I'm doing fine, in a lot of pain but that's expected. Can you deter my folks from visiting? You know they listen to you," he asked over a muffled yawn.

"No problem. Go take a rest, I will see you soon," I said. He gave me a tired smile before ending the video call.

"We're near St. Helen's," Ray murmured to me before I made the call to Michael Humphreys Senior. That call took up the remaining drive to the hospital, Michael's parents were hysterical at first but after placating them over and over, they finally called off their own calvary. One thing I learned about the rich over the years, they protect their kids better than the secret service protecting the president. When I mentioned the Delacourde name, they became silent and agreed quickly to back down. That caused me to frown. Did the boys family know of the connection?

My curious side led my tongue. We were parked in the underground parking lot, ready to leave when I held Raizon back.

"Do they know?" I began.

His brows furrowed for a moment then cleared slowly.

"To an extent. The boys family knows the Delacourde name carries strength in places they can't fully reach. The mafia side no. Other sides like simple protection, yes. It's up to the boys to tell them," he answered.

"Just how far is your reach?"

He looked at me closely, trailing his fingers gently across my cheek. "Far enough to have people in the White House shaking. I can get rid of Monroe with a snap of my fingers but it will bring unwanted attention to me. He chose an opportune time to fuck with my family. I will give him that but I will have the last move in this game he wishes to play." His loving touches were completely different from the coldness in his eyes and voice, I wasn't scared of this side. I was enraptured. Maybe its the good girl side of me who wants the bad boy or a side of me I knew was there. Either way, I loved this man before me.

"He won't know what hit him. You got me by your side now," I said softly leaning forward, just an inch away from his lips. I am addicted to his kisses.

"My fucking queen," he whispered harshly before crashing his lips against mine.

Yup, totally addicted.

After another heated make-out session, we were now walking the halls leading to Dr. Rakim's office. I didn't miss the wide-eyed shock and hooded gazes when most females took notice of Ray. I understood completely. Back at the estate, I took it upon myself to look up my new man. It's amazing how I survived this world, I was living under a rock. How did I miss magazine covers, news articles and interviews all centered on the wealthiest and youngest CEO in Europe and among the top 10 in the USA. His name was everywhere. Gianni's name wasn't mentioned only little excerpts, Gio informed me that it was their father's doing. The second son of Renith Delacourde wasn't to be seen by the media, only mentioned in certain briefings and kept under wraps. I understood why immediately. My dear best friend didn't mind as I can see from remembering the years of our friendship.

Now knowing who Raizon really was, I was a bit intimidated by his fame and so forth but after seeing how open he was with me and protective, I knew he was different to the man the media wished to portray. At this moment, I glanced his way to see the powerful magnate he was but his hold on my hand and the lazy caress of his thumb on hand was my Ray. Nearing the doctor's office, two guards fell back, the other two walked ahead and knocked on the door. One went in, the other stayed on one side of the doorway, waiting for Ray and me to enter. Catching the outside guard's eye, I playfully scrunched my nose at him eliciting a small twitch of his lips before I entered the office. The guard inside quickly exited allowing us to have a seat before a bewildered doctor.

Raizon cleared his throat loudly, breaking her out of her state of trance.

"Uh... right. Sorry. Apologies, Miss Lincoln. Thank you for coming in. Since this is your first appointment I will first like to do some preliminaries before we get down to the main part. Would you please follow me to the exam room?" she asked rising from her desk. Standing up to follow, I didn't realize Raizon did too until the doctor spoke up. "I'm sorry, Mr. Delacourde but this is done privately," she said with a bit of firmness in her tone.

Ray said nothing, he simply held her gaze with a bored expression.

"Not to be rude but Miss Lincoln has another appointment to get to," he calmly stated.

"It's alright doctor," I assured her. The woman quickly darted into the room, allowing me to give Raizon an admonishing glare. He simply shrugged his shoulders with a crooked grin on his face. Little Rascal.

Ray took a seat in the corner and got comfortable on his phone and iPad. Dr. Rakim politely asked me to change into a gown, eyeing Ray in the corner nervously. I knew what she was thinking. My dear sweetheart had no ounce of decorum in his body. I truly wanted to laugh but we both went past the level of modesty. Carefully, I undressed, handing him my clothing in which neatly placed them over his lap. I caught his amused glance at my black cotton thong with the slogan, 'Get your freak on' over my mound and a black Wonder woman bra. He shook his head and returned to his iPad, not before I heard him say, "My woman."
Putting on the simple green cotton gown, I sat on the table and did as the doctor asked. Blood and urine samples were taken, blood pressure, heart rate every medical check-up for a doctor's visit. When it was time to check my wounds, I felt his eyes on me. Through my lashes, I saw anger, pain, and sadness flew across his face in quick succession. He was still harboring guilt for my attack, my heart ached to relieve him of that guilt.

"You're healing fine, Miss Lincoln. I was told of your little mishap a few days ago that brings us to your new steps in life. Over the next months, the bruising on your heart will heal, the surgical scar will heal but will leave a scar where the incision was made. I beg of you to take it easy and avoid stressful situations. It will do you good if you invest in a Fitbit. This will help you stay track of your heart, stress levels, and daily activity. Are you following your new diet?"

"Yes, ma'am. Am I cleared to have sex now?" I boldly asked.

Ray erupted in laughter while the doctor was taken aback by my question. She stiffly nodded and got to her feet.

"Good. Anything I should know? I've already set my mind to this change but are there any medication involved?"

"Yes. I'm giving you some prescription for aspirin-free pain killers and medication to help your body adjust to one kidney. It will be doing a lot of work and need the help," she replied giving me the sheet of paper then excused herself.

"If we weren't so tight on time, I will surely reply to your message on those panties, " Ray said with that silly grin on his face.

"Good things come to those who wait, " I teased going towards him to get dressed.

"But I wasn't waiting nor looking and here you are, " he said softly.

This man always had the perfect words to say. "Dammit, Delacourde, " I groaned kissing him quickly. His eyes lit up and that crooked smile was on his face, my favorite smile.

"Yes, Miss Lincoln, " he teased.

Thank heavens, I alerted my doctor what I wanted. If he keeps watching me like that, I don't think we will make it home to an actual bed.
Under his watchful gaze, I got dressed and led us both back into the office area. "Your next appointment will be in one month, if anything should happen please contact me and get to the hospital, " Dr. Rakim said handing me a card.

"Thank you for everything, doctor, " I relayed to her wholeheartedly. Without her, I wouldn't have been alive, having a second chance at life.

" It's my job to help save lives, Miss Lincoln, " she returned modestly.

"And a wonderful and rewarding job you have. See you in a month, doctor," I said shaking her hand before leaving.

"I'm all good guys. I can start pilates with Gio. Do you think I can go back to my Muay Thai classes? Maybe stick to Krav Maga, I miss that the most. I should have asked her that. That's stress right?"
When I got no response from my ramblings, I focused back into the present to see their amused looks and Ray's adoring gaze.

"It's rude to stare, " I pouted, quickening my pace to the elevator. Truth be told I was anxious to get to the OB/GYN. During my coma, my birth control injection cycle was messed up and I wasn't taking any chances when Raizon and I get intimate. Biting my lips, I couldn't help the smile of being pregnant for him.

Knock it off Ari. You two just got together, maybe he doesn't want to have kids. What we had was permanent right?
Of, course, it is. You're his first girlfriend, he loves you.

I scoffed at a memory of someone saying those three words and totally doing something to disrespect that.

"Kitten? Are you alright?"

Coming out of my thoughts, I noticed we arrived at the ground floor and only the two of us in the lift.

"I'm fine."

I have to tell him but I'm scared. After that episode with Ricky, I didn't see my self as the tough and independent Arianna my friends and staff saw me as. I felt worthless, weak and undeserving of any man's attention then fast forward to that night of meeting Ray. He gave me back my self-worth without knowing it. That awestruck look on his face and the ounce of protection he gave me, he made me feel like my old self.

I have to tell him but how.

"The car is here, " he murmured.

We were in awkward silence the next three blocks to my private doctor and it was because of me. He was giving me my space while I was lost in my thoughts.

Arriving at my doctor, he said nothing, he simply allowed me to do as I pleased. When it was time to see her, I stopped him this time from entering, a blush was on my face which he saw.
"Alright, I'll order lunch to pick up on our way to Michael, " he said with a smile on his lips.

His consideration and adoring looks were making it harder for me to keep this secret away from him.

He's my future.

I had to tell him.

Heads will roll right after.

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